769 research outputs found

    A comparison of three treatments for the outpatient alcoholic

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    The abuse of alcohol is a complex behavior pattern exhibited by approximately nine million people in this country (Tarter & Sugarman, 1976) and has become a field of interest to science, industry, and the helping professions. Estimates of spontaneous recovery among alcoholics vary drastically. In 1971 the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism began sponsorship of a comprehensive alcoholism treatment program located in 45 community centers throughout the nation. Using a multiple criterion measure of improvement, their report (Rand Corporation, 1976) estimated the rate of spontaneous improvement for alcoholics to be as high as 53%. In reviewing the rates of spontaneous improvement from a number of studies, Baekland (1977) states, It thus appears that depending on the patient\u27s personal and social assets, there is a 2-15% spontaneous improvement rate in alcoholics who do not receive formal treatment (P 390). Unlike the Rand Report, Baekland used total abstinence ·as the measure of spontaneous improvement. The present study sought to compare the relative effectiveness of group administered covert sensitization with traditional insight-oriented group therapy in treating alcoholism. To control for the effects of relaxation training, therapist contact, favorable outcome expectancy, and the act of imaging (variables inherent in the covert sensitization procedure but not controlled for in the previously cited outcome studies), a relaxation placebo control group was employed which was empirically evaluated for its credibility. It was hypothesized that subjects in all three groups would show significant improvement over time on each of the dependent measures, and that subjects receiving covert sensitization would show significantly greater improvements than subjects receiving traditional group therapy or the relaxation placebo treatment. No differences were expected between group therapy and the relaxation placebo treatment

    Analysis of the perceptions about the organizational environment in Colombia’s Public sector

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    Public servants are conditioned by perceptions about their jobs environments that can lead them to have less appreciation for their organizations. There are few studies that focus on a theoretical and practical understanding of the organizational environment as a factor that may lead public workers to low motivation and job satisfaction levels. We aim to explore organizational environment of Colombia’s public-sector entities as a key organizational aspect, considering the demographic characteristics of Colombian public servants. Through multivariate statistics we explore whether some demographic and organizational traits of public officials play a role on their appreciations of their organizational environments. To do so, we use data from a survey of the National Department of Statistics of Colombia, covering more than 6,000 public officials at the regional level. This article aims to inform practice since it provides empirical evidence about Colombia’s public organizations employees, suggesting that graduate middle professionals with more than six years of service, and technicians with more than twelve years of service tend to purport negative perceptions about the organizational environments of Colombian public organizations. Thus, seniority in Colombia appears to have a key role on such perceptions

    (Re)pensando as artes visuais na formação do pedagogo : estratégias para a leitura de imagens

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    Esta pesquisa buscou analisar a importância da leitura de imagens na formação do pedagogo, utilizando como base teórica a semiótica discursiva de A. J. Greimas e a Abordagem Triangular de Ana Mae Barbosa. A todo momento estamos interagindo com imagens apresentadas em diferentes tipos de suporte — outdoors, placas eletrônicas, telas, livros, revistas. Presenciamos uma grande transformação nos modos de interagir com outras pessoas, de compartilhar aquilo que estamos vivendo, e isso tem sido feito, principalmente, por meio de produções imagéticas. Ao refletir sobre o quanto nos deixamos envolver pelas imagens, interessa investir em uma educação que se preocupe com o visual. Há muito tempo preocupamo-nos em alfabetizar o verbal e hoje presenciamos uma necessidade de definirmos bases para a leitura do visual, já que estamos imersos em uma cultura fortemente visual. Trazer essas criações para discussão em um curso de formação de professores assume grande relevância, uma vez que hoje as crianças vêm interagindo, cada vez mais cedo, com produções imagéticas através de novas tecnologias, e a educação precisa problematizar os efeitos de sentido propiciados por essas criações. O corpus de análise da pesquisa envolveu quatro objetos: o livro de literatura infantil A quatro mãos, de Marilda Castanha; uma produção audiovisual da mídia televisiva, Astronauta, do Itaú; o desenho animado Gravity Falls: Dipper e Mabel contra o futuro; e a obra de arte O Triângulo do Atlântico entre tempos distópicos, do artista Arjan Martins. Cada um desses gêneros de produções está presente na vida tanto dos professores quanto das crianças. Num primeiro momento, as produções foram descritas e analisadas, buscando compreender os efeitos de sentido que as relações entre seus elementos e linguagens possibilitam. Em seguida, foi constituído um grupo focal com alunos de um curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia, com o qual realizamos quatro encontros em que foram apresentadas, em cada um deles, uma das produções para a leitura. Foi elaborado um questionário/roteiro para cada uma das produções de modo a proporcionar e incentivar a leitura. Num terceiro momento, foi feito o cruzamento das leituras das produções realizadas pela pesquisadora com as leituras feitas pelos alunos do grupo focal. As análises evidenciaram grande interesse dos alunos na leitura de imagens, bem como na construção de sentidos a partir dos elementos presentes nas produções e em suas experiências. O questionário/roteiro elaborado foi muito pertinente ao desafiar os alunos a problematizarem o que estavam vendo. As conclusões apontaram que, ao nos lançarmos esse desafio, qual seja, o de problematizar a leitura de imagens para que tanto o pedagogo leia como possibilite atividades de leitura de imagens a seus alunos, buscamos contribuir para uma educação que enfoque a linguagem visual. Ao término dessa pesquisa, acreditamos ter constituído alguns subsídios, tanto para os professores que atuam na formação de licenciandos em Pedagogia, quantos aos que atuam na educação infantil e básica, para que possam propiciar a leitura de imagens no cotidiano de seus alunos.This research sought to analyze the importance of reading images in the education of the school teacher, using as theoretical basis the Discursive Semiotics of A. J. Greimas and the Triangular Approach of Ana Mae Barbosa. At all times we are interacting with images presented in different types of support - billboards, electronic boards, screens, books, magazines. We see a great transformation in the ways of interacting with other people, of sharing what we are experiencing and this has been done, mainly, through imagery productions.When reflecting on how much we are involved in the images, it is important to invest in an education that is concerned with the visual. We have long been concerned with verbal literacy and today we see a need to define the basis for reading the visual, as we are immersed in a strongly visual culture. Bringing these creations for discussion in a teacher training course is of great relevance since today children are increasingly interacting with imagery through new technologies and education needs to problematize the meaningful effects of these creations .The corpus of research analysis involved four objects: Marilda Castanha's book of children's literature, " A quatro mãos"; an audiovisual production of the television media, "Astronauta", from Itaú; the cartoon "Gravity Falls: Dipper and Mabel contra o futuro"; and the Arjan Martins art work "O Triângulo do Atlântico entre tempos distópicos". Each of these genres of productions is present in the lives of both teachers and children. At first, the productions were described and analyzed trying to understand the effects of meaning that the relations between their elements and languages make possible. Then, a focus group was formed with students of a degree in Pedagogy, with which we held four meetings in which each of them was presented one of the productions for reading. A questionnaire / script was prepared for each of the productions in order to provide and encourage reading. In a third moment, the readings of the productions realized by the researcher were made with the readings made by the students of the focal group. The analyzes showed a great interest of the students in the reading of images, as well as in the construction of meanings from the elements present in the productions and in their experiences.The elaborated questionnaire / script was very pertinent in challenging the students to problematize what they were seeing. The conclusions pointed out that, in launching this challenge, that is, to problematize the reading of images so that both the teacher reads and enables reading activities of images to his students, we seek to contribute to an education that focuses the visual language. At the end of this research, we believe that some subsidies have been created, both for teachers who work in the training of graduates in Pedagogy, and those who work in basic and elementary education, so that they can provide the reading of images in the daily life of their students

    Emotion regulation and its effects on mood improvement in response to in vivo peer rejection challenge

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    This study examined children's spontaneous use of behavioral emotion regulation (ER) strategies and their effects on subsequent mood change in response to an in vivo peer rejection manipulation. Participants (N = 186), ranging between 10 and 13 years of age, played a computer game based on the television show Survivor and were randomized to either peer rejection (being voted out of the game) or nonrejection control. In response to rejection, more than one third of the participants (38%) displayed a marked worsening (i.e., reliable change) in state mood. After receiving feedback, time spent on several behavioral ER strategies during a 5-minute postfeedback period was assessed. At the end of the postfeedback period, children's cognitive activity was also assessed. More time spent on behavioral distraction was positively linked to subsequent increases in positive affect, whereas the reverse pattern was found for disengagement/passive behavior. Moreover, higher endorsement ratings for the strategy of "cognitive analysis" were associated with stronger increases in negative affect. © 2006 APA, all rights reserved


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    This article seeks to problematize the reading of contemporary visuality in school, focusing on the audiovisual creations in the television medium. It analyzes, based on theoretical and methodological references of discourse semiotics, three episodes of the cartoon Sponge Bob Square Pants, in regards to effects of meaning produced in the interrelation of the different languages that constitute them, and the meanings children attribute to them. To know the meaning the children gave to the cartoon, a focal group was constituted from a 4th grade Elementary School class that, after watching each of the episodes, expressed their readings of them. By reading these productions, the children related to facts from their daily routine, turning them into themes. The findings show the importance of reflecting on contemporary visuality in school, seeking to gather both the effects of meaning and what the children mean when they interact with such productions, and signal to possibilities of reading of audiovisual creations.Este artículo busca problematizar la lectura de la visualidad contemporánea en la escuela, enfocando creaciones audiovisuales de la media de televisión. Analiza, con base en el referencial teórico y metodológico de la semiótica discursiva, tres episodios del dibujo animado Bob Esponja Pantalones Cuadrados, en cuanto a los efectos de sentido producidos en la interrelación de los diferentes lenguajes que los constituyen, y las significaciones que los niños les atribuyen. Para conocer las significaciones de los niños, se constituyó un grupo focal con un grupo de 4º. año de Enseñanza Fundamental (la Primaria en Brasil), que, después de ver cada uno de los episodios, expresó sus lecturas. Al leer essas producciones, los niños los relacionaron a los hechos de su cotidiano, tematizándolos. Las conclusiones evidencian la importancia de reflexionar sobre la visualidad contemporánea en la escuela, buscando apreender tanto sus efectos de sentido como lo que los niños significan al interaccionar con dichas producciones, y señalan posibilidades de lectura de creaciones audiovisuales.Este artigo busca problematizar a leitura da visualidade contemporânea na escola, enfocando criações audiovisuais da mídia televisiva. Analisa, com base no referencial teórico e metodológico da semiótica discursiva, três episódios do desenho animado Bob Esponja Calça Quadrada, quanto aos efeitos de sentido produzidos na inter-relação das diferentes linguagens que os constituem, e as significações que as crianças lhes atribuem. Para conhecer as significações das crianças, foi constituído um grupo focal com uma turma de 4ª série do Ensino Fundamental que, após assistir cada um dos episódios, expressou suas leituras. Ao ler essas produções, as crianças relacionaram a fatos do seu cotidiano, tematizando-os. As conclusões evidenciam a importância de refletir sobre a visualidade contemporânea na escola, procurando apreender tanto seus efeitos de sentido como o que as crianças significam ao interagirem com tais produções; e apontam possibilidades de leitura de criações audiovisuais

    Stabilitätsbewertung eines schornsteins aus mauerwerk durch schwingungsmessungen

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    Heutzutage können Gebäude auf verschiedene Arten dynamisch beanspru cht werden. Schienenund Straßenverkehr, Abbrucharbeiten, Maschinen, Glocken, Wind und die menschliche Fortbewegung selbst können Strukturen belasten und Menschen belästigen. Nicht nur eine Schwingungsprognose, sondern auch eine Überwachung bei bestimmten Arbeiten ist wichtig, um die Stabilität von Gebäuden zu gewährleisten. Ein Schornstein aus Vollziegeln wurde bei Abbrucharbeiten der umliegenden Hallen mit einer neuen Schwingungsmesstechnik überwacht. Dieser Artikel beschreibt kurz diese neue Technik und ihre Anwendung während des Monitorings. Zur Beu rteilung der Messwerte wurden die Anhaltswerte der deutschen Norm DIN 4150-3 verwendet und die Ereignisse, bei denen diese Referenzwerte überschritten wurden, eingehend untersucht. Eine dynamische Analyse der Struktur, bei der die Eigenfrequenzen und ihre modalen Massen ermittelt wurden, zeigt, dass die frequenzabhängigen Referenzwerte der DIN 4150-3 zum Schutz von Bauwerken einen relativ hohen Sicherheitsfaktor beinhalten. Eine mögliche Überschreitung der Werte führt nicht sofort zu einem Stabilitätsverlust

    Group therapy for binge eating in Type 2 diabetes: A randomized trial

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    Aims: This preliminary study addresses three related issues. First, there is a need to test the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for binge eating in populations with Type 2 diabetes. Second, the impact of a treatment for binge eating on diabetes management is unknown. Finally, whilst a number of treatment modalities have been shown to improve binge eating, there has not been a comparison between CBT and a non-specific therapy for binge eating. Methods: Group CBT for binge eating was compared with a group nonprescriptive therapy (NPT), a therapy for which there is no theoretical or empirical support in eating disorders, in a randomized trial which included a post-treatment assessment and a 3-month follow-up. Results: There were no differences between CBT and NPT at post-treatment, with both treatments being associated with significant changes in binge eating, mood and body mass index. However, there was a significant relapse in binge eating at the 3-month follow-up in the NPT condition. This was in contrast to the CBT condition, where treatment gains were maintained. Finally, across treatments, reduction in binge eating from pre- to post-treatment was associated with reduction in HbA. Conclusions: Binge eating in Type 2 diabetes is responsive to psychosocial treatment, and reduction in binge eating appears to improve glycaemic control. However, this is a small study with a short follow-up period. Future studies will need to extend the follow-up period to assess for long-term maintenance of the effects of CBT on binge eating and diabetic control in this population

    Caminhos percorridos entre infâncias e artes visuais: as leituras da imagem como trama dentro do grupo de pesquisa GEARTE

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    Two teachers, two research fields, an intersection axis. The sharing of ideas developed throughout the article is based on the Research Group on Art and Education ( GEARTE),  our intersection axis concerned. The research developed by the authors at PPGEdu-UFRGS, were approached in order to present the importance of image readings in the teacher's constitution,contributing to the pedagogical practice in Early Childhood Education. The analysis was based on the theoretical assumptions of the Triangular Approach. In conclusion, we highlight the importance of image reading in teacher training and the influence of GEARTE in the development of a committed sight at the quality of art teaching for children.Dos docentes, dos campos de investigación, un eje de intersección. El intercambio ideas desarrollada a lo largo del artículo se basa en el Grupo de Investigación en Arte y Educación (GEARTE), nuestro eje de intersección en cuestión. Las investigaciones realizadas por los autores en el PPGEdu-UFRGS, fueron abordadas con el fin de resaltar la importancia de las lecturas de imágenes en la constitución del profesor, contribuyendo para la acción pedagógica en la Educación Infantil. El análisis se basó en los supuestos teóricos del Abordaje Triangular. Como conclusión, destacamos la importancia de las lecturas de imágenes en la formación de profesores y la influencia de GEARTE en el desarrollo de una mirada comprometida con la calidad de la enseñanza del arte a los niños.Duas professoras, dois campos de pesquisas, um eixo de intersecção. A partilha de ideias desenvolvida ao longo do artigo tem como base o Grupo de Pesquisa em Arte e Educação (GEARTE), nosso eixo de intersecção em questão. As pesquisas realizadas pelas autoras no PPGEdu-UFRGS foram abordadas de forma a trazer a importância das leituras da imagem na constituição do professor, contribuindo para a ação pedagógica na Educação Infantil. A análise se deu a partir dos pressupostos teóricos da Abordagem Triangular. Como conclusão destacamos a importância da leitura da imagem na formação do professor e a influência do GEARTE no desenvolvimento do olhar comprometido para qualidade do ensino de arte para crianças.&nbsp

    Texto literário infantil: produção de sentido a partir do olhar, do brincar e do ler

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    This study discusses the interaction with children’s literary text, which editorial and graphic production gives privilege and makes possible the actions of reading, playing and looking. We discuss based on researches (NUNES, 2013; EVALTE, 2014) that have as their objects two kinds of editorial and graphic production, the toy book and the wordless book, that investigate the meaning production from the interaction with these objects, exploring their playful and visual possibilities. We present two analyzes, of a toy book and of a wordless book in order to make visible how a more sensible look and the playful experience can take place related to reading.O trabalho discute a interação com o texto literário infantil cuja produção gráfica-editorial privilegia e instiga o olhar, o brincar e o ler. Baseado em estudos sobre leitura visual e em pesquisas que tiveram como objeto o livro-brinquedo (EVALTE, 2014) e o livro de imagem (NUNES, 2013), aborda a construção de sentido a partir da interação com esses objetos, explorando suas possibilidades lúdicas e visuais. Analisa um livro-brinquedo e um livro de imagem evidenciando como um olhar sensível e uma vivência lúdica podem ocorrer associados à leitura