4,743 research outputs found

    Re-evaluating the impact of natural resources on economic growth

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    In this study we re-evaluate the impact of natural resources on economic growth. The reassessment is based on a growth model where, using panel-data analysis, natural-resource variables (geographically diffused and concentrated) affect the efficiency gains of labour and capital in production. We find an overall positive effect on growth arising from the increase in capital efficiency associated with concentrated resources, exactly the kind of resources that explain the resource curse in recent cross-section studies. We detect a negative effect of concentrated resources on labour efficiency only when either the resource proxies are unadjusted for re-export distortion (even with a fixed institutional quality, contrary to cross-section studies), or both the fixed country and time effects are not considered after the referred adjustment. Our results also dismiss a negative effect of the adjusted diffuse resources measure on capital efficiency if we assume a constant institutional quality, and fixed country and time effects.Natural resources; Economic growth; Economywide Country Studies; Panel data

    Changes in the Importance of Bank Attributes Provoked by a Financial Crisis: A Dynamic Analysis of the Uruguayan Case

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    How the customers react during and before an economic and financial crisis is an important yet scantily researched issue (Zurawicki and Braidot, 2005; Lado et al, 2006). We evaluate the variations in the perceived importance of the bank quality attributes as determinated by a severe shock in the situational context. The particular episode considered here is the collapse of the financial system in Uruguay in June 2002. It was a short but profound crisis; the Uruguayan banking system became insolvent with banking holidays resulting in a significant financial system confidence crisis. The specific goals of this research are two-fold (1) to explore how a shock in the external context can affect the weight perceptions of different service quality attributes, and (2) to measure the persistence of this changes over the time. Data for this study were generated utilising a two-stage, two-period approach and analysed by mixed methodology. The results of the Correspondence analysis of square asymmetric matrices performed suggest that the financial crisis provokes changes in the relative importance of the main attributes.Marketing, consumer behavior, perceived service quality, attribute importance

    Factores de calidad del servicio en el transporte público de pasajeros: estudio de caso de la ciudad de Toluca, México

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    En este artículo se identifican, ponderan y valoran los factores que intervienen en la percepción de la calidad de servicio del transporte público en un corredor urbano que se caracteriza por una gestión delegada con tarifa fija y competencia en calidad. Mediante un modelo logit con especificación lineal de la función de utilidad, se estiman los coeficientes de cada factor de calidad de servicio para diferentes segmentos y estratos de la población. Los resultados de la estimación econométrica determinan la importancia, peso y valor de cada factor en términos de utilidad. De esta manera se obtiene que los factores principales que determinan la calidad del servicio son: el estado físico de los autobuses, la forma de manejo del conductor, la tarifa (costo del viaje), el tiempo que está dentro del autobús (tiempo de viaje) y el trato al usuario

    Determinación de los coeficientes de reacción del crecimiento biológico y decaimiento endógeno en las lagunas de estabilización del municipio de Zipaquirá

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEl presente proyecto determina los coeficientes de crecimiento biológico y decaimiento endógeno para las lagunas de estabilización de la planta de agua residual de Zipaquirá Zipa II, de donde se tomaron muestras respectivas para la elaboración de laboratorios en función de la determinación de la DBO y los SSV, los cuales en conjunto a datos históricos sirvieron de base para los cálculos respectivos de los objetivos propuestos.1. INTRODUCCIÓN 2. ANTECEDENTES 3. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 4. OBJETIVOS 5. JUSTIFICACIÓN 6. DELIMITACIÓN 7. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 8. MARCO CONCEPTUAL 9. ESTADO DEL ARTE 10. METODOLOGÍA 11. RESULTADOS ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS CONCLUSIONES RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Evaluación de la estructura del componente regular de los programas departamentales de hábitos y estilos de vida saludable, Colombia, 2014 2015

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    Los programas comunitarios de actividad física son considerados una estrategia prometedora para combatir el sedentarismo. Se crea en Colombia, el Programa Nacional de Hábitos y Estilos de Vida Saludable. Establecer la estructura en su propósito de evaluación general es fundamental para conocer la relevancia y coherencia de éste. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la estructura y la variabilidad del componente regular de los programas departamentales de Hábitos y Estilos de Vida Saludable, Colombia 2014- 2015. La investigación tuvo varios componentes: un análisis documental, la valoración de los modelos lógicos construidos en cada uno de los programas departamentales, y una entrevista semi-estructurada, que se enfocó en verificar lo encontrado en los dos puntos anteriores. Todos los programas cumplieron con los requisitos básicos, la racionalidad presenta algunas diferencias en lo que se refiere al diagnóstico pero se encontró consenso en el establecimiento de objetivos. Dentro de la coherencia los objetivos del programa responden a las necesidades y problemas de la población objetivo y son tratadas a través de estrategias o actividades que varían muy poco, se requiere seguir trabajando en el desarrollo intersectorial para fortalecer la coherencia externa de los programas. En las conclusiones se establece que las metas que sugieren los diferentes programas, en próximos desarrollos, deberán tener en cuenta las conductas de los usuarios que se presentan en el campo conductual donde se desarrolla la actividad física; esto va en la misma dirección de los académicos por diseñar estrategias de evaluación donde se miren los programas en vivo.Community physical activity programs are considered a strong strategy to avoid sedentary lifestyle. The National Program of Habits and Healthy Lifestyles is developed in Colombia. By establishing, the structure of this program. The main purpose of general evaluation is fundamental to know the relevance and coherence of this health program. The objective of the investigation was to evaluate the structure and variability of the regular component of each departmental programs of Habits and Healthy Lifestyles, Colombia 2014-2015. To achieve the objective, the departmental programs, valid for 2014 and 2015, were taken with the criteria of exclusion being that they did not present any requirements of the checklist, designed for this purpose. The research had three important components, such as : documentary analysis, the assessment of the logical models constructed in each of the departmental programs, and a semi-structured interview, which it was focused on verifying what was found in the two previous points All programs met the basic requirements, the rationale presents some differences as far as the diagnosis is concerned, but it was found an agreement within setting goals. In coherence, the objectives of the program respond to the needs and problems of the target population and they were addressed through strategies or activities that had small change. It is necessary to keep working on the development between different sectors to improve the external coherence of the programs. Among of the conclusions, it is stablished that the programs suggest different goals. For future developments, it should consider people’s behavior presented in the behavioral field, where physical activity is developed, empathy, motivation, adherence, group cohesion, and others. These features along with contextual characteristics invite and strength the orientation of academics to design programs evaluation where the program is live monitore

    Make up a critical route to diagnostic procedures at workshops of the automotive industry conducted under a methodology PMI

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    El proyecto está dirigido a la industria automotriz en Colombia, particularmente enfocado en la división posventa del distribuidor de cara a la red de concesionarios, donde actualmente existe una problemática de seguimiento y control al interior de los talleres de servicio en las operaciones de diagnóstico para la reparación de los vehículos donde los tiempos de entrega a los clientes se extienden en semanas y algunas veces hasta meses por falta de trazabilidad y seguimiento de los procesos.The project is directed to the automotive industry in Colombia, particularly focused on the aftermarket division of retailers that facing the dealer network, where there is a big problem of monitoring and control into service workshops in diagnostic operations for repair vehicles where delivery times to customers ranges in weeks and sometimes even months owes to the lack of traceability and monitoring processes

    The Current Medical Practice: The Case of a Medical Act of Kidnapped

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    Submit reflection, it is part of a time when medical act and the medical practice, which is exercised in a corner of contemporary Mexico, where the approach to medical science invites oblivion patient, dogamticas structures domesticate the medical act coast the neglect of this science, here is a moment of reflection for the few who dare to look oblivion of our profession.Submit reflection, it is part of a time when medical act and the medical practice, which is exercised in a corner of contemporary Mexico, where the approach to medical science invites oblivion patient, dogamticas structures domesticate the medical act coast the neglect of this science, here is a moment of reflection for the few who dare to look oblivion of our profession