815 research outputs found

    On the psychological basis of economics and social psychology

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    Neoclassical economic theory, with its roots (partly) in the marginal revolution of the Nineteenth Century, has been the dominant paradigm for economic thought throughout most of the Twentieth Century?up to the present day. However, for the past several decades economists have been deeply divided on the validity of neoclassical theory, thereby rendering the discipline less effective than it could be in helping to understand socio-economic change. A mathematical synthesis of prominent contributions to psychological and economic theory since the mid-Nineteenth Century has emerged in recent years, resulting in a substantive formulation of individual behavior. Rather than incorrectly assign utility directly to consumables thereby excluding time as an essential parameter, as is the case in mainstream economic theory, this new methodology assigns instantaneous utility exclusively to the expected (intertemporal) process-of-knowing attending mental/physical activity. The result is a canonical theory that represents the expectational and?barring surprise?actual time-dependent interaction of the individual with his environment, including other agents. The paper will provide an overview of basic and applied theory, and its relation to the mainstream and Austrian schools. Applications at the microeconomic level, including the psychological contribution to the real interest rate and the essential relationship between capital and labor, will be addressed. Also discussed will be the initial perceptions yielded by this new mathematical theory on the social psychology of group behavior, including the social-identity approach. New results will be provided on capital function, the etiology of interest rates, the nature of value, the determination of market prices, and other topics of interest.

    Tuning the interactions between electron spins in fullerene-based triad systems

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    A series of six fullerene-linker-fullerene triads have been prepared by the stepwise addition of the fullerene cages to bridging moieties thus allowing the systematic variation of fullerene cage (C60 or C70) and linker (oxalate or terephthalate) and enabling precise control over the inter-fullerene separation. The fullerene triads exhibit good solubility in common organic solvents, have linear geometries and are diastereomerically pure. Cyclic voltammetric measurements demonstrate the excellent electron accepting capacity of all triads, with up to 6 electrons taken up per molecule in the potential range between -2.3 and 0.2 V (vs. Fc+/Fc). No significant electronic interactions between fullerene cages are observed in the ground state indicating that the individual properties of each C60 or C70 cage are retained within the triads. The electron-electron interactions in the electrochemically generated dianions of these triads, with one electron per fullerene cage were studied by EPR spectroscopy. The nature of electron-electron coupling observed at 77 K can be described as an equilibrium between a doublet and triplet state biradical which depends on the interfullerene spacing. The shorter oxalate-bridged triads exhibit stronger spin-spin coupling with triplet character, while in the longer terephthalate-bridged triads the intramolecular spin-spin coupling is significantly reduced

    The Pine Needle, May 1947

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    Libraries and archives collect materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. As a result, materials such as those presented here may reflect sexist, misogynistic, abusive, racist, or discriminatory attitudes or actions that some may find disturbing, harmful, or difficult to view. Both a humor and literary magazine, The Pine Needle was a University of Maine student-produced periodical that began publication in the fall of 1946, the first post-World War II semester that saw GIs returning to campus. The Needle reflected an edginess and rebellion not found in previous student publications. While past student publications relied on euphemisms for alcohol and dating on campus, The Needle openly promoted the sexualization of co-eds and the use of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol by students who experienced war. In response to Alumni complaints that The Needle was ...filled with sex and drinking, the University Publications Committee instituted stricter controls. In this issue, the editorial staff announce that starting in Fall 1947, the publication would publish only four issues of the magazine each year—Fall, Christmas, Spring, and Graduation among other changes. Cover art for this issue is an unsigned ink illustration of chatting university students lined up outside a shop bearing a sign that reads Jifty Cleaners-Dyers. Signs in the shop window reads We Specialize in Grass Stains. 24 Hour Service

    Chemical reactions at the graphitic step-edge: changes in product distribution of catalytic reactions as a tool to explore the environment within carbon nanoreactors

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    A series of explorative cross-coupling reactions have been developed to investigate the local nanoscale environment around catalytically active Pd(II)complexes encapsulated within hollow graphitised nanofiber (GNF). Two new fullerene-containing and fullerene-free Pd(II)Salen catalysts have been synthesised, and their activity and selectivity towards different substrates has been explored in nanoreactors. The catalysts not only show a significant increase in activity and stability upon heterogenisation at the graphitic step-edges inside the GNF channel, but also exhibit a change in selectivity affected by the confinement which alters the distribution of isomeric products of the reaction. Furthermore, the observed selectivity changes reveal unprecedented details regarding the location and orientation of the catalyst molecules inside the GNF nanoreactor, inaccessible by any spectroscopic or microscopic techniques, thus shedding light on the precise reaction environment inside the molecular catalyst-GNF nanoreactor. Keywords: nanoreactor, catalysis, fullerene, salen, cross-couplin

    Self-assembly of a sulphur-terminated graphene nanoribbon within a single-walled carbon nanotube

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    The ability to tune the properties of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) through modification of the nanoribbon’s width and edge structure1,2,3 widens the potential applications of graphene in electronic devices4,5,6. Although assembly of GNRs has been recently possible, current methods suffer from limited control of their atomic structure7,8,9,10,11,12,13, or require the careful organization of precursors on atomically flat surfaces under ultra-high vacuum conditions14. Here we demonstrate that a GNR can self-assemble from a random mixture of molecular precursors within a single-walled carbon nanotube, which ensures propagation of the nanoribbon in one dimension and determines its width. The sulphur-terminated dangling bonds of the GNR make these otherwise unstable nanoribbons thermodynamically viable over other forms of carbon. Electron microscopy reveals elliptical distortion of the nanotube, as well as helical twist and screw-like motion of the nanoribbon. These effects suggest novel ways of controlling the properties of these nanomaterials, such as the electronic band gap and the concentration of charge carriers.This work was supported by by the DFG (German Research Foundation) and the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) of Baden-WĂŒrttemberg in the frame of the SALVE (Sub Angstrom Low-Voltage Electron microscopy project) and by the DFG within the research project SFB 569 (U.K. and J.B.); the EPSRC (Career Acceleration Fellowship), NanoTP COST action and High Performance Computing (HPC) facility at the University of Nottingham (E.B.); the EPSRC, ESF and the Royal Society (A.N.K. and A.C.); the FP7 Marie Curie Fellowship (M.C.G-L.); and the Nottingham Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Centre (access to Raman spectrometer).S

    Screening for steroid sulfatase (STS) gene deletions by multiplex DNA amplification

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    Deletions are the most common molecular defect in steroid sulfatase (STS) deficiency. We describe the application of multiplex DNA amplification, by polymerase chain reaction, for deletion screening in patients with STS deficiency (STS-PCR). Genomic DNA from 38 unrelated patients was amplified using two sets of primers, corresponding to the 5â€Č and the 3â€Č ends of the STS gene. The analysis of the amplified products was always consistent with the results obtained by Southern analysis. This method represents a sensitive fast non-radioactive test for detecting STS gene deletions.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47626/1/439_2004_Article_BF00210812.pd

    The Pine Needle, April 1947

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    Libraries and archives collect materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. As a result, materials such as those presented here may reflect sexist, misogynistic, abusive, racist, or discriminatory attitudes or actions that some may find disturbing, harmful, or difficult to view. Both a humor and literary magazine, The Pine Needle was a University of Maine student-produced periodical that began publication in the fall of 1946, the first post-World War II semester that saw GIs returni to campus. The Needle reflected an edginess and rebellion not found in previous UMaine student publications. While past student publications relied on euphemisms for alcohol and dating on campus, The Needle overtly sexualized co-eds and discussed the use of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol by students who experienced war. Cover art for this issue is an unsigned ink illustration of three students seated in a lecture hall taking an exam

    Impact of Surface Ligand on the Biocompatibility of InP/ZnS Quantum Dots with Platelets

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    InP/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) have received a large focus in recent years as a safer alternative to heavy metal-based QDs. Given their intrinsic fluorescent imaging capabilities, these QDs can be potentially relevant for in vivo platelet imaging. The InP/ZnS QDs are synthesized and their biocompatibility investigated through the use of different phase transfer agents. Analysis of platelet function indicates that platelet-QD interaction can occur at all concentrations and for all QD permutations tested. However, as the QD concentration increases, platelet aggregation is induced by QDs alone independent of natural platelet agonists. This study helps to define a range of concentrations and coatings (thioglycolic acid and penicillamine) that are biocompatible with platelet function. With this information, the platelet-QD interaction can be identified using multiple methods. Fluorescent lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) and confocal studies have shown QDs localize on the surface of the platelet toward the center while showing evidence of energy transfer within the QD population. It is believed that these findings are an important stepping point for the development of fluorescent probes for platelet imaging

    Potentiation of curing by a broad-host-range self-transmissible vector for displacing resistance plasmids to tackle AMR

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    Plasmids are potent vehicles for spread of antibiotic resistance genes in bacterial populations and often persist in the absence of selection due to efficient maintenance mechanisms. We previously constructed non-conjugative high copy number plasmid vectors that efficiently displace stable plasmids from enteric bacteria in a laboratory context by blocking their replication and neutralising their addiction systems. Here we assess a low copy number broad-host-range self-transmissible IncP-1 plasmid as a vector for such curing cassettes to displace IncF and IncK plasmids. The wild type plasmid carrying the curing cassette displaces target plasmids poorly but derivatives with deletions near the IncP-1 replication origin that elevate copy number about two-fold are efficient. Verification of this in mini IncP-1 plasmids showed that elevated copy number was not sufficient and that the parB gene, korB, that is central to its partitioning and gene control system, also needs to be included. The resulting vector can displace target plasmids from a laboratory population without selection and demonstrated activity in a mouse model although spread is less efficient and requires additional selection pressure

    Therapeutic limitations in tumor-specific CD8+ memory T cell engraftment

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    BACKGROUND: Adoptive immunotherapy with cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) represents an alternative approach to treating solid tumors. Ideally, this would confer long-term protection against tumor. We previously demonstrated that in vitro-generated tumor-specific CTL from the ovalbumin (OVA)-specific OT-I T cell receptor transgenic mouse persisted long after adoptive transfer as memory T cells. When recipient mice were challenged with the OVA-expressing E.G7 thymoma, tumor growth was delayed and sometimes prevented. The reasons for therapeutic failures were not clear. METHODS: OT-I CTL were adoptively transferred to C57BL/6 mice 21 – 28 days prior to tumor challenge. At this time, the donor cells had the phenotypical and functional characteristics of memory CD8+ T cells. Recipients which developed tumor despite adoptive immunotherapy were analyzed to evaluate the reason(s) for therapeutic failure. RESULTS: Dose-response studies demonstrated that the degree of tumor protection was directly proportional to the number of OT-I CTL adoptively transferred. At a low dose of OT-I CTL, therapeutic failure was attributed to insufficient numbers of OT-I T cells that persisted in vivo, rather than mechanisms that actively suppressed or anergized the OT-I T cells. In recipients of high numbers of OT-I CTL, the E.G7 tumor that developed was shown to be resistant to fresh OT-I CTL when examined ex vivo. Furthermore, these same tumor cells no longer secreted a detectable level of OVA. In this case, resistance to immunotherapy was secondary to selection of clones of E.G7 that expressed a lower level of tumor antigen. CONCLUSIONS: Memory engraftment with tumor-specific CTL provides long-term protection against tumor. However, there are several limitations to this immunotherapeutic strategy, especially when targeting a single antigen. This study illustrates the importance of administering large numbers of effectors to engraft sufficiently efficacious immunologic memory. It also demonstrates the importance of targeting several antigens when developing vaccine strategies for cancer
