151 research outputs found

    Glucocorticoid actions on airway epithelial responses in immunity: Functional outcomes and molecular targets

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    Research on the biology of airway epithelium in the last decades has progressively uncovered the many roles of this cell type during the immune response. Far from the early view of the epithelial layer simply as a passive barrier, the airway epithelium is now considered a central player in mucosal immunity, providing innate mechanisms of first-line host defense as well as facilitating adaptive immune responses. Alterations of the epithelial phenotype are primarily involved in the pathogenesis of allergic airways disease, particularly in severe asthma. Appreciation of the epithelium as target of glucocorticoid therapy has also grown, because of studies defining the pathways and mediators affected by glucocorticoids, and studies illustrating the relevance of the control of the response from epithelium in the overall efficacy of topical and systemic therapy with glucocorticoids. Studies of the mechanism of action of glucocorticoids within the biology of the immune response of the epithelium have uncovered mechanisms of gene regulation involving both transcriptional and posttranscriptional events. The view of epithelium as therapeutic target therefore has plenty of room to evolve, as new knowledge on the role of epithelium in immunity is established and novel pathways mediating glucocorticoid regulation are elucidated

    Posttranscriptional gene regulation: novel pathways for glucocorticoids? Anti-inflammatory action

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    Posttranscriptional gene regulation (PTR) is a fundamental biological process that integrates with the master transcriptional control of gene expression, in ways that only in the last decade have been increasingly understood [1, 2]. While epigenetic and transcriptional events shape cell response qualitatively, deciding the pattern of gene expression to ‘switch on or off’ in response to endogenous or environmental triggers, the key task of PTR is to act as a ‘rheostat’ and rapidly adapt the cellular response by providing the appropriate amplitude and timing to the protein expression patterns [3, 4]. The pivotal role of this mechanism comes to the forefront in inflammatory and immune response, where the changes in amplitude and duration in the expression of dangerous and protective genes are in delicate balance, and are critical in determining either the successful resolution of the immune response or its chronic overexpression [5]. This brief review introduces members of the main classes of molecules mediating the cytoplasmic arm of gene regulation, namely RNAbinding proteins and micro-RNA (miRNA), and summarizes experimental data that underscore the role of these molecules in the pathophysiology of chronic inflammation, as well as their promising value as mechanisms conveying the anti-inflammatory effect of synthetic glucocorticoids

    Chemokines: key players in innate and adaptive immunity.

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    Healthy individuals initiate an immediate immune response to microbes by using a set of germline-encoded receptors that recognize common molecular patterns found on the surface of pathogens that are distinct from self-antigens. This innate immune response is the first line of defense against microorganisms in vertebrates, and constitutes the only immune response in plants and invertebrates. The innate immune system includes cellular components, as well as a host of soluble products (antimicrobial peptides, complement fragments, cytokines, and chemokines). The adaptive immune response, which provides long-lasting protection, takes days to develop and requires somatic mutations leading to the development of antigen-specific T cell receptors (cell-mediated immunity) and immunoglobulins (humoral immunity). Members of the chemokine superfamily are crucially involved in both innate and adaptive responses. We review the biological actions of the chemokine superfamily, focusing on several functions that are relevant for both immune responses, such as cell recruitment, microbicidal activity, cell activation, polarization of CD4+ T cells, and effects on structural cells. In particular, we will illustrate the central role that chemokines play in host defense, best demonstrated by the tremendous number of chemokine and chemokine receptor homologs found in microbial genomes, which deflect the immune response of the host

    The role of post-transcriptional regulation in chemokine gene expression in inflammation and allergy.

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    The aim of this review is to discuss recent advances in the understanding of the regulation of chemokine expression occurring during chronic inflammatory conditions, such as allergic diseases. The focus will be on current data, which suggest that post-transcriptional regulation plays a larger role in chemokine gene regulation than previously recognised. In particular, a growing body of data indicates that mechanisms controlling mRNA stability may be relevant in determining, or maintaining, the increased levels of chemokine gene expression in this context. Such regulatory pathways may be important targets of novel anti-inflammatory strategies

    The human glucocorticoid receptor as an RNA-binding protein: global analysis of glucocorticoid receptor-associated transcripts and identification of a target RNA motif.

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    Posttranscriptional regulation is emerging as a key factor in glucocorticoid (GC)-mediated gene regulation. We investigated the role of the human GC receptor (GR) as an RNA-binding protein and its effect on mRNA turnover in human airway epithelial cells. Cell treatment with the potent GC budesonide accelerated the decay of CCL2 mRNA (t(1/2) = 8 ± 1 min versus 62 ± 17 min in DMSO-treated cells) and CCL7 mRNA (t(1/2) = 15 ± 4 min versus 114 ± 37 min), but not that of CCL5 mRNA (t(1/2)=231 ± 8 min versus 266 ± 5 min) in the BEAS-2B cell line. This effect was inhibited by preincubation with an anti-GR Ab, indicating that GR itself plays a role in the turnover of these transcripts. Coimmunoprecipitation and biotin pulldown experiments showed that GR associates with CCL2 and CCL7 mRNAs, but not CCL5 mRNA. These methods confirmed CCL2 mRNA targeting by GR in human primary airway epithelial cells. Association of the GR was localized to the 5' untranslated region of CCL2 mRNA and further mapped to nt 44-60. The collection of transcripts associated with GR, identified by immunoprecipitation of GR-mRNA complexes followed by microarray analysis, revealed 479 transcripts that associated with GR. Computational analysis of the primary sequence and secondary structures of these transcripts yielded a GC-rich motif, which was shown to bind to GR in vitro. This motif was used to predict binding of GR to an additional 7889 transcripts. These results indicate that cytoplasmic GR interacts with a subset of mRNA through specific sequences and can regulate turnover rates, suggesting a novel posttranscriptional role for GR as an RNA-binding protein

    Functional Analysis of the Chemokine Receptor CCR3 on Airway Epithelial Cells

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    The function of chemokine receptors on structural cells is only partially known. We previously reported the expression of a functional CCR3 receptor on airway epithelial cells (EC). We speculated that CCR3 might drive wound repair and expression of inflammatory genes in epithelium. The human airway EC lines BEAS-2B, 16-HBE, and primary bronchial EC were used to test the effect of in vitro challenge with the CCR3 ligands CCL11/eotaxin, CCL24/eotaxin-2, or CCL26/eotaxin-3 on 1) wound repair, using an established wound model; 2) cell proliferation and chemotaxis, using specific fluorometric assays; and 3) gene expression, using pathway-specific arrays for inflammatory and profibrotic cytokines, chemokines, and chemokine receptor genes. Agonist specificity was tested by cell pretreatment with an AstraZeneca CCR3 antagonist (10(-8) - 10(-6) M). CCL24 challenge significantly accelerated epithelial wound closure, with similar effects exerted by CCL11 and CCL26. This effect was time dependent, submaximal at 1 nM, and comparable in potency to epidermal growth factor. CCL24 induced a concentration-dependent increase in EC proliferation and chemotaxis, with significant effects observed at 10 nM. The AstraZeneca compound selectively inhibited these CCL24-mediated responses. CCL11 induced the up-regulation of several profibrogenic molecules such as fibroblast growth factor 1 and 5 and of several CC and CXC chemokines. Epithelial immunostaining for CCR3 was stronger in bronchial biopsies of asthmatics displaying marked inflammatory changes than in nondiseased samples. Epithelial CCR3 participates in key functions for wound repair, amplifies the expression of profibrogenic and chemokine transcripts, and appears up-regulated in inflamed asthmatic airways

    Application of Proteomics and Peptidomics to COPD

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex disorder involving both airways and lung parenchyma, usually associated with progressive and poorly reversible airflow limitation. In order to better characterize the phenotypic heterogeneity and the prognosis of patients with COPD, there is currently an urgent need for discovery and validation of reliable disease biomarkers. Within this context, proteomic and peptidomic techniques are emerging as very valuable tools that can be applied to both systemic and pulmonary samples, including peripheral blood, induced sputum, exhaled breath condensate, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, and lung tissues. Identification of COPD biomarkers by means of proteomic and peptidomic approaches can thus also lead to discovery of new molecular targets potentially useful to improve and personalize the therapeutic management of this widespread respiratory disease

    Validity, reliability, and responsiveness of daily monitoring visual analog scales in MASK‐air¼

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    Background: MASK-air¼ is an app that supports allergic rhinitis patients in disease control. Users register daily allergy symptoms and their impact on activities using visual analog scales (VASs). We aimed to assess the concurrent validity, reliability, and responsiveness of these daily VASs. Methods: Daily monitoring VAS data were assessed in MASK-air¼ users with allergic rhinitis. Concurrent validity was assessed by correlating daily VAS values with those of the EuroQol-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) VAS, the Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test (CARAT) score, and the Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Allergic Specific (WPAI-AS) Questionnaire (work and activity impairment scores). Intra-rater reliability was assessed in users providing multiple daily VASs within the same day. Test–retest reliability was tested in clinically stable users, as defined by the EQ-5D VAS, CARAT, or “VAS Work” (i.e., VAS assessing the impact of allergy on work). Responsiveness was determined in users with two consecutive measurements of EQ-5D-VAS or “VAS Work” indicating clinical change. Results: A total of 17,780 MASK-air¼ users, with 317,176 VAS days, were assessed. Concurrent validity was moderate–high (Spearman correlation coefficient range: 0.437–0.716). Intra-rater reliability intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) ranged between 0.870 (VAS assessing global allergy symptoms) and 0.937 (VAS assessing allergy symptoms on sleep). Test–retest reliability ICCs ranged between 0.604 and 0.878—“VAS Work” and “VAS asthma” presented the highest ICCs. Moderate/large responsiveness effect sizes were observed—the sleep VAS was associated with lower responsiveness, while the global allergy symptoms VAS demonstrated higher responsiveness. Conclusion: In MASK-air¼, daily monitoring VASs have high intra-rater reliability and moderate–high validity, reliability, and responsiveness, pointing to a reliable measure of symptom loads

    Development and validation of combined symptom‐medication scores for allergic rhinitis*

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    Background: Validated combined symptom-medication scores (CSMSs) are needed to investigate the effects of allergic rhinitis treatments. This study aimed to use real-life data from the MASK-airÂź app to generate and validate hypothesis- and data-driven CSMSs. Methods: We used MASK-airÂź data to assess the concurrent validity, test-retest reliability and responsiveness of one hypothesis-driven CSMS (modified CSMS: mCSMS), one mixed hypothesis- and data-driven score (mixed score), and several data-driven CSMSs. The latter were generated with MASK-airÂź data following cluster analysis and regression models or factor analysis. These CSMSs were compared with scales measuring (i) the impact of rhinitis on work productivity (visual analogue scale [VAS] of work of MASK-airÂź , and Work Productivity and Activity Impairment: Allergy Specific [WPAI-AS]), (ii) quality-of-life (EQ-5D VAS) and (iii) control of allergic diseases (Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test [CARAT]). Results: We assessed 317,176 days of MASK-airÂź use from 17,780 users aged 16-90 years, in 25 countries. The mCSMS and the factor analyses-based CSMSs displayed poorer validity and responsiveness compared to the remaining CSMSs. The latter displayed moderate-to-strong correlations with the tested comparators, high test-retest reliability and moderate-to-large responsiveness. Among data-driven CSMSs, a better performance was observed for cluster analyses-based CSMSs. High accuracy (capacity of discriminating different levels of rhinitis control) was observed for the latter (AUC-ROC = 0.904) and for the mixed CSMS (AUC-ROC = 0.820). Conclusion: The mixed CSMS and the cluster-based CSMSs presented medium-high validity, reliability and accuracy, rendering them as candidates for primary endpoints in future rhinitis trials

    Development and validation of combined symptom-medication scores for allergic rhinitis*

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    Background Validated combined symptom-medication scores (CSMSs) are needed to investigate the effects of allergic rhinitis treatments. This study aimed to use real-life data from the MASK-air(R) app to generate and validate hypothesis- and data-driven CSMSs. Methods We used MASK-air(R) data to assess the concurrent validity, test-retest reliability and responsiveness of one hypothesis-driven CSMS (modified CSMS: mCSMS), one mixed hypothesis- and data-driven score (mixed score), and several data-driven CSMSs. The latter were generated with MASK-air(R) data following cluster analysis and regression models or factor analysis. These CSMSs were compared with scales measuring (i) the impact of rhinitis on work productivity (visual analogue scale [VAS] of work of MASK-air(R), and Work Productivity and Activity Impairment: Allergy Specific [WPAI-AS]), (ii) quality-of-life (EQ-5D VAS) and (iii) control of allergic diseases (Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test [CARAT]). Results We assessed 317,176 days of MASK-air(R) use from 17,780 users aged 16-90 years, in 25 countries. The mCSMS and the factor analyses-based CSMSs displayed poorer validity and responsiveness compared to the remaining CSMSs. The latter displayed moderate-to-strong correlations with the tested comparators, high test-retest reliability and moderate-to-large responsiveness. Among data-driven CSMSs, a better performance was observed for cluster analyses-based CSMSs. High accuracy (capacity of discriminating different levels of rhinitis control) was observed for the latter (AUC-ROC = 0.904) and for the mixed CSMS (AUC-ROC = 0.820). Conclusion The mixed CSMS and the cluster-based CSMSs presented medium-high validity, reliability and accuracy, rendering them as candidates for primary endpoints in future rhinitis trials.Peer reviewe
