51 research outputs found

    State Bankruptcy: Surviving A Tenth Amendment Challenge

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    During February 2011 the prospect of creating a state-bankruptcy chapter burst into the national conversation. This debate largely centered on the necessity of state bankruptcy as a means of averting state bailouts, and leading commentators emphasized the need to tread gingerly on state prerogatives under the Tenth Amendment. The constitutionality of bankruptcy for states demands closer scrutiny, given that the Supreme Court’s recent Tenth Amendment jurisprudence has evolved toward protecting state sovereignty. The principles handed down from a pair of cases in the 1930s involving the constitutionality of municipal bankruptcy would likely support upholding a state-bankruptcy chapter that is carefully drawn to respect state sovereignty. Though highly relevant, these cases are not dispositive, however, because the legal landscape has changed a great deal since the 1930s. Even a broad state-bankruptcy chapter would be constitutional, because recent Tenth Amendment jurisprudence does not preserve traditional state functions. The Court has already upheld many similar infringements on state sovereignty, such as the interference with state contractual obligations. Assuming a state-bankruptcy chapter is constitutional, is it a good idea? The main justification expressed for the creation of a state bankruptcy chapter is that it is necessary to avoid a massive federal bailout, because states are too big to fail. This justification concludes that the grim logic of bailouts applies to the states because they are significantly interconnected with the financial markets. Cite as 42 Golden Gate Univ. L. Rev. 217 (2012)

    Neutronic analysis of a proposed plutonium recycle assembly

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    Statement of responsibility on title-page reads: George M. Solan David D. Lanning Bruce F. Momsen, and Edward E. Pilat"August 1975."Also issued as a Nucl. E. thesis, MIT Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, 1975Includes bibliographical references (pages 271-275)A method for the neutronic analysis of plutonium recycle assemblies has been developed with emphasis on relative power distribution prediction in the boundary area of vastly different spectral regions. Such regions are those of mixed oxide (Pu0 2 in natural U02 ) fuel pins relative to enriched uranium pins, or water regions relative to fuel pin regions. The basic analytical methods for determination of spectrum averaged constants are given in the following descriptions: (1) Generalized Mixed Number Density (GMND) group constants (based on Breen's Mixed Number Density Method) are generated by a modified version of the spectrum code LASER, called LASER-M. (2) THERMOS Corrected LASER-M (TCL) group constants are based on mixed oxide- uranium oxide and water region boundary modeling in one dimensional (slab) geometry with the integral transport code THERMOS.The LASER-M model, as modified by addition of ENDF/B-II thermal cross sections for the plutonium isotopes, is used to predict the criticality of experimental lattices of U02 - 2 w/o Pu0 2, and fair agreement is shown. LASER-M unit cell depletion calculations with Yankee Core I data (3.4 w/o U-235) to 40,000 MWD/MT and Saxton Core II data (6.6 w/o Pu02 in natural U02) to 20,000 MWD/MT show good isotopic agreement. Saxton Critical Reactor Experiment (CRX) lattice cores (19 x 19 rod array) consisting of a single fuel type region (mixed oxide or uranium oxide) or multiregions of both pin types were analyzed for relative power distribution comparisons. Cores with water slot regions were included. LASER-M Normal, LASER-M GMND and TCL two group constants were used with PDQ-7 in the calculations. GMND results were in excellent agreement compared to the good agreement of TCL for these cases of isolated spectral disturbances in an asymptotic core region.The methods were applied to a proposed plutonium recycle "island design" assembly in which a large control rod water region is in close proximity to a zoned mixed oxide region. The TCL method yielded significantly greater power peaking and mixed oxide region average power owing to the spectral influence of the water region explicitly accounted for in this method. Such a result is consistent with published calculations. It is concluded that infinite lattice spectrum calculations are insufficient to deal with spectrum effects more complex than those in the Saxton CRX experiments

    Global Wheat Head Detection (GWHD) dataset: a large and diverse dataset of high resolution RGB labelled images to develop and benchmark wheat head detection methods

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    Detection of wheat heads is an important task allowing to estimate pertinent traits including head population density and head characteristics such as sanitary state, size, maturity stage and the presence of awns. Several studies developed methods for wheat head detection from high-resolution RGB imagery. They are based on computer vision and machine learning and are generally calibrated and validated on limited datasets. However, variability in observational conditions, genotypic differences, development stages, head orientation represents a challenge in computer vision. Further, possible blurring due to motion or wind and overlap between heads for dense populations make this task even more complex. Through a joint international collaborative effort, we have built a large, diverse and well-labelled dataset, the Global Wheat Head detection (GWHD) dataset. It contains 4,700 high-resolution RGB images and 190,000 labelled wheat heads collected from several countries around the world at different growth stages with a wide range of genotypes. Guidelines for image acquisition, associating minimum metadata to respect FAIR principles and consistent head labelling methods are proposed when developing new head detection datasets. The GWHD is publicly available at http://www.global-wheat.com/ and aimed at developing and benchmarking methods for wheat head detection.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, Dataset pape

    Invasions and Extinctions Reshape Coastal Marine Food Webs

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    The biodiversity of ecosystems worldwide is changing because of species loss due to human-caused extinctions and species gain through intentional and accidental introductions. Here we show that the combined effect of these two processes is altering the trophic structure of food webs in coastal marine systems. This is because most extinctions (∼70%) occur at high trophic levels (top predators and other carnivores), while most invasions are by species from lower trophic levels (70% macroplanktivores, deposit feeders, and detritivores). These opposing changes thus alter the shape of marine food webs from a trophic pyramid capped by a diverse array of predators and consumers to a shorter, squatter configuration dominated by filter feeders and scavengers. The consequences of the simultaneous loss of diversity at top trophic levels and gain at lower trophic levels is largely unknown. However, current research suggests that a better understanding of how such simultaneous changes in diversity can impact ecosystem function will be required to manage coastal ecosystems and forecast future changes

    Common Peptides Study of Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases

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    Aminoacyl tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) constitute an essential enzyme super-family, providing fidelity of the translation process of mRNA to proteins in living cells. They are common to all kingdoms and are of utmost importance to all organisms. It is thus of great interest to understand the evolutionary relationships among them and underline signature motifs defining their common domains.We utilized the Common Peptides (CPs) framework, based on extracted deterministic motifs from all aaRSs, to study family-specific properties. We identified novel aaRS–class related signatures that may supplement the current classification methods and provide a basis for identifying functional regions specific to each aaRS class. We exploited the space spanned by the CPs in order to identify similarities between aaRS families that are not observed using sequence alignment methods, identifying different inter-aaRS associations across different kingdom of life. We explored the evolutionary history of the aaRS families and evolutionary origins of the mitochondrial aaRSs. Lastly, we showed that prevalent CPs significantly overlap known catalytic and binding sites, suggesting that they have meaningful functional roles, as well as identifying a motif shared between aaRSs and a the Biotin-[acetyl-CoA carboxylase] synthetase (birA) enzyme overlapping binding sites in both families.The study presents the multitude of ways to exploit the CP framework in order to extract meaningful patterns from the aaRS super-family. Specific CPs, discovered in this study, may play important roles in the functionality of these enzymes. We explored the evolutionary patterns in each aaRS family and tracked remote evolutionary links between these families

    Rare Species Support Vulnerable Functions in High-Diversity Ecosystems

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    Around the world, the human-induced collapses of populations and species have triggered a sixth mass extinction crisis, with rare species often being the first to disappear. Although the role of species diversity in the maintenance of ecosystem processes has been widely investigated, the role of rare species remains controversial. A critical issue is whether common species insure against the loss of functions supported by rare species. This issue is even more critical in species-rich ecosystems where high functional redundancy among species is likely and where it is thus often assumed that ecosystem functioning is buffered against species loss. Here, using extensive datasets of species occurrences and functional traits from three highly diverse ecosystems (846 coral reef fishes, 2,979 alpine plants, and 662 tropical trees), we demonstrate that the most distinct combinations of traits are supported predominantly by rare species both in terms of local abundance and regional occupancy. Moreover, species that have low functional redundancy and are likely to support the most vulnerable functions, with no other species carrying similar combinations of traits, are rarer than expected by chance in all three ecosystems. For instance, 63% and 98% of fish species that are likely to support highly vulnerable functions in coral reef ecosystems are locally and regionally rare, respectively. For alpine plants, 32% and 89% of such species are locally and regionally rare, respectively. Remarkably, 47% of fish species and 55% of tropical tree species that are likely to support highly vulnerable functions have only one individual per sample on average. Our results emphasize the importance of rare species conservation, even in highly diverse ecosystems, which are thought to exhibit high functional redundancy. Rare species offer more than aesthetic, cultural, or taxonomic diversity value; they disproportionately increase the potential breadth of functions provided by ecosystems across spatial scales. As such, they are likely to insure against future uncertainty arising from climate change and the ever-increasing anthropogenic pressures on ecosystems. Our results call for a more detailed understanding of the role of rarity and functional vulnerability in ecosystem functioning

    Institutional Flip-Flops

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    How Consumer Bankruptcy Reforms Can Help Save Microfinance in India

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    State Bankruptcy: Surviving A Tenth Amendment Challenge

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    During February 2011 the prospect of creating a state-bankruptcy chapter burst into the national conversation. This debate largely centered on the necessity of state bankruptcy as a means of averting state bailouts, and leading commentators emphasized the need to tread gingerly on state prerogatives under the Tenth Amendment. The constitutionality of bankruptcy for states demands closer scrutiny, given that the Supreme Court’s recent Tenth Amendment jurisprudence has evolved toward protecting state sovereignty. The principles handed down from a pair of cases in the 1930s involving the constitutionality of municipal bankruptcy would likely support upholding a state-bankruptcy chapter that is carefully drawn to respect state sovereignty. Though highly relevant, these cases are not dispositive, however, because the legal landscape has changed a great deal since the 1930s. Even a broad state-bankruptcy chapter would be constitutional, because recent Tenth Amendment jurisprudence does not preserve traditional state functions. The Court has already upheld many similar infringements on state sovereignty, such as the interference with state contractual obligations. Assuming a state-bankruptcy chapter is constitutional, is it a good idea? The main justification expressed for the creation of a state bankruptcy chapter is that it is necessary to avoid a massive federal bailout, because states are too big to fail. This justification concludes that the grim logic of bailouts applies to the states because they are significantly interconnected with the financial markets. Cite as 42 Golden Gate Univ. L. Rev. 217 (2012)