14 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penyajian Contoh Soal dengan Teknik Means End Analysis (MEA) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri I Kasimbar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh penyajian contoh soal dengan teknik MEA terhadap hasil belajar siswa SMA Negeri I Kasimbar. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas XSMA Negeri I Kasimbar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian Eksperimen Kuasi (quasy-experimental design). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling dengan sampel penelitian adalah kelas XA (n=35) sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas XB (n=35) sebagai kelas kontrol. Instrumen penelitian adalah tes hasil belajar dan lembar observasi. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan statistik parametrik dengan uji t pada taraf signifikan 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penyajian contoh soal dengan teknik MEA terhadap hasil belajar siswa SMA Negeri I Kasimbar

    Single-Stage Steam Turbine

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem protitlakové jednostupňové parní turbíny. Tato turbína je navržena pro zpracování technologické páry v chemickém závodě. Cílem práce je navrhnout turbínu využívající co nejvíce energie páry při zadaných parametrech. Stěžejní částí práce je tedy termodynamický výpočet, v něm je zváženo i použití bandáže. Součástí práce je také řez turbínou.Bachelor thesis deals with design of back-pressure sngle-stage steam turbine. This turbine is designed to process technologic steam in chemical factory. Goal of the thesis is to design turbine which can process as much steam energy as possible with specified parameters. Main part of the thesis is thermodynamics calculation, where consideration of using banding is also included. Part of the thesis is also rust design of the turbine.


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    ABSTRACT: The results of this research show that teachers’ work motivation Islamic Education clump of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in MAN Manna South Bengkulu, Learning and how the working conditions of teachers of Islamic education, between the theoretical concept and reality. Implementation of supervision in the field of learning, the reality is far from ideal concept. The cause is so complex, ranging from understanding the context of supervision itself is not owned by the actors, both supervisors, principals, and teachers of Islamic education. To overcome this gap, socialization and “pressure” from those who are committed to the quality of education in Indonesia. It is jointly have to do with the development of a culture of quality in education, which in essence is the quality of the learning process in the classroom. Factors affecting work motivation of teachers of Islamic education clump of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in MAN Manna South Bengkulu, personal / individual, include knowledge, skills (skills), ability, self-confidence, motivation, and commitment of every individual, leadership factors, including: the quality in providing impetus, encouragement, guidance and support of the manager and the team leader, a factor the team, include: the quality of support and encouragement given by a colleague in a team, trust in his fellow team members, compactness and closeness member team, system factors, including: the working system, working facilities or infrastructure provided by colleagues as a team, trust in his fellow team members, compactness and the closeness of the team members


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    ABSTRACT Learning outcomes consist of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. In this study only focused on the cognitive domain. Based on the results of the pre�research, student learning outcomes are still low, students don't pay attention to what the teacher explains and students occasionally do business outside of learning activities and students are still lacking in confidence when asking questions about things they don't understand. Teachers have implemented various types of learning models but learning outcomes are still low. Based on these problems, the researcher offers a solution in the form of using the Wondering Exploring Explaining (WEE) learning model to improve learning outcomes. This study aims to determine the effect of the Wondering Exploring Explaining (WEE) learning model on Science Learning Outcomes of Class V MI Nurul Islam 2 Karang Sari Lampung Selatan. This study aims to determine the effect of the application of the Wondering Exploring Explaining (WEE) learning model on the science learning outcomes of fifth grade students at MI Nurul Islam 2 Karang Sari, South Lampung. This type of research is quantitative research with Quasi Experiment method. The design used is the Noneequivalent Control Group Design. The population is 48 students from class V A totaling 24 students and V B totaling 24 students. The sample consisted of 48 students from class V A and V B. The sampling technique used was Simple Random Sampling. The samples in this study were students of class V A as the experimental class using the Wondering Exploring Explaining (WEE) learning model and class V B as the control class using the Demonstration learning model. Data collection techniques used interviews, multiple-choice multiple-choice tests, and documentation. Before conducting the research, the test instrument was tested and calculated the validity, reliability, level of difficulty, discriminatory power, and effectiveness of deception. Then the research hypothesis was tested using the t test, before the t test the data was tested for the analysis prerequisites, namely by using the normality test and homogeneity test. Based on the results of the analysis of value data processing using hypothesis testing, it was obtained a sig (2-trailed) value of 0.000 which has a value smaller than the criterion value = 0.05, so it can be concluded that HO is rejected, which means there is a difference between student learning outcomes using the model. Wondering Exploring Explaining (WEE) learning with student learning outcomes using the Demonstration learning model. Keywords: Wondering Exploring Explaining (WEE) Learning Model, Learning Outcomes

    ¿Cambios en la estructura curricular de la Educación Secundaria? Aproximaciones para conocer el caso santafesino

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    This article was produced in the context of an investigation project, which is still in progress, and which relates to the processes of the curricular development of high school education as a consequence of the approval of the (Argentinian) National Law of Education (Nº 26206). To focus on the curricular structures means that the importance of a change within this  structure in a new high education is justified. The most relevant arguments and debates as regards the quest for an integrated curriculum and/or an interdisciplinary curriculum are exposed; historical precedents about the attempts to transform higher education within the last decades are  presented; as well, a survey was previously conducted on the ways in which each jurisdiction modified the curricular structure of high school´s basic cycle of education with special attention on the methods of inclusion of the social sciences. Finally, the questions that guided the investigation project´s field of work are presented.Este texto, elaborado en el marco de un proyecto de investigación en curso relativo a los procesos de construcción curricular de la Educación Secundaria a partir de la sanción de la Ley Nacional de Educación (26.206), focaliza en la cuestión de las estructuras curriculares. En tal sentido se justifica por qué es importante un cambio de las mismas en el marco una nueva educación secundaria.  Se exponen los principales argumentos y debates en torno a la búsqueda de un curriculum integrado y/o un curriculum interdisciplinario; se identifican antecedentes históricos sobre los intentos de transformación de la educación secundaria en las  últimas décadas  y se realiza un análisis preliminar de los modos en que cada jurisdicción modificó el ciclo básico de la educación secundaria con especial atención  hacia la inclusión de las ciencias sociales. Finalmente se exponen las preguntas que orientan el trabajo de campo del proyecto de investigación mencionado

    Design of a cooling circuit for heat removal from a steam turbine condenser

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou vyvedení zbytkového nízkopotenciálního tepla z kondenzátoru parní turbíny a jeho mařením. V teoretické části práce jsou nejdříve popsány různé druhy provedení kondenzátorů. Dále jsou popsány varianty chladících okruhů a možnosti jejich využití. Ve výpočtové části jsou vybrány dvě často využívané varianty chladičů, a to mokrá věž s přirozeným tahem a suchá věž s nuceným tahem. U suchého chlazení jsou uvažovány dvě varianty chladícího média, a to voda a 50% směs vody a propylen glykolu. Na základě výpočtů jsou zvoleny pro obě varianty odpovídající čerpadla, respektive také ventilátor pro nucený tah a vypočítána vlastní spotřeba elektřiny. Součástí práce jsou i projekční výkresy pro obě vypočítané varianty.This thesis deals with the problems of wounding of low potential transferred from steam turbine condenser. First, in the theoretical part variations of steam condenser design are described. Then there is a description of variations of cooling cycles and possibilities of their operation range. In second part of the thesis there are two common cooler options chosen. Those are wet cooling tower with natural draft and dry chiller with forced draft. Two types of cooling liquid are chosen to be used for dry cooling. These are water and the other one is 50 % mixture of water and propylene glycol. Based on the calculation results of both cooling cycle variations appropriate pumps are chosen, fan for forced convection respectively. Parts of the thesis are also projection drawings for both calculated variations.

    The involvement of Phospholipase, A2 in Wallerian degeneration /

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    Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) enzymes target membrane phospholipids to liberate free fatty acids, such as arachidonic acid, a precursor of inflammatory mediators, as well as lysophospholipids which disrupt membrane structure. Unlike the PNS, Wallerian degeneration is very slow in the injured adult mammalian CNS. This slow removal of myelin, which contains axon growth inhibitors, contributes to the failure of CNS regeneration. Via its metabolic products, PLA2 may help mediate myelin breakdown and macrophage recruitment for debris clearance in Wallerian degeneration. In this study, immunohistochemical analysis was used to assess whether PLA2 expression correlates with differing rates of Wallerian degeneration. Indeed, cytosolic (cPLA2) and secreted PLA2 (sPLA2) are strongly upregulated early (five hours) in the crushed adult rat sciatic nerve (PNS) and continue to be expressed for up to ten days, i.e. during the period of myelin breakdown and phagocytosis. In the injured optic nerve (CNS) however, both forms of PLA2 are upregulated very late (eight weeks) after lesioning. Furthermore, in C57BL/Wlds mutant mice, a strain that undergoes delayed Wallerian degeneration in injured peripheral nerves and also has a null mutation for the story type II sPLA2, no cPLA 2 expression was observed up to ten days post-crush (duration of study) in contrast to the wild-type mouse. Blocking cPLA2 activity in transected sciatic nerves of C57BL/6J mice, also deficient in sPLA2 type II, markedly slowed myelin breakdown and phagocytosis. Together, these observations show strong evidence for the involvement of both forms of PLA 2 in mediating rapid Wallerian degeneration

    Perancangan dan Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Organisasi Mahasiswa Unika Soegijapranata Berbasis Web

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    Kegiatan berorganisasi dalam suatu institusi pendidikan adalah hal yang penting bagi mahasiswa. Selain meningkatkan kreativitas, kegiatan berorganisasi juga dapat melatih para mahasiswa untuk dapat bersikap dan berkomunikasi dalam masyarakat, dalam kegiatannya tak lepas dari penciptaan sebuah acara dan perangkat pendukung acara tersebut. Dalam penciptaan sebuah acara perlu adanya pembuatan proposal dan setelahnya perlu perangkat yang mendukung seperti tempat atau barang, apa yang dirasakan saya dan teman – teman organisasi mahasiswa adalah seringkali merasa kesulitan dalam pengajuan acara karena dibutuhkannya tanda tangan basah, mencetak proposal berulang, dan memakan waktu yang lama hingga pencairan dana. Sama halnya dengan peminjaman tempat atau barang yang berkaitan dengan persetujuan proposal, lamanya persetujuan proposal menyebabkan tertundanya pelaksanaan acara dan peminjaman barang atau tempat, juga dengan tidak adanya bantuan teknologi mahasiswa harus datang ke ruang petugas bersangkutan untuk pengecekan stok barang atau ketersediaan tempat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat aplikasi berbasis web untuk membantu pengajuan proposal hingga peminjaman tempat dan barang. Metode yang diterapkan melalui perancangan Use Case Diagram, ER Diagram, Activity Diagram, React, MySQL, dan Node.Js. Aplikasi juga diuji terhadap 34 responden dengan 2 responden tidak valid, dan dari apa yang diuji dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel EE (kemudahan), PE (kebergunaan) dan FC (kondisi fasilitas), memiliki korelasi terhadap BI (keinginan untuk menggunakan) akan tetapi variabel SI (pengaruh dari luar) tidak berkorelasi terhadap BI (keinginan untuk menggunakan)

    Utilization of HIV-related services from the private health sector: A multi-country analysis

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    Increasing the participation of the private health sector in the AIDS response could help to achieve universal access to comprehensive HIV prevention, treatment, care and support. Yet little is known about the extent to which the private health sector is delivering HIV-related services. This study uses data from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and AIDS Indicator Surveys (AIS) from 12 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean to explore use of HIV testing and STI care from the private for-profit sector, and its association with household wealth status. The analysis indicates that the private for-profit health sector is active in HIV-related service delivery, although the level of participation varies by region and country. From 3 to 45 percent of women and 6 to 42 percent of men reported the private for-profit sector as their source of the most recent HIV testing. While in some countries, use of the private for-profit health sector for HIV testing and STI care increases with wealth, in others the relationship is not clear, as there are no significant differences in using private for-profit HIV-related services between the rich and the poor. We conclude that as the global AIDS response evolves from emergency relief to sustained country programs, broader consideration of the role of the private for-profit health sector may be warranted.HIV/AIDS Services utilization Private health sector Household wealth