59 research outputs found

    Indicadores altmétricos y de citación en la producción científica en ScienceOpen: estudio descriptivo para Brasil, España y Portugal.

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    Objective. To describe evidences of certain bibliographic issues and their influence on altmetrics and bibliometrics indicators, considering a set of Brazilian, Spanish and Portuguese articles. Design/Methodology/Approach. From an exploratory approach, a total of 133 articles, available in ScienceOpenand best-positioned from the altmetrics counts, have been analyzed according to characteristics as publication date, authorship and collaboration, subject area, language, number of citations and, finally, altmetrics values derived from altmetric attention scores and mentions collected by Altmetric. Results/Discussion. Data show differences among countries regarding some issues —for example, number of authors by article, or language of publication— for the best-positioned articles in altmetrics rankings. For the whole sample, it is remarkable that more recent articles obtain more mentions and shared authorship is usual. Conclusions. Altmetrics evaluate visibility and reception of academic articles in web and social media, so they enrich citation data and extend the scope of the scientific production beyond the academic community. It is required to study and understand the social impact of science and to identify which elements of the publication process have direct influences over the popularization of scientific research. Originality/Value. Besides of dealing with a sample of Ibero-american articles, usually underrepresented in bibliometric databases, this study emphasizes the complementary role of the different dimensions that have to be taken into account in scientific communication

    Catálogos de nueva generación en las bibliotecas universitarias españolas: una primera exploración.

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    Se indaga en el estadio de evolución de los catálogos de las bibliotecas universitarias españolas. El propósito se cifra en conocer qué bibliotecas han implementado interfaces de descubrimiento, qué herramientas han sido las elegidas y qué funcionalidades ofrecen. Las herramientas de descubrimiento se han instalado en casi un 60% de las bibliotecas universitarias y las plataformas elegidas son: Encore, Primo Central, Summon, VuFind y WorldCat Local. Todas ellas implementan la mayoría de las funcionalidades evaluadas lo que supone un avance en la consecución de Catálogos de Nueva Generación

    Análisis de las etiquetas de contenido de un banco de imágenes: Agefotostock

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    The main objective of this work is to analyze the labels assigned to the photographic documents in a specific commercial agency, Agefotostock, in order to know in what aspects they affect and what are the most common characteristics of these free descriptors. Among the nine thematic categories offered, the so-called People was chosen, since it was inferred a priori that it would be the one that could focus more on the same photograph. Finally, it was decided to select, within the aforementioned category, the first 100 photos recovered in the last fortnight of April 2019 ordered according to their popularity, which assured us to have a sufficiently large sample. The study of the sample was approached taking the following elements of analysis: number of labels assigned by photography; type and morphology of the terms; number of terms per label; percentage of content labels versus format tags or techniques; percentage of denotative and connotative labels, coincidence of labels and synonymy

    Faculty Use of Subscribed Journals in a Spanish Library Consortium: Downloads and Citations in the Field of Psychology

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    [EN] We present a case study to analyze the bibliographic references used in the scientific production on psychology in Scopus of the four universities that make up a library consortium in Spain and compare this with downloads of journals included in the Springer, Elsevier, Wiley, and Emerald big deals subscribed to by this consortium. A majority use of journals subscribed through the big deals is observed, at the level of both downloads and citations, although with a weak correlation between the two variables.N

    Aspectos metodológicos de los datos abiertos de investigación: análisis de los conjuntos de datos de la colección SciELO incluidos en Figshare

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    Open research data represent an opportunity to share scientific knowledge and to provide new perspectives for validation and dissemination of scientific results. Effective re-use of these data implies to know both the research methods applied to obtain them and the measures of usage and citation that are sistematically gathered. Based on the whole catalogue of open research data (348 datasets) from SciELO journals available in Figshare, this study aims to explore their research methods and the types of data according to data collection techniques and subject categories. It also analyses usage and bibliometric indicators, file formats and dataset licensing. Results show that quantitative data are more frequent than qualitative data. The most usual data were those obtained by observation techniques, followed by experimental and derived data. This figures varied according to the different scientific areas, but usage indicators came out not to be significant for the whole set of data files.Los datos abiertos de investigación constituyen una oportunidad para el desarrollo colaborativo de la ciencia y abren nuevas perspectivas para la validación y difusión de los resultados científicos. La reutilización efectiva de estos datos requiere conocer tanto los procedimientos empleados para su obtención como las métricas de uso y consumo que van acumulando. El presente trabajo toma la colección íntegra de datos abiertos (348 datasets) de las revistas de SciELO disponibles para su consulta desde Figshare, con el objetivo de examinar sus metodologías de investigación y la naturaleza de los datos, en función de cómo han sido obtenidos y según sus categorías temáticas. Asimismo, se recopilan sus indicadores de uso y citación, los formatos de archivo y sus licencias de utilización. Los resultados muestran una mayoría de estudios cuantitativos frente a los cualitativos. Los conjuntos de datos más frecuentes son los obtenidos mediante observación, seguidos de los experimentales y derivados, aunque con variación en función de las disciplinas científicas, mientras que los indicadores de uso resultaron ser poco significativos aún para toda la colección

    Aspectos metodológicos de los datos abiertos de investigación: análisis de los conjuntos de datos de la colección SciELO incluidos en Figshare

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    Methodological issues of open research data: analysis of the datasets from SciELO included in Figshare. Open research data represent an opportunity to share scientific knowledge and to provide new perspectives for validation and dissemination of scientific results. Effective re-use of these data implies to know both the research methods applied to obtain them and the measures of usage and citation that are sistematically gathered. Based on the whole catalogue of open research data (348 datasets) from SciELO journals available in Figshare, this study aims to explore their research methods and the types of data according to data collection techniques and subject categories. It also analyses usage and bibliometric indicators, file formats and dataset licensing. Results show that quantitative data are more frequent than qualitative data. The most usual data were those obtained by observation techniques, followed by experimental and derived data. This figures varied according to the different scientific areas, but usage indicators came out not to be significant for the whole set of data files

    Aspectos metodológicos de los datos abiertos de investigación: análisis de los conjuntos de datos de la colección SciELO incluidos en Figshare

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    Methodological issues of open research data: analysis of the datasets from SciELO included in Figshare. Open research data represent an opportunity to share scientific knowledge and to provide new perspectives for validation and dissemination of scientific results. Effective re-use of these data implies to know both the research methods applied to obtain them and the measures of usage and citation that are sistematically gathered. Based on the whole catalogue of open research data (348 datasets) from SciELO journals available in Figshare, this study aims to explore their research methods and the types of data according to data collection techniques and subject categories. It also analyses usage and bibliometric indicators, file formats and dataset licensing. Results show that quantitative data are more frequent than qualitative data. The most usual data were those obtained by observation techniques, followed by experimental and derived data. This figures varied according to the different scientific areas, but usage indicators came out not to be significant for the whole set of data files

    Analysis of Library and Information Science research projects of the Spanish RTD plan on societal challenges (2012-2018)

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    An analysis of RTD projects supported by the Spanish RTD plan on societal challenges whose research focuses on the field of Library and Information Science between 2012 and 2018 is performed. Having identified the projects, the following variables are studied: percentage of projects with respect to other areas, beneficiary institutions, relationship with other disciplines, area and gender of main researchers, research topics, duration of projects, average funding, and degree of proximity to Library and Information Science. After commenting on the results obtained, a series of conclusions and proposals for improvement are established and future lines of research are presented
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