25 research outputs found

    The moderating role of readiness for change on the effect of transformational leadership and compensation satisfaction on employee performance: Evidence from post-acquisition companies

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    This paper aims to analyze how transformational leadership and compensation satisfaction determine employee performance in post-acquisition companies by proposing readiness for change as a mediating variable. Our samples are 400 employees from four post-acquisition companies which underwent acquisition in 2014. The findings of this study show that the direct effect between transformational leadership and employee performance has a higher value than the indirect effect through the variable readiness for change. Likewise, the direct effect between compensation satisfaction and employee performance has a higher value than the indirect effect through readiness to change. The statement before shows that the existence of readiness to change is essential. Still, the dynamic changes require employees to adapt quickly to new circumstances, ready or not

    Disparities Analysis of Employment - A Dynamic Shift Share Approached

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    Naturally, regional disparities are caused by differences in regional characteristics and the degree of local sensitivity in responding the changes of business cycles. Therefor industrial growth and employment growth resulted from the regional competitiveness will be different in each region. The aims of this research was analyze the disparities in regional employment. By using Indonesian labor database retrieved from BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik- Indonesian Central Burau of Statistic), the object of these research object was 34 city/district in Central Java Province 2009 to 2013. Dynamic shift-share analysis proposed by Barff & Knight (1988) was used to calculate the extent of the difference in employment growth between each region and the national average. The regional industrial structure, or to a residual element from its calculate on can be interpreted as indicating the locational advantages of each regional economy. Disparities in employment occur in the Central Java Province. The growth rate of employment in urban areas is slower than in the districts. Finally, the positive value on the residual mix coefficient indicates that overall 35 districts/cities in the Central Java region have high competitiveness prospects so that employment will grow in line with increasing competitiveness.     Keywords: disparities, employment, dynamic shift-shar


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    The good effects of globalization are not felt by all countries. Lower-middle-income countries are constrained by ineffective or poorly implemented economic policies in those countries. One indicator of this ineffectiveness is the low rate of controlling rent-seeking in lower-middle-income countries. Therefore, this study analyzes the effect of controlling rent-seeking on the economic growth of lower-middle-income countries. It is important to study where economic growth has an important role in the economic development of lower-middle-income countries. This study also uses control variables such as capital formation, population, and lag of economic growth through the Partial Adjustment Model (PAM) approach. Based on the results of regression testing that has been carried out, controlling rent seeking and capital formation is known to have a positive and significant effect on economic growth in lower-middle-income countries. Meanwhile population has a negative and significant effect on the economic growth of lower-middle-income countries


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    The good effects of globalization are not felt by all countries. Lower-middle-income countries are constrained by ineffective or poorly implemented economic policies in those countries. One indicator of this ineffectiveness is the low rate of controlling rent-seeking in lower-middle-income countries. Therefore, this study analyzes the effect of controlling rent-seeking on the economic growth of lower-middle-income countries. It is important to study where economic growth has an important role in the economic development of lower-middle-income countries. This study also uses control variables such as capital formation, population, and lag of economic growth through the Partial Adjustment Model (PAM) approach. Based on the results of regression testing that has been carried out, controlling rent seeking and capital formation is known to have a positive and significant effect on economic growth in lower-middle-income countries. Meanwhile population has a negative and significant effect on the economic growth of lower-middle-income countries

    Social Return on Education in 35 Cities/Districts of Central Java Province

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    Education has a close relation to the quality of labor. With a good level of education, labor productivity will certainly increase. In addition to reducing poverty, productivity will increase economic growth. But in Jawa Tengah Province the correlation of education with economic growth shows contradictions. In Jawa Tengah, economic growth has increased quite well but the average years of schooling is elementary school graduates. By using Mincer Wage Equation, this paper Is trying to calculate social return on education within macroeconomic growth regression methods. Thispaper aims to capture relationship between education attainment and economic growth in macroeconomic ways

    Edukasi Literasi Keuangan Pasar Modal Syariah bagi Pegawai Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Magelang

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    Dominasi penduduk muslim di Indonesia, ternyata belum mendominasi keikutsertaan masyarakat pada kegiatan investasi khususnya investasi syariah. Meskipun kapitalisasi pasar modal syariah mencapai 52 persen dari total kapitalisasi pasar modal, namun jumlah investor pada instrument pasar modal syariah hanya sekitar 27 persen. Melihat angka ini perkembangan pasar modal syariah di Indonesia masih sangat menjanjikan. Untuk mendukung hal tersebut,  edukasi  dan  sosialisasi  pasar modal syariah, khusunya saham bagi pegawai Kementerian Agama Kab. Magelang perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan  literasi  dan  inklusi  pasar  modal  pada  masyarakat.  Kedepannya,  masyarakat  yang sudah mengikuti pelatihan diharapkan tertarik untuk mulai melakukan investasi di sektor pasar modal syariah sehingga partisipasi masyarakat di industri pasar modal Indonesia akan meningkat

    Medium Small Micro Enterprise (MSME) Development and Economic Growth: Causality Analysis

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    As a business sector with a fairly large contribution to national output, government support for Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is increasingly being increased, even though the ratio of MSME credit to total national credit is still very small.  Capital difficulties are a classic problem faced by MSMEs, but the high growth of MSMEs is a gap that shows the resilience of MSMEs. Therefore, this study wants to analyze whether the existence of MSMEs encourages economic growth, or vice versa, economic growth must be boosted to increase MSMEs. This study investigates the causal relationship and long-term stability conditions between MSME credit distribution variables and Indonesia's economic growth in the 2011 - 2019 period, using Direct Error Correction Model causality on panel data. The estimation result shows that MSME credit distribution has a positive and significant relationship to economic growth only in a long term. On the other hand, the causal relationship between MSME credit and economic growth is not proven, which means that there is no reciprocal relationship between credit and economic growth, or said in here demand following hypothesis is not prove

    Kajian Valuasi Ekonomi Objek Wisata Sekar Langit Kabupaten Magelang dengan Pendekatan Travel Cost Method

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    Abstrak Kabupaten Magelang yang berada di lereng gunung dengan topografi wilayah yang bervariasi memiliki potensi pariwisata lokasi yang sangat besar. Namun sayangnya objek-objek wisata di Kabupaten Magelang rata-rata belum dikelola dengan baik. Melalui penelitian ini, ingin mengkaji salah satu objek wisata di Kabupaten Magelang yaitu Air Terjut Sekar Langit. Dengan pertumbungan jumlah kunjungan yang positif menunjukkan bahwa objek ini memiliki potensi untuk berkembang bila dikelola dengan baik. Menggunakan travel cost method, penelitian itu bertujuan untuk mengetahui  nilai ekonomi dari objek wisata Air Terjun Sekar Langit sehingga dalam jangka Panjang dapat digunakan sebagai pertimbangan Pemerintah dan Dinas terkait untuk mengelola sekaligus tetap melestarikan sumber daya alam yang ada di Air Terjun Sekar Langit, serta sebagai referensi untuk pengambilan kebijakan. Abstract Magelang Regency is on a mountainside with varied regional topography which has a very large tourism potential location. But unfortunately, tourist attractions in Magelang regency on average have not been managed well. Through this research, we want to examine one of the tourist attractions in Magelang Regency, which is the Waterfall of Sekar Langit. With the growth in the number of positive visits shows that this object has the potential to develop if managed properly. Using the Travel Cost Method, this study aims to analyze the economic value of the Sekar Langit Waterfall attraction. With the hope that the results of this study can be used as consideration for the Regional Government and related agencies to manage, but on the other hand the natural preservation of the Sekar Langit tourist attraction is maintained. &nbsp

    Employment Participation and Determinants of the Gender Wage Gap in the Head of the Household

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    The distortion model becomes a problem in development planning, including in the development goals of reducing discrimination and concerns. These two things are closely related to gender expectations on work participation. The purpose of this study was to estimate the gender pay gap at the work participation rate of household heads in Magelang during the Covid-19 pandemic. The analytical tools used are Probit regression and the decomposition of the Blinder-Oaxaca model. The model decomposes wage differentials by gender. The study uses the 2020 SAKERNAS data. The results show that work participation for male household heads is determined by the marginal effect of work experience, age and area of residence, not education level and number of family dependents, while female household heads are only determined because of the number factor. family responsibilities. Furthermore, the potential work experience of male household heads has a significant negative effect. Research findings from the Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition calculation show that the difference in wages between groups of household heads during the Covid 19 pandemic proved statistically significant. The role of the government is expected to be more active in disseminating policies related to gender in the labor market and exercising control over business actors in implementing labor regulations


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui Karakteristik Pengunjung terhadap Objek Wisata Bukit Sleker Asri dan mengetahui Nilai Ekonomi Objek Wisata Bukit Sleker Asri yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan travel cost. Metode yang digunakan untuk menghitung nilai ekonomi objek wisata adalah metode biaya perjalanan dan data akan dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan alat analisis Eviews 10 dengan Metode OLS (Ordinary Least Squares). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa biaya perjalanan dapat mempengaruhi jumlah pengunjung bukit wisata sleker di Kabupaten Magelang, dimana dengan adanya biaya dapat mengurangi jumlah pengunjung bukit wisata sleker di Kabupaten Magelang. Waktu perjalanan dan pendapatan, usia, pendidikan, kesuaian harga tiket dapat mempengaruhi jumlah pengunjung bukit wisata sleker di Kabupaten Magelang, dimana dengan adanya waktu perjalanan dan pendapatan dapat meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung bukit wisata sleker di Kabupaten Magelan