325 research outputs found

    From Top–Down Regulation to Bottom–Up Solutions: Reconfiguring Governance of Agricultural Nutrient Loading to Waters

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    Animal agriculture is shifting toward larger farms and regional agglomerations in many countries. In step with this development, manure nutrients have started accumulating regionally, and are leading to increasing eutrophication problems. Nevertheless, the same trend may also prompt innovations in manure treatment. For example, Valio Ltd (the largest dairy processer in Finland) is planning a network of facilities that would remove water from manure, fraction the nutrients in it, and produce biogas from the excess methane. One of the main hurdles in developing this technology is that the current regulatory framework does not support a shift from diffuse loading, which is seen in the traditional application of manure on fields, to point-source loading; the regulations may even prevent such a change. This article analyzes a governance framework that addresses this dilemma in EU–Finland, and discusses how the governance described could curtail the nutrient loading of agriculture to waters. The approach is based on adaptive governance theory. We argue that traditional top–down regulation, which emphasizes food security, contains serious shortcomings when it comes to managing agricultural nutrient loading to waters, and that the current regulatory framework does not necessarily have the adaptive capacity to facilitate new, bottom–up solutions for manure treatment. Interestingly, the strict water quality requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) open new windows of opportunity for such solutions, and thus for improving the overall sustainability of animal agriculture

    Too important to fail? : Evaluating legal adaptive capacity for increasing coastal and marine aquaculture production in EU-Finland

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    This article analyses the legal adaptive capacity for increasing sustainable fish aquaculture production in EU-Finland. Currently, fish aquaculture is driven by increasing global demand of fish, declining natural fisheries, food security and blue growth policies. At the same time, environmental policies such as the EU Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive set tightening legal-ecological requirements for the industry's nutrient emissions. Against this background, the success of blue growth policies related to aquaculture – and the hope of reconciling competing interests at sea – boil down to measures available for dealing with excess nutrients. In line with the mitigation hierarchy, the article establishes four alternative pathways for the fish aquaculture industry to grow without increasing its environmental nutrient footprint significantly, and evaluates the legal adaptive capacity and the legal risks attached to these pathways.peerReviewe

    Resipienttiperiaatteen renessanssi - Ympäristön tilaan perustuvan sääntelystrategian mahdollisuudet edistää kestävyysmurrosta

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    A renaissance of the recipient principle – The possibilities of a regulatory strategy based on the state of the environment to promote a sustainability transformationThe European Green Deal establishes ambitious environmental quality objectives. These objectives can be pursued by two regulatory strategies: 1) a behaviour-based strategy and 2) an impact-based strategy. In the context of Finnish law, the recipient principle has historically aligned with the impactbased approach, yet its full integration into the legal system remains incomplete. This article delves into the ramifications of an impact-based regulatory strategy on environmental law and investigates its potential to facilitate sustainability transformation. We argue that an impact-based regulatory strategy centred on environmental quality objectives necessitates the close integration of law and natural sciences, a keen focus on the cumulative effects of human activities, a comprehensive understanding of environmental regulation across various scales, and the utilisation of an array of legal instruments. To achieve a sustainability transformation, it is imperative that the general principles of environmental law shift towards emphasising environmental quality. Reinterpreting the traditionalrecipient principle within Finnish environmental law provides the key to this transformation

    Load-Bearing Biomedical Applications of Diamond-Like Carbon Coatings - Current Status

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    The current status of diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings for biomedical applications is reviewed with emphasis on load-bearing coatings. Although diamond-like carbon coating materials have been studied for decades, no indisputably successful commercial biomedical applications for high load situations exist today. High internal stress, leading to insufficient adhesion of thick coatings, is the evident reason behind this delay of the break-through of DLC coatings for applications. Excellent adhesion of thick DLC coatings is of utmost importance for load-bearing applications. According to this review superior candidate material for articulating implants is thick and adherent DLC on both sliding surfaces. With the filtered pulsed arc discharge method, all the necessary requirements for the deposition of thick and adherent DLC are fulfilled, provided that the substrate material is selected properly

    Prevention of Biomaterial Infection by Pre-Operative Incubation with Human Cells

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    Background: Cells of tissues and biofilm forming bacteria compete for the living space on the surface of an implant. We hypothesized the incubation of the implant (titanium, polydimethylsiloxane, and polystyrene surface) with human cells before implantation as a strategy to prevent bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation. Methods: After 24 hours of incubation with human osteogenic sarcoma SaOS-2 cells (1x10(5) cells/mL), the materials were incubated for 4.5 hours or two days with Staphylococcus aureus in serial 1:10 dilutions of 10(8) colony-forming units/mL. The bacterial adherence and biofilm biomass on materials pre-incubated with SaOS-2 cells were compared with our previous results on materials incubated only with bacteria or in simultaneous co-culture of SaOS-2 cells and S. aureus. Fluorescent microscopy and crystal violet stain were used. The number of viable SaOS-2 and bacterial cells present was tested using colorimetric methods (MTT, LDH) and drop plate method, respectively. Results: The pre-treatment with human cells was associated with a reduction of bacterial colonization of the biomaterial at 4.5 hours and 48 hours compared with the non-pre-treated materials. The presence of bacteria decreased the number of viable human cells on all materials. (Supplementary Fig. 1; see online supplementary materials at www.liebertpub.com/sur). Conclusions: These results suggest that the pre-operative incubation of prostheses with host cells could prevent infection of biomaterials.Peer reviewe

    Decreased maximum clot firmness in rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM (R)) is associated with bleeding during extracorporeal mechanical circulatory support

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    Background: We aimed to characterize the coagulation disturbances which may increase the risk of bleeding, thrombosis or death shortly after implantation of an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) or ventricular assist (VAD) device. Methods: Antithrombotic treatment was started in 23 VAD and 24 ECMO patients according to the hospital protocol. Additionally, conventional laboratory testing, rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM (R)) and platelet function analysis (Multiplate) were performed at predetermined intervals. Results: Four out of twenty-four (16.7%) of ECMO patients and 6/23 (26.1%) of VAD patients had severe bleeding after the procedure. When all the patients were analyzed together, low maximum clot firmness (MCF) in ExTEM and FibTEM analyses was associated with severe bleeding (p Conclusion: Hypocoagulation shown by ROTEM (R) was associated with bleeding complications in patients with mechanical circulatory support. In contrast, hypercoagulation did not correlate with clinical thrombosis.Peer reviewe

    Association of height and pubertal timing with lipoprotein subclass profile: exploring the role of genetic and environmental effects

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    Objectives: Little is known about the relationship between growth and lipoprotein profile. We aimed to analyze common genetic and environmental factors in the association of height from late childhood to adulthood and pubertal timing with serum lipid and lipoprotein subclass profile. Methods: A longitudinal cohort of Finnish twin pairs (FinnTwin12) was analysed using self-reported height at 11-12, 14, 17 years and measured stature at adult age (21-24 years). Data were available for 719 individual twins including 298 complete pairs. Serum lipids and lipoprotein subclasses were measured by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Multivariate variance component models for twin data were fitted. Cholesky decomposition was used to partition the phenotypic covariation among traits into additive genetic and unique environmental correlations. Results: In men, the strongest associations for both adult height and puberty were observed with total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, intermediate-density lipoprotein cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein particle subclasses (max. r = -0.19). In women, the magnitude of the correlations was weaker (max. r = -0.13). Few associations were detected between height during adolescence and adult lipid profile. Early onset of puberty was related to an adverse lipid profile, but delayed pubertal development in girls was associated with an unfavorable profile, as well. All associations were mediated mainly by additive genetic factors, but unique environmental effects cannot be disregarded. Conclusions: Early puberty and shorter adult height relate to higher concentrations of atherogenic lipids and lipoprotein particles in early adulthood. Common genetic effects behind these phenotypes substantially contribute to the observed associations

    Abdominal obesity and circulating metabolites : A twin study approach

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    Objective. To investigate how obesity, insulin resistance and low-grade inflammation link to circulating metabolites, and whether the connections are due to genetic or environmental factors. Subjects and methods. Circulating serum metabolites were determined by proton NMR spectroscopy. Data from 1368 (531 monozygotic (MZ) and 837 dizygotic (DZ)) twins were used for bivariate twin modeling to derive the genetic (r(g)) and environmental (re) correlations between waist circumference (WC) and serum metabolites. Detailed examination of the associations between fat distribution (DEXA) and metabolic health (HOMA-IR, CRP) was performed among 286 twins including 33 BMI-discordant MZ pairs (intrapair BMI difference >= 3 kg/m(2)). Results. Fat, especially in the abdominal area (i.e. WC, android fat % and android to gynoid fat ratio), together with HOMA-IR and CRP correlated significantly with an atherogenic lipoprotein profile, higher levels of branched-chain (BCAA) and aromatic amino acids, higher levels of glycoprotein, and a more saturated fatty acid profile. In contrast, a higher proportion of gynoid to total fat associated with a favorable metabolite profile. There was a significant genetic overlap between WC and several metabolites, most strongly with phenylalanine (r(g) = 0.40), glycoprotein (r(g) = 0.37), serum triglycerides (r(g) = 0.36), BCAAs (r(g) = 0.30-0.40), HDL particle diameter (r(g) = -0.33) and HDL cholesterol (r(g) = -0.30). The effect of acquired obesity within the discordant MZ pairs was particularly strong for atherogenic lipoproteins. Conclusions. A wide range of unfavorable alterations in the serum metabolome was associated with abdominal obesity, insulin resistance and low-grade inflammation. Twin modeling and obesity-discordant twin analysis suggest that these associations are partly explained by shared genes but also reflect mechanisms independent of genetic liability. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Proceedings of Seminar on Network Protocols in Operating Systems

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    The Linux networking stack tends to evolve rapidly, and while there are some excellent documentation written in the past, most of the past documentation gotten (at least partially) outdated over time. The seminar on Network Protocols in Operating Systems was arranged in Aalto University, fall 2012, Department of Communications and Networking to gain a better understanding of the current status of the networking implementation in the Linux kernel. The seminar had 10 participants and each participant was assigned a module from the Linux networking implementation, on which a short paper was to be written. This publications contain the final output of this work. The papers included in the publication are: Kurnikov, Arseny: Linux kernel application interface. Jaakkola, Antti: Implementation of transmission control protocol in Linux. Arianfar, Somaya: TCP’s congestion control implementation in Linux kernel. Budigere, Karthik: Linux implementation study of stream control transmission protocol. Khattak, Fida Ullah: The IPv4 implementation of Linux kernel stack. Boye, Magnus: Netfilter connection tracking and NAT implementation. Korhonen, Jouni: Mobile IPv6 Linux kernel and user space. Soininen, Jonne: Device agnostic network interface. Kalliola, Aapo: Network device drivers in Linux. Varis, Nuutti: Anatomy of a Linux bridge
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