10 research outputs found

    A média hatása a kisiskolás gyermekek viselkedésére

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    A 21. században már nélkülözhetetlenné nőtték ki magukat a különböző médiaeszközök, azok megtalálhatók szinte minden gyermek környezetében. Írásunkban a médiahasználat és a média veszélyeinek áttekintése után saját feltárásunk eredményét mutatjuk be. Kutatásunkban azt vizsgáltuk, hogy a 3−4. osztályos gyermekek milyen média eszközöket használnak, mennyi időt töltenek egy adott eszközzel, illetve ezt kivel együtt teszik. Kutattuk azt is, hogy mindez milyen hatást gyakorol a gyermekek viselkedésére, tanulmányi teljesítésére, valamint azt, hogy van-e összefüggés az agresszív viselkedés és a médiahasználat között

    A média hatása a kisiskolás gyermekek viselkedésére

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    A 21. században már nélkülözhetetlenné nőtték ki magukat a különböző médiaeszközök, azok megtalálhatók szinte minden gyermek környezetében. Írásunkban a médiahasználat és a média veszélyeinek áttekintése után saját feltárásunk eredményét mutatjuk be. Kutatásunkban azt vizsgáltuk, hogy a 3−4. osztályos gyermekek milyen média eszközöket használnak, mennyi időt töltenek egy adott eszközzel, illetve ezt kivel együtt teszik. Kutattuk azt is, hogy mindez milyen hatást gyakorol a gyermekek viselkedésére, tanulmányi teljesítésére, valamint azt, hogy van-e összefüggés az agresszív viselkedés és a médiahasználat között

    Increase in Alzheimer's related markers preceeds memory disturbances: Studies in vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro rat

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia in the elderly. For more effective therapy early diagnostic markers could be beneficial. Therefore we compared one year old rats with adults and examined if changes in possible brain markers of AD preceeded memory decline. We also tested if vasopressin-deficient animals were useful model of AD as vasopressin has well known positive effect on memory and AD patient has decreased vasopressin production. We compared adult (3 month) and old (12 month), normal and vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro rats. To receive a comprehensive picture about their memory we examined their social discrimination, object discrimination and conditioned learning abilities (shuttle box). Amyloid precursor protein (APP), mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 (MAPK1), β-actin and tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase 2 (TDO2) mRNA levels was measured by quantitative PCR. There was no difference between the memory of adult and aged groups. The vasopressin-deficient rats at both ages showed a weaker performance in the course of social and object discrimination tests and a higher escape failure during the shuttle box experiment. The brain marker mRNAs of the elder animals were higher than the levels of the adults, but the absence of vasopressin had no influence on them. Thus, the one year old rats showed elevated levels of AD-related markers, but memory deficits were observable only in vasopressin deficient animals. Vasopressin does not seem to have pathogenic role in AD. Changes in the studied markers might predict later symptoms, although further studies are required for confirmation

    Fentanyl but Not Morphine or Buprenorphine Improves the Severity of Necrotizing Acute Pancreatitis in Rats

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    Opioids are widely used for the pain management of acute pancreatitis (AP), but their impact on disease progression is unclear. Therefore, our aim was to study the effects of clinically relevant opioids on the severity of experimental AP. Various doses of fentanyl, morphine, or buprenor- phine were administered as pre- and/or post-treatments in rats. Necrotizing AP was induced by the intraperitoneal injection of L-ornithine-HCl or intra-ductal injection of Na-taurocholate, while intraperitoneal caerulein administration caused edematous AP. Disease severity was determined by laboratory and histological measurements. Mu opioid receptor (MOR) expression and function was assessed in control and AP animals. MOR was expressed in both the pancreas and brain. The pancreatic expression and function of MOR were reduced in AP. Fentanyl post-treatment reduced necrotizing AP severity, whereas pre-treatment exacerbated it. Fentanyl did not affect the outcome of edematous AP. Morphine decreased vacuolization in edematous AP, while buprenorphine pretreatment increased pancreatic edema during AP. The overall effects of morphine on disease severity were negligible. In conclusion, the type, dosing, administration route, and timing of opioid treatment can influence the effects of opioids on AP severity. Fentanyl post-treatment proved to be beneficial in AP. Clinical studies are needed to determine which opioids are best in AP

    Evaluation of the Efficacy of BBIBP-CorV Inactivated Vaccine Combined with BNT62b2 mRNA Booster Vaccine

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    Objectives: In this prospective study, SARS-CoV−2 spike protein specific total immunoglobulin (Ig) levels were analyzed before and after BNT162 b2 mRNA booster vaccination in individuals previously administered with two doses of BBIBP-CorV vaccine in comparison to immunized participants with three doses of BNT162 b2 vaccination. Methods: Sixty-one Caucasian volunteers (39 females, 22 males) vaccinated by BBIBP-CorV were included (mean age: 63.9 years). Sixty-one patients (41 females, 20 males) as controls were vaccinated with BNT162b2 (mean age: 59.9 years). Both groups received the third booster BNT162b2 vaccine. Total anti-SARS-CoV−2 S1-RBD Ig levels were measured by an immunoassay (Roche Diagnostics) and their calculated ratios after/before booster dose were compared between the two groups. Results: At baseline, significantly lower anti-SARS-CoV−2 S1-RBD total antibody levels were determined after initial immunization by two doses of inactivated BBIBP-CorV compared to BNT62b2 mRNA vaccine (p p p p < 0.001). Conclusion: To address the concept that basic BBIBP-CorV vaccination is not as effective as BNT162b, we analyzed the effect of heterologous vaccination with BNT162b2. Our results suggest that BNT162b2 can successfully boost the effects of two-dose BBIBP-CorV vaccination

    Mislocalization of CFTR expression in acute pancreatitis and the beneficial effect of VX-661 + VX-770 treatment on disease severity

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    Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is an important ion channel in epithelial cells. Its malfunction has several serious consequences, like developing or aggravating acute pancreatitis (AP). Here, we investigated the localization and expression of CFTR during cerulein-induced AP in mice and determined the effects of CFTR corrector (VX-661) and potentiator (VX-770) on disease severity. CFTR mRNA expression was significantly increased, and mislocalization of CFTR protein was observed in AP compared to the control group. Interestingly, pre-treatment of AP mice with VX-661 + VX-770 significantly reduced the extent of pancreatic tissue damage by 20-30%. In vitro administration of VX-661 + VX-770 significantly increased the fluid secretion of ducts derived from AP animals. Based on our results, the utilization of CFTR correctors and potentiators should be further investigated in AP.Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) has essential role in maintaining pancreatic ductal function. Impaired CFTR function can trigger acute pancreatitis (AP) and exacerbate disease severity. We aimed to investigate the localization and expression of CFTR during AP, and determined the effects of CFTR corrector (VX-661) and potentiator (VX-770) on disease severity. AP was induced in FVB/n mice by 6-10 hourly intraperitoneal injections of 50μg/kg cerulein. Some mice were pre-treated with 5-6 daily injections of 2mg/kg VX-661+VX-770. Control animals were administered physiological saline instead of cerulein and DMSO instead of VX compounds. AP severity was determined by measuring laboratory and histological parameters; CFTR and CK19 expressions were measured. Activity of ion transporters was followed by intracellular pH or fluid secretion measurement of isolated pancreatic intra-/interlobular ducts. Cerulein-induced AP severity was greatest between 12-24h. CFTR mRNA expression was significantly increased 24h after AP induction. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated disturbed staining morphology of CFTR and CK19 proteins in AP. Mislocalization of CFTR protein was observed from 6h, while expression increased at 24h compared to control. Ductal HCO3- transport activity was significantly increased 6h after AP induction. AP mice pre-treatment with VX-661+VX-770 significantly reduced the extent of tissue damage by about 20-30%, but other parameters were unchanged. Interestingly, VX-661+VX-770 in vitro administration significantly increased the fluid secretion of ducts derived from AP animals. This study described the course of the CFTR expression and mislocalization in cerulein-induced AP. Our results suggest that the beneficial effects of CFTR correctors and potentiators should be further investigated in AP. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Increase in Alzheimer's related markers preceeds memory disturbances: Studies in vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro rat

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia in the elderly. For more effective therapy early diagnostic markers could be beneficial. Therefore we compared one year old rats with adults and examined if changes in possible brain markers of AD preceeded memory decline. We also tested if vasopressin-deficient animals were useful model of AD as vasopressin has well known positive effect on memory and AD patient has decreased vasopressin production. We compared adult (3 month) and old (12 month), normal and vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro rats. To receive a comprehensive picture about their memory we examined their social discrimination, object discrimination and conditioned learning abilities (shuttle box). Amyloid precursor protein (APP), mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 (MAPK1), beta-actin and tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase 2 (TDO2) mRNA levels was measured by quantitative PCR. There was no difference between the memory of adult and aged groups. The vasopressin-deficient rats at both ages showed a weaker performance in the course of social and object discrimination tests and a higher escape failure during the shuttle box experiment. The brain marker mRNAs of the elder animals were higher than the levels of the adults, but the absence of vasopressin had no influence on them. Thus, the one year old rats showed elevated levels of AD-related markers, but memory deficits were observable only in vasopressin deficient animals. Vasopressin does not seem to have pathogenic role in AD. Changes in the studied markers might predict later symptoms, although further studies are required for confirmation