24 research outputs found

    Ammatti-identiteetin vaikutus varhaiskasvatuksen tiimityön konflikteihin

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tavoitteena on kuvata ammatti-identiteetin vaikutusta varhaiskasvatuksen tiimityön konflikteihin varhaiskasvatus alalla tapahtuvien jatkuvien muutosten keskellä. Tutkielma on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkielmassa perehdytään varhaiskasvatuksen historian kautta suurimpiin lakimuutoksiin sekä muutoksiin koulutuksissa, jotka ovat muovanneet varhaiskasvatuksen kenttää sellaiseksi kuin se on tänä päivänä. Tämän jälkeen kuvataan millaisena varhaiskasvatuksen tiimityön konfliktit näyttäytyvät tutkimuskirjallisuuden valossa. Lopuksi tarkastellaan ammatti-identiteetti käsitettä muutoksessa sekä ammatti-identiteetin muotoutumista. Tutkimuksen lähteinä on käytetty väitöskirjoja, kotimaisia ja kansainvälisiä artikkeleja, varhaiskasvatuslakia, varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteita sekä tutkimusraportteja. Kirjallisuuskatsaus osoittaa varhaiskasvatuksen tiimityön konfliktien syiksi hoivan ja pedagogiikan vastakkainasettelun, alan jatkuvat muutokset, koulutusten jännittyneisyyden sekä epäselvän työjaon ja työkulttuurin. Tutkimustuloksena voidaan todeta, että ammatti-identiteetti vaikuttaa konflikteihin, kuten myös muutokset. Muutoksilla ja konflikteilla on vaikutus ammatti-identiteettiin ja sitä kautta uusien konfliktien syntymiseen

    Traditional and local knowledge in land use planning:insights into the use of the Akwé: Kon Guidelines in Eanodat, Finnish Sápmi

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    Abstract The 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity, Article 8(j) in particular, requires its parties to “respect, preserve and maintain knowledge, innovations and practices of Indigenous and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles.” In Finland, these requirements are, to some extent, fulfilled through application of the Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines, a protocol developed by the CBD for cultural, environmental, and social impact assessment to be applied in regions inhabited or used by Indigenous peoples. However, although the Akwé: Kon Guidelines have been in use for several years, studies addressing their practical application are scarce. We set out to examine the use of the Akwé: Kon Guidelines, inclusion of traditional and local knowledge (TLK), as well as the related improvements and challenges in land use planning in the Municipality of Eanodat in Finnish Sápmi. We conducted key-informant interviews with local Sámi experts and local land use planning officials and examined recent land use and management plans for wilderness and conservation areas. Regarding the incorporation of TLK into land use planning, officials identified practical challenges, such as a mismatch between the oral narrative nature of TLK and the planning systems currently in use, and pointed to a need to make TLK more spatially explicit. The concerns of the Sámi were deeply tied to the survival of their culture and traditional livelihoods, reindeer herding in particular. The Sámi informants were unanimous about the need to amend the Reindeer Husbandry Act (848/1990), to better recognize the traditional Sámi ways of herding and knowledge embedded in it. Having strengthened the opportunities of the Sámi to participate in management planning, application of the Akwé: Kon Guidelines is a much welcome development. However, because of the voluntary nature of the Guidelines, their power may be limited in the current situation, where Sámi herders’ rights are not settled in national legislation governing reindeer husbandry

    Sphagnum mosses in a changing UV-B environment:a review

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    Abstract Sphagnum mosses are the key regulating component in peatland ecosystems. Although their importance in sustainability of peatlands and overall impact on the Earth’s carbon, nutrient and hydrological balance are well recognised, our knowledge of the effects of enhanced ultraviolet B (UV-B) radiation on peat mosses is insufficient. Analogous studies of the subject often bear contrasting results, and the following review represents our effort to untangle this apparent confusion. The review summarises current knowledge of the influence of changing UV-B radiation on morphology, chemistry and physiology of Sphagnum mosses, and discusses the methodological challenges faced by the researchers studying UV-B effects. Solar UV-B radiation regulates growth patterns in peat mosses, thus influencing the environment within the Sphagnum blanket for microorganisms and small invertebrates. Physiological changes, such as the increase in membrane permeability, as well as magnesium, сalcium and potassium leakage, and decrease in water-holding capacity are important UV-B responses of Sphagna. UV-B-induced changes in photosynthetic pigments and UV-absorbing compounds of peat mosses are species-specific, and depend on UV radiation dose. The responses seen as a change in the phenolic content are mostly transient and not easily detected. The inconsistencies in findings show that the Sphagnum genus should not be considered as a homogeneous group in terms of UV-B responses; instead, comparative research on individual species is required. Therefore, we highlight the necessity for further, more detailed research into Sphagnum responses to UV-B; both as a single driver and in combination with other globally-changing environmental factors

    Vuorovaikutuksen ja kohtaamisen osaaminen sairaanhoitajien ja lääkäreiden palliatiivisen hoidon ja saattohoidon koulutuksessa

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    Tiivistelmä Ihmisillä on moninaisia keinoja kommunikoida. Ihmiselle luonnollinen ilmaisutapa on puhuminen. Puhe voi kuitenkin häiriintyä erinäisistä syistä johtuen tai puuttua kokonaan. Sairaanhoitaja- ja lääkärikoulutuksen tulee edistää vuorovaikutukseen ja kohtaamiseen liittyvää osaamista ja koulutuksen tulee antaa valmiudet tunnistaa ja tukea kommunikaatiossa tapahtuvia muutoksia. Terveysalan ammattilaisten tulee osata hyödyntää tulkkipalveluita ja puheterapeutin osaamista osana moniammatillista yhteistyötä. Potilaalle ja hänen läheisilleen on tärkeää tulla kuulluksi, ymmärretyksi ja kohdatuksi elämänsä loppuun saakka. Tavoitteena on löytää yhteinen kieli tai vuorovaikutuksen tapa, jolla tämä kohtaaminen ja ymmärretyksi tuleminen mahdollistuu.Abstract Competence in interaction and encounter included in the education of nurses and physicians in palliative and end of life care People have a variety of ways to communicate. The most natural way of human expression is to speak, but it can be disturbed for various reasons, or it can be either wholly absent or otherwise deficient. The training of nurses and physicians should include the skills of interaction and encounter. The training should also provide the ability to identify and support possible changes in communication. Professionals must utilize an interpreter’s services and a speech therapist’s expertise as part of multi-professional collaboration. It is essential for the patients and their loved ones to be heard, understood and encountered for the rest of their lives. The goal is to find a common language or means to interact that makes this encounter and understanding possible

    Brown adipose tissue thermogenesis among a small sample of reindeer herders from sub-Arctic Finland

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    Abstract Introduction: Interest in human physiological responses to cold stress have seen a resurgence in recent years with a focus on brown adipose tissue (BAT), a mitochondria dense fat specialized for heat production. However, a majority of the work examining BAT has been conducted among temperate climate populations. Methods: To expand our understanding of BAT thermogenesis in a cold climate population, we measured, using indirect calorimetry and thermal imaging, metabolic rate and body surface temperatures of BAT-positive and BAT-negative regions at room temperature, and mild cold exposure of resting participants from a small sample of reindeer herders (N = 22, 6 females) from sub-Arctic Finland. Results: We found that most herders experienced a significant mean 8.7% increase in metabolic rates, preferentially metabolized fatty acids, and maintained relatively warmer body surface temperatures at the supraclavicular region (known BAT location) compared to the sternum, which has no associated BAT. These results indicate that the herders in this sample exhibit active BAT thermogenesis in response to mild cold exposure. Conclusions: This study adds to the rapidly growing body of work looking at the physiological and thermoregulatory significance of BAT and the important role it may play among cold stressed populations

    In Vivo Corneal Confocal Microscopy and Histopathology of Keratitis Fugax Hereditaria from a Pathogenic Variant in NLRP3

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    Purpose To apply in vivo corneal confocal microscopy (IVCM) to study the pathogenesis of keratitis (keratoendotheliitis) fugax hereditaria, an autosomal dominant cryopyrin-associated periodic keratitis, associated with the c.61G>C pathogenic variant in the NLRP3 gene, in its acute and chronic phase, and to report histopathological findings after penetrating keratoplasty. Design Observational case series Methods Study population: Six patients during an acute attack, 18 patients in the chronic phase, and one patient who underwent penetrating keratoplasty.Intervention: Sanger sequencing for the NLRP3 variant c.61C>G. Clinical examination, corneal photography, IVCM, light microscopy and immunohistochemistry. Main Outcome Measures: IVCM and histopathological findings. Results During the acute attack, hyperreflective cellular structures consistent with inflammatory cells transiently occupied the anterior to middle layers of the corneal stroma. Other corneal layers were unremarkable. With recurring attacks, central oval stromal opacities accumulated. IVCM revealed that they contained long hyperreflective needle-shaped structures in extracellular matrix. By light microscopy, the anterior half of the stroma displayed thin and finely vacuolated lamellae, and keratocytes throughout the stroma were immunopositive for syndecan. Conclusions The acute attacks and chronic stromal deposits mainly involve the anterior to middle layers of the corneal stroma, and the disease is primarily a keratitis rather than a keratoendotheliitis. IVCM shows that inflammatory cells invade only the stroma during an acute attack. IVCM and light microscopic findings suggest that the central corneal opacities represent gradual deposition of extracellular lipids. The disease could make a good in vivo model to study activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome in cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes.Peer reviewe

    Peripheral inflammation preceeding ischemia impairs neuronal survival through mechanisms involving miR-127 in aged animals

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    Ischemic stroke, the third leading cause of death in the Western world, affects mainly the elderly and is strongly associated with comorbid conditions such as atherosclerosis or diabetes, which are pathologically characterized by increased inflammation and are known to influence the outcome of stroke. Stroke incidence peaks during influenza seasons, and patients suffering from infections such as pneumonia prior to stroke exhibit a worse stroke outcome. Earlier studies have shown that comorbidities aggravate the outcome of stroke, yet the mediators of this phenomenon remain obscure. Here, we show that acute peripheral inflammation aggravates stroke-induced neuronal damage and motor deficits specifically in aged mice. This is associated with increased levels of plasma proinflammatory cytokines, rather than with an increase of inflammatory mediators in the affected brain parenchyma. Nascent transcriptomics data with mature microRNA sequencing were used to identify the neuron-specific miRNome, in order to decipher dysregulated miRNAs in the brains of aged animals with stroke and co-existing inflammation. We pinpoint a previously uninvestigated miRNA in the brain, miR-127, that is highly neuronal, to be associated with increased cell death in the aged, LPS-injected ischemic mice. Target prediction tools indicate that miR-127 interacts with several basally expressed neuronal genes, and of these we verify miR-127 binding to Psmd3. Finally, we report reduced expression of miR-127 in human stroke brains. Our results underline the impact of peripheral inflammation on the outcome of stroke in aged subjects and pinpoint molecular targets for restoring endogenous neuronal capacity to combat ischemic stroke.Peer reviewe