8,189 research outputs found

    Structural sensitivity analysis: Methods, applications, and needs

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    Some innovative techniques applicable to sensitivity analysis of discretized structural systems are reviewed. These techniques include a finite-difference step-size selection algorithm, a method for derivatives of iterative solutions, a Green's function technique for derivatives of transient response, a simultaneous calculation of temperatures and their derivatives, derivatives with respect to shape, and derivatives of optimum designs with respect to problem parameters. Computerized implementations of sensitivity analysis and applications of sensitivity derivatives are also discussed. Finally, some of the critical needs in the structural sensitivity area are indicated along with Langley plans for dealing with some of these needs

    Xenon in Mercury-Manganese Stars

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    Previous studies of elemental abundances in Mercury-Manganese (HgMn) stars have occasionally reported the presence of lines of the ionized rare noble gas Xe II, especially in a few of the hottest stars with Teff ~ 13000--15000 K. A new study of this element has been undertaken using observations from Lick Observatory's Hamilton Echelle Spectrograph. In this work, the spectrum synthesis program UCLSYN has been used to undertake abundance analysis assuming LTE. We find that in the Smith & Dworetsky sample of HgMn stars, Xe is vastly over-abundant in 21 of 22 HgMn stars studied, by factors of 3.1--4.8 dex. There does not appear to be a significant correlation of Xe abundance with Teff. A comparison sample of normal late B stars shows no sign of Xe II lines that could be detected, consistent with the expected weakness of lines at normal abundance. The main reason for the previous lack of widespread detection in HgMn stars is probably due to the strongest lines being at longer wavelengths than the photographic blue. The lines used in this work were 4603.03A, 4844.33A and 5292.22A.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. Accepted by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 8 January 200

    Extremely metal-poor stars from the SDSS

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    We give a progress report about the activities within the CIFIST Team related to the search for extremely metal-poor stars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey's spectroscopic catalog. So far the search has provided 25 candidates with metallicities around or smaller -3. For 15 candidates high resolution spectroscopy with UVES at the VLT has confirmed their extremely metal-poor status. Work is under way to extend the search to the SDSS's photometric catalog by augmenting the SDSS photometry, and by gauging the capabilities of X-shooter when going to significantly fainter targets.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, Proceedings paper of the conference "A stellar journey: A symposium in celebration of Bengt Gustafsson's 65th birthday

    Transversely Driven Charge Density Waves and Striped Phases of High-Tc_c Superconductors: The Current Effect Transistor

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    We show that a normal (single particle) current density JxJ_x {\em transverse} to the ordering wavevector 2kFz^2k_F{\bf\hat{z}} of a charge density wave (CDW) has dramatic effects both above and {\em below} the CDW depinning transition. It exponentially (in JxJ_x) enhances CDW correlations, and exponentially suppresses the longitudinal depinning field. The intermediate longitudinal I-V relation also changes, acquiring a {\em linear} regime. We propose a novel ``current effect transistor'' whose CDW channel is turned on by a transverse current. Our results also have important implications for the recently proposed ``striped phase'' of the high-Tc_c superconductors.Comment: change of title and minor corrections, 4 RevTeX pgs, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett., 81, 3711 (1998

    Temporally ordered collective creep and dynamic transition in the charge-density-wave conductor NbSe3

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    We have observed an unusual form of creep at low temperatures in the charge-density-wave (CDW) conductor NbSe3_3. This creep develops when CDW motion becomes limited by thermally-activated phase advance past individual impurities, demonstrating the importance of local pinning and related short-length-scale dynamics. Unlike in vortex lattices, elastic collective dynamics on longer length scales results in temporally ordered motion and a finite threshold field. A first-order dynamic phase transition from creep to high-velocity sliding produces "switching" in the velocity-field characteristic.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures; minor clarifications To be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    The nuclear radio structure of X-ray bright AGN

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    The physical nature of the X-ray/radio correlation of AGN is still an unsolved question. High angular resolution observations are necessary to disentangle the associated energy dynamics into nuclear and stellar components. We present MERLIN/EVN 18cm observations of 13 X-raying AGN. The sample consists of Seyfert 1, Narrow Line Seyfert 1, and LINER-like galaxies. We find that for all objects the radio emission is unresolved and that the radio luminosities and brightness temperatures are too high for star formation to play an important role. This indicates that the radio emission in these sources is closely connected to processes that occur in the vicinity of the central massive black hole, also where the X-ray emission is believed to originate in.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to "The Universe under the Microscope - Astrophysics at High Angular Resolution", Bad Honnef, German

    The chemical abundance analysis of normal early A- and late B-type stars

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    Modern spectroscopy of early-type stars often aims at studying complex physical phenomena. Comparatively less attention is paid to identifying and studying the "normal" A- and B-type stars and testing how the basic atomic parameters and standard spectral analysis allow one to fit the observations. We wish to stablish whether the chemical composition of the solar photosphere can be regarded as a reference for early A- and late B-type stars. We have obtained optical high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra of three slowly rotating early-type stars (HD 145788, 21 Peg and pi Cet) that show no obvious sign of chemical peculiarity, and performed a very accurate LTE abundance analysis of up to 38 ions of 26 elements (for 21 Peg), using a vast amount of spectral lines visible in the spectral region covered by our spectra. We provide an exhaustive description of the abundance characteristics of the three analysed stars with a critical review of the line parameters used to derive the abundances. We compiled a table of atomic data for more than 1100 measured lines that may be used in the future as a reference. The abundances we obtained for He, C, Al, S, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Sr, Y, and Zr are compatible with the solar ones derived with recent 3D radiative-hydrodynamical simulations of the solar photosphere. The abundances of the remaining studied elements show some degree of discrepancy compared to the solar photosphere. Those of N, Na, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, and Nd may well be ascribed to non-LTE effects; for P, Cl, Sc and Co, non-LTE effects are totally unknown; O, Ne, Ar, and Ba show discrepancies that cannot be ascribed to non-LTE effects. The discrepancies obtained for O (in two stars) and Ne agree with very recent non-LTE abundance analysis of early B-type stars in the solar neighbourhood.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Simulations of the Alternating Access Mechanism of the Sodium Symporter Mhp1

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    AbstractSodium coupled cotransporters of the five-helix inverted repeat (5HIR) superfamily use an alternating access mechanism to transport a myriad of small molecules across the cell membrane. One of the primary steps in this mechanism is the conformational transition from a state poised to bind extracellular substrates to a state that is competent to deliver substrate to the cytoplasm. Here, we construct a coarse-grained model of the 5HIR benzylhydantoin transporter Mhp1 that incorporates experimental structures of the outward- and inward-open states to investigate the mechanism of this conformational change. Using the weighted ensemble path-sampling method, we rigorously sample the outward- to inward-facing transition path ensemble. The transition path ensemble reveals a heterogeneous set of pathways connecting the two states and identifies two modes of transport: one consistent with a strict alternating access mechanism and another where decoupling of the inner and outer gates causes the transient formation of a continuous permeation pathway through the transporter. We also show that the conformational switch between the outward- and inward-open states results from rigid body motions of the hash motif relative to the substrate bundle, supporting the rocking bundle hypothesis. Finally, our methodology provides the groundwork for more chemically detailed investigations of the alternating mechanism

    The HgMn Binary Star Phi Herculis: Detection and Properties of the Secondary and Revision of the Elemental Abundances of the Primary

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    Observations of the Mercury-Manganese star Phi Herculis with the Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer (NPOI) conclusively reveal the previously unseen companion in this single-lined binary system. The NPOI data were used to predict a spectral type of A8V for the secondary star Phi Her B. This prediction was subsequently confirmed by spectroscopic observations obtained at the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory. Phi Her B is rotating at 50 +/-3 km/sec, in contrast to the 8 km/sec lines of Phi Her A. Recognizing the lines from the secondary permits one to separate them from those of the primary. The abundance analysis of Phi Her A shows an abundance pattern similar to those of other HgMn stars with Al being very underabundant and Sc, Cr, Mn, Zn, Ga, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, Ce, and Hg being very overabundant.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, 45 pages, 11 figure