2,294 research outputs found

    Serving Youth in Santa Cruz County

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    The Community Action Board (CAB) of Santa Cruz County is an agency that serves low-income under-resourced community members in the county. Through their Youth Homeless Response Team (YHRT) Program, they serve youth ages 15-24 who are currently at-risk or facing homelessness. Too many unaccompanied youths in Santa Cruz County are suffering from homelessness and are in need to accessing services. The lack of motivational and support system, along with the unemployment increasing at alarming rates. Illustrating a dark and unsafe future. Some of the consequences include pushing youth to live on the street or inside cars and being in a hostile environment. To address this issue, mentors from YHRT create individualized plans for youth fit for their needs which include, housing opportunities, educational goals, and job readiness. This community-based project evaluated the effectiveness of the YHRT program. Asking individuals for their participation in ranking how being part of YHRT has benefited them. Feedback given back demonstrated that youth feel safe and supported by staff at YHRT. Participants stated that after being part of the YHRT team, they have increased their knowledge on the different programs and services out in the community

    Evolutionary potential of a dispersal-restricted species in response to climate change

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    Habitat replacement and fragmentation associated with projected climate change pose a critical threat to global biodiversity. Edaphically limited plant species with restricted dispersal abilities will be especially handicapped to track their optimal climate spatially. Instead, the persistence of these species will depend on their capacity to adapt in situ to novel climate regimes. Here I evaluated the evolutionary potential of Lasthenia fremontii, an annual plant species restricted to ephemeral wetlands called vernal pools in California to adapt to the projected patterns of climate change. Across L. fremontii distribution there is a latitudinal gradient in precipitation which, combined with reduced gene flow rates, might be driving adaptive divergence in climate tolerances among populations of this species. Accordingly, I estimated (1) the spatial distribution of genetic variation and gene flow across the species range, (2) the extent to which the climate variability experienced by the vernal pools has selected for seed dormancy in L. fremontii populations, and (3) the degree of local adaptation and additive genetic variation in response to a simulated spectrum of precipitation conditions. My analyses revealed an isolation-by-distance model of genetic differentiation among vernal pools and a low to moderate degree of genetic differentiation among pools within a single complex. Germination time was faster in the northernmost (historically wettest) population than in the southernmost (historically driest) population but with mixed responses in others. I observed a significant positive relationship between the historical variability in autumn precipitation and extent of seed dormancy in a population. These findings were consistent with the patterns of adaptation to local rainfall conditions observed among three of the populations reciprocally exposed to local but extreme precipitation conditions. Unexpectedly, however, populations expressed higher levels of additive genetic variation but reduced fitness under extreme drought events in comparison with moderate and extreme rainfall conditions. Further, both peripheral populations expressed optimal fitness in their native conditions but the central population did not. Taken together, these results revealed that restricted gene flow, coupled with differences in the history of local selection pressures, have led to significant divergence in the climatic tolerances and relative evolutionary potential of populations. Contrary to intuitive expectations, central range populations with less predictable climate regimes may not preserve adaptive potential for more extreme environments. That potential may only be present at the current environmental extremes


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    Indexación: Revista UNABEste artículo analiza el sometimiento de los indígenas de Tierra del Fuego a los mecanismos de incorporación del proceso civilizatorio europeo del siglo XIX. Los exploradores —que anteceden a los misioneros— inician el reconocimiento geográfico de los territorios y por consiguiente de sus habitantes, transformando a estos últimos en objeto de curiosidad y estudio en Europa. La exposición de los fueguinos bajo diferentes formatos a partir del rapto, debilita su identidad y acrecienta las dudas sobre su humanidad. En la novela Jemmy Button de Benjamín Subercaseaux la relación entre Fitz-Roy y Darwin se conflictúa ante la emergencia de tal situación representada en los cuatro fueguinos que viajan en el Beagle.http://revistahumanidades.unab.cl/numero-25-junio-2012

    Neurobehavioral changes in people with post-stroke aphasia

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    At present, research on neurobehavioral disorders in people with post-stroke aphasia is scarce, especially in Spanish. The objective of this study is to design a new scale on neurobehavioral change, the Scale of Neurobehavioral Affectation in Aphasia (EANA, in Spanish) and to evaluate 14 people affected by chronic post-stroke aphasia (mean age: 51/ DT: 7.2) together with their main informants. At the same time, psychiatric (Neuropsychiatric Inventory, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Stroke Aphasic Depression Questionnaire), cognitive (Mini Mental State examination, Informer Test) and functional instruments (Stroke and Aphaisa Quality of Life Scale and Barthel Index) have been used to provide a multidimensional description of the affected persons. The results show statistically significant neurobehavioral changes in multiple domains. According to the EANA, those affected with post-stroke aphasia communicate with less frequently, show more introversion, shyness, dependence and apathy, behave in a more infantile manner ("makes me grimaces"), in addition to showing heightened anxiety and impulsivity. Finally, the informants report more aggressive acts, both verbal (insults) and physical (throwing objects, hitting both objects as persons), that did not occur before the stroke. According to the psychiatric instruments, many of the affected cope with anxiety, agitation and apathy, as well as mild depression. At a cognitive level, affected individuals show mild to moderate deficits, especially in working memory and temporal orientation. Functionally most individuals maintain a medium-high level of functional independence in daily activities. These findings support the inclusion of recommendations for the routine assessment and management of neurobehavioral changes to help optimize long-term recovery in people with stroke and aphasia.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Current limitations and future research needs for predicting soil precompression stress: A synthesis of available data

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    Precompression stress, compression index, and swelling index are used for characterizing the compressive behavior of soils, and are essential soil properties for establishing decision support tools to reduce the risk of soil compaction. Because measurements are time-consuming, soil compressive properties are often derived through pedotransfer functions. This study aimed to develop a comprehensive database of soil compressive properties with additional information on basic soil properties, site characteristics, and methodological aspects sourced from peer-reviewed literature, and to develop random forest models for predicting precompression stress using various subsets of the database. Our analysis illustrates that soil compressive properties data primarily originate from a limited number of countries. There is a predominance of precompression stress data, while little data on compression index or recompression index are available. Most precompression stress data were derived from the topsoils of conventionally tilled arable fields, which is not compatible with knowledge that subsoil compaction is a serious problem. The data compilation unveiled considerable variations in soil compression test procedures and methods for calculating precompression stress across different studies, and a concentration of data at soil moisture conditions at or above field capacity. The random forest models exhibited unsatisfactory predictive performance although they performed better than previously developed models. Models showed slight improvement in predictive power when the underlying data were restricted to a specific precompression stress calculation method. Although our database offers broader coverage of precompression stress data than previous studies, the lack of standardization in methodological procedures complicates the development of predictive models based on combined datasets. Methodological standardization and/or functions to translate results between methodologies are needed to ensure consistency and enable data comparison, to develop robust models for precompression stress predictions. Moreover, data across a wider range of soil moisture conditions are needed to characterize soil mechanical properties as a function of soil moisture, similar to soil hydraulic functions, and to develop models to predict the parameters of such soil mechanical functions

    La poesía de la carroña: el genocidio indígena fueguino en la obra de los poetas magallánicos Juan Pablo Riveros, Christian Formoso y Pavel Oyarzún

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    This article explores the reconfiguration of the memory of the Fueguian indigenous genocide (19th-20th c.) in the literary texts of the magellanic authors Juan Pablo Riveros, Christian Formoso and Pavel Oyarzún. This process is evident in the construction of a mutable and heterogeneous text according to the concept of disciplinary mutations, which is understood as a literary text that draws on elements from other disciplines – historiography, ethnography, anthropology–. This memory is related to other traumatic events for the Chilean nation such as the military dictatorship (1973-1990) pointing out parallels between the victims, the perpetrators, and the spaces of violence.Este artículo explora la reconfiguración de la memoria del genocidio indígena fueguino (siglos XIX y XX) en la obra de los autores magallánicos Juan Pablo Riveros, Christian Formoso y Pavel Oyarzún. Este proceso se evidencia en la construcción de un texto heterogéneo y mutable de acuerdo al concepto de mutaciones disciplinarias, entendido como un texto en el que se cruzan elementos de otras disciplinas –historiografía, etnología, antropología–. Esta memoria se relaciona con otros acontecimientos traumáticos para la nación chilena como la dictadura militar (1973-1990), articulándose una suerte de convergencia histórica que señala coincidencias en torno a las víctimas, los culpables y los espacios de violencia

    Gualaceo sin contaminación visual

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    El Proyecto de Tesis, Gualaceo sin Contaminación Visual se basa en los efectos, causas y posibles soluciones que se plantea para erradicar la publicidad exagerada en los locales comerciales, principalmente del Centro Histórico y Áreas Patrimoniales del cantón. Se analizó a Gualaceo con el fin de identificar el problema específico que posee, ya que al ser un cantón netamente comercial, sufre de una publicidad mal enfocada, la cual no cumple con su objetivo de comunicar a los posibles compradores los productos o servicios que el comerciante ofrece. Conjuntamente con el I. Municipio de Gualaceo y su Departamento de Planificación, socializamos el proyecto a los habitantes del cantón (publicistas, dueños de los locales comerciales y dirigentes barriales), para darles a conocer el objetivo y los beneficios de un cantón más limpio visualmente, aplicando una publicidad adecuada. Visitamos las ciudades de Quito, Riobamba, Cuenca y Loja, en las que ya se ha aplicado este tipo de regulaciones; después de las encuestas realizadas a los turistas, tomando en cuenta las sugerencias por parte de los ciudadanos y basándonos en las ordenanzas de las ciudades visitadas elaboramos La ordenanza que regula la publicidad exterior en la circunscripción territorial del cantón Gualaceo la misma que posterior a varias sesiones de Consejo, fue aprobada y entró en plena vigencia desde el 13 de Junio del 2011, en la actualidad se está promoviendo la aplicación de dicha ordenanza en todo el cantón.Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación. Especialidad Comunicación SocialCuenc

    The implementation of velocity-based training paradigm for team sports: Framework, technologies, practical recommendations and challenges

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    While velocity-based training is currently a very popular paradigm to designing and monitoring resistance training programs, its implementation remains a challenge in team sports, where there are still some confusion and misinterpretations of its applications. In addition, in contexts with large squads, it is paramount to understand how to best use movement velocity in different exercises in a useful and time-efficient way. This manuscript aims to provide clarifications on the velocity-based training paradigm, movement velocity tracking technologies, assessment procedures and practical recommendations for its application during resistance training sessions, with the purpose of increasing performance, managing fatigue and preventing injuries. Guidelines to combine velocity metrics with subjective scales to prescribe training loads are presented, as well as methods to estimate 1-Repetition Maximum (1RM) on a daily basis using individual load–velocity profiles. Additionally, monitoring strategies to detect and evaluate changes in performance over time are discussed. Finally, limitations regarding the use of velocity of execution tracking devices and metrics such as “muscle power” are commented upon. Funding: This research received no external funding

    Estudio de factibilidad para la rehabilitación del Centro Recreativo Acuático Manantialito en el cantón Ibarra, provincia de Imbabura

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    Realizar un estudio de la situación y condiciones en el que se encuentra actualmente del Centro Recreativo Acuático ManantialEl objetivo de la presente investigación, fue el determinar la factibilidad de rehabilitar el Centro Recreativo “Acuático Manantial” el mismo que dejo de funcionar en la ciudad de Ibarra. La decisión final requería de un estudio pormenorizado de cada uno de los factores precipitantes como antecedentes, justificación, situación actual del problema, prospectiva del problema hacia el futuro. Los parámetros investigativos incluyeron la ubicación, el estado de las instalaciones, la posibilidad de incrementar espacios luego de realizar un estudio de los sectores ya existentes, mejorar los servicios y los atractivos, mejorar la calidad de servicio, la oferta en costos y el valor del mantenimiento, finalmente se puntualizó los factores específicos a implementarse para que el proyecto sea autosustentable. Para diseñar los instrumentos de investigación como es cuestionario, entrevista se plantean y determinan variables de operacionalización a través de una serie de indicadores. Fue necesario estudiar las encuestas detalladamente como la, profesión, edad de las personas que visitan estos lugares. Este estudio de mercado permitió determinar perfiles, preferencias, actividades, capacidad de consumo, factores no previstos y todo cuanto se debería realizar en caso de presentarse temporadas bajas. Con la información obtenida por investigaciones de campo, se procedió a tabular datos y de esa forma alcanzar promedios que permitan interpretar el flujo aproximado de ingresos. El análisis económico y financiero contempla el presupuesto de mano de obra, de inversión, de suministros, gastos generales, presupuesto de ingresos, presupuesto mensual de resultados proyectados, fondos y usos de la inversión, balance inicial, flujo de caja proyectado con nuevas inversiones a 5 años, depreciaciones, cálculos del TIR y VAN etc. La atención al cliente, la capacitación de trabajadores, la relación entre clientes y oferentes, permitió considerar que son factores extremadamente importantes que se deben mantener en todo momento y ocasión. La investigación cierra mostrando las conclusiones que hacen referencia a los resultados obtenidos en cada capítulo, así como también se muestra una serie de recomendaciones en función de las conclusiones, que permitirá de alguna manera constituir soluciones adecuadas. El estudio realizado servirá de base para estudiar la posibilidad de reactivar otros negocios de recreación que han fracasado. Los parámetros están expuestos y se consideran reutilizables, para fortalecer el turismo interno de la ciudad de Ibarra

    Control de las entidades públicas en la estimación, tipificación y asignación de riesgos contractualmente previsible

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    El presente artículo pretende profundizar en el estudio de la ecuación económica y financiera del contrato estatal en Colombia y las causales de alteración de la situación equilibrada, para efectos de determinar la responsabilidad de las entidades públicas ante la materialización de riesgos contractualmente previsibles. Se analizará el alcance de la normatividad vigente en cuanto la estimación, tipificación y asignación de riesgos previsibles por parte de quienes intervienen en la actividad contractual de las organizaciones públicas para la adecuada planeación de los procesos, así como la importancia del autocontrol, la auditoría interna y la implementación de indicadores como mecanismo de verificación y evaluación de la actividad contractual del estado. El contexto sobre el cual se desarrolla el tema, comprende especialmente los preceptos Constitucionales de la carta política de 1991 y entre otras, las disposiciones normativas del estatuto contractual y del Código Único Disciplinario, así como jurisprudencia y doctrina nacional y extranjeraThis article pretends to get deep into the study of the economic and financial equation of the state contract in Colombia and the causes of alteration of the equal situation, for determining the public organizations` responsibility according to contract foreseeable risks. It analyses the reach of the present legislation according to estimation, classification and allocation that it impose to contractual activity to the right planning process. In the same way, the self-control and the importance of the internal audit, and the indicator`s implementation like a verification and evaluation mechanism of the contractual state activity. The context about the topic is developed, comprehends constitutional rules of the political letter of 1991 between other, the legal establishments of the contractual statute and of the only disciplinary code, like the jurisprudence and national and foreign doctrin