122 research outputs found

    Valuation of Plastic Waste as Fine Aggregate in Concrete Pavers

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    Polymers are manufactured in large scale; however, their recycling does not reach large proportions in countries like Brazil. This material can be incorporated into products used in civil construction, as this sector has been standing out in the use of waste, reducing the consumption of natural resources. The purpose of this study was to evaluate substitution of natural aggregate by plastic waste in pavers to decrease the amount of waste in landfills. Dimensional evaluation, water absorption tests, compressive strength and abrasion strength were carried out. According to analyses carried out, the pavers with plastic did not reach values for the compression required in Brazilian norms, however, it is suggested that the strength found is suitable for walkways. In addition, the environmental advantages of using plastic as a fine aggregate in the pavers was evaluated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Blood flow in cylindrical stenosed channel – numerical approach

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    Arthrosclerosis means literally “arteries hardening”. However, arthrosclerosis it is a generic term that is related with three patterns of vascular diseases, which have the hardening and loss of elasticity of the arteries walls as a common factor [1]. The dominant pattern is atherosclerosis, characterized by the formation of atheroma, which is comprised by fibrous plaques that generally exhibit a centre rich in lipids. In the present work, the flow of blood in a cylindrical channel, containing an atheroma at the walls, has been numerically studied using the finite-element software package POLYFLOW®. In the simulations, blood was considered an incompressible homogenous fluid and the flow regime was the laminar regime. The rheology of the mentioned fluid was described by distinct constitutive equations [2] - constant viscosity, power-law model and Carreau model. The local behaviour of properties such as pressure, interstitial velocities, shear rate and shear stress was explored in the present investigation. The local behaviour of these properties can help to understand the formation and detachment of thrombi

    Auditory system rehabilitation - available technologies

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    In this article some of the different technologies and its functioning as well as some technological aids for people with partial or total auditory deficiency will be presented. The objective of the auditory rehabilitation is to develop the capacity of auditory perception to the individual carrying auditory deficiency, with aid of devices that can amplify the sound. Between these devices, we cite: the Baha auditory prostheses, vibrant sound-bridge, the cochlear implantations, the auditory brainstem implants, the hearing prosthesis, the bone conduction prostheses and the intra-channels hearing. Some technological aiding devices not used in the ear are also presented such as the signal amplifier to phone, amplifier magnetic field to TV, sign language translator, phone with handset and light bell for home

    Cement with expired date: effect in the slump and in the compressive strength of the concrete

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    O cimento Portland tem sido amplamente utilizado em todo o mundo para a produção de concreto. Quando o cimento Portland não é usado corretamente, seguindo as prescrições normativas, seu uso pode comprometer a estética e a segurança das estruturas. A presente pesquisa consistiu em analisar a trabalhabilidade do concreto no estado fresco e a resistência à compressão no estado endurecido quando se utiliza o cimento Portland com fabricação superior a 90 dias, visto que o prazo de validade não deve ser superior a esse tempo, conforme definido pela ABNT NBR 16697. Para os ensaios, foram selecionados três cimentos com diferentes datas de fabricação: novembro de 2018, julho de 2019 e agosto de 2020. A trabalhabilidade foi avaliada por meio do ensaio de abatimento e ensaio de resistência à compressão nas idades de 1, 7, 14 e 28 dias. A mistura utilizada foi para a resistência à compressão de 25 MPa aos 28 dias de idade. O slump test mostrou valores divergentes em relação aos cimentos vencidos, levando a resultados inconclusivos. O concreto com cimento de 2018 apresentou menor resistência à compressão, atingindo aos 28 dias 56,8% da resistência esperada. Nenhuma perda significativa de resistência à compressão foi encontrada nos concretos com cimentos de 2019 e 2020.Portland cement has been widely used around the world to produce concrete. When Portland cement is not used correctly, following the normative prescriptions, its use can compromise the aesthetics and the safety of structures. The present research consisted of analyzing the workability of concrete in fresh state and compressive strength in its hardened state when using Portland cement with expired date higher than 90 days defined by the Brazilian standard NBR 16697. For the tests, three cements were selected with different manufacturing dates: November 2018, July 2019 and August 2020. The workability was assessed through the slump test and the compressive strength test at the ages of 1, 7, 14 and 28 days. The mix used was designed for a compressive strength of 25 MPa at the age of 28 days. The slump tests showed divergent values regarding to the expired cements, leading to inconclusive findings. Regarding the compressive strength, it was concluded that the loss of efficiency of concrete produced with expired cement.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La posture infirmière lors de l'annonce d'un diagnostic de cancer: travail de Bachelor

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    Thème : Le moment de l’annonce du diagnostic de cancer est un événement bouleversant dans la vie du patient et de son entourage. De ce fait, il est important de bien accompagner le patient lors de ce moment crucial. De plus, il semble primordial de mettre un point d’honneur à développer le rôle infirmier lors de l’annonce du diagnostic afin de permettre l’amélioration de la pratique infirmière et l’enrichissement de la discipline. Cette revue de littérature cherche à répondre au questionnement suivant: Quelle est la posture infirmière lors de l’annonce de diagnostic de cancer chez l’adulte afin d’améliorer la qualité de vie de la personne ? Contenu : Revue de littérature analysant quatorze articles de recherche sélectionnés dans les bases de données. Discussion : Cette section met en lien les concepts émergeants de la revue de littérature (l’annonce, la communication, la prise en soin et la qualité de vie) avec les compétences du référentiel de l’HES-SO selon le PEC 2006, les facteurs caratifs de la théorie de J. Watson et les rôles KFH. Les thèmes importants pour la posture de l’infirmière présents lors de l’annonce de diagnostic de cancer sont : la collaboration pluridisciplinaire, la prise en soins en partenariat avec le patient en tenant compte de sa subjectivité, l’importance de la formation continue et l’auto-évaluation des infirmières. Afin de contribuer à l’amélioration du rôle infirmier, qui garantira une prise en soin de qualité, des recommandations pour la recherche et pour la pratique ont été décrites. Finalement, les limites de ce travail de bachelor ont été recensées

    Cement After Expiry Date: Effect in the Concrete Properties

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    Optimization techniques for mortars with self-compacting characteristics through Central Composite Design

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    The demand for concrete production for civil construction promotes an investment by researchers and builders to find methodologies that improve their performance, the costs and less environmental degradation. Self-compacting concrete works it possible to offer a mixture with high flowability and compaction and good mechanical properties. For a better optimization of the mixtures, the statistical tool Design of Experiments (DoE) was used. Therefore, the objective of this research was to optimize an experimental dataset of high strength self-compacting mortars, through statistical analysis, using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) for a Central Composite Design (CCD). The results showed a strong correlation between the D-Flow and T-funnel response factors, when compared with CS14h and CS28d models that showed moderate significance. The input variable w/c was the most significant model. Numerical optimization solutions showed good accuracy and high compliance for low cost and environmental impact, maintaining high performance in fresh and hardened properties

    Etnografia sonora na cidade: algumas contribuições metodológicas acerca do registro sonoro na pesquisa de campo

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    This essay focuses on the construction of the sound image from the methodology developed in Bank of Images and Visual Effects – PPGAS/UFRGS, Brazil. We reflect on how is the relationship between this methodology and interpretations of the phenomenon studied by recording sound, considering that one of the stages of this process refers to the imagination of this capture and the ways to do it, based on ethnographic research we have produced. The ethnographer imagine the sound of the city and how to register them, because the choices of recording – expressed by scripts of sound recording, scripts of fieldwork and the choices of listening points – are ways of interpreting the phenomenon. Through ethnography sound, we walked along the paths of the city attentive to the gestures and scenes of urban life in relation to sounds, as ambiences, fleeting conversations, cars engines, is in this position that we propose a dialogue.Este ensaio versa sobre a construção da imagem sonora a partir da metodologia desenvolvida no Banco de Imagens e Efeitos Visuais - PPGAS/UFRGS, Brasil. Refletimos sobre como se dá a relação entre tal metodologia e as interpretações do fenômeno pesquisado por meio do registro sonoro, tendo em vista que uma das etapas constituintes desse processo se refere à imaginação dessa captação e das formas de fazê-la, baseadas nas pesquisas etnográficas que temos produzido. Torna-se objeto principal deste trabalho o que definimos como pré-campo. O etnógrafo imagina os sons da cidade e as formas de registrá-los, pois as escolhas de captação – expressas pelos roteiros de captação sonora, roteiros de saída de campo e as escolhas de pontos de escuta – são formas de interpretação do fenômeno. Através da etnografia sonora, percorremos os caminhos da cidade atentas aos gestos e cenas do viver urbano em relação às sonoridades, como ambiências, conversas fugidias, motores dos carros, é desta posição que propomos tal diálogo

    Probabilistic analysis applied to the risk assessment of dams

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    Conventional engineering primarily uses a deterministic analysis of the parameters to obtain results. Therefore, an evaluation was used as a unique solution; however, the parameters used in the analysis present considerable variability due to the nature of the materials. That disregard of a variable of the materials has been wrong in the safety assessment, resultant in which: solutions economically more expensive or higher risk to the enterprise. Thereby, the work elaborates a probabilistic analysis treat-ment of factor of safety of dams for a more realistic perception. In order to evaluate the influence of the variability of the measurements applied to dams design, the case study of a hypothetical composed dam. Through this analysis, it was possible to conclude that the probabilities of the risk assessment process may be more significant than the acceptable risk, even if the deterministic safety factor is within the limits allowed by the rule, which may prescribe an unfeasibility of the enterprise, in addi-tion to demonstrating the most substantial amount of safety of the dam