15 research outputs found

    Utilization of thermophilic cellulolytic bacteria isolates and Trichoderma harzianum fungi on rice strow composting

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    The thermophilic cellulolytic bacteria are potential organisms for applications such as in decomposition of organic materials and enzyme technology. One potential organic materials which is very abundant in Indonesia is rice straw, which have not been optimally utilized. The problem is, the compostingprocess of straw in nature is used to take along time, so it needs to add effective decomposer microoroganisms which can adapt on compost termperature rise. The aims of this research were to isolated and selected thermophilic cellulolytic bacteria and Trichoderma harzianum and tested the isolates on rice straw composting. This research is executed in laboratory in faculty of agriculture, University of Alwashliyah Medan. Twenty thermophilic cellulolytic bacteria were isolated from several process composting of rice strawand corn waste at high temperature, from peat land and sidebu-debu hot spring, while Trichoderma harzianum fungi that used in this research was already got from previous research. Cellulolytic activity was determined by ability of bacteria and fungi to degrade carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) substrate. Cellulolytic microorganisms was selected based on clear zone which form surrounding the colonies. Cellulase activity was measured by dinitrosalisilic acid (DNS) method. Results showed that there were 5 isolates (JG12, JG9,JG7 JR2, SD1) showing the best ability to degrade CMC. JG12 isolate had the higest diameter ratio of clear zone and enzyme activity ( 2,6 and 5,07 x 10-3 U/mL), while T. Harzianum had ratio of clear zone 1,22 and enzyme activity 4,02 x 10-3 U/mL).Then the selected bacteria and T. Harzianum were test on rice straw composting. This selection was used complete block Random Design Factorial, which consist of bacteria isolates as the first factor (S0=control, S1= Straw+JG7, S2=Straw+JR2, S3=Straw+JG9, S4=Straw+JG12, S5=Straw+SD1) and T. Harzianum as the second factor( T0=control, T1=Straw+T. harzianum). The result of this research are the highest decreasing of ratio C/N is caused by the treatment combination S4T1 which is consist of JG12 bacteria isolate that isolated from corn waste composting and Trichoderma harzianum (C/N = 17,16)

    Response of Growth and Production of Rice Varieties Caused by Application Amendment Straw Bokashi and Specific Location of Fertilization in Salin Soil

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    Efforts to improve rice tolerance to salt stress conditions to obtain salinity tolerant varieties can be done through adaptation of anatomy and morphology. Research was conducted in Paluh Ketuk, Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan. The experiment was using factorial randomized block design with two factors.The first factor is Amendment (A) consists of 4 degrees: 0 t/ha, 4 t/ha, 8 t/ha and 12 t/ha. The second factor is the Varieties (V) consists of 6 kinds: Ciherang, Bestari, Inpari 4, Mekongga, Inpari 13 and Cibogo. The variables are: leaf area, number of tillers, number of productive tillers, number of grains per panicle,number of chlorophyll, 1000 grain weight and grain weight/ plot. Data were analyzed by F test and Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT), further analysis by response curve. The yield of higher in order are Bestari, Ciherang and Mekongga. Compost treatments were significant in variable of leaf area and grain weight per plot. Whereas the varieties treatments were significant on number of tillers, number of productive tillers, number of grains per panic and grain weight per plot. Combination treatments of compost and varieties were significant on grain weight per plot. Rice varieties suggested are Bestari, Ciherang and Mekongga its tend to have better resistance to higher grain yield than other varieties

    Penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw pada konsep zat dan wujudnya dikelas vii semester I MTsN Model I Palangka Raya

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji masalah-masalah sebagai berikut: Bagaimana aktivitas guru dan siswa dalam model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe JIGSAW? Bagaimana keterampilan kooperatif tipe JIGSAW? Bagaimana respon siswa setelah penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe JIGSAW? Bagaimana hasil belajar fisika siswa pada konsep zat dan wujudnya setelah diajarkan dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe JIGSAW? Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif, yang dilakasanakan di MTsN I Model Palangka Raya tahun ajaran 2008/2009 dengan populasi penelitian seluruh siswa kelas VII yang berjumlah 218 orang terbagi menjadi 6 kelas yakni kelas VII- 1, VII-2, VII-3, VII-4, VII-5, dan VII-6. Sampel penelitian ini pada kelas VII-5 dengan jumlah 36 siswa. Teknik penentuan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling (sampel bertujuan). Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah 1). Lembar pengamatan aktivitas guru dan siswa selama pembelajaran. 2). Lembar pengamatan keterampilan kooperatif siswa selama pembelajaran, 3) Angket respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran, 4) Tes hasil belajar siswa, instrument tes terdiri dari 50 butir soal pilihan ganda dengan 4 opsion yang diuji cobakan pada kelas VII-3. Dari hasil uji coba diperoleh 18 butir soal gugur dan 32 butir soal dipakai uji coba soal meliputi validitas, reliabilitas, daya pembeda dan tingkat kesukaran. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan aktivitas guru yang paling dominan adalah mengamati kegiatan siswa mencapai 25,18%, dan aktivitas siswa yang paling dominan adalah berdiskusi/bertanya antar siswa dan guru mencapai 36,01% dari seluruh kegiatan. Keterampilan kooperatif siswa yang paling dominan adalah berada dalam tugas mencapai 21.02%. Respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran kooperatif tipe JIGSAW sebagian besar menyatakan senang sebesar 83.33%, siswa merasa baru dengan model pembelajaran sebesar 88.88% dan 100% siswa merasa bermanfaat diajarkan dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif JIGSAW. Hasil belajar yang dicapai oleh siswa dalam pembelajaran kooperatif tipe JIGSAW termasuk kedalam kategori baik dilihat dari tingkat ketercapaian hasil belajar siswa sebesar 86.7%. Dengan demikian model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe JIGSAW dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu alternatif dalam pembelajaran fisika khususnya pada konsep zat dan wujudnya

    Bacterial adhesion of Streptococcus mutans to cobalt chromium recast alloys

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    Cobalt chromium (CoCr) alloys are utilized to make dental prosthesis. Casting CoCr alloys is a common operation in dentistry laboratories due to its low cost. Casting surplus (metal remaining in the sprue and crucible former) is frequently reused by dental laboratories to reduce and recycle metal waste. However, the quality and safety of these recast alloys require further information. Microbial attachment to the surface of metal prostheses may affect its quality and safety. Biofilm formation on metal surface can cause biocorrosion and secondary infection. The effects of different proportions of recast Cobalt Chromium alloy on the bacterial adhesion are not clear. The purpose of this study was to investigate how recasting affects the Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) adhesion. Twenty disk-shaped specimens (n= 20, allocated for 5 groups) were prepared from CoCr alloys (Remanium GM; Dentaurum) with different proportions (100% new alloy, 25% recast alloy, 50% recast alloy, 75% recast alloy, and 100% recast alloy). After the immersion of the specimens in bacterial suspension for 24 hours, the number of bacteria that adhere to the specimen’s surface was counted using Colony Forming Units. Data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA (α = 0.05). The bacterial adhesion was significantly affected by the recast alloys (p < 0.05). An increased proportion of CoCr recast alloys showed an increase in S. mutans adhesion to the specimen surface

    The difference in leaves production, protein and calcium of Moringa oleifera under modification planting media, application of PGR and nitrogen

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    Moringa has many ingredients of nutrients that are beneficial for food sources and nutrients that have not been widely cultivated. The nutritional content, benefits and high demand for Moringa abroad will open large opportunities for exporting Moringa flour. Foods full of nutrition will support the maintenance of good public health. For this reason, it is necessary to study and research cultivation techniques that produce high Moringa leaves and can be available sustainably. Production of Moringa leaves as a source of secondary metabolites can be increased by modifying the planting media and applying Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) and Nitrogen. The study used Split Split Plot Design with the main plot immersion by PGR, consisting of 3 types, namely: G1 (Fresh water), G2 (Coconut water), and G3 (GA3). The subplot was the treatment of planting media with two types: M₁ (soil: sand: manure = 1:1:2); M₂ (soil: sand: manure = 1:2:1). The sub subplots were N (urea) fertilizer, with four levels: N0 (0 g/plant); N1 (5 g/plant); N₂ (10 g/plant); and N₃ (15 g/plant). Each treatment combination goes over three times. The agronomic parameters observed were plant height, the number of leaves, fresh crop weight, and root volume, and the biochemical parameters observed were chlorophyll, protein, and calcium levels. The composition of the planting media caused significant differences in plant height at 4, 6, and 10 weeks after planting (WAP), the number of leaves at 4 WAP, and root length at 10 WAP. Growth Regulators significantly affected plant height at 4, 6, and 10 WAP, the number of leaves at 4 WAP, and root length at harvest. Nitrogen fertilization caused significant differences in plant height at 4, 6, and 10 WAP, volume, and root length at harvest (10 WAP). The combination of Planting media, PGR, and Nitrogen treatments caused significant differences in plant height at 4, 6, and 10 WAP and the number of leaves at 6 WAP. Laboratory analysis in this study showed high calcium and protein in Moringa leaves


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    Learning media is a tool to facilitate conveying information in learning. The purpose of this study is to describe the result and use of media, in improving the ability to recognize hijaiyah letters and punctuation marks (fathah, kasroh, and dhamah). The purpose of this study is to describe the result and use of media, in improving the ability to recognize hijaiyah letters and punctuations marks (fathah, kasroh, and dhamah)in class 1 MI Thoriqul Huda Batu City. The reseach method is the class action reseach design refers to a spiral of Kemmis and MC.Taggart, which goes through two cycle of stages, planning, implementation, observation, reflection. The result of the study indicate balok huruf learning media can improve the ability to recognize hijaiyah letters and punctuations marks (fathah, kasroh, and dhamah) which was evidenced by the activity of students as still in action 51,8%, stage I is 74%, and  stage II is 88%. Whereas before the action the average score of students 65 with 14 students completed. In stage on the average value of 75 students with 25 students. And at the stage II there was an increase that was an average value of 85,5 with 24 students completing.Keywords: Balok huruf learning media, improve the ability to recognize, hijaiyah letters and punctuation marks (fathah, kasroh, dhamah). 


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    Konservasi sumber daya tanah adalah perlindungan sumber daya alam tanah. Hal ini dicapai dengan menghilangkan atau mengurangi dampak manusia terhadap lingkungan alam, pemanenan sumber daya lahan yang bertanggung jawab, serta upaya konservasi yang bertujuan untuk membalikkan kerusakan manusia terhadap sumber daya lahan. Konservasi dan pelestarian lingkungan menawarkan dua pendekatan tentang bagaimana mengelola lahan publik secara bertanggung jawab. Pengabdian Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penanaman akar wangi (Vetiveria zizanioides) di taman edukasi dan konservasi sumber daya lahan Lembah Juhar, Kabupaten Langkat, Sumatera Utara. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan berupa penanaman 200 bibit tanaman akar wangi yang dilakukan di taman edukasi dan konservasi sumber daya lahan Lembah Juhar, Kabupaten Langkat bersama dengan beberapa praktisi dan akademisi dari berbagai institusi di daerah Sumatera Utara dalam rangka Hari Air Sedunia, selain itu pengabdian masyarakat ini juga memberikan sosialisasi mengenai tanaman akar wangi kepada masyarakat sekitar lahan Lembah Juhar, Kabupaten Langkat mengenai pentingnya konservasi dan pelestarian lingkungan yang sekaligus dapat memberikan manfaat kepada masyarakat sebagai taman edukasi

    The Pandemic A Leap Of Faith - Covid-19 Vaccine Fatwa in Indonesia Religious Institutions Independence and Rival Politics

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    Imagine where we are in 2019. We are still living in best possible way, we gather, we socialize, and we celebrate plenty of things together with our loved one without worry. The 2019 is just two years ago, but in certainly feels like longer than that. Now, we are at the year of 2021. The pandemic has beeb with us for 17 months now. The countres all over the worlds loosen and tighten its boreder as the pandemics evolve into certainty when the vaccinations held. Indees, the catastrophic of the pandemics didn't just leave us behind, many of us losing out loved one and in grief. Yet we are still hopeful of the future especialyy when Science nurtured our thinking while God is with all of us at heart

    Peningkatan Produksi Daun dan Kadar Protein Kelor (Moringa oleifera) dengan Aplikasi Pupuk Organik pada Lahan Spesifik Lokasi

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    Analisis potensi kandungan metabolit sekunder bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi senyawa yang terkandung di dalam daun kelor dan menguji kemampuan antioksidan untuk membantu meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh. Penelitian di lapangan dengan memberikan perlakuan pupuk hayati dan asupan asam amino melalui foliar spray untuk memacu fotositesis sehingga terbentuk protein dan kalsium yang lebih tinggi. Lokasi sumber benih berasal dari pohon induk kelor di Kecamatan Pasir Mandoge, Kabupaten Asahan. Metode penelitian di lapangan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial dengan 2 perlakuan. Faktor perlakuan pertama adalah pupuk Ecofarming dengan 4 taraf: E0 (0 ml/ha); E1 (2 ml/L); E2 (3 ml/L); E3 (4 ml/L). Faktor kedua adalah Asam Amino Plus terdiri dari 4 taraf: A0 (0 ml/L); A1 (10 ml/L); A2 (15 ml/L); A3 (20 ml/L). Terdapat 16 kombinasi perlakuan dan setiap perlakuan diulang 3 kali. Parameter yang diamati adalah komponen vegetatif: tinggi tanaman, diameter batang dan bobot produksi daun. Selanjutnya daun kelor dianalisis di laboratorium untuk mengidentifikasi senyawa protein. Analisis tanah awal dilakukan satu minggu setelah aplikasi Ecofarming dan sesudah penelitian selesai dilaksanakan. Pengamatan organisme pengganggu tanaman (OPT) dilakukan secara berkala setiap minggu dengan mencatat jenis hama dan tingkat serangan yang ditimbulkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Ecofarming berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap pertumbuhan daun kelor. Asam amino berpengaruh nyata terhadap diameter dan pertambahan besar batang kelor. Kombinasi perlakuan Ecofarming dan Asam amino menyebabkan perbedaan nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi daun kelor

    Determinan Pengeluaran Konsumsi Rumah Tangga di Kabupaten Bone

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    Hasil penelitian ini yang menunjukkan bahwa variabel pendapatan perkapita berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pengeluaran konsumsi rumah tangga, tingkat pendidikan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pengeluaran konsumsi rumah tangga, dan Jumlah penduduk berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pengeluaran konsumsi rumah tangga di Kabupaten Bone