43 research outputs found

    Diode laser surgery in the treatment of oral proliferative verrucous leukoplakia associated with HPV-16 infection

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    Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) is an oral potentially malignant disorder, characterized by multifocal expression, progressive clinical evolution, and a high rate of malignant transformation. Evidence-based information regarding optimal PVL management is lacking, due to the paucity of data. The present report describes a case of PVL associated with HPV-16 infection and epithelial dysplasia treated by diode laser surgery, and the outcome of disease clinical remission over a 2-year follow-up period

    Nerve Sheath Myxoma of the Tongue

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    Nerve sheath myxoma (NSM) of the oral mucosa is aslow-growing, benign, often asymptomatic submucosal mass. Wereport on a case of classical NSM of the tongue, with diagnostic andtherapeutic approach to the case.Many NSM arise within the endoneurium of a peripheral nerve. It isa rare condition with no apparent differences between sexes in itsprealence. It can occur at any age..</p

    Az égő száj szindrómáról. Diagnózis és etiológia

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    A dolgozat célja az „égő száj szindrómával” (Burning Mouth Syndrome – BMS) kapcsolatos nemzetközi irodalom legfontosabb megállapításainak összegzése és áttekintése. Az eltelt évtizedek alatt számos kutató gyakorlatban és elméletben is foglalkozott ezzel a különös betegséggel. Ennek ellenére sem világos teljesen a szindróma etiológiája és pathogenezise. A szerzők az etiopathogenezissel kapcsolatos eddigi irodalmi adatokat analizálva nem találtak egyetértést sem a BMS klasszifikációja, sem a diagnózis tekintetében. Ezért egy úgynevezett „Gold Standard” osztályozást tartanak szükségesnek a betegség jobb megértése érdekében, melynek első lépéseit megtették

    Anxiety and depression in keratotic oral lichen planus: a multicentric study from the SIPMO

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    Objectives: Oral lichen planus with exclusive keratotic reticular, papular, and/or plaque-like lesions (K-OLP) is a clinical pattern of OLP that may be associated with a complex symptomatology and psychological alteration. The aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of anxiety (A) and depression (D) in patients with K-OLP, analyzing the potential predictors which can affect mental health status. Methods: Three hundred K-OLP patients versus 300 healthy controls (HC) were recruited in 15 Italian universities. The Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), Total Pain Rating Index (T-PRI), and Hamilton Rating Scales for Depression and for Anxiety (HAM-D and HAM-A) were administered. Results: The K-OLP patients showed statistically higher scores in the NRS, T-PRI, HAM-D, and HAM-A compared with the HC (p-value < 0.001**). A and D were found in 158 (52.7%) and 148 (49.3%) K-OLP patients. Strong linear correlations were identified between HAM-A, HAM-D, NRS, T-PRI, and employment status and between HAM-D, HAM-A, NRS, T-PRI, employment status, and female gender. Multivariate logistic regression revealed that HAM-D and HAM-A showed the greatest increase in the R2 value for A and D in the K-OLP patients, respectively (DR2 = 55.5% p-value < 0.001**; DR2 = 56.5% p-value < 0.001**). Conclusions: The prevalence of A and D is higher in the K-OLP patients compared with the HC, also found in K-OLP subjects without pain, suggesting that the processing of pain may be in a certain way independent of the processing of mood. Clinical relevance: Mood disorders and pain assessment should be carefully performed in relation to K-OLP to obtain a complete analysis of the patients