312 research outputs found

    Optical lattice quantum simulator for QED in strong external fields: spontaneous pair creation and the Sauter-Schwinger effect

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    Spontaneous creation of electron-positron pairs out of the vacuum due to a strong electric field is a spectacular manifestation of the relativistic energy-momentum relation for the Dirac fermions. This fundamental prediction of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) has not yet been confirmed experimentally as the generation of a sufficiently strong electric field extending over a large enough space-time volume still presents a challenge. Surprisingly, distant areas of physics may help us to circumvent this difficulty. In condensed matter and solid state physics (areas commonly considered as low energy physics), one usually deals with quasi-particles instead of real electrons and positrons. Since their mass gap can often be freely tuned, it is much easier to create these light quasi-particles by an analogue of the Sauter-Schwinger effect. This motivates our proposal of a quantum simulator in which excitations of ultra-cold atoms moving in a bichromatic optical lattice represent particles and antiparticles (holes) satisfying a discretized version of the Dirac equation together with fermionic anti-commutation relations. Using the language of second quantization, we are able to construct an analogue of the spontaneous pair creation which can be realized in an (almost) table-top experiment.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Quantum simulator for the Schwinger effect with atoms in bi-chromatic optical lattices

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    Ultra-cold atoms in specifically designed optical lattices can be used to mimic the many-particle Hamiltonian describing electrons and positrons in an external electric field. This facilitates the experimental simulation of (so far unobserved) fundamental quantum phenomena such as the Schwinger effect, i.e., spontaneous electron-positron pair creation out of the vacuum by a strong electric field.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; minor corrections and improvements in text and in figures; references adde

    Octupole transitions in the 208Pb region

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    The 208Pb region is characterised by the existence of collective octupole states. Here we populated such states in 208Pb + 208Pb deep-inelastic reactions. γ-ray angular distribution measurements were used to infer the octupole character of several E3 transitions. The octupole character of the 2318 keV 17− → 14+ in 208Pb, 2485 keV 19/2 − → 13/2 + in 207Pb, 2419 keV 15/2 − → 9/2 + in 209Pb and 2465 keV 17/2 + → 11/2 − in 207Tl transitions was demonstrated for the first time. In addition, shell model calculations were performed using two different sets of two-body matrix elements. Their predictions were compared with emphasis on collective octupole states.This work is supported by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), UK, US Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DEAC02-06CH11357 and DE-FG02-94ER40834, NSF grant PHY-1404442

    Angular distributions of rays from 210bi produced in 208 pb+208pb deep-inelastic reactions

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    The high-spin yrast structure of the 210Bi nucleus was investigated using -ray coincidence spectroscopy following deep-inelastic reactions in the 208Pb+208Pb system. Cascades of rays following the decay of a new isomer were identified. Spin-parity assignments to the states known from previous studies as well as to newly located excitations were made based on the measured angular distributions of rays combined with a transition conversion coefficient analysis

    Reduction in the uncertainty of the neutron-capture cross section of 210Bi: Impact of a precise multipolarity measurement of the 2− → 1− main ground-state transition

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    International audience; The mixing ratio of the main 320-keV, M1 + E2 ground-state γ transition in 210Bi has been more precisely quantified, allowing a significant reduction in the uncertainty of measurements of the neutron-capture cross section to the ground state of 210Bi from 25% to 0.9%. Accurate values for neutron-capture cross sections to both the ground and long-lived 9− isomeric state at 271 keV in 210Bi are of particular importance as Pb-Bi finds increased usage in Accelerator Driven Systems

    Charged particle decay of hot and rotating 88^{88}Mo nuclei in fusion-evaporation reactions

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    A study of fusion-evaporation and (partly) fusion-fission channels for the 88^{88}Mo compound nucleus, produced at different excitation energies in the reaction 48^{48}Ti + 40^{40}Ca at 300, 450 and 600 MeV beam energies, is presented. Fusion-evaporation and fusion-fission cross sections have been extracted and compared with the existing systematics. Experimental data concerning light charged particles have been compared with the prediction of the statistical model in its implementation in the Gemini++ code, well suited even for high spin systems, in order to tune the main model parameters in a mass region not abundantly covered by exclusive experimental data. Multiplicities for light charged particles emitted in fusion evaporation events are also presented. Some discrepancies with respect to the prediction of the statistical model have been found for forward emitted α\alpha-particles; they may be due both to pre-equilibrium emission and to reaction channels (such as Deep Inelastic Collisions, QuasiFission/QuasiFusion) different from the compound nucleus formation.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    Neutron-particle and proton-hole excitations in the N=128 isotones 208Hg and 209Tl from spectroscopy following 208Pb+238U deep-inelastic reactions

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    Gamma rays in the π-2ν2 nucleus 208Hg and π-1ν2 nucleus 209Tl have been studied at Gammasphere using deep-inelastic reactions induced by a 1360 MeV208 Pb beam on a thick 238U target. Previously unknown yrast γ-ray cascades above the 8+ and 17/2+ nanosecond isomers in 208Hg and 209Tl, respectively, were identified in coincidence with known γ rays deexciting the isomers. Yrast levels up to spin 13- in 208Hg have been located, and they are interpreted in light of the structure of the 210Pb isotone and with the help of shell model calculations. Shell model calculations by using the Vlow-k realistic interaction have been performed for 210Pb and 208Hg, and compared with experiment. The V low-k effective Hamiltonian seems to account well for the properties of these neutron-rich shell model nuclei

    High-spin states and isomers in the one-proton-hole and three-neutron-hole 204Tl isotope

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    The high-spin structure of the neutron-rich 204Tl isotope has been studied up to a 11.2-MeV excitation energy and a I=30 spin range using the deep-inelastic heavy-ion γ-spectroscopy method with reactions of 48Ca on thick 208Pb and 238U targets. The established structure of yrast levels involves four isomeric states up to Iπ=22-, the highest spin state available for the maximally aligned four valence holes. The observations are interpreted and quantitatively confirmed by shell-model calculations. The rates of the identified M2 and E3 isomeric decays are discussed and a striking analogy is found for the yrast level structures and γ decays observed in the 18+ to 22- and 45/2- to 53/2+ spin ranges in 204Tl and 203Hg, respectively. In the highest spin part of the scheme, two prominently populated yrast states are tentatively identified as the 3 - 208Pb core excitation built on the 22- and 20 + maximally aligned four-hole states. Their energies are reproduced well by using energy shifts observed in experiments for the 208Pb core octupole excitation coupled to simpler intrinsic structures

    Relativistic quantum mechanics with trapped ions

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    We consider the quantum simulation of relativistic quantum mechanics, as described by the Dirac equation and classical potentials, in trapped-ion systems. We concentrate on three problems of growing complexity. First, we study the bidimensional relativistic scattering of single Dirac particles by a linear potential. Furthermore, we explore the case of a Dirac particle in a magnetic field and its topological properties. Finally, we analyze the problem of two Dirac particles that are coupled by a controllable and confining potential. The latter interaction may be useful to study important phenomena as the confinement and asymptotic freedom of quarks.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Yrast structure of the two-proton- and three-neutron-hole nucleus Hg203 from the decay of a 53/2+ isomer

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    The decay of a new, 53/2+, isomer at 8281 keV in Hg203 has been studied by γ coincidence spectroscopy. A half-life of 146(30) ns was measured. In addition, another isomeric, 39/2+, level with a half-life of 7.8(1.5) ns was observed. Some elements of the Rydstroem shell-model interaction have been adjusted to reproduce level energies in nuclei with two to four holes in the Pb208 core. With this interaction, the new states in the five-hole nucleus Hg203 are reproduced with an rms error of 105 keV