16 research outputs found

    Support needs of parents of children with burns : A qualitative study of parents’ experiences and need for support in relation to their child’s burn injury during hospitalisation and after discharge

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    Bakgrunn: En brannskade hos barn pĂ„virker hele familien, spesielt rammes foreldrene som har en avgjĂžrende rolle i Ă„ ta vare pĂ„ sitt barn. Foreldres behov for stĂžtte gjennom brannskadeforlĂžpet har likevel hittil fĂ„tt lite oppmerksomhet. MĂ„l: Avhandlingens overordnede mĂ„l var Ă„ fĂ„ en dypere forstĂ„else for foreldrenes erfaringer og behov for stĂžtte, bĂ„de i lĂžpet av den tiden det brannskadde barnet var innlagt pĂ„ sykehus med en utilsiktet brannskade og i tiden etter utskrivning, samt Ă„ skape et grunnlag for Ă„ kunne utvikle en fremtidig intervensjon til stĂžtte for denne foreldregruppen. De spesifikke mĂ„lene med de fire studiene var: 1) Å systematisk syntetisere litteraturen som omhandler stĂžttebehov hos foreldre til brannskadde barn innlagt i sykehus. 2) Å utforske hvilke erfaringer helsepersonell ved en brannskadeavdeling har med Ă„ stĂžtte foreldre til brannskadde barn. 3) Å utforske foreldres behov for stĂžtte under innleggelsen av et barn pĂ„ en brannskadeavdeling. 4) Å utforske foreldres erfaringer med Ă„ ta seg av sitt brannskadde barn hjemme etter utskrivelse fra en brannskadeavdeling. Metoder: De fire studiene ble strukturert etter utviklingsfasen av the Medical Research Council’s rammeverk for komplekse intervensjoner, og det ble brukt en fenomenologisk hermeneutisk tilnĂŠrming med Ricoeur-inspirert tekstanalyse som metode. Datainnsamlingen inkluderte en systematisk oversikt, fokusgruppeintervjuer og individuelle semistrukturerte intervju. Resultater: Seks behov for stĂžtte ble identifisert hos foreldrene: «Behov for Ă„ bli behandlet som en del av en hel familie», «hjelp til Ă„ bearbeide fĂžlelser av bebreidelse, skyld og skam», «behov for informasjon for Ă„ oppleve kontroll», «behov for Ă„ bli mĂžtt med tillit av ansatte», «tid til Ă„ ivareta egne grunnleggende personlige behov» og «behov for Ă„ tilegne seg ferdigheter som er nĂždvendig etter utskrivning». Konklusjoner og implikasjoner: Ansatte i brannskadeavdelinger bĂžr ta hensyn til de seks identifiserte behovene for foreldrestĂžtte og inkludere disse i en familie-sentrert omsorgstilnĂŠrming.Background: A paediatric burn injury affects the whole family, especially the parents who play a crucial role in supporting their child. However, little attention has so far been payed to the parents’ needs for support during a burn trajectory. Aims: The overall aim of this thesis was to gain a deeper understanding of parents’ lived experiences and need for support both when their child was hospitalised with an accidental burn injury and during the time following discharge; and to inform the development of a future support intervention for this parental group. The specific aims of the four studies were: 1) To systematically synthesise the literature focussing on support needs of parents of burn-injured, hospitalised children. 2) To explore staff members’ lived experiences of supporting parents with children hospitalised at a burn centre due to a burn injury. 3) To explore parents’ lived experiences of their need for support when having a child admitted to a burn centre. 4) To explore the lived experience of parents caring for their burn-injured child at home after being discharged from a burn centre. Methods: The four studies were structured by the development phase of the Medical Research Council’s framework for complex interventions, and a phenomenological hermeneutic approach was chosen using a Ricoeur-inspired textual analysis method. The data collection methods included an integrative review, focus group interviews and individual semi-structured interviews. Results: In this thesis, six parental needs for support were identified; Parents of burn-injured children need to be treated as a whole family; need help to process feelings of guilt, shame and blame; need to receive information to get a sense of control; need to be met with trust by staff members; need time to see to their own fundamental personal needs; and need to obtain the right skills necessary after discharge. Conclusions and implications: Each of the six parental needs for support ought to be addressed by burn staff members, through a care programme guided by a family-centred care approach.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Parents' lived experience of living with and caring for their burn-injured child in a home setting

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    Purpose When a burn injured child is discharged from hospital to its home, the responsibility for the after-care treatment is transferred to the parent(s). A knowledge gap exists concerning how parents experience caring for a burn-injured child at home after discharge. The aim is to gain an in-depth understanding of parents’ lived experience of living with and caring for their burn-injured child in a home setting. Methods Twenty-four parents of burn-injured children treated at a Norwegian burn centre were interviewed 74 to 195 days after the burn accident (June 2017 to November 2018). A phenomenological hermeneutic approach was chosen, using a Ricoeur-inspired textual in-depth analysis method. NVivo 12 Plus and COREQ were used. Results Four themes emerged. The parents’ experienced feelings had been embodied and would stay forever. They felt left alone to continue the medical treatment at home without having the necessary skills. The parents grieved over the lost past and feared the unknown future. They longed to meet or be contacted by staff members who knew them and their life situation. Conclusions Healthcare professionals should see returning home as part of the course of illness and that right support during the hospital can prevent challenges after discharge.publishedVersio

    Naken, blÀstrad & utstött : en studie om problematiken kring avhopp, vÀgen ut ur en destruktiv subkultur och  utmaningen i att bli en svensson

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    Studiens syfte var att undersöka olika projekt som specifikt arbetar med individer vilka önskar lÀmna en destruktiv subkultur och miljö. FrÄgestÀllningarna berörde vilka faktorer som yrkesutövarna upplever viktiga för individens in- och uttrÀde i/ur en destruktv subkultur, hur det kliniska arbetet kan se ut i dessa projekt samt hur yrkesutövare förhÄller sig till de olika faser individen genomgÄr i processen. Vi har gjort en intervjustudie och analyserat resultatet utefter tvÄ teorietiska utgÄngspunkter, vilka var exit-processen och push- och pullfaktorer. Studiens slutsatser Àr att individanpassade insatser ihop med relationens betydelse och individens motivation Àr avgörande för utfallet. Vi kan Àven dra slutsatsen att individens egenskaper och resurser nÀr det gÀller motivation, socialt nÀtverk och social situation underlÀttar processen till att lÀmna en destruktiv subkultur och miljö

    Support needs of parents of children with burns : A qualitative study of parents’ experiences and need for support in relation to their child’s burn injury during hospitalisation and after discharge

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    Bakgrunn: En brannskade hos barn pĂ„virker hele familien, spesielt rammes foreldrene som har en avgjĂžrende rolle i Ă„ ta vare pĂ„ sitt barn. Foreldres behov for stĂžtte gjennom brannskadeforlĂžpet har likevel hittil fĂ„tt lite oppmerksomhet. MĂ„l: Avhandlingens overordnede mĂ„l var Ă„ fĂ„ en dypere forstĂ„else for foreldrenes erfaringer og behov for stĂžtte, bĂ„de i lĂžpet av den tiden det brannskadde barnet var innlagt pĂ„ sykehus med en utilsiktet brannskade og i tiden etter utskrivning, samt Ă„ skape et grunnlag for Ă„ kunne utvikle en fremtidig intervensjon til stĂžtte for denne foreldregruppen. De spesifikke mĂ„lene med de fire studiene var: 1) Å systematisk syntetisere litteraturen som omhandler stĂžttebehov hos foreldre til brannskadde barn innlagt i sykehus. 2) Å utforske hvilke erfaringer helsepersonell ved en brannskadeavdeling har med Ă„ stĂžtte foreldre til brannskadde barn. 3) Å utforske foreldres behov for stĂžtte under innleggelsen av et barn pĂ„ en brannskadeavdeling. 4) Å utforske foreldres erfaringer med Ă„ ta seg av sitt brannskadde barn hjemme etter utskrivelse fra en brannskadeavdeling. Metoder: De fire studiene ble strukturert etter utviklingsfasen av the Medical Research Council’s rammeverk for komplekse intervensjoner, og det ble brukt en fenomenologisk hermeneutisk tilnĂŠrming med Ricoeur-inspirert tekstanalyse som metode. Datainnsamlingen inkluderte en systematisk oversikt, fokusgruppeintervjuer og individuelle semistrukturerte intervju. Resultater: Seks behov for stĂžtte ble identifisert hos foreldrene: «Behov for Ă„ bli behandlet som en del av en hel familie», «hjelp til Ă„ bearbeide fĂžlelser av bebreidelse, skyld og skam», «behov for informasjon for Ă„ oppleve kontroll», «behov for Ă„ bli mĂžtt med tillit av ansatte», «tid til Ă„ ivareta egne grunnleggende personlige behov» og «behov for Ă„ tilegne seg ferdigheter som er nĂždvendig etter utskrivning». Konklusjoner og implikasjoner: Ansatte i brannskadeavdelinger bĂžr ta hensyn til de seks identifiserte behovene for foreldrestĂžtte og inkludere disse i en familie-sentrert omsorgstilnĂŠrming

    Bygglogistik-ett examensarbete om byggbranschens logistik och dess lÄga produktivitetsutveckling

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    There is often talk about the construction industry and its reluctant to change. The industry also lags behind in productivity and cost reduction compared to other industries. Statistics from SCB shows that the costs of producing buildings have risen sharply over time, although the construction companies continue to build. We will therefore in this thesis examine the application of logistics in the construction industry and the problems involved. This is because a non-functioning logistics leads to higher costs. With the help of a literature review and interviews with people in the construction industry we will try to answer the following questions: o Are there any unique conditions for the construction industry, which explains its loweffectiveness? o Why hasn’t the construction industry improved its logistics at the same pace as other sectors? An explanation of the construction industry's slow pace of change may be that the urge from the market aren’t strong enough. The final customer has a weak position in the construction market and therefore customers demand doesn’t work as a good enough instruments. Wastage and embedded uncertainty is a common problem in a building project. Wasting is an activity that consumes resources but doesn’t create any value. Construction firms have thus created a tradition of working in high risk and uncertainties. The consequences of these risks and uncertainties are often negative, such as variations in process and variation outcome. Another common problem is fault in the construction, arising out of negligence, carelessness, ignorance or lack of clarity. The implications of these faults are high costs and poor quality of rectification. Many of these construction faults could be avoided by a deliberate planning, clear orders and good timing. The interaction between different actors is a major success factor in the manufacturing process. With good co-operation you save both time and money. Lean Construction is an application of Lean Production in the construction industry. The construction industry has in recent years realized that cooperation between building owners, contractors and suppliers are valuable. The construction industry has largely remained problems that previously existed in the automotive industry such as losses on the value of coordination problems, waiting times and information-related problems. If the construction process will be more influenced by Lean, there is great potential for streamlining. Since Sweden is very high in the pulp and paper industry, we have chosen to compare the construction industry with this industry. The technological processes in the pulp and paper industry have been intensified considerably in recent decades, which is the opposite of what the construction industry has made. One reason for is that the competition in the construction industry is low and therefore there is no need and desire to streamline themselves to oust their opponents. The construction industry has some unique conditions, the projects carries out in new places every time which makes it difficult to know the conditions for each new project. However, the construction industry would be more efficient and much waste could be reduced by better planning and better cooperation among the different actors.Det talas ofta om att byggbranschen Ă€r obenĂ€gen till förĂ€ndringar samt att den slĂ€par efter vad gĂ€ller produktivitetsutveckling och kostnadsreducering jĂ€mfört med andra branscher. Statistik frĂ„n SCB visar att kostnaderna för att producera byggnader har stigit kraftigt över tiden, trots detta fĂ„r byggföretagen fortsĂ€tta bygga . I detta examensarbete kommer det att undersökas hur logistiken tillĂ€mpas inom byggbranschen samt vilka problem som finns. Detta eftersom en icke fungerande logistik leder till högre kostnader. Med hjĂ€lp av en litteraturstudie och intervjuer med personer inom byggbranschen ska följande frĂ„gestĂ€llningar försöka besvaras: o Finns det unika förutsĂ€ttningar för byggbranschen som förklarar dess lĂ„ga effektivitet? o Varför har byggbranschen inte förbĂ€ttrat sin logistik i samma takt som andra sektorer?   En förklaring till byggbranschens lĂ„ngsamma förĂ€ndringstakt kan vara att drivkrafterna frĂ„n marknaden inte Ă€r tillrĂ€ckligt starka. Slutkunden har en svag stĂ€llning pĂ„ byggmarknaden och slutkundens efterfrĂ„gan fungerar inte som ett tillrĂ€ckligt bra styrmedel. Slöseri och inbyggda osĂ€kerheter Ă€r ett vanligt problem i ett byggprojekt. Slöseri Ă€r en aktivitet som förbrukar resurser men som inte skapar nĂ„got vĂ€rde. Byggföretagen har alltsĂ„ skapat en tradition av att arbeta under stora risker och osĂ€kerheter. Konsekvenserna av dessa risker och osĂ€kerheter Ă€r ofta negativa, t ex variation i processen och variation i slutresultatet. Ett annat vanligt problem Ă€r byggfel, som uppstĂ„r pĂ„ grund av slarv, nonchalans, okunskap eller otydlighet. Konsekvenserna av dessa byggfel Ă€r höga kostnader och bristande kvalitet vid Ă„tgĂ€rdande. MĂ„nga av dessa byggfel hade kunna motverkas med en genomtĂ€nkt projektering, tydliga bestĂ€llningar och en bra tidsplanering. Inom tillverkningsindustrin Ă€r samverkan mellan processens olika aktörer en stor framgĂ„ngsfaktor. Genom ett bra samarbete sparar man bĂ„de tid och pengar. Lean Construction Ă€r en tillĂ€mpning av Lean Production inom byggindustrin. För att effektivisera byggprocesser bör man förbĂ€ttra samverkansklimatet. Inom byggbranschen har man de senaste Ă„ren insett att samarbete mellan byggherrar, entreprenörer och leverantörer Ă€r vĂ€rdefullt. Byggindustrin har i stor utstrĂ€ckning kvar problem som tidigare fanns inom bilindustrin sĂ„som vĂ€rdeförluster vid samordningsproblem, vĂ€ntetider och informationsrelaterade problem. Om byggprocessen blir mer influerad av Lean finns det stora möjligheter för effektivisering. DĂ„ Sverige Ă€r vĂ€ldigt stora inom massa- och pappersindustrin kommer det att göras en jĂ€mförelse mellan byggindustrin och denna industri. De teknologiska processerna i massa- och pappersindustrin har effektiverats kraftigt under de senaste decennierna vilket Ă€r motsatsen till vad byggindustrin har gjort. En av anledningarna till detta tros vara att konkurrensen inom byggindustrin Ă€r lĂ„g och dĂ€rför finns inte behov och vilja att effektivisera sig för att konkurrera ut sina motstĂ„ndare. Byggbranschen har till viss del unika förutsĂ€ttningar, projekten utförs pĂ„ nya platser varje gĂ„ng vilket gör det svĂ„rt att veta vilka förutsĂ€ttningar som finns för varje nytt projekt. Dock skulle byggbranschen kunna effektiviseras och mycket slöseri skulle kunna minskas med bĂ€ttre planering och bĂ€ttre samarbete mellan projektets olika aktörer

    Bygglogistik-ett examensarbete om byggbranschens logistik och dess lÄga produktivitetsutveckling

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    There is often talk about the construction industry and its reluctant to change. The industry also lags behind in productivity and cost reduction compared to other industries. Statistics from SCB shows that the costs of producing buildings have risen sharply over time, although the construction companies continue to build. We will therefore in this thesis examine the application of logistics in the construction industry and the problems involved. This is because a non-functioning logistics leads to higher costs. With the help of a literature review and interviews with people in the construction industry we will try to answer the following questions: o Are there any unique conditions for the construction industry, which explains its loweffectiveness? o Why hasn’t the construction industry improved its logistics at the same pace as other sectors? An explanation of the construction industry's slow pace of change may be that the urge from the market aren’t strong enough. The final customer has a weak position in the construction market and therefore customers demand doesn’t work as a good enough instruments. Wastage and embedded uncertainty is a common problem in a building project. Wasting is an activity that consumes resources but doesn’t create any value. Construction firms have thus created a tradition of working in high risk and uncertainties. The consequences of these risks and uncertainties are often negative, such as variations in process and variation outcome. Another common problem is fault in the construction, arising out of negligence, carelessness, ignorance or lack of clarity. The implications of these faults are high costs and poor quality of rectification. Many of these construction faults could be avoided by a deliberate planning, clear orders and good timing. The interaction between different actors is a major success factor in the manufacturing process. With good co-operation you save both time and money. Lean Construction is an application of Lean Production in the construction industry. The construction industry has in recent years realized that cooperation between building owners, contractors and suppliers are valuable. The construction industry has largely remained problems that previously existed in the automotive industry such as losses on the value of coordination problems, waiting times and information-related problems. If the construction process will be more influenced by Lean, there is great potential for streamlining. Since Sweden is very high in the pulp and paper industry, we have chosen to compare the construction industry with this industry. The technological processes in the pulp and paper industry have been intensified considerably in recent decades, which is the opposite of what the construction industry has made. One reason for is that the competition in the construction industry is low and therefore there is no need and desire to streamline themselves to oust their opponents. The construction industry has some unique conditions, the projects carries out in new places every time which makes it difficult to know the conditions for each new project. However, the construction industry would be more efficient and much waste could be reduced by better planning and better cooperation among the different actors.Det talas ofta om att byggbranschen Ă€r obenĂ€gen till förĂ€ndringar samt att den slĂ€par efter vad gĂ€ller produktivitetsutveckling och kostnadsreducering jĂ€mfört med andra branscher. Statistik frĂ„n SCB visar att kostnaderna för att producera byggnader har stigit kraftigt över tiden, trots detta fĂ„r byggföretagen fortsĂ€tta bygga . I detta examensarbete kommer det att undersökas hur logistiken tillĂ€mpas inom byggbranschen samt vilka problem som finns. Detta eftersom en icke fungerande logistik leder till högre kostnader. Med hjĂ€lp av en litteraturstudie och intervjuer med personer inom byggbranschen ska följande frĂ„gestĂ€llningar försöka besvaras: o Finns det unika förutsĂ€ttningar för byggbranschen som förklarar dess lĂ„ga effektivitet? o Varför har byggbranschen inte förbĂ€ttrat sin logistik i samma takt som andra sektorer?   En förklaring till byggbranschens lĂ„ngsamma förĂ€ndringstakt kan vara att drivkrafterna frĂ„n marknaden inte Ă€r tillrĂ€ckligt starka. Slutkunden har en svag stĂ€llning pĂ„ byggmarknaden och slutkundens efterfrĂ„gan fungerar inte som ett tillrĂ€ckligt bra styrmedel. Slöseri och inbyggda osĂ€kerheter Ă€r ett vanligt problem i ett byggprojekt. Slöseri Ă€r en aktivitet som förbrukar resurser men som inte skapar nĂ„got vĂ€rde. Byggföretagen har alltsĂ„ skapat en tradition av att arbeta under stora risker och osĂ€kerheter. Konsekvenserna av dessa risker och osĂ€kerheter Ă€r ofta negativa, t ex variation i processen och variation i slutresultatet. Ett annat vanligt problem Ă€r byggfel, som uppstĂ„r pĂ„ grund av slarv, nonchalans, okunskap eller otydlighet. Konsekvenserna av dessa byggfel Ă€r höga kostnader och bristande kvalitet vid Ă„tgĂ€rdande. MĂ„nga av dessa byggfel hade kunna motverkas med en genomtĂ€nkt projektering, tydliga bestĂ€llningar och en bra tidsplanering. Inom tillverkningsindustrin Ă€r samverkan mellan processens olika aktörer en stor framgĂ„ngsfaktor. Genom ett bra samarbete sparar man bĂ„de tid och pengar. Lean Construction Ă€r en tillĂ€mpning av Lean Production inom byggindustrin. För att effektivisera byggprocesser bör man förbĂ€ttra samverkansklimatet. Inom byggbranschen har man de senaste Ă„ren insett att samarbete mellan byggherrar, entreprenörer och leverantörer Ă€r vĂ€rdefullt. Byggindustrin har i stor utstrĂ€ckning kvar problem som tidigare fanns inom bilindustrin sĂ„som vĂ€rdeförluster vid samordningsproblem, vĂ€ntetider och informationsrelaterade problem. Om byggprocessen blir mer influerad av Lean finns det stora möjligheter för effektivisering. DĂ„ Sverige Ă€r vĂ€ldigt stora inom massa- och pappersindustrin kommer det att göras en jĂ€mförelse mellan byggindustrin och denna industri. De teknologiska processerna i massa- och pappersindustrin har effektiverats kraftigt under de senaste decennierna vilket Ă€r motsatsen till vad byggindustrin har gjort. En av anledningarna till detta tros vara att konkurrensen inom byggindustrin Ă€r lĂ„g och dĂ€rför finns inte behov och vilja att effektivisera sig för att konkurrera ut sina motstĂ„ndare. Byggbranschen har till viss del unika förutsĂ€ttningar, projekten utförs pĂ„ nya platser varje gĂ„ng vilket gör det svĂ„rt att veta vilka förutsĂ€ttningar som finns för varje nytt projekt. Dock skulle byggbranschen kunna effektiviseras och mycket slöseri skulle kunna minskas med bĂ€ttre planering och bĂ€ttre samarbete mellan projektets olika aktörer

    I follow you because I trust in you

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    Influencermarknadsföring ses idag som det mest effektiva sĂ€ttet att nĂ„ kunder i deras vardag. Idag bestĂ„r företagets marknadsföringsbudgetar frĂ€mst av influencer marknadsföringsaktiviteter. Företag söker influencers som kan kommunicera och förmedla företagets budskap via sina sociala medieplattformar till sina anhĂ€ngare - företagens potentiella kunder. Följande studie syftar till att undersöka förhĂ„llandet mellan influencers och deras följare samt hur detta pĂ„verkar följarens förtroende till influencern. Detta kommer att ske genom att utvĂ€rdera följarnas uppfattning om influencerns Ă€rlighet och Ă€kthet samt vidare analysera hur det pĂ„verkar influencerns trovĂ€rdighet i sina samarbeten med ett varumĂ€rken. För att förstĂ„ hur influencers trovĂ€rdighet pĂ„verkas av deras val samarbeten, kommer relationen mellan influencers personal brand och företagets identitet att undersökas ytterligare. Detta kommer att för att förstĂ„ hur brand fit pĂ„verkar följarnas relation betrĂ€ffande förtroende till influencern. Studien bestĂ„r av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer som syftar till att ge en djupare förstĂ„else i Ă€mnet. En kvantitativ digital undersökning har ocksĂ„ gjorts för att ge lĂ€saren en allmĂ€n förstĂ„else för unga kvinnors relation med influencers pĂ„ Instagram. Genom att analysera det empiriska materialet finner vi att Ă€rlighet i influencers samarbeten kommer att generera följares tillit till influencern. Om influencern samarbetar med ett företag som inte överensstĂ€mmer med dennes personal brand, kommer följarnas förtroende till influencern att skadas och influencern uppfattas som oĂ€rlig och falsk. Detta kommer ocksĂ„ att skada influencerns personal brand. Vidare finner vi att ett lĂ„ngt förhĂ„llandet mellan influencern och deras följare skapar ett stabilt förhĂ„llande gĂ€llande tillit, Ă€rlighet och Ă€kthet Ă€ven i samarbeten. Det hĂ€r Ă€r ocksĂ„ fallet med ambassadörskap, dĂ€r ett lĂ„ngt förhĂ„llande mellan en influencer och ett varumĂ€rke överensstĂ€mmer med varandra. Detta genererar i ökad trovĂ€rdighet frĂ„n influencerns följare.Influencer marketing is today seen to be the most effective way to reach customers in their everyday life. Today, companies marketing budgets consists mostly of influencer marketing activities. Companies are searching for influencers who can communicate and convey the companies message through their social media platforms to their followers - the companies potential customers. The following study aims to investigate the relationship between influencers and their followers and how this affects the followers trust towards the influencer. This will be done by evaluating followers perception of the influencers honesty and authenticity and further analyze how this affects the influencers trustworthiness in their collaborations with a brand. To understand how the influencers trustworthiness is affected by their choice of collaboration, the relationship between the influencers personal brand and the company's identity will be investigated further. This will be done to understand how brand fit affects the followers relationship in terms of trustworthiness. The study consists of qualitative semi structured interviews which aims to provide a depth to the survey. A quantitative digital survey has also been done to provide the reader with a general understanding of young women’s relationship with influencers on Instagram. By analyzing the empirical material we find that honesty in influencers collaborations will generate in followers trust towards the influencer. If the influencer collaborates with a company that is not in line with the influencers personal brand, the followers trust towards the influencer will be damaged and the influencer will be seen as dishonest and fake. This will also damage the influencers personal brand. Further, we find that long relationship between the influencer and their followers creates a more stable relationship in case of trust, honesty and authenticity even in the influencers collaborations. This is also the case of ambassadorship, where a long relationship between an influencer and a brand correspond with each other. This reflects in generated trustworthiness from the influencers followers

    I follow you because I trust in you

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    Influencermarknadsföring ses idag som det mest effektiva sĂ€ttet att nĂ„ kunder i deras vardag. Idag bestĂ„r företagets marknadsföringsbudgetar frĂ€mst av influencer marknadsföringsaktiviteter. Företag söker influencers som kan kommunicera och förmedla företagets budskap via sina sociala medieplattformar till sina anhĂ€ngare - företagens potentiella kunder. Följande studie syftar till att undersöka förhĂ„llandet mellan influencers och deras följare samt hur detta pĂ„verkar följarens förtroende till influencern. Detta kommer att ske genom att utvĂ€rdera följarnas uppfattning om influencerns Ă€rlighet och Ă€kthet samt vidare analysera hur det pĂ„verkar influencerns trovĂ€rdighet i sina samarbeten med ett varumĂ€rken. För att förstĂ„ hur influencers trovĂ€rdighet pĂ„verkas av deras val samarbeten, kommer relationen mellan influencers personal brand och företagets identitet att undersökas ytterligare. Detta kommer att för att förstĂ„ hur brand fit pĂ„verkar följarnas relation betrĂ€ffande förtroende till influencern. Studien bestĂ„r av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer som syftar till att ge en djupare förstĂ„else i Ă€mnet. En kvantitativ digital undersökning har ocksĂ„ gjorts för att ge lĂ€saren en allmĂ€n förstĂ„else för unga kvinnors relation med influencers pĂ„ Instagram. Genom att analysera det empiriska materialet finner vi att Ă€rlighet i influencers samarbeten kommer att generera följares tillit till influencern. Om influencern samarbetar med ett företag som inte överensstĂ€mmer med dennes personal brand, kommer följarnas förtroende till influencern att skadas och influencern uppfattas som oĂ€rlig och falsk. Detta kommer ocksĂ„ att skada influencerns personal brand. Vidare finner vi att ett lĂ„ngt förhĂ„llandet mellan influencern och deras följare skapar ett stabilt förhĂ„llande gĂ€llande tillit, Ă€rlighet och Ă€kthet Ă€ven i samarbeten. Det hĂ€r Ă€r ocksĂ„ fallet med ambassadörskap, dĂ€r ett lĂ„ngt förhĂ„llande mellan en influencer och ett varumĂ€rke överensstĂ€mmer med varandra. Detta genererar i ökad trovĂ€rdighet frĂ„n influencerns följare.Influencer marketing is today seen to be the most effective way to reach customers in their everyday life. Today, companies marketing budgets consists mostly of influencer marketing activities. Companies are searching for influencers who can communicate and convey the companies message through their social media platforms to their followers - the companies potential customers. The following study aims to investigate the relationship between influencers and their followers and how this affects the followers trust towards the influencer. This will be done by evaluating followers perception of the influencers honesty and authenticity and further analyze how this affects the influencers trustworthiness in their collaborations with a brand. To understand how the influencers trustworthiness is affected by their choice of collaboration, the relationship between the influencers personal brand and the company's identity will be investigated further. This will be done to understand how brand fit affects the followers relationship in terms of trustworthiness. The study consists of qualitative semi structured interviews which aims to provide a depth to the survey. A quantitative digital survey has also been done to provide the reader with a general understanding of young women’s relationship with influencers on Instagram. By analyzing the empirical material we find that honesty in influencers collaborations will generate in followers trust towards the influencer. If the influencer collaborates with a company that is not in line with the influencers personal brand, the followers trust towards the influencer will be damaged and the influencer will be seen as dishonest and fake. This will also damage the influencers personal brand. Further, we find that long relationship between the influencer and their followers creates a more stable relationship in case of trust, honesty and authenticity even in the influencers collaborations. This is also the case of ambassadorship, where a long relationship between an influencer and a brand correspond with each other. This reflects in generated trustworthiness from the influencers followers

    Parents' lived experiences of parental needs for support at a burn centre

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    Purpose: A burn injury to a child is a traumatic event and the parent’s emotional reactions and coping strategies affect the child’s adaptive outcome. It is therefore important that parents get the right support. The aim was to explore parents’ lived experiences of their need for support when having a child admitted to a burn centre. Methods: Semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted with 22 parents of children age <12 years hospitalised with an accidental burn injury, 9 to 27 days after the burn accident, from April 2017 to July 2018. A Ricoeur-inspired textual analysis method was used. Results: Four themes emerged from the analysis and describe the parents’ needs for support. The parents wanted to be taken care of as a whole family and feel safe in the hands of professionals. This, in turn, depended on being informed about the child’s condition and treatment, but also on getting help in dealing with feelings of guilt. Not least, parents wanted opportunities to take care of their own fundamental needs in terms of hygiene, food, adequate rest and activities. Conclusion: As an overall understanding the healthcare providers should focus on the family as a whole in care and treatment