11 research outputs found

    Analisis Kelayakan Usaha(Studi Kasus:Peternakan Ayam Ras Petelur Pak Tarno Di Kelurahan Polokarto, Kecamatan Polokarto, Kabupaten Sukoharjo)

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    Analysis of the feasibility of laying chicken farm Tarno pack aim to determine the future prospects of the benefits, advantages and disadvantages in setting up farm laying chicken. In this research needs to be done in the study through the concept of feasibility studies, the aspects analyzed include aspects of the concept feasibility consisting of legal aspects, markets and marketing, technical aspects / operations, management / organization, the economic aspect / social aspects environmental impact analysis and financial aspects. On the legal aspects of business have not been considered adequate because not a corporate official business, but in other aspects of its business may be acceptable or feasible. To determine the feasibility of farm chicken laying the financial aspect is a vital aspect in the feasibility study. Criteria calculations used in determining feasible or not an investment in terms of financial aspects, needs to be measured by several criteria. the criteria used to analyze the feasibility of investment from a business or businesses consist of: (1) The payback period (PP), (2) average rate of return (ARR), net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), profitability index (PI). Based on the results of the analysis of the test criteria for eligibility of the investment. Based on the results of the analysis of the test criteria for eligibility of these investments indicate where the payback period of the business capital of Rp 250.06 million for 2.029 semester. At the average rate of return method of addressing that level of profits that is 119.0%. Method of net present value (NPV) produces a positive value of Rp 82,544,065. Method of internal rate of return (IRR) generates an interest rate of 31, 139% where the rate of return is greater than the discount rate of 18%. In the method of profitability index (PI) is 1.815, meaning that the value gained more than 1. Based on calculations using the methods explained that the investments carried out by farm chicken laying pack Tarno acceptable or feasible. However, in running the farm chicken laying the need for a reconciliation of the concept of the feasibility study. Repairs should be done on the legal aspects, which do not yet have a business carried on official business entities. Keywords: Analysis, Feasibility, Investment, Ranch Broiler Laying Pak Tarn

    Pengembangan Keterampilan Menulis Siswa SMAN 1 Semaka Melalui Web Sekolah

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    Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis artikel ilmiah populer siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Semaka. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan institusional dan pendekatan partisipatif. Peserta dalam kegiatan ini adalah siswa SMAN 1 Semaka kelas XI yang berjumlah 30 siswa. Terdapat dua kali pengambilan data, yang pertama adalah pre-test (sebelum pelatihan menulis ilmiah popular diberikan) dan post-test (setelah pelatihan menulis ilmiah popular diberikan). Pada tahap analisis, data dioleh secara kuantitif dan dijabarkan secara kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, temuan menunjukkan bahwa pengombinasian antara pendekatan Content Language Intergrated Learning (CLIL) dan media website sekolah efektif meningkatkan keterampilan menulis ilmiah popular siswa kelas XI SMAN 1 Semaka


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    Smart Home is one form of implementation of Internet of Things technology in the form of smart homes that can carry out management, monitoring, even reporting. In addition, smart homes can be equipped with security equipment such as Smart Door that can open or lock the door automatically when recognizing the homeowner's face. However, the current Smart Door model has a disadvantage where the stored data on the server and the device are not secured end-to-end. The homeowners' image data on the device is not encrypted with a specific algorithm and validation. Thus, the outside parties can use this high-risk problem to enter the house unnoticed. They disguised themselves as the homeowner by entering false data on the device. Based on this problem, this study has a purpose to increase the model's end-to-end security by implementing the Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm. In addition to increase the security level, the Truncated Decimal-converted SHA-1 checksum validation is added to prevent modifications in each image data. From the results of the model comparison experiment, there was an increase in device resource needs as much as 0.81% increase in process time; 18% CPU usage; 5.3% data usage; and 5.04% for the use of the entire process of memory. But the increase in performance needs is not comparable to the security features presented by the Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm in securing data and servers. So that with improvisation this security is expected to improve the data security of homeowners from outside parties.Smart Home merupakan salah satu bentuk implementasi teknologi Internet of Things dalam bentuk rumah cerdas yang dapat melalukan manajemen, pemantauan, bahkan pelaporan. Selain itu rumah cerdas dapat dilengkapi dengan peralatan keamanan seperti smart door yang dapat membuka maupun mengunci pintu secara otomatis ketika mengenali wajah pemilik rumah. Namun model smart door ini memiliki kelemahan yang di mana data yang tersimpan di dalam server maupun perangkat tidak diamankan secara end-to-end. Perangkat yang menyimpan data-data gambar pemilik rumah tidak dienkripsi dengan algoritma tertentu maupun  validasi keaslian data gambar. Sehingga masalah ini dapat dimanfaatkan pihak luar dengan melakukan masquerading atau menyamar dengan cara memasukkan data palsu di dalam perangkat. Berdasarkan masalah yang sudah dideskripsikan, penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan keamanan data end-to-end model dengan algoritma Advanced Encryption Standard. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga melengkapi tingkat keamanan dengan validasi integritas data terenkripsi menggunakan teknik Truncated Decimal-converted SHA-1 Checksum untuk membuat nilai hash unik yang dapat mencegah modifikasi di masing-masing data gambar. Dari hasil eksperimen perbandingan model yang dilakukan, terjadi kenaikan kebutuhan sumber daya perangkat sebanyak 0,81% peningkatan waktu proses, 18% penggunaan CPU, 5,3% penggunaan data, dan 5,04% untuk penggunaan memori seluruh proses. Namun peningkatan kebutuhan kinerja ini tidak sebanding dengan fitur keamanan yang dihadirkan oleh algoritma Advanced Encryption Standard dalam mengamankan data perangkat dan server. Sehingga dengan improvisasi keamanan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan keamanan data pemilik rumah dari pihak luar

    Analisis Pengaruh Total Suspended Solid Dalam Penentuan Kedalaman Laut Dangkal Dengan Metode Algoritma Van Hengel Dan Spitzer

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    Remote sensing technology can provide depth information effectively and efficiently, especially for areas that have seabed morphology are often fickle. But to extract depth data there are some factors that will cause an error in the determination of the depth value.In this study used a method of determining the depth of the shallow sea with Landsat images using the Van Hengel and Spitzer which is ever used by Wahyuningrum et.al, 2008, to determine the ability of the digital image of Landsat 7 ETM + to map shallow water depth at Pari Island. And Lestari, 2009 using the method of determining the concentration of TSS to see the trend change and transparency TSS in Jakarta Bay waters. While in this study both methods are used to assess the effect of TSS to determine the depth of the shallow marine waters of Marina using VHS method in Semarang with Landsat satellite imagery 8 OLI in 2013.The Results of Landsat image processing using VHS method obtained depth values between 3-13 m with R2 (coefficient of determination) 0,7127 and RMS error 1,2929. whereas for determining the TSS concentration obtained TSS concentrations between 1-181 mg/l with value of R2 (coefficient of determination) 0,8669 and RMS error 14,1668. At a depth of < 3 m between the depths of field with a large image obtained difference 11,013 m. it is influenced by high TSS concentrations as it is close to the coast. And at a depth of more than 13 m, the difference in the depth increased again 24,090 m with the deepening of the sea floor

    Model Konversi Notasi Kepatihan ke dalam Format MIDI untuk Pembangkitan Musik Barat Orisinal

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    Musik orisinal merupakan komposisi baru yang diciptakan dengan memodifikasi elemen-elemen musik menggunakan metode yang belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem pembangkitan musik Barat orisinal yang diukur berdasarkan pola urutan nada dan distribusinya yang diakuisisi dari musik Gamelan, musik tradisional dari Jawa. Lembar musik Gamelan yang digunakan sebagai sumber data dikonversi ke dalam format MIDI untuk dijadikan input bagi pelatihan jaringan LSTM berdasarkan informasi nada, langkah dan durasi. Selanjutnya, teknik sequence prediction digunakan untuk membangkitkan output nada berdasarkan input nada sebelumnya. Hasil pembangkitan musik Barat orisinal berupa data dalam format file MIDI dan visualisasinya dalam format notasi Balok. Evaluasi pada pelatihan jaringan LSTM menunjukkan hasil yang baik dengan tingkat loss sebesar 0,1. Evaluasi tingkat kemiripan pola urutan nada dan distribusinya dilakukan menggunakan grafik distribusi sampel nada, langkah dan durasi, dan hasilnya menunjukkan tingkat kemiripan yang baik

    Analisis Daya Saing Ekspor Kopi Indonesia, Brazil, Kolombia, Dan Vietnam

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    Daya saing ekspor merupakan hal yang penting dalam melakukan persaingan ekspor antar negara, karena banyak negara yang berusaha memperoleh pendapatan melalui ekspor. Kopi termasuk dalam 10 komoditas ekspor utama Indonesia, hal ini karena Indonesia termasuk dalam produsen kopi terbesar dunia. Kopi merupakan komoditas tua yang diperdagangkan Indonesia. Sejak Indonesia dijajah oleh Belanda sekitar abad 17, kopi merupakan komoditas utama yang diperdagangkan di zaman itu. Disamping itu, konsumsi kopi dunia semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya saing komparatif dan kompetitif ekspor kopi Indonesia. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah nilai ekspor komoditas dari keempat negara, nilai total ekspor kopi keempat negara, nilai ekspor komoditas kopi di dunia, nilai ekspor total dunia, nilai ekspor komoditas kopi dari keempat negara, nilai impor komoditas kopi dari keempat negara pada periode 1996-2014. Data yang digunakan adalah data tahunan yang diperoleh dari BPS, Kementerian pertanian, International Coffee Organization(ICO), the Obsevatory of Economic Complexity (OEC). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Fokus penelitian ini adalah faktor kondisi dari industri kopi, faktor kondisi permintaan domestik, industri-industri yang berkaitan dan mendukung, strategi, struktur, dan persaingan perusahaan, kebijakan pemerintah, kesempatan yang disebabkan kejadian dalam industri kopi. Analisis RCA, ISP, dan teori Diamond Porter adalah alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keunggulan komparatif ekspor komoditi kopi Indonesia tinggi namun masih kalah dengan Brazil, Vietnam, dan Kolombia. Berdasarkan analisis ISP, Indonesia lebih tepat menjadi Negara eksportir kopi, bukan importir kopi, namun masih dibawah Brazil, Vietnam, dan Kolombia. Keunggulan kompetitif ekspor kopi Indonesia didukung oleh bebrapa faktor produksi dan industri pendukung terkait. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, maka disarankan agar industri kopi melakukan diversifikasi produk baik kopi mentah, kopi sangrai, maupun kopi olahan. Pemerintah memberikan modal pada dengan kredit bunga rendah, dan memberikan program pelatihan pada para petani. Dan pihak swasta melalui profesional kopi mampu melakukan transfer knowledge kepada para petani dan menciptakan iklim bisnis yang kompetitif

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Interest in Entrepreneurship Among Adolescents: A Case Study of Students of SMAN 1 Sidoarjo

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    Most high school graduates are unemployed and unemployment can be reduced by inviting people to open new businesses or entrepreneurship, especially among teenagers. . This study aims to determine the partial and simultaneous effect of self-efficacy, family social support, and entrepreneurial knowledge on students interest in entrepreneurship. By using a sampling technique that is non-random sampling with a population of 116 students. The analysis method uses multiple linear regression analysis with the help of the SPSS 26 program. . The results of this study indicate that there is a partially positive effect of self-efficacy on students' interest in entrepreneurship, there is no partial positive effect of family social support on students' interest in entrepreneurship and there is no partial positive effect of entrepreneurial knowledge on students' interest in entrepreneurship. And simultaneously self-efficacy, family social support, and entrepreneurial knowledge on students' interest in entrepreneurship have a positive effect with a significant value

    Pengaruh Fdr Terhadap Roa Dengan Variabel Intervening NPF Pada Bprs Indonesia 2011-2016

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    This research aims to know the influence of Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) against Non Performing Financing (NPF), the influence of Non-Performing Financing (NPF) towards profitability, leverage Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) towards profitability , on the Bank of the people's Islamic Financing in Indonesia. The approach used is the quantitative approach using path analysis or path analysis. The sample used in this study is the BPRS from January 2011 to December 2016. The data is drawn from Islamic Banking Statistics issued by Bank Indonesia and the financial services authority totalling 72 data. The results of this study showed that Non Performing Financing (NPF) and the Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) influential negative and significantly to Profitability (RoA). Non Performing Financing (NPF) a positive effect towards Profitability (RoA

    Source rock formation evaluation using TOC & Ro log model based on well-log data procesing: study case of Ngimbang formation, North East Java basin

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    Ngimbang Formation is known as one major source of hydrocarbon supply in the North Eastern Java Basin. Aged Mid-Eocene, Ngimbang is dominated by sedimentary clastic rocks mostly shale, shaly sandstone, and thick layers of limestone (CD Limestone), with thin layers of coal. Although, laboratory analyses show the Ngimbang Formation to be a relatively rich source-rocks, such data are typically too limited to regionally quantify the distribution of organic matter. To adequately sample the formation both horizontally and vertically on a basin–wide scale, large number of costly and time consuming laboratory analyses would be required. Such analyses are prone to errors from a number of sources, and core data are frequently not available at key locations. In this paper, the authors established four TOC (Total Organic Carbon Content) logging calculation models; Passey, Schmoker-Hester, Meyer-Nederloff, and Decker/Density Model by considering the geology of Ngimbang. Well data along with its available core data was used to determine the most suitable model to be applied in the well AFA-1, as well as to compare the accuracy of these TOC model values. The result shows good correlation using Decker (TOC) Model and Mallick-Raju (Ro- Vitrinite Reflectance) Model. Two source rocks potential zones were detected by these log models

    Source rock formation evaluation using TOC & Ro log model based on well-log data procesing: study case of Ngimbang formation, North East Java basin

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    Ngimbang Formation is known as one major source of hydrocarbon supply in the North Eastern Java Basin. Aged Mid-Eocene, Ngimbang is dominated by sedimentary clastic rocks mostly shale, shaly sandstone, and thick layers of limestone (CD Limestone), with thin layers of coal. Although, laboratory analyses show the Ngimbang Formation to be a relatively rich source-rocks, such data are typically too limited to regionally quantify the distribution of organic matter. To adequately sample the formation both horizontally and vertically on a basin–wide scale, large number of costly and time consuming laboratory analyses would be required. Such analyses are prone to errors from a number of sources, and core data are frequently not available at key locations. In this paper, the authors established four TOC (Total Organic Carbon Content) logging calculation models; Passey, Schmoker-Hester, Meyer-Nederloff, and Decker/Density Model by considering the geology of Ngimbang. Well data along with its available core data was used to determine the most suitable model to be applied in the well AFA-1, as well as to compare the accuracy of these TOC model values. The result shows good correlation using Decker (TOC) Model and Mallick-Raju (Ro- Vitrinite Reflectance) Model. Two source rocks potential zones were detected by these log models