66 research outputs found

    Toward a unified TreeTalker data curation process

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) development is revolutionizing environmental monitoring and research in macroecology. This technology allows for the deployment of sizeable diffuse sensing networks capable of continuous monitoring. Because of this property, the data collected from IoT networks can provide a testbed for scientific hypotheses across large spatial and temporal scales. Nevertheless, data curation is a necessary step to make large and heterogeneous datasets exploitable for synthesis analyses. This process includes data retrieval, quality assurance, standardized formatting, storage, and documentation. TreeTalkers are an excellent example of IoT applied to ecology. These are smart devices for synchronously measuring trees’ physiological and environmental parameters. A set of devices can be organized in a mesh and permit data collection from a single tree to plot or transect scale. The deployment of such devices over large-scale networks needs a standardized approach for data curation. For this reason, we developed a unified processing workflow according to the user manual. In this paper, we first introduce the concept of a unified TreeTalker data curation process. The idea was formalized into an R-package, and it is freely available as open software. Secondly, we present the different functions available in “ttalkR”, and, lastly, we illustrate the application with a demonstration dataset. With such a unified processing approach, we propose a necessary data curation step to establish a new environmental cyberinfrastructure and allow for synthesis activities across environmental monitoring networks. Our data curation concept is the first step for supporting the TreeTalker data life cycle by improving accessibility and thus creating unprecedented opportunities for TreeTalker-based macroecological analyse

    Correlation Analysis of Evapotranspiration, Emissivity Contrast and Water Deficit Indices: A Case Study in Four Eddy Covariance Sites in Italy with Different Environmental Habitats

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    Evapotranspiration (ET) represents one of the essential processes controlling the exchange of energy by terrestrial vegetation, providing a strong connection between energy and water fluxes. Different methodologies have been developed in order to measure it at different spatial scales, ranging from individual plants to an entire watershed. In the last few years, several methods and approaches based on remotely sensed data have been developed over different ecosystems for the estimation of ET. In the present work, we outline the correlation between ET measured at four eddy covariance (EC) sites in Italy (situated either in forest or in grassland ecosystems) and (1) the emissivity contrast index (ECI) based on emissivity data from thermal infrared spectral channels of the MODIS and ASTER satellite sensors (CAMEL data-set); (2) the water deficit index (WDI), defined as the difference between the surface and dew point temperature modeled by the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) data. The analysis covers a time-series of 1 to 7 years depending on the site. The results showed that both the ECI and WDI correlate to the ET calculated through EC. In the relationship WDI-ET, the coefficient of determination ranges, depending on the study area, between 0.5 and 0.9, whereas it ranges between 0.5 and 0.7 when ET was correlated to the ECI. The slope and the sign of the latter relationship is influenced by the vegetation habitat, the snow cover (particularly in winter months) and the environmental heterogeneity of the area (calculated in this study through the concept of the spectral variation hypothesis using Rao’s Q heterogeneity index)

    In-situ start and end of growing season dates of major European crop types from France and Bulgaria at a field level

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    Crop phenology data offer crucial information for crop yield estimation, agricultural management, and assessment of agroecosystems. Such information becomes more important in the context of increasing year-to-year climatic variability. The dataset provides in-situ crop phenology data (first leaves emergence and harvest date) of major European crops (wheat, corn, sunflower, rapeseed) from seventeen field study sites in Bulgaria and two in France. Additional information such as the sowing date, area of each site, coordinates, method and equipment used for phenophase data estimation, and photos of the France sites are also provided. The georeferenced ground-truth dataset provides a solid base for a better understanding of crop growth and can be used to validate the retrieval of phenological stages from remote sensing data

    In-situ start and end of growing season dates of major European crop types from France and Bulgaria at a field level

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    Crop phenology data offer crucial information for crop yield estimation, agricultural management, and assessment of agroecosystems. Such information becomes more important in the context of increasing year-to-year climatic variability. The dataset provides in-situ crop phenology data (first leaves emergence and harvest date) of major European crops (wheat, corn, sunflower, rapeseed) from seventeen field study sites in Bulgaria and two in France. Additional information such as the sowing date, area of each site, coordinates, method and equipment used for phenophase data estimation, and photos of the France sites are also provided. The georeferenced ground-truth dataset provides a solid base for a better understanding of crop growth and can be used to validate the retrieval of phenological stages from remote sensing data.This publication is the result of the Action CA17134 SENSECO (Opticalsynergies for spatiotemporal sensing of scalable ecophysiological traits) funded by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology, www.cost.eu, accessed on March 17, 2023). We thank Tiphaine Tallec for the in-situ data of the French sites, mainly funded by the Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers (INSU) through the ICOS ERIC and the OSR SW observatory (https://osr.cesbio.cnrs.fr/). Facilities and staff are funded and supported by the Observatory Midi-Pyrenean, the University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse 3, CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), CNES (Centre National d'Etude Spatial) and IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le DĂ©veloppement). We further thank Dessislava Ganeva for the in-situ data of the Bulgarian sites. SB was by partially supported by Generalitat Valenciana SEJIGENT program (SEJIGENT/2021/001) and European Union NextGenerationEU (ZAMBRANO 21-04)

    A new generation of sensors and monitoring tools to support climate-smart forestry practices

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    Climate-smart forestry (CSF) is an emerging branch of sustainable adaptive forest management aimed at enhancing the potential of forests to adapt to and mitigate climate change. It relies on much higher data requirements than traditional forestry. These data requirements can be met by new devices that support continuous, in situ monitoring of forest conditions in real time. We propose a comprehensive network of sensors, i.e., a wireless sensor network (WSN), that can be part of a worldwide network of interconnected uniquely addressable objects, an Internet of Things (IoT), which can make data available in near real time to multiple stakeholders, including scientists, foresters, and forest managers, and may partially motivate citizens to participate in big data collection. The use of in situ sources of monitoring data as ground-truthed training data for remotely sensed data can boost forest monitoring by increasing the spatial and temporal scales of the monitoring, leading to a better understanding of forest processes and potential threats. Here, some of the key developments and applications of these sensors are outlined, together with guidelines for data management. Examples are given of their deployment to detect early warning signals (EWS) of ecosystem regime shifts in terms of forest productivity, health, and biodiversity. Analysis of the strategic use of these tools highlights the opportunities for engaging citizens and forest managers in this new generation of forest monitoring.Peer reviewe

    A new generation of sensors and monitoring tools to support climate-smart forestry practices

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    Climate-smart forestry (CSF) is an emerging branch of sustainable adaptive forest management aimed at enhancing the potential of forests to adapt to and mitigate climate change. It relies on much higher data requirements than traditional forestry. These data requirements can be met by new devices that support continuous, in situ monitoring of forest conditions in real time. We propose a comprehensive network of sensors, i.e., a wireless sensor network (WSN), that can be part of a worldwide network of interconnected uniquely addressable objects, an Internet of Things (IoT), which can make data available in near real time to multiple stakeholders, including scientists, foresters, and forest managers, and may partially motivate citizens to participate in big data collection. The use of in situ sources of monitoring data as ground-truthed training data for remotely sensed data can boost forest monitoring by increasing the spatial and temporal scales of the monitoring, leading to a better understanding of forest processes and potential threats. Here, some of the key developments and applications of these sensors are outlined, together with guidelines for data management. Examples are given of their deployment to detect early warning signals (EWS) of ecosystem regime shifts in terms of forest productivity, health, and biodiversity. Analysis of the strategic use of these tools highlights the opportunities for engaging citizens and forest managers in this new generation of forest monitoring.Peer reviewe

    Using Sentinel-2-Based Metrics to Characterize the Spatial Heterogeneity of FLEX Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence on Sub-Pixel Scale

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    Current and upcoming Sun-Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) satellite products (e.g., GOME, TROPOMI, OCO, FLEX) have medium-to-coarse spatial resolutions (i.e., 0.3–80 km) and integrate radiances from different sources into a single ground surface unit (i.e., pixel). However, intrapixel heterogeneity, i.e., different soil and vegetation fractional cover and/or different chlorophyll content or vegetation structure in a fluorescence pixel, increases the challenge in retrieving and quantifying SIF. High spatial resolution Sentinel-2 (S2) data (20 m) can be used to better characterize the intrapixel heterogeneity of SIF and potentially extend the application of satellite-derived SIF to heterogeneous areas. In the context of the COST Action Optical synergies for spatiotemporal SENsing of Scalable ECOphysiological traits (SENSECO), in which this study was conducted, we proposed direct (i.e., spatial heterogeneity coefficient, standard deviation, normalized entropy, ensemble decision trees) and patch mosaic (i.e., local Moran’s I) approaches to characterize the spatial heterogeneity of SIF collected at 760 and 687 nm (SIF760 and SIF687, respectively) and to correlate it with the spatial heterogeneity of selected S2 derivatives. We used HyPlant airborne imagery acquired over an agricultural area in Braccagni (Italy) to emulate S2-like top-of-the-canopy reflectance and SIF imagery at different spatial resolutions (i.e., 300, 20, and 5 m). The ensemble decision trees method characterized FLEX intrapixel heterogeneity best (R2 > 0.9 for all predictors with respect to SIF760 and SIF687). Nevertheless, the standard deviation and spatial heterogeneity coefficient using k-means clustering scene classification also provided acceptable results. In particular, the near-infrared reflectance of terrestrial vegetation (NIRv) index accounted for most of the spatial heterogeneity of SIF760 in all applied methods (R2 = 0.76 with the standard deviation method; R2 = 0.63 with the spatial heterogeneity coefficient method using a scene classification map with 15 classes). The models developed for SIF687 did not perform as well as those for SIF760, possibly due to the uncertainties in fluorescence retrieval at 687 nm and the low signal-to-noise ratio in the red spectral region. Our study shows the potential of the proposed methods to be implemented as part of the FLEX ground segment processing chain to quantify the intrapixel heterogeneity of a FLEX pixel and/or as a quality flag to determine the reliability of the retrieved fluorescence
