1,685 research outputs found

    Insuliinipumppu tutuksi - DVD : Osa nykyaikaista diabeteksen hoitoa

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    Insuliinipumppu on osa nykyaikaista diabeteksen hoitoa. Insuliinipumppuhoito on jatkuvasti yleisty-mÀssÀ, mutta hoitomuoto on hoitohenkilökunnan huonosti tuntema. Teimme opinnÀytetyönÀmme insu-liinipumpusta ja sen kÀytöstÀ DVD:n oppilaitoksemme eli Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulun hoitoalan opiskelijoiden kÀyttöön. DVD tarjoaa mahdollisuuden tutustua laitteen perusominaisuuksiin ja insuliinipumppuhoidon pÀÀpiir-teisiin. DVD tehtiin yhteistyössÀ mediatekniikan tietojenkÀsittelyopiskelijoiden kanssa. TiivistÀ yhteistyötÀ teimme myös insuliinipumppuvalmistaja Medtronic Finlandin Oy:n kanssa. Teoriaosuudessamme kÀsittelemme diabeteksen lÀÀketieteellisen hoidon pÀÀpiirteitÀ sekÀ oppimista au-diovisuaalisen materiaalin avulla.Insulin pump is a part of the modern treatment of diabetes. Although insulin pump treatment is becoming more and more common, as a treatment method it's not well known among the nurses. The purpose of our bachelorŽs was to make an educational DVD on the use of insulin pump for the nursing students of Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences. The goal was to offer student the possibility to get familiar with the basic functions of the device and with the principles of insulin pump treatment . It's been produced in cooperation with IT students carring out their mediatechnology studies and also cooperated closely with Medtronic Fin-land Oy, the manufacturer of the insulin pump.DV

    Sedimentation in BrackwasserhÀfen

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    Das Heft 150 der Mitteilungsreihe des Instituts fĂŒr Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft der TU Darmstadt behandelt das Thema "Sedimentation in BrackwasserhĂ€fen". Insbesondere spielt dabei das MobilitĂ€tscerhalten feinkörniger und zum Teil auch kohĂ€siver Sedimente eine zentrale Rolle

    Influence of Tundra Polygon Type and Climate Variability on CO\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e and CH\u3csub\u3e4\u3c/sub\u3e Fluxes Near Utqiagvik, Alaska

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    Arctic tundra has the potential to generate significant climate feedbacks, but spatial complexity makes it difficult to quantify the impacts of climate on ecosystem-atmosphere fluxes, particularly in polygonal tundra comprising wetter and drier polygon types on the scale of tens of meters. We measured CO2, CH4, and energy fluxes using eddy covariance for 7 yr (April to November, 2013–2019) in polygonal tundra near Utqiagvik, Alaska. This period saw the earliest snowmelt, latest snow accumulation, and hottest summer on record. To estimate fluxes by polygon type, we combined a polygon classification with a flux-footprint model. Methane fluxes were highest in the summer months but were also large during freeze-up and increased with the warming trend in August–November temperatures. While CO2 respiration had a consistent, exponential relationship with temperature, net ecosystem exchange was more variable among years. CO2 and CH4 exchange (June–September) ranged between −0.83 (Standard error [SE] = 0.03) and −1.32 (SE = 0.04) ÎŒmol m−2 s−1 and 13.92 (SE = 0.26)—23.42 (SE = 0.45) nmol m−2 s−1, respectively, and varied interannually (p ≀ 0.05). The maximum-influence method effectively attributed fluxes to polygon types. Areas dominated by lowcentered polygons had higher CO2 fluxes except in 2016–2017. Methane fluxes were highest in low-centered polygons 2013–2015 and in flat-centered polygons in subsequent years, possibly due to increasing temperature and precipitation. Sensible and latent heat fluxes also varied significantly among polygon types. Accurate characterization of Arctic fluxes and their climate dependencies requires spatial disaggregation and long term observations. Plain Language Summary We measured carbon dioxide and methane fluxes for 7 yr (April to November, 2013–2019) in polygonal tundra near Utqiagvik (Barrow), Alaska using eddy covariance (EC). The EC method provides the measurements of vertical flux of transported air parcels by correlation of the fluctuations in carbon dioxide or methane concentration with fluctuations in the vertical wind speed. The ice wedge polygonal tundra area is covered by ponds, drained lake basins, and wetter and drier polygon types on the scale of tens of meters across. This period saw the earliest snowmelt, latest snow accumulation date, and hottest summer on record. To estimate fluxes by polygon type, we combined a polygon classification with a flux-footprint model. The model represents the field of view of the EC system and allows the user to extract the location of the peak contribution. The site was a net carbon sink between June and September in each of the seven years. Areas dominated by low-centered polygons had higher carbon dioxide fluxes except in 2016–2017, while methane fluxes were highest in low-centered polygons 2013–2015 and in flat-centered polygons in subsequent years. This is possibly due to increasing temperature and precipitation. Not only were methane fluxes highest in the summer months but also large during freeze-up and increased with the warming trend in August–November temperatures

    Oral anticoagulation for cerebral ischemia of arterial origin: High initial bleeding risk

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    Climatically driven loss of calcium in steppe soil as a sink for atmospheric carbon

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    During the last several thousand years the semi‐arid, cold climate of the Russian steppe formed highly fertile soils rich in organic carbon and calcium (classified as Chernozems in the Russian system). Analysis of archived soil samples collected in Kemannaya Steppe Preserve in 1920, 1947, 1970, and fresh samples collected in 1998 indicated that the native steppe Chernozems, however, lost 17–28 kg m−2 of calcium in the form of carbonates in 1970–1998. Here we demonstrate that the loss of calcium was caused by fundamental shift in the steppe hydrologic balance. Previously unleached soils where precipitation was less than potential evapotranspiration are now being leached due to increased precipitation and, possibly, due to decreased actual evapotranspiration. Because this region receives low levels of acidic deposition, the dissolution of carbonates involves the consumption of atmospheric CO2. Our estimates indicate that this climatically driven terrestrial sink of atmospheric CO2 is ∌2.1–7.4 g C m−2 a−1. In addition to the net sink of atmospheric carbon, leaching of pedogenic carbonates significantly amplified seasonal amplitude of CO2 exchange between atmosphere and steppe soil
