255 research outputs found

    Rola UNESCO w ochronie dóbr kultury i zasobów przyrodniczych

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    The topic is organized in such a way as to allow the circumstances of the establishment of UNESCO, its legal foundations, and the expansion of its activities over the years to be presented. The presentation of successive conventions that have been passed demonstrates how UNESCO’s scope of interests has been expanding to keep up with the changing world. In the analysis of successive activities and programs conducted under the auspices of UNESCO, and the attempts taken to counter the threats for the preservation of cultural and natural assets, the significance of the organization in the area of the protection of world heritage is assessed

    Rywalizacja państw w kosmosie

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    The paper emphasizes that outer space has become an object of interest for different states relatively recently. Therefore, there is no detailed international law to regulate the activity of states in outer space. Current regulations were mainly drawn up at the turn of the 1960s, and they do not fully correspond to the reality of today. The drawing up of modern space law will be a dynamic process owing to the rapid evolution of space technology and an increasing exploration potential. As the activity of states in outer space is rapidly changing, laws to be drawn up may frequently be prepared ad hoc, in response to the newly emerging problems. It may be exceptionally difficult to enact a new convention to regulate general issues of outer space, in the way it has been done with respect to the law of the sea, as some countries (in particular the United States) may oppose the limitation of their plans to explore and utilize outer space. In order to maintain peace and balance, it may be necessary to establish a new international organization for the purpose of dealing with outer space. This organization would provide a forum to solve disputes, such as those concerning the development of satellite systems, the principles of teledetection, or armaments in space. A considerable portion of inter-state disputes concerning outer space will have to be solved by bilateral agreements, reached through a compromise, as there are no specialized organs authorized to act in the realm of outer space. A dynamically conducted exploration of outer space depends on the amount of expenditure allocated to the space programs of individual states. The amount of financing available is influenced by the economy (at the time of the slowdown that began in 2008 space agencies have had to envisage limited budgets). The prestige of space exploration is an aspect of particular importance. In order to increase its importance in the international arena, states are ready to allocate considerable means for spectacular space activities. It can be observed at present that states are increasingly competing with each other for prestige rather than for strategic purposes. This can easily be observed with respect to the developing countries, such as China and India. The pace of activities in space will be influenced by the ability of the states to cooperate. The specific nature of great space investments usually requires huge expenditure, therefore it would be advantageous to combine the financial contributions of various states. Joint projects would promote peaceful utilization of outer space

    Sebastian Wojciechowski, Terroryzm na początku XXI wieku. Pojęcie, istota i przyczyny zjawiska, Oficyna Wydawnicza Branta, Bydgoszcz–Poznań 2011, ss. 302.

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    Sebastian Wojciechowski, Terroryzm na początku XXI wieku. Pojęcie, istota i przyczyny zjawiska, Oficyna Wydawnicza Branta, Bydgoszcz–Poznań 2011, ss. 302


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    Forecasts predicting the reunification of the Korean Peninsula were common throughout the 1990s. Since then, enthusiasm for such predictions has dampened, and though the fundamental assumption of reunification remains, predictions of when and how this will happen have been more restrained. Reunification leaves two unresolved yet interdependent issues: reunification itself, which is the urgent challenge; and the strategic issues that emerge from reunification, which have the potential to fundamentally transform strategic relations in the region of Northeast Asia. Within this context, this paper examines the prospects of Korean reunification against the background of the interstate relations. Initially, it will establish the framework from which such scenarios will emerge: the historical background of the division, the extreme differences between the two states, the role played by the North Korean nuclear threats and the impact of the September 11, 2001 on the interstate relations, and finally general situation and relations in the East Asian region. Then, three possible scenarios of the unification will be developed: through peaceful integration, through the fall of North Korea or through a war. Summing up, even the death of Kim Jong Il will not bring change in the domestic and foreign policy of North Korea which is going to continue an aggressive approach toward the South. In the short-term reunification is definitely not in the interest of the current ROK administration, and the South has no intention of encouraging it. None of the considered scenarios envisions early reunification, and it seems that for the future, the status quo on the Korean Peninsula will remain

    Prawa imigrantów a wysiedlanie Romów we Francji i reakcja Unii Europejskiej

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    Immigrant Rights vs Expulsions of the Roma People in France in Light of the European Union’s Reaction The article first presents how immigration policies determine the norms which European Union countries apply in their law towards immigrants. Next the author deals with the Roma as a national minority living in France, where it is not yet recognised as equal to other national or ethnic communities. Even though Romany people are protected by law, their legal status is unstable due to their cultural dissimilarity. Numerous dilemmas arise, thus making it difficult to accept any official recognition of the Roma as a supranational or national minority. Relations between France and the European Union have deteriorated since the incident connected with the Roma deportations in 2010. There have been many accusations aimed at the French authorities, and also a threat of bringing proceedings against France before the Court of Justice. The EU strongly condemned France and its immigration policy. This, however, did not change French attitudes towards the Roma. The reaction of the EU did not result in a sudden change in French legislation which aims at preventing an influx of immigrants. In addition, France has introduced special acts to protect the country from a return influx of the Roma minority. The Directive on the free movement of citizens between EU countries has not been fully enforced in France. In the ensuing situation, the ratification of this document will occur in 2011

    Status prawny kobiet w Polsce w świetle ustawodawstwa Unii Europejskiej

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    The issue of human rights and fundamental liberties in numerous realms of life – whether political and civic, or social and cultural – has been frequently emphasized when discussing the achievements of Western civilization. As a matter of principle, every citizen, regardless of gender, has the same rights, obligations and opportunities in every sphere. This equality implies an equal division of authority and power, that gives women the right to participate in the institutions and public fora that make decisions and issue opinions. This also refers to all other spheres and includes such matters as the right to non-discrimination at work, in business activity, and equal opportunities to obtain material independence. Polish society still does not take sufficient advantage of the opportunities provided by EU instruments. The participation of women in public authorities and public life, the equal status of men and women, equality of rights, or gender-related discrimination are still new ideas, which are both strange and incomprehensible for Polish society. Another problem is posed by harmful stereotypes and false images related to the position of men and women. Poland remains a country where women are responsible for bringing children up, caring for the elderly or the handicapped, household chores, and for material matters pertaining to the family.The issue of human rights and fundamental liberties in numerous realms of life – whether political and civic, or social and cultural – has been frequently emphasized when discussing the achievements of Western civilization. As a matter of principle, every citizen, regardless of gender, has the same rights, obligations and opportunities in every sphere. This equality implies an equal division of authority and power, that gives women the right to participate in the institutions and public fora that make decisions and issue opinions. This also refers to all other spheres and includes such matters as the right to non-discrimination at work, in business activity, and equal opportunities to obtain material independence. Polish society still does not take sufficient advantage of the opportunities provided by EU instruments. The participation of women in public authorities and public life, the equal status of men and women, equality of rights, or gender-related discrimination are still new ideas, which are both strange and incomprehensible for Polish society. Another problem is posed by harmful stereotypes and false images related to the position of men and women. Poland remains a country where women are responsible for bringing children up, caring for the elderly or the handicapped, household chores, and for material matters pertaining to the family

    Rola ONZ w utrzymaniu pokoju i bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego na początku XXI wieku - ocena i oczekiwania

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    "Mija sześćdziesiąta rocznica utworzenia Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych. Powstała ona na skutek doświadczeń z okresu II wojny światowej, powołano ją do życia na podstawie Karty Narodów Zjednoczonych, która za cel ONZ uznała ochronę przyszłych pokoleń przed nieszczęściem wojny i poszanowanie zasady pacta sunt servanda. Sygnatariusze Karty NZ zobowiązali się do działania na rzecz utrzymania międzynarodowego pokoju i bezpieczeństwa przez stosowanie wypracowanych międzynarodowych rozwiązań i ograniczenie prawa do samoobrony regulowanie sporów międzynarodowych o charakterze politycznym, gospodarczym, kulturalnym i humanitarnym na drodze pokojowej i wyeliminowanie z praktyki międzynarodowej aktów agresji i innych działań przeciwko pokojowi."(...

    Naród i konflikt etniczny

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    Nation and Ethnic Conflict Review of: Małgorzata Budyta-Budzyńska, Socjologia narodu i konfliktów etnicznych [The Sociology of Nation and Ethnic Conflict], Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN 2010.   Naród i konflikt etniczny Recenzja: Małgorzata Budyta-Budzyńska, Socjologia narodu i konfliktów etnicznych, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN 2010

    Russian-Belorussian military cooperation in the 21st century

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    Belorussian military cooperation with Russia causes the partial isolation of Lukashenko’s land from the West-European environment. The possibility of Belorussian membership in NATO has been curbed, up to the moment of close cooperation with the eastern ally. Only becoming independent from Russia could contribute to the rapid rapprochement between Belarus and West-European organizations and could hammer out a regular cooperation. Russian authorities are exploiting the military activities while achieving goals of foreign policy. In this way the plans during the energetic conflicts with Belarus and deployment of missile defense elements in Poland and Czech were accomplished. The exploitation of the military policy by Russia is perceived as a bargaining card which is used for achieving main national aims. Mr Lukashenko, with the help of bilateral cooperation may stay in power, which is mostly grounded on the recognition from the army. Mutual cooperation in the area of defense is very close, however, the president of Belarus is constantly refusing Russian authorities, who take the initiative to incorporate Belarusian country as one of the provinces, in order to maintain the external sovereignty of this country.Belorussian military cooperation with Russia causes the partial isolation of Lukashenko’s land from the West-European environment. The possibility of Belorussian membership in NATO has been curbed, up to the moment of close cooperation with the eastern ally. Only becoming independent from Russia could contribute to the rapid rapprochement between Belarus and West-European organizations and could hammer out a regular cooperation. Russian authorities are exploiting the military activities while achieving goals of foreign policy. In this way the plans during the energetic conflicts with Belarus and deployment of missile defense elements in Poland and Czech were accomplished. The exploitation of the military policy by Russia is perceived as a bargaining card which is used for achieving main national aims. Mr Lukashenko, with the help of bilateral cooperation may stay in power, which is mostly grounded on the recognition from the army. Mutual cooperation in the area of defense is very close, however, the president of Belarus is constantly refusing Russian authorities, who take the initiative to incorporate Belarusian country as one of the provinces, in order to maintain the external sovereignty of this country