278 research outputs found

    The relationship between dating, love and social anxiety problems among the secondary school students

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    The aim of this study is to identify the emergence of dating phenomenon, love affair and their relationship with social anxiety amongst the students in secondary schools. Two hundred and forty students were chosen from eight different schools in Johor Bahru district for this study. The cluster on cluster sampling technique was applied and questionnaires on dating, love affair, sex and social anxiety for adolescents were used in this study. The alpha croncbach for both items are 0.7207 and 0.9690 accordingly. The results from the study have shown that the students perceptions towards love affair and social anxiety problem are at moderate levels while the most dominant love style among the students is ‘pragmatic love style’. There are significant differences between students who involve in dating in relation to races and standard of living, sex in relation to gender and love affair in relation to races. On the other hand, there are no significant differences among the other factors being studied such as sex and social anxiety in relation to races and in between love affair, dating, sex and social anxiety in relation to the location of their hometown


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposisi substrat terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tubuh buah jamur merang (Volvariella volvacea). Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Lam Keuneung Tungkob Kabupaten Aceh Besar mulai bulan April sampai dengan Agustus 2016. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap non Faktorial dengan 12 perlakuan dan diulang 3 kali. Parameter yang diamati adalah panjang tubuh buah, berat tubuh buah, periode panen, diameter tubuh buah, dan jumlah tubuh buah. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis varian (ANAVA), kemudian dilanjut dengan uji BNJ atau uji Tukey. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah (1) terdapat hubungan antara komposisi substrat yang berbeda terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tubuh buah jamur merang. (2) komposisi substrat berpengaruh nyata terhadap panjang tubuh buah, berat tubuh buah dan jumlah tubuh buah dan (3) komposisi substrat tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap rata-rata diameter tubuh buah, dan periode panen (Hst).Kata kunci : Jamur Merang (Volvariella volvacea), substrat, tubuh buah


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    The problems analyzed in this research are the kinds and compositions of radioisotope and other elements within the mineral samples in the West Timor Island. The purposes of the research: 1) to investigate and determine the kinds of radioisotope in the mineral sample, 2) to determine radiation energy, counts, half-life, and percentage of radioisotope content in the mineral sample, 3) to investigate other elements in mineral sample. The methods of the research include observation, survey, sampling, spectrometry, analysis, and interpretation. On the observation, survey, and sampling steps, the 50 samples taken are distributed at the survey location. Those samples are analyzed with the several steps including: drying samples, refining, burning until temperature 800o C, stabilization and drying again. All samples are analyzed with spectrometry system on the multichannel analyzer (MCA) which can separate element of the samples. The other elements (only non- radioactive samples) are analyzed by neutron activation analysis with steps comprise of: 1) the dust  and standard samples are balanced 0.50 grams up to 1.00 grams and put into the poliethilene capsule and irradiated during three hours in research reactor (Hoger Onderwijs Reactor with MTR-fuel assemblies and low enriched U-235: <20%) with the same time. After irradiation finished, the field and standard samples are refrigerated during one week, so the all samples with short half life decay finished. Furthermore, the samples are analyzed by gamma spectrometry for determining the other elements in mineral samples.The results obtained are the kinds of radioisotope content within the mineral samples consist of Actinium series 50%, Uranium 25%, and Thorium 25% component and other association elements, also energy radiation, counts, half life, and percentage of radioisotope content within the mini sample respectively revolved between 26.6 keV up to 1562.3 keV,1 cps up to  24867cps, 3.16 minutes up to 1.405 x 1010 years, and 0.19% up to 99.00%. The main elements on Actinium series within the samples of mine comprise of U-235, Th-231, Pa-231, Th-227, Bi-211, and Rn-219, and other isotopes Bi-212, Th-232, Pb-212, Pa-234, Ac-228, Ra-226, and Pb-214, with energy radiation, counts, half life, and percentage of radioisotope element deposit respectively revolved between 26.6 keV up to 426.9 keV, 1 cps up to 24867 cps, 7.038 x 108 years up to 1.405 x 1010 years, and 1.0% up to 18.7 %.The association elements consist of Am-241, Cs-134, Cs-136, Cs-138, Ce-141, Ce-144, Ba-133, Ba-140, Cd-109, Se-75, Te-132, Co-57, Mo-99, Kr-85, Kr-88, Kr-89, Sb-122, Sb-124, Sb-125, Xe-125,  Xe-135,  Xe-138, I-124, I-125, I-130, I-131, I-132, I-134, I135, Br-82,  Y-92, Y-93, Y-94, W-187, Sr-91, Sr-92, Sr-93, Rb-89, Rh-105, Sn-133, Nb-94, Nb-96, Nb-97, Cr-51, Eu-152, and Tc-96.  The other elements are detected by neutron activation analysis consist of: Fe-59, Xe-133m, Xe-135m, Y-91m, Zr-97, Ni-65, Be-7, Ag-110m, As-76, Cr-52, Au-198, and Ca-21

    Agritourism Development Strategy Strawberries in Nagari Pandai Sikek Sub-District X Koto District Flatland District West Sumatra

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    This study aims to determine how the strawberry (Fragaria sp.) agritourism development system is located in Tanah Datar Regency, Nagari Pandai Sikek. In addition, through direct observation and field research, researchers conducted extensive and focused research to obtain complete and precise data on the subject matter under study. The manager and the community can benefit financially from the strawberry garden (Fragaria sp.) in Jorong Koto Tinggi Nagari Pandai Sikek District X Koto Tanah Datar Regency. Since its opening, this strawberry garden attraction has continued to attract tourists. Methodology for Development of Strawberry Nursery Agrotourism (Fragaria sp.) in Sikek Nagari Pandai: 1. S-O strategy 2. S-T strategy 3. S-T strategy 4. W-O strategy 5. W-T strategy 6. W-T strategy 7. W-O strategy 8. W-T strategy 9. W-T strategy 10. W-O strategy 11. W-T strategy 12. W-T strategy W-O strategy 4. W-T strategy W-T procedure. Strawberry (Fragaria sp.) agritourism has a lot of potential for future business opportunities. Twelve alternative strategies were identified through SWOT analysis, resulting in the following prioritized order of strategies: (1) Maintain the quality of goods, (2) Distinguish strawberry seedlings and other crops, (3) Provide strawberry-handled goods in turn, (4) Select capable representatives, (5) Add offices and frameworks, (6) Advance through extension, (7) Provide instructional visits and culinary visits, (8) Assist regions and local governments, (9) Follow and maintain existing offices, (10) Implement good agricultural practices, and (11) Seek better transportation access

    Non-Formal Arts Education: a dynamic reality of dance, music and dramatic art

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    In this study we provide an overview of non-formal arts education. The main aim of the study was to show the presence of non-formal education institutions offering education in art forms such as dance, music, dramatic art, and visual and audiovisual arts, in addition to the other institutions, such as museums or creative groups that offer some type of arts education. Two aspects were considered: the presence of institutions and their profile. We found 4,790 institutions that are currently offering some kind of arts education. The data obtained were used to draw up the maps of the study. The first aim was to show the presence of non-formal arts education in two ways: first, according to frequency, and second, by weighting the levels according to the presence of institutions by counties. The results show a dynamic reality that is present and clearly reflects people's interest in cultivating some form of artistic expression in their lives


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    Indonesia adalah negara hukum, sehingga segala hal yang terkait kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara, termasuk kewarganegaraan diatur dalam undang-undang. Indonesia pun negara pluralis baik agama, budaya maupun suku bangsanya yang dapat menghadirkan tantangan dan peluang bagi kesatuan dan keutuhan bangsa. Oleh karena itu, setiap warga negara harus memahami hukum dan perundang-undangan yang mengatur negaranya, sehingga Wawasan Kebangsaan dan Nasionalisme semakin bertumbuh-kembang. Konsekuensinya, sebagai WNI para pastor dan calon pastor pun harus memahami hukum dan perundang-undangan negara minimal perihal: 1) Undang-undang dan aspek hukum yang terkait kehidupan seorang pastor; 2) Relevansi UU Perlindungan Anak bagi para pastor dalam tugas pelayanan Gereja dan masyarakat; 3) Fenomena dan problematika aktual di tengah masyarakat terkait pelanggaran hukum; 4) Sikap Gereja terhadap pelanggaran UU khususnya UU Perlindungan Anak; 5) Peran para pastor sebagai tokoh agama dan masyarakat dalam menerjemahkan pesan dan semangat UU terutama UU Perlindungan Anak. &nbsp


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    Perkembangan zaman  saat ini, pengetahuan dan ilmu teknologi sangat mempengaruhi kepada para remaja khususnya para gadis-gadis nya dalam menemukan jati diri. Koreografer menjadikan makna penemuan jati diri tersebut sebagai fokus pembuatan karya dengan tujuan untuk memvisualisasikan problematika kehidupan dalam bentuk karya tari dan mendiskripsikan bentuk penyajian karya tari Sekar Gendhuk. Metode penciptaan karya dimulai dari menentukan rangsang awal yaitu rangsang visual dan idesional, yang menggunakan mode penyajian simbolis representatif kemudian tahap selanjutnya eksplorasi, improvisasi, dan evaluasi.Bentuk penyajian karya tari Sekar Gendhuk  meliputi gerak-gerak yang distilisasi dari problematika kehidupan para remaja saat ini. Ceria, riang gembira, manja,dan kadang seringkali meminta bahkan mencari perhatian. Elemen utama yaitu gerak dengan pijakan gerak dan karakteristik Pandhalungan  yaitu perpaduan antara Jawa dan Madura yang dikembangkan dan elemen pendukung yaitu iringan, rias busana, pola lantai, pemanggungan dengan panggung procenium beserta setting dan lightingnya. Kata kunci: Karya Tari, Sekar Gendhuk, Bentuk Penyajia

    Karakterisasi Ampermeter Voltmeter Terhadap Penambahan Hambatan pada Pengujian Sensor Mekanik Multimeter Analog

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    An analog multimeter mechanical sensor test has been conducted on the design of the ampermeter and voltmeter.Research background of the multimeter damage found in the measuring electronic circuit has burned some of its components but did not experience damage to the mechanical sensor.The research objective is to find out how to predict the voltmeter ampermeter measurement based on the addition of resistance to the analog multimeter mechanical sensor.Based on testing  was found that the amount of electric current that can be passed by the sensor is 163.84uA and the resistance in the sensor is around 1 Kohm.When the sensor is used as a voltmeter by adding Rm in series, it can be determined the voltmeter measurement with the equation 0.1849Rm + 0.1988 (V) with an error of 1.16%.However, when the sensor is paralleled with a resistor, the ampermeter measurement can be determined by the equation 198.81 / Rs + 0.1638 with an error of 0.39%.Large resistance in the meter sensor is not the same there is a difference of 138.56 ohms