
Aims: This preliminary study addresses three related issues. First, there is a need to test the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for binge eating in populations with Type 2 diabetes. Second, the impact of a treatment for binge eating on diabetes management is unknown. Finally, whilst a number of treatment modalities have been shown to improve binge eating, there has not been a comparison between CBT and a non-specific therapy for binge eating. Methods: Group CBT for binge eating was compared with a group nonprescriptive therapy (NPT), a therapy for which there is no theoretical or empirical support in eating disorders, in a randomized trial which included a post-treatment assessment and a 3-month follow-up. Results: There were no differences between CBT and NPT at post-treatment, with both treatments being associated with significant changes in binge eating, mood and body mass index. However, there was a significant relapse in binge eating at the 3-month follow-up in the NPT condition. This was in contrast to the CBT condition, where treatment gains were maintained. Finally, across treatments, reduction in binge eating from pre- to post-treatment was associated with reduction in HbA. Conclusions: Binge eating in Type 2 diabetes is responsive to psychosocial treatment, and reduction in binge eating appears to improve glycaemic control. However, this is a small study with a short follow-up period. Future studies will need to extend the follow-up period to assess for long-term maintenance of the effects of CBT on binge eating and diabetic control in this population

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