11 research outputs found

    An analysis of human resources performance of Tanjung Priok container terminal

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    Konsumsi Ikan Laut Kadar Mercury Dalam Rambut Dan Kesehatan Nelayan Di Pantai Kenjeran Surabaya (Sea Fish Consumption, Degree of Mercury Content in Hair, and Fisherman Health at Surabaya Kenjeran Beach, Indonesia)

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    Surabaya Kenjeran Beach, as a part of Eastern coastal area at East Java, functions as a sea recreation place and fishing. The condition of Surabaya Kenderan Beach is polluted by Hg as observed by previous researchers. They suggested that water, sediment, and fish from Kenjeran beach were already contaminated by Hg at dangerous level. Fisherman communities is one of the group which have a risk of getting affected by methyl Hg, because they usually consume fish from sea. This research is to study the relationship between consumption of sea fish and degree of Hg in fisherman's hair, to measure the average degree of Hg in their hair and then to compare it with limit value. It is also studying the health disorder that likely appears as a result of Hg poisoning. This research took place at Kenjeran district, Bulak sub district, Surabaya. The number of samples for group who affected by Hg are 70 persons and controlled group are 45 person. Respondent's hair (research subject) was taken and then observed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) No Flame. In conclusion, statically there is a significant relationship between the consumption of sea fish and the degree of Hg in hair. The average degree of Hg in the affected group's hair is higher than that of the controlled group. However, it does not exceed the limit value recommended by the National Research Council (NRC). Also, there is significant relations between degree of Hg in hair and healthy disorder sigh (subjective symptoms)


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    This study investigated the use of digital storytelling in improving students’ visual memory and writing skill of tenth grade students in one of senior high school in Tangerang, Indonesia. A total of 72 students are taken as the sample in the current study. The randomized pretest - posttest control group design was used in the study. Using quasi experimental research-non-equivalent control group design, the students in the experimental groups completed the process through digital storytelling. The students’ test and questionnaires were used to collect the data. In order to test whether there was an improvement within groups and to see if there were differences between groups, the hypotheses were tested using the t-test and obtaining gain scores. The result showed that the visual memory and writing skill of students undergoing digital storytelling technique and of those undergoing conventional teaching but no significant differences were found between the two conditions. They had same proficiency, focused and same concentration during the learning process, and the students had many opinions in experimental class. Based on the percentages, students’ post-test showed that students’ visual memory was more dominant than students’ writing skill after applying digital storytelling. Moreover, this research also found that students’ learning motivation was very good and created a good of class atmosphere in experimental class during the learning process by using digital storytelling

    KONSUMSI IKAN LAUT KADAR MERCURY DALAM RAMBUT DAN KESEHATAN NELAYAN DI PANTAI KENJERAN SURABAYA (Sea Fish Consumption, Degree of Mercury Content in Hair, and Fisherman Health at Surabaya Kenjeran Beach, Indonesia)

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    ABSTRAKPantai Kenjeran di Surabaya mempunyai banyak fungsi baik sebagai tempat rekreasi, perikanan serta tempat pembuangan limbah dari kota Surabaya. Studi sebelumnya telah menjelaskan bahwa pantai Kenjeran telah tercemar khususnya Hg. Polutan ini telah diindikasikan terdapat dalam ikan yang dikonsumsi masyarakat sekitar. Penelitian ini mengkaji dampak mengkonsumsi ikan dari Kenjeran kaitannya dengan kesehatan masyarakat yang menkonsumsi ikan. Peneliltian ini rnengambil sample 70 orang yang mengkonsumsi ikan dan 45 orang sebagai kontrol grup. Dalarn penelitian ini rambut responden diambil dan dikaji dengan Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa responden yang mengkonsumsi ikan sebanyak rata-rata 99,11 gram/hari mempunyai kadar Hg dalam rambutnya sebesar 0.511 ppb. Penelitian ini mengindikasikan gejala-gejala penyakit yang terjadi pada mereka yang rnengkonsumsi ikan antara lain ginjal, pusing-pusing, tumor, pendarahan gusi, dan gangguan penglihatan. Penelitian ini rnenyimpulkan adanya korelasi yang signifikan antara responden yang mengkonsumsi ikan yang tercemar dengan kadar Hg dalam rambutnya. ABSTRACTSurabaya Kenjeran Beach, as a part of Eastern coastal area at East Java, functions as a sea recreation place and fishing. The condition of Surabaya Kenderan Beach is polluted by Hg as observed by previous researchers. They suggested that water, sediment, and fish from Kenjeran beach were already contaminated by Hg at dangerous level. Fisherman communities is one of the group which have a risk of getting affected by methyl Hg, because they usually consume fish from sea. This research is to study the relationship between consumption of sea fish and degree of Hg in fisherman’s hair, to measure the average degree of Hg in their hair and then to compare it with limit value. It is also studying the health disorder that likely appears as a result of Hg poisoning. This research took place at Kenjeran district, Bulak sub district, Surabaya. The number of samples for group who affected by Hg are 70 persons and controlled group are 45 person. Respondent’s hair (research subject) was taken and then observed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) No Flame. In conclusion, statically there is a significant relationship between the consumption of sea fish and the degree of Hg in hair. The average degree of Hg in the affected group’s hair is higher than that of the controlled group. However, it does not exceed the limit value recommended by the National Research Council (NRC). Also, there is significant relations between degree of Hg in hair and healthy disorder sigh (subjective symptoms)


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    Abstrak Pantai kenjeran di Surabaya mernpunyai banyak fungsi baik sebagai tempat rekreasi, perikanan serta tempat pembuangan limbah dari kota Surabaya. Studi sebelumnya telah menjelaskan bahwa pantai Kenjeran telah tercemar khususnya Hg. Polutan ini telah diindikasikan terdapat dalam ikan yang dikonsumsi masyarakat sekitar. Penelitian ini mcngkaji dampak mengkonsumsi ikan dari Kenjeran kaitannya dengan kesehatan masyarakat yang menkonsumsi ikan. Peneliltian ini mengambil sample 70 orang yang mengkonsumsi ikan dan 45 orang sebagai kontrol grup. Dalam penelitian ini rambut responden diambil dan dikaji dengan Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Penclitian ini menghasilkan bahwa responden yang mengkonsumsi ikan sebanyak rata-rata 99,11 gram/hark mempunyai kadar Fig dalam rambutnya sebesar 0,511 ppb. Penelitian ini mengindikasikan gejala-gejala penyakit yang terjadi pada mereka yang rnengkonsumsi ikan antara lain ginjal, pusing-pusing, tumor, pendarahan gusi, dan gangguan penglihatan. Penclitian ini menyimpulkan adanya korelasi yang signifikan antara responden yang mengkonsumsi ikan yang tercemar dengan kadar Hg dalam rambutnya. Kata kunci: Hg, kesehatan, nelayan, rambut

    Developing Students’ Speaking Skills through Flipped Classroom Model

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    The aim of this study was to examine the impact of implementing flipped classroom model on students’ speaking skills. This research used quantitative method, the number of the sample were 34 of senior high school students which was taken purposively by using quasi-experimental research with before and after design. The whole online flipped classroom model was carried out, since the limitation to hold the actual face-to-face meeting at school, which still allow the students to interact face-to-face with each other and the teacher virtually through a group chat and video conferencing to discuss the material given and practicing to use spoken English during the class sessions. Pre-class activity was held using a group chat by giving instruction to the students to study the material before the actual class session and during the class session the whole class were meet face-to-face through video conferencing. A speaking test was carried before and after the implementation of flipped classroom model to assess the students’ speaking performance. Among the experimental group, the result showed the fully online flipped classroom model not only engage them with the English material but also significantly improved their speaking performance.  Furthermore, the students were become more confident to speak in English during the class session

    The Application of General MOS Gas Sensors for Discriminating Formalin Content

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    This paper describes the application of Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) gas sensors which are intrinsically designed to sense volatile compounds for measuring the vapor of formalin. We utilized 7 commercial MOS gas sensors (namely TGS-2600, TGS-2602, TGS-2620, TGS-813, MQ-137, MQ-135, and MQ-5) to sense formalin in certain concentrations and their presence in meat. We built a static headspace system to measure the vapor of formalin. The sensor chamber is 540-cm3, made from 5 mm acrylic. The output of MOS (Sensitivity ratio) is acquired into computer using an Arduino-based interface. We tested 3 concentrations of formalin (10%, 20% and 30%) and their presence in meat. We found that individually each sensor provides proportional response to formalin concentrations, and for their presence in meat as well. The Principle Component Analysis (PCA) method is used to show performance of the array MOS sensor in discriminating the formalin contents. The PCA result shows that by using two PCs (holding most 96% data), it can clearly distinguish the three formalin contents. However the array sensors just can discriminate clearly between meat containing formalin and those not. The success rate of discrimination the formalin contents in meat is 91.7%


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    Regardless to the facts that English is being taught to Indonesian students starting from early age, many Indonesian thrive in learning English. They find it quite troublesome for some to acquire the language especially to the level of communicative competence. Although Krashen (1982:10) states that “language acquirers are not usually aware of the fact that they are acquiring language, but are only aware of the fact that they are using the language for communication”, second language acquisition has several obstacles for learners to face and yet the successfulness of mastering the language never surmounts to the one of the native speakers. Learners have never been able to acquire the language as any native speakers do. Mistakes are made and inter-language is unavoidable. McNeili in Ellis (1985, p. 44) mentions that “the mentalist views of L1 acquisition hypothesizes the process of acquisition consists of hypothesis-testing, by which means the grammar of the learner’s mother tongue is related to the principles of the ‘universal grammar’.” Thus this study intends to find out whether the students go through the phase of interlanguage in their attempt to acquire second language and whether their interlanguage forms similar system as postulated by linguists (Krashen)

    Penguatan kompetensi guru mengimplementasikan kurikulum melalui KKG-MGMP jenjang pendidikan dasar

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    Kelompok Kerja Guru (KKG) adalah wadah kegiatan profesional bagi guru SD/MI/SDLB di tingkat kecamatan yang terdiri dari sejumlah guru dari sejumlah sekolah. Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) adalah wadah kegiatan profesional bagi para guru mata pelajaran yang sama pada jenjang SMP/MTs/SMPLB, SMA/MA/SMALB dan SMK/MAK di tingkat kabupaten/kota yang terdiri dari sejumlah guru dari sejumlah sekolah. Tujuan KKG dan MGMP antara lain , meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru, melalui program dan berbagai aktivitas dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran sesuai Kurikulum 2013. Laporan kegiatan pengkajian Penguatan Kompetensi Guru Mengimplementasikan Kurikulum melalui KKG dan MGMP Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar ini disusun sebagai hasil akhir dari serangkaian kegiatan dari pengembangan instrumen, pengkajian data sekunder, verifikasi data di beberapa lokasi, dan analisis data. Bagian akhir laporan ini memuat saran dan opsi kebijakan yang mendorong pemberdayaan KKG dan MGMP melalui alur kerja secara bertahap dari tingkat lokal yaitu sekolah sampai pada tingkat kabupaten/kota

    Analisis Regresi Untuk Evaluasi Mutu Jeruk Selama Penyimpanan Berdasarkan Fitur Citra Digital

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    Abstrak. Buah jeruk mudah mengalami penurunan mutu selama penyimpanan. Pengetahuan tentang perubahan mutu jeruk perlu diketahui karena menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi proses penanganan selanjutnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi perubahan karakteristik fisik, mekanik, kimia dan optik buah jeruk selama penyimpanan pada suhu ruang serta mengetahui korelasi kualitas buah jeruk dengan fitur citranya menggunakan analisis regresi. Sebanyak 135 sampel jeruk disimpan pada suhu ruang (25-27 oC) selama 40 hari. Buah jeruk ditangkap citranya menggunakan webcam kemudian diukur karakteristik fisik (bobot dan diameter), mekanik (kekerasan dan koefisien gesek), dan kimia (total padatan terlarut). Fitur citra yang dianalisis adalah area citra biner, warna RGB, warna HSV, warna CIE-Lab, warna abu-abu dan fitur tekstur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa area citra biner memiliki korelasi yang kuat terhadap bobot dan diameter buah jeruk dengan koefisien determinasi (R2) masing-masing sebesar 0,8285 dan 0,8282. Kekerasan dan koefisien gesek statis buah jeruk mempunyai korelasi yang rendah terhadap fitur citra abu-abu. Total padatan terlarut jeruk yang disimpan pada suhu ruang mempunyai korelasi yang cukup kuat dengan rata-rata nilai Hue dengan R2= 0,7473 dan rata-rata nilai kroma a* dengan R2= 0,7029. Analisis warna dengan teknik pengolahan citra dapat diaplikasikan untuk menduga beberapa karakteristik mutu buah jeruk.Regression Analysis for Orange Quality Evaluation during Storage Based on Image Color FeaturesAbstract. Orange fruits can easily deteriorate during storage. Information about quality changes of orange fruits is essential to figure out since it can be a key factor that will affect further fruit handlings. This research aimed to identify the changes of physical, mechanical, chemical and optical properties of orange during storage at room temperature as well as to discover the correlation between orange quality and image features by means of regression analysis. A sample size of 135 oranges was stored in a room temperature (25-27 oC) for 40 days. Each orange was captured its image using a webcam and was subsequently measured its physical, mechanical and chemical characteristics, i.e. weight, diameter, hardness, static friction coefficient, and total soluble solids (TSS). Several image features, i.e. binary area, RGB color, HSV color, CIE-Lab color, gray value, and texture features, were then measured. The results showed that there was a high correlation between fruit weight and diameter and binary area with R2 = 0.8285 and R2 = 0.8282, respectively. On the other hand, color values had low correlation with fruit hardness and static friction coefficient. Likewise the physical properties, the chemical properties of orange fruit had a relatively strong correlation with image color. Based on the experiments, the R2 values of the correlation between hue value of HSV color model and a* component of CIE-Lab color and orange TSS were 0.7473 and 0.7029, respectively. Color analysis with image processing technique can be applied to estimate several orange properties