35 research outputs found

    A novel theoretical and experimental approach permits a systems view on stochastic intracellular Ca 2+ signalling

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    Ca(2+)-Ionen sind ein universeller sekundärer Botenstoff in eukaryotischen Zellen und übertragen Information durch wiederholte, kurzzeitige Erhöhungen der cytosolischen Ca(2+)-Konzentration (Ca(2+) Spikes). Ein bekannter Mechanismus, der solche Ca(2+)-Signale erzeugt, beinhaltet die Freisetzung von Ca(2+)-Ionen aus dem endoplasmatischen Retikulum durch IP3-sensitive Kanäle. Puffs sind elementare Ereignisse der Ca(2+)-Freisetzung durch einzelne Cluster von Ca(2+)-Kanälen. Intrazelluläre Ca(2+)-Dynamik ist ein stochastisches System, allerdings konnte bisher keine vollständige stochastische Theorie entwickelt werden. Die vorliegende Dissertation formuliert die Theorie mit Hilfe von Interpuffintervallen und Pufflängen, da diese Größen im Gegensatz zu den Eigenschaften der Einzelkanäle direkt messbar sind. Die Theorie reproduziert das typische Spektrum bekannter Ca(2+)-Signale. Die Signalform und das durchschnittliche Interspikeinterval (ISI) hängen sensitiv von den genauen Eigenschaften und der räumlichen Anordnung der Cluster ab. Im Gegensatz dazu hängt die Beziehung zwischen Mittelwert und Standardabweichung der ISI weder von den Clustereigenschaften noch von der räumlichen Anordnung ab, sondern wird lediglich von globalen Feedbackprozessen im Ca(2+)-Signalweg reguliert. Diese Beziehung ist essentiell für die Funktion des Signalwegs, da sie trotz der Zufälligkeit der ISI eine Frequenzkodierung ermöglicht und den maximalen Informationsgehalt der Spikesequenzen bestimmt. Neben der theoretischen Analyse enthält die vorliegende Arbeit auch experimentelle Puff- und Spikemessungen an lebenden HEK-Zellen, die wichtige Ergebnisse verifizieren. Insgesamt wird durch die integrierte theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchung auf verschiedenen Stufen molekularer Organisation gezeigt, dass stochastische Ca(2+)-Signale verlässliche Informationsträger sind, und dass der Mechanismus durch globalen Feedback an die spezifischen Anforderungen eines Signalpfads angepasst werden kann.Ca(2+) is a universal second messenger in eukaryotic cells transmitting information through sequences of concentration spikes. A prominent mechanism to generate these spikes involves Ca(2+) release from the endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) store via IP3-sensitive channels. Puffs are elemental events of IP3-induced Ca(2+) release through single clusters of channels. Intracellular Ca(2+) dynamics are a stochastic system, but a complete stochastic theory has not been developed yet. As a new concept, this thesis formulates the theory in terms of interpuff interval and puff duration distributions, since unlike the properties of individual channels, they can be measured in vivo. This leads to a non-Markovian description of system dynamics, for which analytical solutions and efficient stochastic simulation techniques are derived. The theory reproduces the typical spectrum of Ca(2+) signals. Signal form and average interspike interval (ISI) depend sensitively on detailed properties and spatial arrangement of clusters. In difference to that, the relation between the average and the standard deviation of ISIs does not depend on cluster properties and cluster arrangement, and it is robust with respect to cell variability. It can only be regulated by global feedback processes in the Ca(2+) signalling pathway. That relation is essential for pathway function, since it ensures frequency encoding despite the randomness of ISIs and determines the maximal spike train information content. Apart from the theoretical investigation, this thesis verifies key results by live cell imaging of Ca(2+) spikes and puffs in HEK cells. Hence, this work comprises a systems level investigation of Ca(2+) signals, integrating data and theory from different levels of molecular organisation. It demonstrates that stochastic Ca(2+) signals can transmit information reliably, and that the mechanism can be adapted to the specific needs of a pathway by global feedback

    Modeling Cell-to-Cell Communication Networks Using Response-Time Distributions.

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    Cell-to-cell communication networks have critical roles in coordinating diverse organismal processes, such as tissue development or immune cell response. However, compared with intracellular signal transduction networks, the function and engineering principles of cell-to-cell communication networks are far less understood. Major complications include: cells are themselves regulated by complex intracellular signaling networks; individual cells are heterogeneous; and output of any one cell can recursively become an additional input signal to other cells. Here, we make use of a framework that treats intracellular signal transduction networks as "black boxes" with characterized input-to-output response relationships. We study simple cell-to-cell communication circuit motifs and find conditions that generate bimodal responses in time, as well as mechanisms for independently controlling synchronization and delay of cell-population responses. We apply our modeling approach to explain otherwise puzzling data on cytokine secretion onset times in T cells. Our approach can be used to predict communication network structure using experimentally accessible input-to-output measurements and without detailed knowledge of intermediate steps

    Three-Dimensional Gradients of Cytokine Signaling between T Cells

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    Immune responses are regulated by diffusible mediators, the cytokines, which act at sub-nanomolar concentrations. The spatial range of cytokine communication is a crucial, yet poorly understood, functional property. Both containment of cytokine action in narrow junctions between immune cells (immunological synapses) and global signaling throughout entire lymph nodes have been proposed, but the conditions under which they might occur are not clear. Here we analyze spatially three-dimensional reaction-diffusion models for the dynamics of cytokine signaling at two successive scales: in immunological synapses and in dense multicellular environments. For realistic parameter values, we observe local spatial gradients, with the cytokine concentration around secreting cells decaying sharply across only a few cell diameters. Focusing on the well-characterized T-cell cytokine interleukin-2, we show how cytokine secretion and competitive uptake determine this signaling range. Uptake is shaped locally by the geometry of the immunological synapse. However, even for narrow synapses, which favor intrasynaptic cytokine consumption, escape fluxes into the extrasynaptic space are expected to be substantial (≥20% of secretion). Hence paracrine signaling will generally extend beyond the synapse but can be limited to cellular microenvironments through uptake by target cells or strong competitors, such as regulatory T cells. By contrast, long-range cytokine signaling requires a high density of cytokine producers or weak consumption (e.g., by sparsely distributed target cells). Thus in a physiological setting, cytokine gradients between cells, and not bulk-phase concentrations, are crucial for cell-to-cell communication, emphasizing the need for spatially resolved data on cytokine signaling

    Data-Driven Mathematical Model of Apoptosis Regulation in Memory Plasma Cells

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    Memory plasma cells constitutively produce copious amounts of antibodies, imposing a critical risk factor for autoimmune disease. We previously found that plasma cell survival requires secreted factors such as APRIL and direct contact to stromal cells, which act in concert to activate NF-κB- and PI3K-dependent signaling pathways to prevent cell death. However, the regulatory properties of the underlying biochemical network are confounded by the complexity of potential interaction and cross-regulation pathways. Here, based on flow-cytometric quantification of key signaling proteins in the presence or absence of the survival signals APRIL and contact to the stromal cell line ST2, we generated a quantitative model of plasma cell survival. Our model emphasizes the non-redundant nature of the two plasma cell survival signals APRIL and stromal cell contact, and highlights a requirement for differential regulation of individual caspases. The modeling approach allowed us to unify distinct data sets and derive a consistent picture of the intertwined signaling and apoptosis pathways regulating plasma cell survival.Leibniz associationLeibniz ScienceCampus Chronic inflammationDeutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftInnovative Medicines InitiativeDr. Rolf M. Schwiete FoundationPeer Reviewe

    Dissecting the dynamic transcriptional landscape of early T helper cell differentiation into Th1, Th2, and Th1/2 hybrid cells

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    Selective differentiation of CD4+ T helper (Th) cells into specialized subsets such as Th1 and Th2 cells is a key element of the adaptive immune system driving appropriate immune responses. Besides those canonical Th-cell lineages, hybrid phenotypes such as Th1/2 cells arise in vivo, and their generation could be reproduced in vitro. While master-regulator transcription factors like T-bet for Th1 and GATA-3 for Th2 cells drive and maintain differentiation into the canonical lineages, the transcriptional architecture of hybrid phenotypes is less well understood. In particular, it has remained unclear whether a hybrid phenotype implies a mixture of the effects of several canonical lineages for each gene, or rather a bimodal behavior across genes. Th-cell differentiation is a dynamic process in which the regulatory factors are modulated over time, but longitudinal studies of Th-cell differentiation are sparse. Here, we present a dynamic transcriptome analysis following Th-cell differentiation into Th1, Th2, and Th1/2 hybrid cells at 3-h time intervals in the first hours after stimulation. We identified an early bifurcation point in gene expression programs, and we found that only a minority of ~20% of Th cell-specific genes showed mixed effects from both Th1 and Th2 cells on Th1/2 hybrid cells. While most genes followed either Th1- or Th2-cell gene expression, another fraction of ~20% of genes followed a Th1 and Th2 cell-independent transcriptional program associated with the transcription factors STAT1 and STAT4. Overall, our results emphasize the key role of high-resolution longitudinal data for the characterization of cellular phenotypes.Peer Reviewe

    Fundamental properties of Ca²⁺ signals

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    Background Ca²⁺ is a ubiquitous and versatile second messenger that transmits information through changes of the cytosolic Ca²⁺ concentration. Recent investigations changed basic ideas on the dynamic character of Ca²⁺ signals and challenge traditional ideas on information transmission. Scope of review We present recent findings on key characteristics of the cytosolic Ca²⁺ dynamics and theoretical concepts that explain the wide range of experimentally observed Ca²⁺ signals. Further, we relate properties of the dynamical regulation of the cytosolic Ca²⁺ concentration to ideas about information transmission by stochastic signals. Major conclusions We demonstrate the importance of the hierarchal arrangement of Ca²⁺ release sites on the emergence of cellular Ca²⁺ spikes. Stochastic Ca²⁺ signals are functionally robust and adaptive to changing environmental conditions. Fluctuations of interspike intervals (ISIs) and the moment relation derived from ISI distributions contain information on the channel cluster open probability and on pathway properties. General significance Robust and reliable signal transduction pathways that entail Ca²⁺ dynamics are essential for eukaryotic organisms. Moreover, we expect that the design of a stochastic mechanism which provides robustness and adaptivity will be found also in other biological systems. Ca2 + dynamics demonstrate that the fluctuations of cellular signals contain information on molecular behavior. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Biochemical, biophysical and genetic approaches to intracellular calcium signaling. Highlights ► We review recent findings on key characteristics of cytosolic Ca²⁺ dynamics. ► We demonstrate the importance of the hierarchal arrangement of Ca²⁺ release sites. ► New theoretical concepts exploit emergent behavior of cellular Ca²⁺ spikes. ► We relate the dynamical regulation of [Ca²⁺] to information transmission. ► Stochastic Ca²⁺ signals are functionally robust and adaptive to changing conditions

    Three Modern Roles for Logic in AI

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    We consider three modern roles for logic in artificial intelligence, which are based on the theory of tractable Boolean circuits: (1) logic as a basis for computation, (2) logic for learning from a combination of data and knowledge, and (3) logic for reasoning about the behavior of machine learning systems.Comment: To be published in PODS 202

    Towards a predictive model of Ca²⁺ puffs

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    We investigate key characteristics of Ca²⁺ puffs in deterministic and stochastic frameworks that all incorporate the cellular morphology of IP[subscript]3 receptor channel clusters. In a first step, we numerically study Ca²⁺ liberation in a three dimensional representation of a cluster environment with reaction-diffusion dynamics in both the cytosol and the lumen. These simulations reveal that Ca²⁺ concentrations at a releasing cluster range from 80 µM to 170 µM and equilibrate almost instantaneously on the time scale of the release duration. These highly elevated Ca²⁺ concentrations eliminate Ca²⁺ oscillations in a deterministic model of an IP[subscript]3R channel cluster at physiological parameter values as revealed by a linear stability analysis. The reason lies in the saturation of all feedback processes in the IP[subscript]3R gating dynamics, so that only fluctuations can restore experimentally observed Ca²⁺ oscillations. In this spirit, we derive master equations that allow us to analytically quantify the onset of Ca²⁺ puffs and hence the stochastic time scale of intracellular Ca²⁺ dynamics. Moving up the spatial scale, we suggest to formulate cellular dynamics in terms of waiting time distribution functions. This approach prevents the state space explosion that is typical for the description of cellular dynamics based on channel states and still contains information on molecular fluctuations. We illustrate this method by studying global Ca²⁺ oscillations