591 research outputs found

    Hook-content formulae for symplectic and orthogonal tableaux

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    By considering the specialisation sλ(1,q,q2,...,qn1)s_{\lambda}(1,q,q^2,...,q^{n-1}) of the Schur function, Stanley was able to describe a formula for the number of semistandard Young tableaux of shape λ\lambda in terms of two properties of the boxes in the diagram for λ\lambda. Using specialisations of symplectic and orthogonal Schur functions, we derive corresponding formulae, first given by El Samra and King, for the number of semistandard symplectic and orthogonal λ\lambda-tableaux.Comment: Withdrawn; paper is outdate

    Microscopy Of Progressive Decay Of Cottonwood By The Brown-Rot Fungus Gloeophyllum Trabeum

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    Eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr.) samples subjected to various degrees of brown-rot decay by Gloeophyllum trabeum (FPL 617) were studied by scanning electron (SEM) and polarizing microscopy. A technique was developed to prepare decayed wood specimens for SEM. Ray cells were heavily decomposed in early stages of decay. Bore holes were produced in early stages to facilitate hyphal penetration into fiber tracheids. Degradation of fiber tracheid walls began with the formation of radial checks or voids in the S2 layer, followed by the removal of the entire S2 layer, which often caused the separation of the S3 layer from the remaining cell wall. The S3 layer often was removed before the decomposition of the S1 layer. The compound middle lamella remained intact even after the complete removal of the secondary wall

    An end to Nordic exceptionalism? Europeanisation and Nordic development policies

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    The Nordic countries have traditionally been praised for their generous and advanced development policies. Recently, however, it has been claimed that the Nordic model has faded: that the Nordic donors have become more similar to other European donors. One possible reason for such trends is influences from EU policies, that is, Europeanisation. This article critically evaluates such claims by presenting arguments for and against Europeanisation effects. We argue that changes have indeed taken place. The Nordic exceptionalism has been eroded. At the same time, a convergence of European aid policies has occurred. The question is if this is the consequence of Europeanisation – or is it rather a result of Nordicisation (the Nordic countries influencing the EU), or perhaps like-mindisation (a broader set of progressive member states having impact upon EU policies)? We suggest that Europeanisation has been extremely weak while there is strong evidence of Nordicisation but also, and increasingly, of like-mindisation. Today, a core group of mainly northern member states, including the Nordics, are the main driving forces behind European aid convergence

    Toxic and essential trace elements in human primary teeth: A baseline study within The MoBaTooth Biobank and The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)

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    The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) includes a nation-wide collection of deciduous teeth located in the MoBaTooth biobank. The aim of the present study is to create a baseline for early-life metal exposure using dentine biomarkers. Deciduous teeth were collected in the MoBaTooth biobank, a sub-study of the MoBa-study. This study uses 94 primary teeth from children with no known medical conditions at the age of 6 months, a normal birth weight (2500-4500g) and an equal number of teeth shed between 2008-2013 and 2014-2019. A total of 48 girls and 46 boys are included to create a baseline to characterise retrospective exposure to toxicants during multiple early-life developmental periods. Estimates of weekly prenatal and postnatal exposure to 18 metals by measuring dentine concentrations have been made using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Temporal trends in dentine levels differed from metal to metal. Girls had higher postnatal dentine levels of Mn and Zn, compared to boys (p = 0.020 for postnatal Mn-levels, and p = 0.011 for postnatal Zn-levels). Deciduous teeth provide retrospective information on the intensity and timing of early-life metal exposure at weekly temporal resolution. Creating a baseline, future studies can use outcomes of conditions and illness in children in case-control-studies aiming at prevention. Using deciduous teeth, a novel noninvasive biomarker, characterising early-life exposure to 18 metals in approximately weekly increments during sensitive developmental periods extending from the second trimester to 4 months postnatally has been performed.publishedVersio

    User interfaces for information systems

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    This paper presents descriptions of four information-system interface projects in progress at ESRIN, each demonstrating a somewhat different approach to interface design, but ali sharing the commonality of responding to user goals, tasks and characteristics. It is suggested that next-generation scientific information systems will have to be designed for direct access by end users to a large variety of information sources, through a commom interface. Design of such systems, including their interfaces, should be based on a multi-level analysis of user goals, tasks and domain views.Se describen cuatro proyectos de interfaces de sistemas de información que se están desarrollando en ESRIN (establecimiento de la Agencia Espacial Europea, en Frascati). Cada uno de ellos muestra un enfoque diferente del diseño de interfaces, pero todos tienen en común el responder a los objetivos, tareas y características de los usuarios. Se sugiere que la próxima generación de sistemas de información científica se tendrá que diseñar para permitir el acceso directo de los usuarios finales a una gran variedad de fuentes de información a través de una interfaz común. El diseño de tales sistemas y de sus interfaces debería basarse en un análisis multinivel de objetivos, tareas y puntos de vista propios de la materia de trabajo de cada usuario

    A comparison of fragmenting lead-based and lead-free bullets for aerial shooting of wild pigs

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    In response to the health threats posed by toxic lead to humans, scavenging wildlife and the environment, there is currently a focus on transitioning from lead-based to lead-free bullets for shooting of wild animals. We compared efficiency metrics and terminal ballistic performance for lead-based and lead-free (non-lead) bullets for aerial shooting of wild pigs (Sus scrofa) in eastern Australia. Ballistic testing revealed that lead-based and lead-free bullets achieved similar performance in precision and muzzle kinetic energy (E-0) levels (3337.2 J and 3345.7 J, respectively). An aerial shooting trial was conducted with wild pigs shot with one type of lead-based and one type of lead-free bullets under identical conditions. Observations were made from 859 shooting events (n = 430 and 429 respectively), with a sub-set of pigs examined via gross post-mortem (n = 100 and 108 respectively), and a further sub-set examined via radiography (n = 94 and 101 respectively). The mean number of bullets fired per pig killed did not differ greatly between lead-based and lead-free bullets respectively (4.09 vs 3.91), nor did the mean number of bullet wound tracts in each animal via post-mortem inspection (3.29 vs 2.98). However, radiography revealed a higher average number of fragments per animal (median >300 vs median = 55) and a broader distribution of fragments with lead-based bullets. Our results suggest that lead-based and lead-free bullets are similarly effective for aerial shooting of wild pigs, but that the bullet types behave differently, with lead-based bullets displaying a higher degree of fragmentation. These results suggest that aerial shooting may be a particularly important contributor to scavenging wildlife being exposed to lead and that investigation of lead-free bullets for this use should continue