88 research outputs found

    Development of a Multivariate Prediction Model for Early-Onset Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome and Restrictive Allograft Syndrome in Lung Transplantation.

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    Chronic lung allograft dysfunction and its main phenotypes, bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) and restrictive allograft syndrome (RAS), are major causes of mortality after lung transplantation (LT). RAS and early-onset BOS, developing within 3 years after LT, are associated with particularly inferior clinical outcomes. Prediction models for early-onset BOS and RAS have not been previously described. LT recipients of the French and Swiss transplant cohorts were eligible for inclusion in the SysCLAD cohort if they were alive with at least 2 years of follow-up but less than 3 years, or if they died or were retransplanted at any time less than 3 years. These patients were assessed for early-onset BOS, RAS, or stable allograft function by an adjudication committee. Baseline characteristics, data on surgery, immunosuppression, and year-1 follow-up were collected. Prediction models for BOS and RAS were developed using multivariate logistic regression and multivariate multinomial analysis. Among patients fulfilling the eligibility criteria, we identified 149 stable, 51 BOS, and 30 RAS subjects. The best prediction model for early-onset BOS and RAS included the underlying diagnosis, induction treatment, immunosuppression, and year-1 class II donor-specific antibodies (DSAs). Within this model, class II DSAs were associated with BOS and RAS, whereas pre-LT diagnoses of interstitial lung disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were associated with RAS. Although these findings need further validation, results indicate that specific baseline and year-1 parameters may serve as predictors of BOS or RAS by 3 years post-LT. Their identification may allow intervention or guide risk stratification, aiming for an individualized patient management approach

    Évaluation de la ventilation non invasive Ă  domicile chez le sujet ĂągĂ©

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    La population ĂągĂ©e dans les pays dĂ©veloppĂ©s est en augmentation constante depuis plusieurs dĂ©cennies et est marquĂ©e par une prĂ©valence importante de l'insuffisance respiratoire chronique. La ventilation non invasive au long cours est un traitement efficace de l'IRC au stade d'hypoventilation alvĂ©olaire mais nĂ©cessite une bonne coopĂ©ration du sujet pouvant faire dĂ©faut chez les patients ĂągĂ©s. A partir des donnĂ©es d'une Ă©tude de cohorte multicentrique nous avons analysĂ© la tolĂ©rance de la VNI chez les patients de 75 ans et plus. Cinquante quatre patients Ă©taient ĂągĂ©s de 75 ans et plus Ă  l'inclusion. L'Ă©tiologie majoritaire de l'IRC sur l'ensemble de la cohorte et parmi les patients les plus ĂągĂ©s est le syndrome obĂ©sitĂ©/hypoventilation alvĂ©olaire. Sur l'ensemble de la cohorte le taux de dĂ©sappareillage est faible et l'observance est satisfaisante. L'analyse comparative montre que l'observance et la qualitĂ© de vie chez les patients ĂągĂ©s ne diffĂšre pas du reste de la cohorte. En revanche, il existe un risque plus important de dĂ©sappareillage chez les patients ĂągĂ©s de 80 ans et plus. Une altĂ©ration sĂ©vĂšre des fonctions cognitives Ă  l'initiation de la VNI semble ĂȘtre un facteur pĂ©joratif pour l'observance et la tolĂ©rance au long cours. En revanche le statut de vie en couple n'a pas d'influence dans cette population. Finalement la VNI semble avoir un effet bĂ©nĂ©fique Ă  deux ans de suivi sur les fonctions cognitives des patients de plus de 75 ans.NANTES-BU MĂ©decine pharmacie (441092101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Comparison of models to analyze mortality data and derive concentration-time response relationship of inhaled chemicals

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    International audienceThe derivation of thresholds for lethal effects for inhaled chemicals is a key issue in accidental risk management because they largely determine the outcome of land use planning, among which localization of habitations in the vicinity of a factory. This derivation is generally performed on the basis of rodent lethality data analyzed by statistical models able to extrapolate effects for different times and concentrations of exposure. A model commonly used in France is the standard probit model. In this model, effects is related to exposure concentration and duration according to the Haber's law and considers that individual thresholds, corresponding to the maximum tolerated effects before dying, are log-normally distributed among the population. This approach has been criticized for its lack of biological parameters and its inability to treat data characterized by only one time of exposure. In order to improve the current state of modeling, we proposed three alternative models. Two of them (DEBtox and Haber-TKTD models) incorporate the kinetics of the chemicals. The third one (Loguniform model) is a linearization of the standard probit model. We evaluated their performance by analyzing real data and simulated data generated with each model. For data characterized by several times of exposure, the standard probit model outperformed all other models in terms of goodness of fits and estimation of parameters. For data characterized by only one time of exposure, only DEBtox model was able to fit the data and estimate parameters, provided we dispose of several observation times, typically just after exposure and a long period afterwards

    Internal Tides Energy Transfers and Interactions with the Mesoscale Circulation in Two Contrasted Areas of the North Atlantic

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    International audienceAbstract The energy budget of the internal tide and its life cycle is investigated with a high resolution numerical simulation and a vertical normal mode decomposition. Two areas of interest are considered: the Azores Islands over the mid Atlantic ridge and the Gulf Stream offshore the North of the US East coast shelf break. Low mode (1 and 2) internal tides are found to propagate from 100 km (mode 2) to 1000 km (mode 1) away from their generation sites. Waves loose a significant portion of their energy as they propagate through the Gulf Stream, in contrast to the Azores domain. In the Gulf Stream domain, the mesoscale circulation is responsible for energy transfers from low to high modes internal tides, while the topographic scattering is dominant in the Azores area. This transfer of energy toward high modes favours energy dissipation. The mesoscale is significant in the energy budget of modes higher than mode 1 for both domains, and for all baroclinic modes in the Gulf Stream area. The internal tide is found to extract or loose energy toward the mesoscale circulation, but this accounts for less than 14%, of the energy scattered from low internal tide modes to higher ones once summed over all contributions of the modal energy budget

    Early Identification of Chronic Lung Allograft Dysfunction: The Need of Biomarkers

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    International audienceA growing number of patients with end-stage lung disease have benefited from lung transplantation (LT). Improvements in organ procurement, surgical techniques and intensive care management have greatly increased short-term graft survival. However, long-term outcomes remain limited, mainly due to the onset of chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD), whose diagnosis is based on permanent loss of lung function after the development of irreversible lung lesions. CLAD is associated with high mortality and morbidity, and its exact physiopathology is still only partially understood. Many researchers and clinicians have searched for CLAD biomarkers to improve diagnosis, to refine the phenotypes associated with differential prognosis and to identify early biological processes that lead to CLAD to enable an early intervention that could modify the inevitable degradation of respiratory function. Donor-specific antibodies are currently the only biomarkers used in routine clinical practice, and their significance for accurately predicting CLAD is still debated. We describe here significant studies that have highlighted potential candidates for reliable and non-invasive biomarkers of CLAD in the fields of imaging and functional monitoring, humoral immunity, cell-mediated immunity, allograft injury, airway remodeling and gene expression. Such biomarkers would improve CLAD prediction and allow differential LT management regarding CLAD risk

    NonTuberculous Mycobacteria infection and lung transplantation in cystic fibrosis: a worldwide survey of clinical practice

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    Abstract Background In people with cystic fibrosis infection with NonTuberculous Mycobacteria is of increasing prevalence. Mycobacterium abscessus complex is of particular concern and has been associated with adverse clinical outcomes. Optimal treatment usually requires multiple antibiotics for over 12 months. When considering lung transplantation for patients with NonTuberculous Mycobacteria potential benefits must be balanced against the risks of uncontrolled infection post-transplant and significant side-effects associated with treatment. In this survey we assessed current international practice with regard to assessing and listing patients for lung transplantation. Methods We designed a questionnaire enquiring about local practice regarding screening for NonTuberculous Mycobacteria infection, specific contra-indications to transplantation, management and segregation of patients pre- and post-transplant. The survey was sent via e-mail to 37 paediatric and adult lung transplant centres across Europe, North America and Australia. Results We gathered complete questionnaires from 21 centres (57% response rate). Few centres (29%) have a clear written policy regarding NonTuberculous Mycobacteria. Sixteen (76%) centres require molecular identification of NonTuberculous Mycobacteria species. Only four centres would consider infection with M. abscessus complex in itself a contra-indication for listing, however 76% regard it as a relative contra-indication. Eighty-six percent require treatment pre-transplantation. Finally, only 61% of centres had a clear policy regarding segration of patients pre-transplant and 48% post-transplant. Conclusions The issue of NonTuberculous Mycobacteria infection in people with cystic fibrosis requiring lung transplantation is well-recognized however current international recommendations are not detailed and there is variation in practice between centres. There is an urgent requirement for high quality clinical data to inform decision-making

    Évaluation de l'Ă©tat des habitats benthiques du RhĂŽne. Campagnes de terrain sur 10 stations rĂ©parties sur le RhĂŽne. OSR6 | Axe C - Action C1 | Rapport scientifique intermĂ©diaire

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    L’état du fond caillouteux des cours d’eau reprĂ©sente une composante importante de la qualitĂ© hydromorphologique car il sert de substrat et de support Ă  de nombreuses espĂšces aquatiques (animales et vĂ©gĂ©tales). Il joue dĂšs lors un rĂŽle majeur sur la prĂ©servation de la biodiversitĂ© du cours d’eau. L’objectif de cette action est de dĂ©terminer quel est l’état interstitiel du fond caillouteux du lit des Vieux RhĂŽne dans les secteurs restaurĂ©s et non restaurĂ©s, concourant Ă  mieux Ă©valuer la qualitĂ© des habitats benthiques et hyporhĂ©iques, ainsi que l’effet des actions de restauration sur l’état de ce fond.Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  cet objectif, un suivi temporel Ă  haute frĂ©quence sur dix stations a dĂ©butĂ© en septembre 2021. Le choix des stations s’est opĂ©rĂ© dans un souci d’obtenir une diversitĂ© de contextes gĂ©ographiques et une diversitĂ© en termes de fonctionnement hydro-sĂ©dimentaire (e.g. secteurs rechargĂ©s en sĂ©diments, secteurs de rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  fort transport solide et secteurs pavĂ©s). La technique utilisĂ©e consiste Ă  prĂ©lever un Ă©chantillon du fond du lit Ă  l’aide d’un « Ă©chantillonneur Mc Neil ». Ainsi, l’évaluation du colmatage se base sur la dĂ©termination de la composition granulomĂ©trique de la zone hyporhĂ©ique et plus particuliĂšrement sur la part de sĂ©diments fins (< 2 mm) de l’échantillon. Au terme des trois premiĂšres campagnes de mesures, les premiers rĂ©sultats confirment que les stations de rĂ©fĂ©rence possĂšdent bien les pourcentages de sĂ©diments fins les plus faibles (entre 1 et 7 %). Les stations pavĂ©es montent un pourcentage de fines plus variable, avec notamment deux stations qui dĂ©passent le seuil de 20 % (Belley et Pierre-BĂ©nite). Quant aux stations situĂ©es en aval des recharges sĂ©dimentaires, elles comportent entre 6 et 13 % de fines, et montrent peu d’évolution sur la pĂ©riode Ă©tudiĂ©e malgrĂ© l’occurrence de crues morphogĂšnes
