956 research outputs found

    Estudio descriptivo de anomalias dentomaxilares en pacientes con labio leporino y fisura velopalatina "Ceanft".

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    45 p.En este estudio se analizaron las anomalías dentomaxilares presentes en 13 individuos portadores de labio leporino unilateral o bilateral complicado con fisura velopalatina; pertenecientes al centro de amigos del niño fisurado de la ciudad de Talca, VII región - Chile. Las edades de los pacientes fluctuaron entre los 6 y 11 años, los cuales no habían sido sometidos a tratamiento ortodoncico. No se considero el numero de intervenciones, la técnica, ni la edad en que estas fueron realizadas. El análisis se realizo por medio de modelos de estudio de cada uno de los pacientes y radiografías panorámicas. Los resultados de dicho análisis, muestran que en oclusión en sentido transversal, la anomalía mas frecuente es la mordida cruzada, particularmente a nivel de los caninos. Afectándose el lado fisurado en los casos unilaterales y ambos lados de la arcada dentaria en las fisuras bilaterales. En sentido sagital, en la mayoría de los individuos con fisura unilateral se encontró una relación de distoclusion a nivel canina y molar en el lado afectado por la fisura y en los casos bilaterales no se observo una clara tendencia. A nivel anterior, para ambos tipos de fisura la relación mas frecuente fue la mordida invertida. En sentido vertical las relaciones observadas fueron variadas. Con respecto a las distintas posiciones que adopta la premaxila, esta se observo en oclusión, mayormente descendida, retruida y desviada con respecto a la línea media. En relación con las alteraciones dentarias de numero, se encontró un alto número de agenesias en los dos tipos de fisuras, siendo el caso mas frecuente el incisivo lateral izquierdo en las fisuras bilaterales. En el estudio de las giroversiones se encontró que todos los casos bilaterales presentaron rotados ambos incisivos centrales y en los casos unilaterales se encontró mayormente afectado el incisivo lateral adyacente a la fisura. Los resultados del análisis de las discrepancias, mostraron que en la zona lateral del maxilar superior existe una falta de espacio en sentido anteroposterior para la erupción de caninos y premolares permanentes. Y en sentido transversal existen discrepancias en la zona de los caninos al comparar el lado sano con el lado de la fisura, en los casos unilaterales. Y en los casos bilaterales al comparar la distancia intercanina con valores prestablecidos para esta distancia

    Free-Space Optical Interconnect Employing VCSEL Diodes

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    Sensor signal processing is widely used on aircraft and spacecraft. The scheme employs multiple input/output nodes for data acquisition and CPU (central processing unit) nodes for data processing. To connect 110 nodes and CPU nodes, scalable interconnections such as backplanes are desired because the number of nodes depends on requirements of each mission. An optical backplane consisting of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs), VCSEL drivers, photodetectors, and transimpedance amplifiers is the preferred approach since it can handle several hundred megabits per second data throughput.The next generation of satellite-borne systems will require transceivers and processors that can handle several Gb/s of data. Optical interconnects have been praised for both their speed and functionality with hopes that light can relieve the electrical bottleneck predicted for the near future. Optoelectronic interconnects provide a factor of ten improvement over electrical interconnects

    Evaluación del Comportamiento de Factores de Escorrentía Superficial y sus Efectos Vulnerables en Sectores Priorizados de la Provincia de Huancayo

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    La investigación efectuada tuvo como problema general ¿Cuál es la relación que existe entre la escorrentía superficial y sus efectos vulnerables en sectores priorizados de la provincia de Huancayo?, el objetivo general planteado fue “Evaluar la relación que existe entre la escorrentía superficial y sus efectos vulnerables en sectores priorizados de la Provincia de Huancayo”, la misma que se contrastó mediante la hipótesis general: Existe una relación directa entre la escorrentía superficial y sus efectos vulnerables en sectores priorizados de la Provincia de Huancayo. El método de investigación fue el científico, el tipo de investigación fue aplicada, el nivel de investigación fue el descriptivo-correlacional y el diseño de la investigación no experimental transeccional. La población estuvo conformada por 10 sectores críticos, cuya muestra seleccionada fueron 03 sectores agrupados de la provincia de Huancayo. Obteniendo una vulnerabilidad total ALTA, incrementos de volúmenes de escorrentía de 1,455.66, 9,482.57 y 2,041.85 m3; caudales pico de 3.05, 10.36 y 5.26 m3/s y un nivel ALTO al riesgo por inundaciones en los sectores de estudio

    2015 Convocation

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    Welcome: Dr. Robert Hernandez, Executive Director of Student Affairs Pledge of Allegiance: Heidi Dong, Student Council President Opening Remarks: Dr. Jose Torres, IMSA President; Dr. Marie Dahleh, IMSA Principal Feature Musical Piece: Jennifer Crawford, Class of 2012 Keynote Address: Dr. Gretchen Green, Class of 199

    Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Uranus from the Spitzer Infrared Spectrometer: 2. Determination of the Mean Composition of the Upper Troposphere and Stratosphere

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    Mid-infrared spectral observations Uranus acquired with the Infrared Spectrometer (IRS) on the Spitzer Space Telescope are used to determine the abundances of C2H2, C2H6, CH3C2H, C4H2, CO2, and tentatively CH3 on Uranus at the time of the 2007 equinox. For vertically uniform eddy diffusion coefficients in the range 2200-2600 cm2 s-1, photochemical models that reproduce the observed methane emission also predict C2H6 profiles that compare well with emission in the 11.6-12.5 micron wavelength region, where the nu9 band of C2H6 is prominent. Our nominal model with a uniform eddy diffusion coefficient Kzz = 2430 cm2 sec-1 and a CH4 tropopause mole fraction of 1.6x10-5 provides a good fit to other hydrocarbon emission features, such as those of C2H2 and C4H2, but the model profile for CH3C2H must be scaled by a factor of 0.43, suggesting that improvements are needed in the chemical reaction mechanism for C3Hx species. The nominal model is consistent with a CH3D/CH4 ratio of 3.0+-0.2x10-4. From the best-fit scaling of these photochemical-model profiles, we derive column abundances above the 10-mbar level of 4.5+01.1/-0.8 x 10+19 molecule-cm-2 for CH4, 6.2 +- 1.0 x 10+16 molecule-cm-2 for C2H2 (with a value 24% higher from a different longitudinal sampling), 3.1 +- 0.3 x 10+16 molecule-cm-2 for C2H6, 8.6 +- 2.6 x 10+13 molecule-cm-2 for CH3C2H, 1.8 +- 0.3 x 10+13 molecule-cm-2 for C4H2, and 1.7 +- 0.4 x 10+13 molecule-cm-2 for CO2 on Uranus. Our results have implications with respect to the influx rate of exogenic oxygen species and the production rate of stratospheric hazes on Uranus, as well as the C4H2 vapor pressure over C4H2 ice at low temperatures

    Commencement of the Class of 2016

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    It’s amazing how fast three years passes. And in the end, IMSA is so much more than just a building. Others may never truly understand what it means to be a part of this community, but we will know. Years from now, we’ll remember the thrill of Clash or the nostalgic warmth of Carnival. We’ll remember late nights spent laughing with best friends, and we’ll remember what it felt like to belong here. It’s true, IMSA gave us the building blocks for academic and professional success. But it also gave us each other. And as we stand here as a class for the last time, I thank IMSA for bringing us together. Class of 2016, never stop learning and growing. Never lose that drive or that passion, and never forget what you have gained from IMSA. As we move on to another chapter of our lives, we will continue to expand our brick-and-mortar walls. We will gain countless more chances, and we will learn countless more things. It is my hope that we, as a class, will continue to seek out new opportunities, and I hope that we continue to find better ways of cementing it all together. Yet no matter how far we go, part of us will always belong in a residence hall at 1500 Sullivan Road. And no matter how far apart we may end up, we can find comfort in knowing that we have built something beautiful together Heidi Dong, Student Council Presiden


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    Se cultivó a Nannochloropsis oculata en lote durante 12 días hasta alcanzar la fase estacionaria, con temperatura e iluminación constante las 24 h del día utilizando tres diferentes medios de cultivo (T1 – Guillard F/2, T2 – Yashima y T3 –ensilado de pescado). Se encontró que N. oculata alcanzó altas concentraciones celulares en el tratamiento T3, aunque presentó bajas concentraciones de clorofila por unidad de biomasa, lo que es inconsistente con un crecimiento autotrófico. Esto sugiere que N. oculata es capaz de crecer mixotroficamente sobre el ensilado biológico de pescado

    Adequacy of Antimicrobial Treatment and Outcome of Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia in 9 Western European Countries

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    Background.Little is known about the incidence of inadequate treatment of severe Staphylococcus aureus infection in Europe. We aimed to evaluate the adequacy of antibiotic therapy for S. aureus bacteremia (SAB), to identify determinants of inadequate treatment, and to determine the effect of inadequate treatment on patient outcome in a representative selection of hospitals in 9 Western European countries. Methods.In this retrospective cohort study, all adult patients with SAB (due to methicillin-susceptible S. aureus [MSSA] or methicillin-resistant S. aureus [MRSA]) who were admitted to 60 randomly selected hospitals from 1 November 2007 through 31 December 2007 were included. Adequate antimicrobial therapy was defined as intravenous administration of at least 1 antibiotic to which the isolate showed in vitro susceptibility that was initiated within 2 days after onset of SAB. Results.A total of 334 SAB episodes (257 due to MSSA and 77 due to MRSA) were included. Ninety-four patients (28%) received inadequate empirical therapy (21% in the MSSA group and 52% in the MRSA group). Both length of stay before SAB onset and methicillin-resistant infection were associated with inadequate therapy, with adjusted odds ratios (ORs) of 1.01 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.00-1.03) and 3.7 (95% CI, 2.2-6.4), respectively. Age (OR, 1.06; 95% CI, 1.03-1.10), Charlson comorbidity score (OR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.2-3.6), severe sepsis or septic shock (OR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.5-4.8), and intensive care unit stay at onset of SAB (OR, 2.9; 95% CI, 1.5-5.6) but not inadequate treatment (OR, 0.7; 95% CI, 0.4-1.3) were associated with increased 30-day mortality. Conclusion.Inadequate empirical antimicrobial therapy for SAB is common in Western Europe and is strongly associated with infection caused by MRSA. In this study, inadequate treatment was not associated with increased 30-day mortality rate

    Video presentations, self video recordings and video story telling implementation to improve oral performance of second year of high school english students section “J” at Centro Escolar INSA in the year 2019

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    Students in EFL classrooms showed many deficiencies while acquiring the new language, and to master the four-macro skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) results difficult as they were immersing in the language. In words of Latihfah (2015) “The importance of learning English is not only in speaking, but also how it can be used especially in daily life since it has been a mean of communication used by people around the world