398 research outputs found

    Suborthogonal double covers of the complete graph by stars

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    AbstractIn this paper, we consider suborthogonal double covers as a generalization of the well-known concept of orthogonal double covers. We look for a collection of subgraphs of the complete graph Kn all being identical copies of a given graph G (called pages) such that every edge of Kn is contained in exactly two pages and two pages have at most one edge in common. Necessary and sufficient conditions are proved for suborthogonal double covers of Kn by stars

    L’inclusione esclusiva – Effetti collaterali della realizzazione di concetti sulla valutazione orientata alle competenze

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    Discourses on inclusion within the educational sciences have raised various challenges andcontroversial issues over the past 20 years (Goodin, 1996; Vobruba, 2000). In school development,the discussion focuses on difficulties in transforming concepts caused by structural obstacles,such as the clash of educational goal and economic aims (cf. Barton and Slee, 1999). Puhr &Geldner (2017) stated that the principle of equal opportunities in education and competenceorientedteaching and learning contains ambivalent demands that provide chances for participationas well as exclusion as a side effect in everyday school life. On this basis, they refer toStichweh (2009) who describes the ‘exclusive inclusion effect’ and points out that in schools withinclusive lessons exclusion is often an accompanying factor at the level of organization management.This contribution points out dissonances in developing participation in schools and exclusionas a connected feature. There was a scientific interest in the phenomenon of inherentexclusion within different dimensions of school development processes. Based on the secondaryanalysis of semi-structured interviews about implementing competence assessment concepts,it can be demonstrated that the claim of doing equitable assessment to all pupils requires incidentalexclusionary actions to drive change management

    Sprachbildung als Aufgabe aller Fächer und Lernbereiche. Erfahrungen mit Sprachberatung an Ganz-In-Gymnasien

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    Dieser Praxisband gibt Hinweise zur Umsetzung eines Konzepts zur durchgängigen Sprachbildung an ausgewählten Ganz-In-Gymnasien mit qualifizierten Sprachberaterinnen und Sprachberatern. Zunächst werden die Inhalte der Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen zur Professionalisierung der ausgewählten Lehrkräfte dargestellt und im Anschluss deren Arbeit mit den Schulen und die unterschiedlichen Zugehensweisen beschrieben. Aus den Erfahrungen dieser Arbeit werden Empfehlungen und Herausforderungen im Prozess der Implementation eines Konzepts zur durchgängigen Sprachbildung aufgezeigt sowie für Orientierung und Planung nützliche Hinweise gegeben. (Verlag

    Zwischen Ausgrenzung und neuen Potentialen: die Modernisierung ehrenamtlicher Arbeit und der individuelle Mix von Tätigkeiten am Beispiel des Engagements in Berliner Umweltschutzorganisationen

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    Ausgangspunkt des vorliegenden Beitrags ist die sozialwissenschaftliche Diskussion um die Zukunft der Arbeit, als deren Referenzpunkte sowohl der Strukturwandel der Erwerbsarbeit als auch Entwicklungspotentiale unbezahlter Tätigkeiten gelten. Grundannahme vieler Reformkonzepte ist die ungleiche Verteilung innerhalb der Erwerbsarbeit als auch zwischen Erwerbsarbeit und Nicherwerbsarbeit. Sie zielen deshalb auf die Überwindung einer rein erwerbswirtschaftlichen Ausprägung der Gesellschaft und fordern eine neue individuelle Balance verschiedener Tätigkeiten. Das hier vorgestellte Forschungsprojekt untersucht das Nebeneinander von Tätigkeiten bei Menschen, die ehrenamtlich im Umweltschutz aktiv sind. Einbezogen werden unterschiedliche Lebensphasen, in denen das Engagement jeweils eine besondere Rolle spielt. So treten spezifische Kombinationsmuster zutage, die anhand von individuellen Fallbeispielen dargestellt werden. Ziel des Beitrags ist es, soziales Innovationspotential aufzuzeigen, das sich in den sozialintegrativen, qualifizierenden und sinnstiftenden Eigenschaften des Engagements offenbart. -- Starting-point of this article is the debate about the "future of work" in the social sciences. Main topics of this discussion are the structural change of employment and the search for new potentials in unpaid, but necessary activities. Most of the concepts shown here proceed not only from an unequal distribution of employment but also of paid and unpaid work. They aim to overcome an exclusive orientation on paid work and demand more balance between different forms of work. How realistic are these demands? A qualitative project about volunteering in environmental organisations analyses this question and inquires individuals in different stations of life, who are engaged in multiple fields of activity. The focus lays on their individual conditions to become active and on their concrete combination of different activities. Some examples show the appearance of the discovered constellations. The article wants to show chances for social innovation, that are based on the vol unteering characteristics to integrate, qualify and give sense to the people.

    Dermal Delivery of the High-Molecular-Weight Drug Tacrolimus by Means of Polyglycerol-Based Nanogels

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    Polyglycerol-based thermoresponsive nanogels (tNGs) have been shown to have excellent skin hydration properties and to be valuable delivery systems for sustained release of drugs into skin. In this study, we compared the skin penetration of tacrolimus formulated in tNGs with a commercial 0.1% tacrolimus ointment. The penetration of the drug was investigated in ex vivo abdominal and breast skin, while different methods for skin barrier disruption were investigated to improve skin permeability or simulate inflammatory conditions with compromised skin barrier. The amount of penetrated tacrolimus was measured in skin extracts by liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), whereas the inflammatory markers IL-6 and IL-8 were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Higher amounts of tacrolimus penetrated in breast as compared to abdominal skin or in barrier-disrupted as compared to intact skin, confirming that the stratum corneum is the main barrier for tacrolimus skin penetration. The anti-proliferative effect of the penetrated drug was measured in skin tissue/Jurkat cells co-cultures. Interestingly, tNGs exhibited similar anti-proliferative effects as the 0.1% tacrolimus ointment. We conclude that polyglycerol-based nanogels represent an interesting alternative to paraffin-based formulations for the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions

    Dimensionen partizipativer Praktiken in einem digital gestützten Lernsetting

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    In einer Demokratie haben alle Bürger:innen die Möglichkeit der gleichberechtigten Beteiligung an Entscheidungen. Deshalb sollten in einer von einem demokratischen Staat getragenen Bildungseinrichtung demokratische Grundprinzipien umgesetzt werden. Nach Derrida (2001) ist das bedingungslose Hinterfragen von Dingen durch Forschende und Lernende an einer Hochschule frei von Hierarchien. Insofern bilden die Grundsätze des Denkens und Handelns in einer Universität und die in einer Demokratie eine sichtbare Schnittmenge (Demirovic 2013, 17). Systemisch betrachtet stellen aber demokratische Interaktionen in Bildungsinstitutionen eher ein Problem dar. Worin genau die Schwierigkeiten bestehen, wird in diesem Beitrag einleitend ausgeführt. Im Anschluss folgt eine Übersicht über strukturelle Möglichkeiten, die digitale Bildungsmedien mit Blick auf partizipative Praktiken bieten. Damit sind die Rahmenbedingungen für das konkrete, gemeinsame Am-Werk-Sein skizziert. Darauf aufbauend wird zur Analyse der Beteiligung von Lernenden in hochschuldidaktischen Zusammenhängen ein operationalisiertes Untersuchungsmodell vorgestellt. Anhand dessen werden die Anteile der partizipativen Praktiken von Studierenden nach den Kriterien von Mayrberger (2012) aufgezeigt. Welche weiteren forschungsmethodischen und hochschuldidaktischen Möglichkeiten sich an die Ergebnisse anschließen können, werden abschließend kurz vorgestellt. (DIPF/Orig.

    Elaboration of thoughts whilst translating text-based signs with graphic symbols: A study on reflection competences of pedagogical professionals in primary education sector

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    In the context of teacher education, there should be various opportunities for pre or in-service teachers to expand their reflective competence as part of their pedagogical professionalism. The professionalisation of teachers for the primary education sector (Schumacher et al., 2020; Stadler-Altmann, 2018) is a central task in the higher education didactic learning environment of the EduSpace Lernwerkstatt [learning workshop] for both the Master's programme in Educational Science and for the sustainable exchange with pedagogical practice, e. g. through corresponding workshops. This contribution focuses on reflexively gained insights from teachers on the design and application of AAC according to the INbook model (Knoblauch, 2017). The data basis is the interviews with primary school teachers conducted after a series of workshops in the EduSpace Lernwerkstatt. The secondary analysis of the interview data is based on the competence categories of Baumert and Kunter (2006), the theory-based reflection definition of Wyss (2013, p. 5) and the multi-perspective reflection tool developed by Keller-Schneider (2020). Finally, it is proposed to mirror the development of professional knowledge with reflection competences for the teaching profession

    Integration of NEMO into an existing particle physics environment through virtualization

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    With the ever-growing amount of data collected with the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) (Evans et al., 2008), the need for computing resources that can handle the analysis of this data is also rapidly increasing. This increase will even be amplified after upgrading to the High Luminosity LHC (Apollinari et al., 2017). High-Performance Computing (HPC) and other cluster computing resources provided by universities can be useful supplements to the resources dedicated to the experiment as part of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) (Eck et al., 2005) for data analysis and production of simulated event samples. Computing resources in the WLCG are structured in four layers – so-called Tiers. The first layer comprises two Tier-0 computing centres located at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland and at the Wigner Research Centre for Physics in Budapest, Hungary. The second layer consists of thirteen Tier-1 centres, followed by 160 Tier-2 sites, which are typically universities and other scientific institutes. The final layer are Tier-3 sites which are directly used by local users. The University of Freiburg is operating a combined Tier-2/Tier-3, the ATLAS-BFG (Backofen et al., 2006). The shared HPC cluster »NEMO« at the University of Freiburg has been made available to local ATLAS (Aad et al., 2008) users through the provisioning of virtual machines incorporating the ATLAS software environment analogously to the bare metal system at the Tier-3. In addition to the provisioning of the virtual environment, the on-demand integration of these resources into the Tier-3 scheduler in a dynamic way is described. In order to provide the external NEMO resources to the user in a transparent way, an intermediate layer connecting the two batch systems is put into place. This resource scheduler monitors requirements on the user-facing system and requests resources on the backend-system

    Dynamic Virtualized Deployment of Particle Physics Environments on a High Performance Computing Cluster

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    The NEMO High Performance Computing Cluster at the University of Freiburg has been made available to researchers of the ATLAS and CMS experiments. Users access the cluster from external machines connected to the World-wide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). This paper describes how the full software environment of the WLCG is provided in a virtual machine image. The interplay between the schedulers for NEMO and for the external clusters is coordinated through the ROCED service. A cloud computing infrastructure is deployed at NEMO to orchestrate the simultaneous usage by bare metal and virtualized jobs. Through the setup, resources are provided to users in a transparent, automatized, and on-demand way. The performance of the virtualized environment has been evaluated for particle physics applications