2,842 research outputs found

    Aerial Inventories of Waterfowl in Illinois and Estimation of Moist-soil Plant Seed Abundance for Waterfowl on Lands Managed by Illinois Department of Natural Resources

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    Grant/Contract No: W-43-R 53-54-55Reports on progress and results of inventories of waterfowl along the Illinois and central Mississippi rivers during fall and winter and estimation of moist-soil plant seed abundance for waterfowl on lands managed by Illinois Department of Natural ResourcesINHS Technical Report Prepared for U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Illinois Department of Natural Resource

    Responding to the health impacts of climate change in the Australian desert

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    Climate change is likely to have a significant effect on the health of those living in the 70% of Australia that is desert. The direct impacts on health, such as increased temperature, are important. But so too are the secondary impacts that will occur as a result of the impact of climate change on an uncertain and highly variable natural environment and on the interlinking social and economic systems. The consequence of these secondary impacts will appear as changes in the incidence of disease and infections, and on the psychosocial determinants of health. Responding to the impacts of climate change on health in desert Australia will involve the active participation of a variety of interest groups ranging from local to state and federal governments and a range of public and private agencies, including those not traditionally defined as within the health sector.The modes of engagement required for this process need to be innovative, and will differ among regions on different trajectories. To this end, a first classification of these trajectories is proposed

    Waterbird and Wetland Monitoring at The Emiquon Preserve Final Report 2007-2009

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    We monitored the response of wetland habitats and waterbirds to restoration efforts at Emiquon during 2007–2010 to evaluate restoration success relative to desired conditions under the relevant key ecological attributes (KEAs). Our primary efforts included evaluating: 1) abundance, diversity, and behavior of waterfowl and other waterbirds through counts and observations; 2) productivity by waterfowl and other waterbirds through brood counts; 3) plant seed and invertebrate biomass to understand foraging carrying capacity for waterfowl during migration and breeding, and; 4) composition and arrangement of the vegetation community through geospatial wetland covermapping. Herein, we report results of our monitoring efforts and interpret them as a means of evaluating restoration activities at Emiquon with respect to desired conditions under the KEAs.The Nature Conservancy, Illinois River Project Office, contract number C07-032unpublishednot peer reviewedOpe

    Seed Abundance for Waterfowl in Wetlands Managed by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources

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    Managed wetlands on public lands in Illinois, United States, provide foraging habitats for migrating and wintering waterfowl. However, few studies have estimated abundances of waterfowl foods in mid-migration regions of North America, yet such information is needed to inform management and conservation decision-making. During 2005– 2007, we used a multistage sampling design to estimate moist-soil plant seed production (kg/ha, dry mass) and energetic carrying capacity at sites managed by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and modeled variation in seed biomass. Average seed biomass among all sites ranged from 1,030.0 6 64.1 (SE) kg/ha in 2005 to 501.5 6 124.1 kg/ha in 2007. Our overall estimate (2005–2007) of moist-soil plant seed biomass was precise (691.3 6 56.4 kg/ ha; CV: 8.2%), equaling 5,128 energetic use-days/ha. This value was similar to or slightly greater than previous estimates from other regions of North America and exceeded the estimate used the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture for waterfowl conservation planning (514 kg/ha). We formulated eight models to predict abundance of moist-soil plant seeds within sampled wetlands. The best approximating model included the number of desirable plant species within wetlands and study year. The second best model included the categorical effect of management intensity and indicated that, although variable, actively managed wetlands produced about 240 kg/ha more seed than those that were passively managed. As with other regions, wetland management practices that encourage diverse plant communities over monotypes and growth of early successional plants should yield substantial increases in waterfowl food abundances at Illinois Department of Natural Resources sites, especially given that only 27% of our study wetlands were actively managed. Such efforts would also help reduce deficits in energetic carrying capacity identified by the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture

    Foraging Ecology of Fall-Migrating Shorebirds in the Illinois River Valley

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    Populations of many shorebird species appear to be declining in North America, and food resources at stopover habitats may limit migratory bird populations. We investigated body condition of, and foraging habitat and diet selection by 4 species of shorebirds in the central Illinois River valley during fall migrations 2007 and 2008 (Killdeer [Charadrius vociferus], Least Sandpiper [Calidris minutilla], Pectoral Sandpiper [Calidris melanotos], and Lesser Yellowlegs [Tringa flavipes]). All species except Killdeer were in good to excellent condition, based on size-corrected body mass and fat scores. Shorebird diets were dominated by invertebrate taxa from Orders Diptera and Coleoptera. Additionally, Isopoda, Hemiptera, Hirudinea, Nematoda, and Cyprinodontiformes contribution to diets varied by shorebird species and year. We evaluated diet and foraging habitat selection by comparing aggregate percent dry mass of food items in shorebird diets and core samples from foraging substrates. Invertebrate abundances at shorebird collection sites and random sites were generally similar, indicating that birds did not select foraging patches within wetlands based on invertebrate abundance. Conversely, we found considerable evidence for selection of some diet items within particular foraging sites, and consistent avoidance of Oligochaeta. We suspect the diet selectivity we observed was a function of overall invertebrate biomass (51.264.4 [SE] kg/ha; dry mass) at our study sites, which was greater than estimates reported in most other food selection studies. Diet selectivity in shorebirds may follow tenants of optimal foraging theory; that is, at low food abundances shorebirds forage opportunistically, with the likelihood of selectivity increasing as food availability increases. Nonetheless, relationships between the abundance, availability, and consumption of Oligochaetes for and by waterbirds should be the focus of future research, because estimates of foraging carrying capacity would need to be revised downward if Oligochaetes are truly avoided or unavailable for consumption

    Mapping interactions between the sustainable development goals: lessons learned and ways forward

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    Pursuing integrated research and decision-making to advance action on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) fundamentally depends on understanding interactions between the SDGs, both negative ones (“trade-offs”) and positive ones (“co-benefits”). This quest, triggered by the 2030 Agenda, has however pointed to a gap in current research and policy analysis regarding how to think systematically about interactions across the SDGs. This paper synthesizes experiences and insights from the application of a new conceptual framework for mapping and assessing SDG interactions using a defined typology and characterization approach. Drawing on results from a major international research study applied to the SDGs on health, energy and the ocean, it analyses how interactions depend on key factors such as geographical context, resource endowments, time horizon and governance. The paper discusses the future potential, barriers and opportunities for applying the approach in scientific research, in policy making and in bridging the two through a global SDG Interactions Knowledge Platform as a key mechanism for assembling, systematizing and aggregating knowledge on interactions

    Vegetation responses to the first 20 years of cattle grazing in an Australian desert

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    Existing theoretical frameworks suggest three predictions relevant to grazing effects in Australian aridlands: grazing has a negative but moderate effect on plant species richness; a separate "state" resulting from degradation caused by extreme grazing will be evident; some plant species will have a strong association with grazing relief refuges that have only ever been subject to light grazing. These predictions were examined in the dune swales of an Australian desert, with data on herbaceous species collected along transects up to 14 km from artificial water points between four and 33 years old. A cumulative grazing index was constructed utilizing both the spatial occupation patterns of cattle and the length of exposure. Despite restricting sampling to a narrow habitat, silt/clay content and soil pH influence floristic patterns independent of grazing. The analysis of quadrat data in relation to grazing revealed almost no patterns in plant cover, species richness (at two different scales), or abundance across plant life-form groups. Five species had an increasing response, and seven a decreasing response, while the only species restricted to areas of extremely low grazing pressure was sufficiently rare that it could have occurred there by chance. The dominant annual grass, the most common shrub, and a perennial tussock-forming sedge all decrease with high levels of grazing. Most species exhibit an ephemeral life strategy in response to unreliable rainfall, and this boom and bust strategy effectively doubles as an adaptation to grazing. After 20 years of exposure to managed grazing with domestic stock in Australian dune swales, patterns in species richness have not emerged in response to grazing pressure, the ecosystem has not been transformed to another degradation "state," and there is no evidence that grazing relief refuges provide havens for species highly sensitive to grazing

    Interactions of periodontal pathogens with megakaryocytic cells and platelets

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    Introduction: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of morbidity, accounting for around 17.3 million deaths worldwide. Recent studies have linked periodontitis to CVD with the periodonto-pathogens Porphyromonas gingivalis and Tannerella forsythia thought to contribute and exacerbate atherosclerosis through interactions with platelets. To date, while platelet activation following challenge with periodonto-pathogens has been reported, the underlying mechanisms of these interactions are yet to be elucidated. The aim of this study is to determine how periodonto-pathogens interact with platelets using both megakaryocytic cells and isolated platelets. Methods: To characterise expression levels of surface markers including ubiquitously expressed platelet-specific markers (CD41, CD42b) and platelet activation markers (CD62P, PAC-1), a multi-colour flow cytometry panel was developed using undifferentiated megakaryocytic cells CHRF-288-11 before validation using platelets isolated from healthy donors. Changes in levels of surface markers following bacterial challenge both with megakaryocytic cells and isolated platelets were determined using flow cytometry. Interaction with pathogens was visualised by platelet aggregometry and fluorescence microscopy using pathogen-specific antibodies. Results and conclusions: Both pathogens invaded megakaryocytic cells as visualised by immunofluorescence microscopy. The pathogens also bound platelets causing increased levels of aggregation and upregulated expression of activation markers including in CD62P in flow cytometric assays

    Platelet Counts and Postoperative Stroke After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery

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    BACKGROUND: Declining platelet counts may reveal platelet activation and aggregation in a postoperative prothrombotic state. Therefore, we hypothesized that nadir platelet counts after on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery are associated with stroke. METHODS: We evaluated 6130 adult CABG surgery patients. Postoperative platelet counts were evaluated as continuous and categorical (mild versus moderate to severe) predictors of stroke. Extended Cox proportional hazard regression analysis with a time-varying covariate for daily minimum postoperative platelet count assessed the association of day-to-day variations in postoperative platelet count with time to stroke. Competing risks proportional hazard regression models examined associations between day-to-day variations in postoperative platelet counts with timing of stroke (early: 0-1 days; delayed: ≥2 days). RESULTS: Median (interquartile range) postoperative nadir platelet counts were 123.0 (98.0-155.0) × 10/L. The incidences of postoperative stroke were 1.09%, 1.50%, and 3.02% for platelet counts >150 × 10/L, 100 to 150 × 10/L, and 150 × 10/L. Importantly, such thrombocytopenia, defined as a time-varying covariate, was significantly associated with delayed (≥2 days after surgery; adjusted HR, 2.83; 95% CI, 1.48-5.41; P= .0017) but not early postoperative stroke. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest an independent association between moderate to severe postoperative thrombocytopenia and postoperative stroke, and timing of stroke after CABG surgery

    The disequilibrium of hope: A grounded theory analysis of parents' experiences of receiving a “no primary finding” result from genome sequencing

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    Genome sequencing (GS) has the potential to reduce the “diagnostic odyssey” that many parents of children with rare undiagnosed conditions experience. While much research has considered the impact of receiving a diagnostic result, research has rarely focused solely on the impact of receiving a “no primary finding” (NPF) result. This study aimed to investigate the experience of parents of children with rare and undiagnosed conditions following an NPF result from GS. Nine parents whose child had an NPF result from GS were recruited through the social media platform of the charity SWAN (Syndromes Without A Name) UK. Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using grounded theory. Analysis led to the emergence of two main themes. The first theme “Striving to Solve the Unsolved Puzzle” concerned the experience of striving to end the “diagnostic odyssey.” The second theme “Navigating Hope, Lost then Found” plots the trajectory of hope raised by the promise of a new technology, dashed by the NPF, and the eventual return of small and distant hope for the future. Taken together, these themes allowed for a proposed theory: “The Disequilibrium of Hope,” which highlights the dynamic and modifiable experience of hope participants experience in their GS journey. These results suggest GS can be an emotional rollercoaster for parents. While hope plays an important role in coping with the day-to-day life of living with a rare disease, careful management of expectations from GS is important during pre-test counseling, and continued follow-up and support are needed beyond result disclosure. An understanding of the disappointment and distress caused by an NPF result is valuable for healthcare professionals in this field to ensure counseling can be tailored. Further research should consider how to support parents after an NPF result