31 research outputs found

    Lentojoukkojen käyttöperiaatteet toisessa maailmansodassa Euroopan sotanäyttämöllä

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    Kirjoittaja toteaa, että artikkeli jatkaa edellisen vuoden katsausta. Pyrkimyksenä on tarkastella rauhan aikana suunniteltujen käyttöperiaatteiden ja niiden perusteella tapahtuneiden järjestelyjen ja kaluston valinnan soveltuvuutta sodan eri vaiheisiin. "Tarkastelu tapahtuu pääasiassa lentovoimille asetettujen tehtävien ja niiden suorituksien puitteissa, pyrkimällä selvittämään tapahtumien syyt ja seuraukset." Artikkelissa sivutaan tarpeen mukaan kulloistakin ilmastrategista tilannetta, mutta ei niinkään käsitellä lentosotatoimia liian laajoina sivumäärällisesti. Toisessa luvussa luodaan katsaus ilmastrategiseen tilanteeseen sodan alkaessa tarkastellen sotilasmaantieteellistä asemaa ilmasodan kannalta sekä lentokonevahvuuksia länsirintamalla. Kolmas luku käsittelee Luftwaffen alkumenestyksen aikaa, ottaen esille Puolan ja Norjan sotaretket, ilmastrategisen tilanteen muutokset Ranskan sotaretkeen mennessä sekä kyseisen sotaretken tapahtumat.Neljäs luku, "Taistelu Englannista", käsittelee aluksi Ranskan tappion jälkeistä ilmastrategista tilannetta, Luftwaffen käyttösuunnitelmia ja sen osallistumista Englannin saartoon. Lisäksi tarkastellaan ilmavoimien osallistumista maihinnousun valmisteluun, "totaalista" ilmasotaa sekä Englannin ilmapuolustuksen periaatteita. Seuraavassa luvussa tarkastellaan Saksan aloitteen luisumista ilmasodassa, käsitellen ilmastrategisen tilanteen muuttumista vuoden 1941 alkupuolella, lentovoimien toiminta Venäjän rintamalla sekä länsi-valtojen Saksan pommitusyrityksiä. Viimeisiä luvuissa käsitellään liittoutuneiden suurta ilmaoffensiivia eri vaiheineen sekä "lentovoimien" käytöstä saatuja kokemuksia käsitellen muun muassa strategisia pommituksia, ilmaylivoimaa, ilmapuolustusta sekä kalustoja ja toimintamuotoja

    Cancer associated talin point mutations disorganise cell adhesion and migration

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    Talin-1 is a key component of the multiprotein adhesion complexes which mediate cell migration, adhesion and integrin signalling and has been linked to cancer in several studies. We analysed talin-1 mutations reported in the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer database and developed a bioinformatics pipeline to predict the severity of each mutation. These predictions were then assessed using biochemistry and cell biology experiments. With this approach we were able to identify several talin-1 mutations affecting integrin activity, actin recruitment and Deleted in Liver Cancer 1 localization. We explored potential changes in talin-1 signalling responses by assessing impact on migration, invasion and proliferation. Altogether, this study describes a pipeline approach of experiments for crude characterization of talin-1 mutants in order to evaluate their functional effects and potential pathogenicity. Our findings suggest that cancer related point mutations in talin-1 can affect cell behaviour and so may contribute to cancer progression

    Antibacterial efficiency of Finnish spice essential oils against pathogenic and spoilage bacteria

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    Reprinted with permission from the Journal of Food Protection. Copyright held by the International Association for Food Protection, Des Moines, Iowa, U.S.A

    Capturing complex tumour biology in vitro: Histological and molecular characterisation of precision cut slices

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    Precision-cut slices of in vivo tumours permit interrogation in vitro of heterogeneous cells from solid tumours together with their native microenvironment. They offer a low throughput but high content in vitro experimental platform. Using mouse models as surrogates for three common human solid tumours, we describe a standardised workflow for systematic comparison of tumour slice cultivation methods and a tissue microarray-based method to archive them. Cultivated slices were compared to their in vivo source tissue using immunohistochemical and transcriptional biomarkers, particularly of cellular stress. Mechanical slicing induced minimal stress. Cultivation of tumour slices required organotypic support materials and atmospheric oxygen for maintenance of integrity and was associated with significant temporal and loco-regional changes in protein expression, for example HIF-1α. We recommend adherence to the robust workflow described, with recognition of temporal-spatial changes in protein expression before interrogation of tumour slices by pharmacological or other means

    Capturing complex tumour biology in vitro : histological and molecular characterisation of precision cut slices

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    Precision-cut slices of in vivo tumours permit interrogation in vitro of heterogeneous cells from solid tumours together with their native microenvironment. They offer a low throughput but high content in vitro experimental platform. Using mouse models as surrogates for three common human solid tumours, we describe a standardised workflow for systematic comparison of tumour slice cultivation methods and a tissue microarray-based method to archive them. Cultivated slices were compared to their in vivo source tissue using immunohistochemical and transcriptional biomarkers, particularly of cellular stress. Mechanical slicing induced minimal stress. Cultivation of tumour slices required organotypic support materials and atmospheric oxygen for maintenance of integrity and was associated with significant temporal and loco-regional changes in protein expression, for example HIF-1 alpha. We recommend adherence to the robust workflow described, with recognition of temporal-spatial changes in protein expression before interrogation of tumour slices by pharmacological or other means.Peer reviewe

    Capitol Update piece reporting that Mainers still pay to store nuclear waste f

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    Capitol Update piece reporting that Mainers still pay to store nuclear waste from the Maine Yankee facility, more than a decade after it stopped generating power. Richard Davies, the state public advocate, says the average Mainer pays about 50 cents each month to store the waste. As of the end of 2007, Mainers had paid over $189 million to dispose of nuclear waste generated by the decommissioned Maine Yankee, as well as waste generated by plants like Vermont Yankee that supplied power to Maine. Since Maine Yankee\u27s closure in 1997, none of the waste has been stored in a permanent waste facility as required by federal law. The federal nuclear waste depository at Yucca Mountain in Nevada is now estimated to be complete no sooner than 2020, and the process of shipping all of Maine\u27s waste there is estimated to be completed at 2037 at the earliest

    Precision systems medicine in urological Tumors – Molecular profiling and functional testing

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    Background: Most precision cancer medicine efforts are based on the identification of oncogenic driver mutations by genome sequencing. We believe and have emerging evidence that this will miss therapeutic opportunities and additional technologies, such as cell-based functional testing should be included. Pioneering studies in leukemia indicate the value of ex-vivo drug testing to identify novel, clinically actionable therapeutic opportunities. Methods: Using conditional re-programming technology, we established patient-derived cells (PDCs) from castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)3 and renal cell cancer (RCC) in order to pilot precision systems medicine in solid tumours. The PDCs were compared with primary tumour tissue by genomic profiling and then subjected to drug sensitivity profiling with >306 approved and investigational oncology drugs. Results: Here, we generated both benign and malignant PDCs from prostate tissue, including six benign PDCs that were androgen receptor (AR)-negative, basal/transit-amplifying phenotype, but could re-express AR in 3D-culture. The PDCs from a CRPC patient displayed multiple CNAs, some of which were shared with the parental tumor. The cancer-selective drug profile for these PDCs showed sensitivity to taxanes, navitoclax, bexarotene, tretinoin, oxaliplatin and mepacrine3. RCC displays extensive intra-tumour heterogeneity and clonal evolution. There is, however, very little information on how much this impacts drug sensitivities. Therefore, we generated several PDCs from each RCC patient across multiple tumour regions. We verified their clonal relationship with the uncultured tumour tissue by NGS and performed drug sensitivity profiling. The PDCs retained CNAs and driver mutations in e.g. VHL, PBRM1, PIK3C2A, KMD5C, TSC2 genes present in the original tumour tissue. Drug testing with 461 oncology drugs identified shared vulnerability among the multiple PDCs to pazopanib and temsirolimus that inhibit well-established renal cancer pathways EGFR/PDGFR/ FGFR and mTOR. Importantly, however, the individual PDC from different regions in one patient also showed distinct drug response profiles, confirming that genomic heterogeneity leads to variability in drug responses. Conclusions: Our aim is to generate molecular profiles and drug testing data using representative PDCs from each patient to help clinicians in treatment decision and to facilitate the early selection of the best drug candidates for clinical development. We believe this approach will help to personalize treatment, prioritize drugs for clinical testing, provide for intelligent selection of drug combinations and improve treatment outcomes.Non peer reviewe