39 research outputs found

    Towards better integration of environmental science in society: lessons from BONUS, the joint Baltic Sea environmental research and development programme

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    Integration of environmental science in society is impeded by the large gap between science and policy that is characterised by weaknesses in societal relevance and dissemination of science and its practical implementation in policy. We analyse experiences from BONUS, the policy-driven joint Baltic Sea research and development programme (2007–2020), which is part of the European Research Area (ERA) and involves combined research funding by eight EU member states. The ERA process decreased fragmentation of Baltic Sea science and BONUS funding increased the scientific quality and societal relevance of Baltic Sea science and strengthened the science-policy interface. Acknowledging the different drivers for science producers (academic career, need for funding, peer review) and science users (fast results fitting policy windows), and realising that most scientists aim at building conceptual understanding rather than instrumental use, bridges can be built through strategic planning, coordination and integration. This requires strong programme governance stretching far beyond selecting projects for funding, such as coaching, facilitating the sharing of infrastructure and data and iterative networking within and between science producer and user groups in all programme phases. Instruments of critical importance for successful science-society integration were identified as: (1) coordinating a strategic research agenda with strong inputs from science, policy and management, (2) providing platforms where science and policy can meet, (3) requiring cooperation between scientists to decrease fragmentation, increase quality, clarify uncertainties and increase consensus about environmental problems, (4) encouraging and supporting scientists in disseminating their results through audience-tailored channels, and (5) funding not only primary research but also synthesis projects that evaluate the scientific findings and their practical use in society – in close cooperation with science users − to enhance relevance, credibility and legitimacy of environmental science and expand its practical implementation

    Ecosystem mapping in the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO) during the MOSAiC Expedition

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    As a result of global warming, the marine ecosystem around the North Pole, the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO), is in fast transition from a permanently to a seasonally ice-covered ocean. The sea-ice loss will enable summer access to the CAO for non-icebreaking ships, including fishery vessels, in the near future. However, the lack of knowledge on the CAO ecosystem impedes any assessment of the sustainability of potential future fisheries in the CAO. Taking a precautionary approach, nine countries and the EU established in 2021 the Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean, which a.o. includes mapping and monitoring of the CAO ecosystem before any commercial fishery is initiated. To reduce the existing lack of knowledge, the EFICA Consortium participated, together with ca. 250 on-board scientists, in sampling and data collection of ecosystem data during four legs of the international MOSAiC expedition in 2019-2020. This report describes the field work performed by the EFICA scientists using water-column acoustics, deep-sea video recording, and fish and eDNA sampling for targeting zooplankton and fish. Further ecosystem data (physical, chemical and biological) were collected by the EFICA scientists in collaboration with other scientists on-board. Together with this report, a metadata database containing lists of all collected samples and data that are relevant for future fishery assessment studies was delivered to the European Commission

    Review of the research knowledge and gaps on fish populations, fisheries and linked ecosystems in the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO)

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    This report presents a review of the research knowledge and gaps on fish populations, fisheries and linked ecosystems in the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO). The CAO comprises the deep basins of the Arctic Ocean beyond the shelf break, which largely overlap with the High Seas of the Arctic Ocean, i.e. the marine areas outside the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of the Arctic coastal nations. The authors of the report are members of the European Fisheries Inventory in the Central Arctic Ocean (EFICA) Consortium. This study was funded by the European Commission as an EU contribution to the international cooperation within the Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean. The report contains desk-based research, using scientific research data bases as well as any available research performed by the EFICA Consortium partners and EU institutions or others. In Chapters 2-8 the authors review the literature and identify specific knowledge gaps. The gap analyses involve comparisons of actual knowledge with desired knowledge on the fish stocks of the CAO to be able to evaluate possibilities for future sustainable fisheries in the area. Chapter 1 is an introductory chapter, and Chapter 9 presents a holistic gap analysis based on Chapters 2-8 and recommendations for research priorities and the next steps. The critical gap analysis highlights that the knowledge gaps for the CAO are enormous and obstruct any quantitative analyses of its fish stocks. This agrees with the conclusions from the Fifth FiSCAO Report (FiSCAO 2018). While data for the physical environment in the CAO (oceanography, bottom topography and ice-cover dynamics) would be sufficient for fish stock modelling and assessment, there is a massive lack of biological and ecological data. The CAO is not a closed system and some aspects of the shelf seas are of high relevance for the CAO, notably connectivity of fish stocks and fish species moving north with climate warming. Scientific research and monitoring programs are established in the shelf seas, and new data are constantly being produced. Fish stock data are available from scientific projects and monitoring programs for some of the shelf seas (Barents Sea, Bering Sea, and to a lesser extent for the Beaufort Sea and the Chukchi Sea). Data exist also for the Russian shelf seas (Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, East Siberian Sea), but these data are not internationally available, while for the areas north of Canada/Greenland data are missing; they do not exist because of the severe ice conditions there. More data from all shelf seas may be hidden in reports that are not publicly accessible. We recommend to make current knowledge generally available by translating key publications and identification of valuable data reports. Research priorities comprise the collection and analysis of primary data in the CAO, and – to a limited extent – from adjacent waters through collaborations with other Signatories of the Agreement (e.g. on population genetics). Further research priorities include an evaluation of ecosystem vulnerability, social-ecological analyses, i.e. recognizing the close and often complex interactions between humans and nature, and recommendations for governance of the CAO. Fulfilling the 14 specific research priorities mentioned in Chapter 9 to “sufficient knowledge available” could enable the potential, future application of an Ecosystem Approach to Management for the CAO

    A deep scattering layer under the North Pole pack ice

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    The 3.3 million km marine ecosystem around the North Pole, defined as the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO), is a blind spot on the map of the world\u27s fish stocks. The CAO essentially comprises the permanently ice-covered deep basins and ridges outside the continental shelves, and is only accessible by ice-breakers. Traditional trawling for assessing fish stocks is impossible under the thick pack ice, and coherent hydroacoustic surveys are unachievable due to ice-breaking noise. Consequently, nothing is known about the existence of any pelagic fish stocks in the CAO, although juveniles of Boreogadus saida richly occur at the surface associated with the sea ice and ice-associated Arctogadus glacialis has been reported as well. We here present a first indication of a possible mesopelagic fish stock in the CAO. We had the opportunity to analyse a geophysical hydroacoustic data set with 13 time windows of usable acoustic data over a transect from 84.4 \ub0N in the Nansen Basin, across the North Pole (90.0 \ub0N), to 82.4 \ub0N in the Canada Basin. We discovered a deep scattering layer (DSL), suggesting the presence of zooplankton and fish, at 300–600 m of depth in the Atlantic water layer of the CAO. Maximum possible fish abundance and biomass was very low; values of ca. 2,000 individuals km and ca. 50 kg km were calculated for the DSL in the North-Pole area according to a model assuming that all acoustic backscatter represents 15-cm long B. saida and/or A. glacialis. The true abundance and biomass of fish is even lower than this, but cannot be quantified from this dataset due to possible backscatter originating from pneumatophores of physonect siphonophores that are known to occur in the area. Further studies on the DSL of the CAO should include sampling and identification of the backscattering organisms. From our study we can conclude that if the central Arctic DSL contains fish, their biomass is currently too low for any sustainable fishery

    Ecosystem mapping in the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO) during the SAS-Oden expedition

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    As a result of global warming, the marine ecosystem around the North Pole, the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO), is in fast transition from a permanently to a seasonally ice-covered ocean. The sea-ice loss is expected to enable summer access to the CAO for non-icebreaking ships, including fishery vessels, in the near future1. However, the lack of knowledge on the CAO ecosystem impedes any assessment of the sustainability of potential future fisheries in the CAO. Taking a precautionary approach, the EU and nine countries in October 2018 signed the Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean. This agreement entered into force in June 2021 and a.o. requires the establishment of a joint scientific program to improve the understanding of the CAO ecosystem, including mapping and monitoring. To reduce the existing lack of knowledge, 12 scientists from the EFICA Consortium participated, together with 26 other on-board scientists, in sampling and data collection of ecosystem data during the Swedish SAS-Oden expedition in summer 2021. This report describes the field work performed by the EFICA scientists using water-column acoustics, deep-sea optical observations, and fish, zooplankton, sediment otolith and eDNA sampling for targeting fish, zooplankton and mammals. Further ecosystem data (physical, chemical and biological) were collected by the EFICA scientists in collaboration with other scientists on-board. Together with this report, a metadata database containing lists of all collected samples and data that are relevant for future fish-stock modelling and assessment studies was delivered to the European Commission

    Unexpected fish and squid in the central Arctic deep scattering layer

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    The retreating ice cover of the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO) fuels speculations on future fisheries. However, very little is known about the existence of harvestable fish stocks in this 3.3 million–square kilometer ecosystem around the North Pole. Crossing the Eurasian Basin, we documented an uninterrupted 3170-kilometer-long deep scattering layer (DSL) with zooplankton and small fish in the Atlantic water layer at 100- to 500-meter depth. Diel vertical migration of this central Arctic DSL was lacking most of the year when daily light variation was absent. Unexpectedly, the DSL also contained low abundances of Atlantic cod, along with lanternfish, armhook squid, and Arctic endemic ice cod. The Atlantic cod originated from Norwegian spawning grounds and had lived in Arctic water temperature for up to 6 years. The potential fish abundance was far below commercially sustainable levels and is expected to remain so because of the low productivity of the CAO

    Dancing in the Dark - the never-resting ballet of animal life under the Arctic sea ice

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    While the Arctic Ocean is changing rapidly, we have barely begun to understand the dynamics of animal life under the permanent sea ice, as it exists today. During the MOSAiC expedition, RV Polarstern was moored to an ice floe and drifted more than 3,000 km across the central Arctic Ocean, enabling multidisciplinary observations of the inter-linked processes in atmosphere, sea ice, ocean and ecosystem. We studied year-round changes in diversity, abundance, vertical distribution, physiology, and ontogeny of Arctic ectotherms from the pack ice at the surface into the deep ocean. Imaging profilers show the fine-scale distribution of zooplankton at high resolution, how the vertical distribution and aggregation of different species change with season, and how zooplankton species prepare for reproduction already in the deepest winter. Systematic sampling with nets shows that the pelagic food web was active from the under-ice habitat down to bathypelagic depths throughout the winter, supporting a variety of predators, such as amphipods, polar cod (Boreogadus saida), and the understudied diversity of jellyfish. The first-ever hydroacoustic survey of the Transpolar Drift recorded the change in pelagic biomass in time and space, and highlights brief periods of diel vertical migration in spring and autumn. Video surveys with a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) documented the use of the under-ice habitat by polar cod and various jellyfishes. A new under-ice net mounted on the ROV can provide new insights in the connection of the life cycles of sympagic amphipods with the seasonal change of sea-ice- and water column properties. We collected thousands of samples for the analysis of condition, physiological parameters, food preference, microplastic, and trophic biomarkers, and conducted numerous rate process measurements including respiration, feeding and reproduction, for key species with the goal of unravelling the sources and fate of carbon in the food web. The first results demonstrate how sampling techniques from the days of Nansen in combination with modern technology can unfold a comprehensive picture of the contribution of Arctic fauna to ecosystem functioning and biogeochemical cycles, as well as their resilience and potential changes in a future seasonally ice-covered Arctic Ocean. We will present and discuss first results and conclusions emerging from our data with regard to the scientific objectives of MOSAiC

    Multiomics in the central Arctic Ocean for benchmarking biodiversity change

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    Multiomics approaches need to be applied in the central Arctic Ocean to benchmark biodiversity change and to identify novel species and their genes. As part of MOSAiC, EcoOmics will therefore be essential for conservation and sustainable bioprospecting in one of the least explored ecosystems on Earth

    Expedition Report SWEDARCTIC : Synoptic Arctic Survey 2021 with icebreaker Oden

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    The SAS-Oden 2021 expedition (SO21) with icebreaker Oden (IB Oden) is the Swedish contribution to the international scientist-driven initiative ”Synoptic Arctic Survey” (SAS). SAS will collect primary ecosystem data in the Arctic Ocean in 2020-2022 from both icebreaking and non-icebreaking research vessels. The goal of SAS is to generate a comprehensive dataset that allows for an improved characterisation of the Arctic Ocean with respect to its (1) physical oceanography, (2) marine ecosystems and (3) carbon cycle. The complete SAS dataset will provide a unique baseline that will allow for tracking climate change and its impacts as they unfold in the Arctic region over the coming years, decades and centuries.The marine ecosystems of the Arctic Ocean are experiencing rapid change. This includes the Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) in the middle, the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO) as defined by the Arctic Council, i.e., the deep basins and ridges around the North Pole that until recently were permanently covered by 2-3 m thick sea ice. In the past two decades, up to 40% of the 3.3. km2 large CAO has been ice-free for a short period in September. This reduction in sea-ice coverage of the CAO is transforming a basically inaccessible marine ecosystem into a new type of ecosystem with seasonal changes in sea ice cover. The CAO is a poorly investigated corner of the World Ocean, especially from an ecosystem perspective, i.e., integrating biological, chemical and physical data. Since the SAS-Oden 2021 expedition was designed as a joint ecosystem study with data collection in an integrated way, the results from this expedition will contribute significantly to the knowledge on ecological baselines of the CAO as well as on ecosystem change. The latter is achieved by comparing areas along the expedition route with different types of sea ice, including both steady and heavily melting multi-year ice.The SAS-Oden 2021 expedition reached further west on the Greenland shelf than any other research expedition has ever done before. Closest was the geological Lomrog III expedition with IB Oden in 2007, but then ice-breaking assistance was needed from the accompanying Russian atomic-driven icebreaker “50 Let Pobedy” to get this far west. Between SO21 stations 42 and 53 (Figure 1.1), the SAS-Oden 2021 expedition was in a completely unexplored area. This is, a.o., illustrated by the fact that the seabed map of this area now needs revision; in one place we recorded 900 m depth instead of 300 m on the existing map while in another place it was 1200 m shallower than indicated on the map. We now have the first on-site measurements of physical environment, carbon cycle and nutrients combined with prokaryote, photosynthetic, zooplankton and fish production and diversity, as well as many other ecosystem parameters, from the area between SO21 stations 30 and 53. The SO21 omics samples form the basis for a unique biodiversity dataset, covering water column, ice habitats, and sediments. These samples include the metagenomes and metatranscriptomes of viruses, archaea, bacteria, protists, and eDNA of multicellular organisms such as zooplankton, fish, squid and mammals.The SO21 joint ecosystem study was carried out by 38 scientists assisted by 15 persons from the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat (SPRS) and the 22-person IB Oden crew. Altogether, the expedition visited 60 sampling stations, of which 36 were ship stations and 24 were ice stations accessed by helicopter (Figure 1.1, Table 1.1). Since the main research project on board (EFICA) included nine “EFICA Master Stations”, lasting for on average 33 hours during which the ship was lying still, there were ample possibilities for ice work from the ship as well