197 research outputs found


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    Perception about testing and preparation to take a test is usually actualized in what the students do before, during, and after testing. This research involves 50 students and 17 lecturers as respondents, and uses structured questionnaire as its instrument. The results of the analysis show that: 1) the test-taking strategy used by the students of Education Department, the University of Muria Kudus (EED UMK) in open book tests is fair; 2) in α .01 and df 15, there is a significant dependency relationship between students’ grade and test-taking strategy use in open book tests, although there is no exact relationship nature between these two variables

    The Paradox of Question and Answer Episode of Thesis Examination

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    The main concern of this research is the exploration of tendencies made by the participants of a thesis examination in enacting their roles through their speech function choices. Interpretation of the data is based on the principle of critical discourse analysis within the systemic functional linguistic. The results show us the paradox of a Qustion - and - Answer episode of a thesis examination. It lies in the fact that it must operate in an academic atmosphere, be brief and frightening, and the examiners initiate the interaction by demanding information from the student, and yet it is a joint production of conversation in which, while enacting their supportive roles, the examiners contribute to sustaining the interaction, making it half-way between casual and pragmatic conversation Based on the findings: some suggesions addressed to examiners are mad


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    ABSTRAKArtikel Inovasi guru dalam pembelajaran di era pandemi covid-19 merupakan pembahasan mengenai adanya evaluasi permasalahan pembelajaran jarak jauh yang sudah dilaksanakan mulai bulan Maret sampai dengan November 2020. Permasalahn terfokus pada bagaimana inovasi dan kreasi guru dalam memahami aplikasi pembelajaran saat pandemi. Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran pada pemerintah setempat, sekolah, serta orangtua mengenai pembelajaran jarak jauh saat pandemi dibahas secara kualitatif dan bersifat deskriptif.   Hal-hal yang dideskripsikan dalam artikel ini antara lain (1) proses daring menjadi awal perubahan ke era digital (2) Keluhan guru dalam proses daring (3) inovasi guru dalam pembelajaran daring. Kesimpulan pembahasan artikel adalah Pandemi Covid-19 harus dijadikan peluang oleh guru untuk berinovasi dan berkreasi. Kunci efektifitas dari sistem pembelajaran daring ialah cara seorang guru tetap inovatif dan kreatif untuk menyajikan pembelajaran daring secara menyenangkan dan mudah dimengerti sehingga para siswa tidak merasa bosan dan tetap produktif di rumah. Kata kunci : inovasi, guru, pembelajaran, pandemi  ABSTRACTThe article entitled Teacher innovation in learning in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic is a discussion of some that must be evaluated regarding distance learning problems that have been implemented from March 2020 to the present. This problem focuses on how innovative and creative teachers are in understanding learning applications during a pandemic. The purpose of this article is to provide local government, schools and parents with an overview of distance learning when the pandemic is discussed in a qualitative and descriptive manner. The things described in this article include (1) the online process being the beginning of a change to the digital era (2) Teacher complaints in the online process (3) teacher innovation in online learning. The conclusion from the discussion of this article is that the Covid-19 Pandemic must be an opportunity for teachers to innovate and be creative. Don't interpret the Covid-19 pandemic as a challenge, let alone an obstacle. The key to the effectiveness of the online learning system is the way a teacher remains innovative and creative to present online learning in a fun and easy-to-understand manner so that students don't feel bored and remain productive at home. Keywords: innovation, teacher, learning, pandemi

    Relationship between Gender, Subject Preference and Learning Styles

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    Understanding the learning styles of the students is very crucial in implementing student-centered learning (SCL). The objectives of this research are to describe: 1) the general learning styles profile of the students of English Education Department Universitas Muria Kudus; 2) the dependency relationship between learning styles dimensions and gender, and 3) the dependency relationship between subject preference and learning styles dimensions. This research uses 208 students from different semesters as the samples, while the instrument is the Indonesian translation of Solomon-Felder Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire. The result of the analysis reveals that: 1) the general learning style profile of the students is balanced; 2) at ? .05, there is no significant relationship between the probability of the students of having certain learning styles dimensions and gender; 3) at ? .05, the subject preference of the students who are SensingIntuitive and Visual Verbal depends on their learning styles dimensions, while that of those who are Active Reflective and Sequential Global does not


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    For most foreign language learners, understanding texts written in a foreign language is not an easy thing to do. To help learners in coping with this problem, when teaching reading teachers should provide them with a number of structured tasks that not only focus on students’ reading purpose, but also allow them to confront and reflect upon reading difficulties in socially interactive ways and one of the activities which is appropriate with these tasks is Directed Reading Activity (DRTA). The objective of the research is to compare the behavior of the English reading class students before and after the implementation of DRTA. The subjects of this research were 3 students of LBB Teladan Kudus. The conclusion is that the behavior of the students is better than that before the implementation of DRTA. The students become motivated, active, enthusiastic, paid attention to the teaching learning process, and got involved in the teaching learning process. Considering that DRTA has many benefits for learners especially dealing with learners’ behaviors, it is suggested that this activity should be used by the teacher when teaching reading

    Analisis potensi Daerah (Makro Ekonomi ) terhadap Kelayakan pendirian PT. BPR Arta Waringin Jaya Situbondo di Wilayah Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sebuah kelayakan PT.BPR Arta Waringin Jaya dengan memfokuskan pada aspe potensi daerah (Makro Ekonomi). peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian dengan menggunakan metode Penelitian Deskriptif Kualitatif. Penelitian ini fokus pada aspek minat masyarakat, tingkat persaingan lembaga keuangan, potensi tabungan, potensi kredit baru dan target pasar dalam penyaluran dan penghimpunan dana. Metode analisa yang digunakan adalah uji kualitas data dan uji reliabilitas dengan hasil penelitian bahwa terdapat beberapa nilai korelasi lebih besar dari nilai cut off sebesar 0.3 dengan artian data bersifat valid dan reliabel dan analisis dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penelitian pasar yang telah dilakukan untuk minat masyarakat terhadap BPR yang diukur dari keberadaan BPR di Banyuwangi, pelayanan yang diberikan, profesionalitas layanan, menawarkan produk yang menarik serta kemudahan dalam akses pelayanan perbankan dapat disimpulkan bahwa minat masyarakat merespons sangat positif terhadap keberadaan PT BPR Artha Waringin Situbondo

    Pengembangan Model Enterprise Service Bus Berbasis Service Oriented Middleware Guna Pengelolaan Layanan Informasi Tuberkulosis Wilayah Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    The field of Information Service Management is concerned with the effective management of information technology (IT) services across their entire lifespan, encompassing activities such as design, development, deployment, operation, and continuous improvement. The components encompass many procedures, namely service design, service transition, service operation, and constant service improvement. The proliferation of information service management aligns with the ubiquity of the internet and its web-based services, notwithstanding the constraints posed by intermittent wireless connectivity. When the attainment of web service reliability is accomplished, there is a decrease in communication overhead, resulting in the retrieval of the correct response with little exertion. The worldwide pandemic issue presents an opportunity to glean useful insights that can contribute to the progress of digital health technologies. The remote monitoring of patient's health conditions and treatment actions inside the health system is crucial to mitigate the potential danger of disease transmission. Furthermore, there is a need for further development of digital technology that enables the sharing of information and facilitates evidence-based decision-making among stakeholders. The provision of data integration and analysis services is necessitated by the utilization of web services. The utilization of the middleware technique is deemed to be more suitable for web services. This study presents a novel model, referred to as Analysis Service Architecture utilizing Middleware (ASAM). The ASAM framework was established through the utilization of the Service Computing Systems Engineering Life Cycle approach. Further, ASAM is applied to the Management of Tuberculosis Information Services in Epidemic Tuberculosis cases in Indonesia. We evaluate and analyze our proposed method with other Information service management including face recognition, object recognition, and optical character recognition as a basis for evidence- based decision-making. Black box method testing with 50 service samples is carried out to measure aspects of functionality, reliability, and efficiency with ISO/ICE 9126 standards. The result is that the ASAM model is considered feasible as a new model of service-oriented middleware based on service-oriented architecture


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    Setelah beberapa tahun Indonesia terkena dampak dari pandemi Covid 19 yang membatasi segala kegiatan orang-orang untuk berpergian. Membuat masyarakat menjadi lebih terbiasa menggunakan smartphone. Sementara itu, pasca pandemi bermunculan juga fenomena yang dikenal sebagai revenge travel atau perjalanan wisata balas dendam. Pada penelitian ini terdapat studi kasus untuk bisnis travel agent yang ada di kota Salatiga yang bernama Tenta Tour. Berdasarkan diskusi yang dilakukan, Tenta Tour membutuhkan sebuah aplikasi untuk membantu mempersingkat proses pertemuan dengan pelanggan saat pemesanan paket wisata. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah model prototype dan untuk analisis pengumpulan data menggunakan System Usability Scale (SUS). Berdasarkan hal tersebut, hasil penelitian adalah aplikasi Travel Agent berbasis Android yang mengimplementasikan REST API (Retrofit). Dengan tampilan-tampilan lengkap yang ada pada aplikasi yakni Splash Screen, Home, Berangkat, Detail Paket Wisata, Detail Paket Custom, Pulang, Detail Pemesan, Detail Pesanan, Login, Daftar dan Riwayat Pesanan. Fitur unggulan yang diberikan aplikasi Travel Agent ini sendiri yaitu kemudahan custom paket wisata seperti transportasi, tempat wisata, tempat makan, dan hotel. Selain itu, aplikasi Travel agent memberikan output pdf rundown atau jadwal perjalanan dan auto send email ke customer dan admin. Selain itu, berdasarkan data black box testing dan penilaian dengan metode SUS menunjukkan bahwa fitur-fitur pada Aplikasi Travel Agent dapat berjalan sebagaimana mestinya serta layak digunakan dan diterima dengan baik oleh pihak client yakni Tenta Tour dan beberapa responden yang dapat artikan sebagai customer


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    Terciptanya masyarakat Indonesia yang memiliki kualitas hidup yang baik dan harmonis masih sangat jauh dari kenyataan. Salah satu upaya adalah dengan membangun hubungan yang sinergi antara masyarakat sipil dan pemerintah. Kesinergian ini membutuhkan kepedulian dan sikap saling melengkapi antara masyarakat dengan pemerintah atau dalam suatu bentuk hubungan menunjukkan saling keterkaitan. Kombinasi dari dua elemen dasar Negara ini sangat kuat untuk pembangunan. Berbagai cara yang inovatif untuk menyatukan perbedaan, khususnya kebudayaan, antara masyarakat dengan masyarakat dan masyarakat dengan pemerintah perlu untuk dibentuk. Penelitian ini dapat dimulai dari mengeksplorasi sejauh mana hubungan pemerintah dan masyarakat pada bidang pendidikan. Pemerintah dalam permasalahan ini sebagai organisator dari pendidikan yang mengeluarkan kebijakan tentang transparansi sekolah-sekolah secara bersama-sama antara pihak sekolah dengan siswa yang diwakili oleh komite sekolah. Bagaimaanapun cara kreatif yang dibutuhkan untuk penyelenggaraan khususnya oleh para reformis dipihak sekolah sehingga fasilitas pendidikan dapat terpenuhi sejalan dengan pertumbuhan kebutuhan masyarakat, antara masyarakat dengan aparat pemerintah dan juga pelaksanaan pemerintahan yang baik