460 research outputs found

    Density driven currents in the Barents Sea calculated by a numerical model

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    A baroclinic, 3-D model is described. It is adapted to a Barents Sea situation in order to simulate the currents in this area. The model is of a so-called level type which contains fixed, but permeable levels. It also includes thermodynamics which allow freezing and melting of ice. Using density data obtained during the autumn 1988, a current pattern, driven by density and bottom topography is simulated. No wind is applied. The simulated current pattern gives an overall picture which is similar to what is observed through the few measurements that are available. Good agreements with the observations is found on the Svalbard bank, Tromsøflaket and along the Nowaya Zemlya Coast. In the Bear Island/Hopen depth the model predicts a large eddy which has not been observed. Several smaller, topographical steared eddies are seen in the eastern part of the model area

    The structural, metamorphic and magmatic evolution of Mesoproterozoic orogens

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    The Mesoproterozoic (1600–1000 Ma) is an Era of Earth history that has been defined in the literature as being quiescent in terms of both tectonics and the evolution of the biosphere and atmosphere (Holland, 2006, Piper, 2013b and Young, 2013). The ‘boring billion’ is an informal term that is given to a time period overlapping the Mesoproterozoic period, extending from 1.85 to 0.85 Ga (Holland, 2006). Orogenesis was not absent from this period however, with various continents featuring active accretionary orogenesis along their margins for the entire Mesoproterozoic (see Condie, 2013 and Roberts, 2013), and others featuring major continental collisional orogenesis that relates to the formation of the supercontinent Rodinia towards the end of the Mesoproterozoic. Looking at it another way, this period followed the formation of perhaps the first long-lived supercontinent, Columbia (a.k.a. Nuna), and then it prepared the ground for the momentous geological and biological events in the Neoproterozoic that paved the way for the Cambrian explosion of life. As such it is a very important period of Earth history to understand better. Do orogens formed in the Mesoproterozoic differ from those formed in the recent past, or those formed in early Earth history, and if so in what way? Do orogens in the Mesoproterozoic have distinct structural, metamorphic or magmatic characteristics? How are Mesoproterozoic orogens related geodynamically and kinematically? These are overarching questions that this collection of sixteen research papers aims to address. This introduction presents a brief discussion of the contribution of these papers to these questions and topics

    Ein kvalitativ studie av elevsamtale i gjennomføring av memoryspel med matematiske definisjonar

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    Målet med denne studien var å sjå kva element som var framtredande i den elevsamtalen som oppstod i gjennomføring av memoryspel med matematiske definisjonar, og kva for nokre indikasjonar på læringsmoglegheiter som var synlege i samtalen. Oppgåva kartlegg dette basert på elevsitat i gjennomføring av aktiviteten. Gjennomføringa av aktiviteten, memoryspel med matematiske definisjonar, gjekk føre seg i ei økt på 90 minutt. Elevane gjennomførte memoryspel i grupper på to og tre stykk, totalt tre grupper. Studien nyttar kvalitative forskingsmetodar. For å kunne få innsikt i elevsamtalen som oppstod, filma eg elevane i gjennomføringa av denne økta, og gjorde eitt opptak per gruppe. Sjølve opptaka er på rundt 30 minutt. Den samtalen som oppstod i kvar av gruppene, danna grunnlaget for å kunne svare på kva som er framtredande i samtalen, samt kva indikasjonar på læringsmoglegheiter som er synleg. Oppgåva legg blant anna til grunn Tall og Vinner (1981) sine definisjonar av omgrepsbilete og omgrepsdefinisjon. Eg nyttar meg også blant anna av Gert Hana (2013) sin definisjonsteori og Kobiela og Lehrer (2015) og De Villiers (1998) si forsking i studiane av resultata frå datainnsamlinga. Det vart funne fem element i datamateriale som var framtredande, og fire indikasjonar på læringsmoglegheiter. Dei framtredande elementa i datamateriale var: Omgrepsbilete og omgrepsdefinisjon, matematiske spørsmål, respons på matematiske spørsmål eller utsegn, metadiskusjon og indikasjon på løysing av ei kognitiv konflikt. Elementa som hadde indikasjonar på læringsmoglegheiter var: Matematiske spørsmål, korrigering, metadiskusjon og indikasjon på løysing av ei kognitiv konflikt. Det siste elementet, indikasjon på løysing av ei kognitiv konflikt, er eit funn av stort omfang, og dette funnet inneheld delar frå alle dei andre elementa. Å oppnå løysing på kognitiv konflikt hos ein elev, er det optimale utbyttet for elevane etter arbeid med å definere, og det ein bør ha som mål å oppnå. Studien har gjett forståing av korleis samtaler rundt definisjonar mellom elevane artar seg og peikt på læringsmoglegheitane som kan vere til stades i ein slik elevsamtale knytt til matematiske definisjonar. Studien tyder også på at elevane har manglande opplæring i det å definere som ein aktivitet og definisjonar generelt.Masteroppgåve i matematikkMAT399KMAMN-LÆREMAMN-MA

    Physical constrains and productivity in the future Arctic Ocean

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    Published version. Also available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2015.00085Today's physical oceanography and primary and secondary production was investigated for the entire Arctic Ocean (AO) with the physical-biologically coupled SINMOD model. To obtain indications on the effect of climate change in the twenty-first century the magnitude of change, and where and when these may take place SINMOD was forced with down-scaled climate trajectories of the International Panel of Climate Change with the A1B climate scenario which appears to predict an average global atmospheric temperature increase of 3.5–4°C at the end of this century. It is projected that some surface water features of the physical oceanography in the AO and adjacent regions will change considerably. The largest changes will occur along the continuous domains of Pacific and in particular regarding Atlantic Water (AW) advection and the inflow shelves. Withdrawal of ice will increase primary production, but stratification will persist or, for the most, get stronger as a function of ice-melt and thermal warming along the inflow shelves. Thus, the nutrient dependent new and harvestable production will not increase proportionally with increasing photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). The greatest increases in primary production are found along the Eurasian perimeter of the AO (up to 40 g C m−2 y−1) and in particular in the northern Barents and Kara Seas (40–80 g C m−2 y−1) where less ice-cover implies less Arctic Water (ArW) and thus less stratification. Along the shelf break engirdling the AO upwelling and vertical mixing supplies nutrients to the euphotic zone when ice-cover withdraws northwards. The production of Arctic copepods along the Eurasian perimeter of the AO will increase significantly by the end of this century (2–4 g C m−2 y−1). Primary and secondary production will decrease along the southern sections of the continuous advection domains of Pacific and AW due to increasing thermal stratification. In the central AO primary production will not increase much due to stratification-induced nutrient limitation

    Hvordan påvirker pedagoger musikkbruk i barnehagen

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    Musikkbruk i barnehager er veldig variert, for noen er musikk en selvfølge, for andre faller det bort. Det er ofte den pedagogiske lederen som påvirker hvordan og hvor ofte musikk blir brukt. Jeg har derfor villet utforske hvilke forhold som påvirker den pedagogiske lederens syn på musikk, og musikkbruk i barnehagen.Kindergartens´ use of music, varies. In some kindergartens its a cultural norm, for others it´s not a priority. It is usually the educational leaders who influence how and how often music is used. I have therefore wanted to research which circumstances affect the educational leaders´ view of music and the use of music in kindergartens

    Incidence and Prognostic Significance of the Segond Fracture in Patients Undergoing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

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    Background: The Segond fracture is an avulsion of the anterolateral tibia that can be found in patients with an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear. It is currently unclear if the Segond fracture needs treatment or if it heals spontaneously and if it is associated with an increased risk of failure after ACL reconstruction. Purpose: To identify the incidence and spontaneous healing rate of Segond fractures in a consecutive cohort of patients undergoing ACL reconstruction and to examine the predictive value of the Segond fracture on the risk of undergoing revision surgery. Study Design: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3. Methods: A retrospective review of a cohort undergoing isolated ACL reconstruction between 2002 and 2016 was performed. Radiographs from the time of injury and preoperative radiographs were evaluated for Segond fractures and healed Segond fractures. Descriptive data were extracted from an internal quality database. Statistical analyses were performed to investigate risk of revision surgery and to compare across subgroups of patients. Results: A total of 1364 patients were included in the study. The incidence of Segond fractures was 7.4%. In addition, 10.4% of patients displayed signs of healed Segond fractures. In total, 15.2% of patients had either 1 or both findings. The overall healing response of the fracture was 35.6%. Those with Segond fractures were older (P = .014) and had a shorter interval from injury to surgery (P = .003) as compared with the rest of the cohort. The incidence of Segond fractures was significantly higher in those injured during downhill skiing as compared with other injury mechanisms (P = .04). The Segond fracture did not represent an increased risk of undergoing revision when compared with the control group (not significant). Conclusion: The incidence of conventional Segond fractures in patients with ACL injury was found to be in accordance with former studies. Accounting for the high incidence of healed Segond fractures, a much higher incidence (15%) was seen. Although the spontaneous healing rate from initial radiographs to preoperative imaging was only 36%, the presence of Segond fractures did not represent a higher risk of undergoing revision surgery.publishedVersio

    Arbeidstakers vern mot diskriminering. Om bevis, bevisbyrde og effektivitet

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    Avhandlingen tar for seg arbeidstakers vern mot diskriminering etter fire nye spesiallover om diskriminering som trådte i kraft 1.januar 2014: diskrimineringsloven om etnisitet , likestillingsloven , diskrimineringsloven om seksuell orientering og diskriminerings- og tilgjengelighetsloven . Innholdet i reglene om bevis og bevisbyrde analyseres og det stilles deretter spørsmål om de er egnet til å gi et effektivt diskrimineringsvern for arbeidstakere

    Breaking the Grenville–Sveconorwegian link in Rodinia reconstructions

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    The Grenville, Sveconorwegian, and Sunsas orogens are typically inferred to reflect collision between Laurentia, Baltica, and Amazonia at ca. 1.0 Ga, forming a central portion of the Rodinia supercontinent. This triple‐junction configuration is often nearly identical in otherwise diverse Rodinia reconstructions. However, available geological data suggest that although the Grenville and Sveconorwegian provinces shared a similar tectonic evolution from pre‐1.8 to ca. 1.5 Ga, they record distinctly different tectonic histories leading up to, during, and possibly following Grenville–Sveconorwegian orogenesis. Moreover, palaeomagnetic data suggest the two continents were separated at peak orogenesis, further invalidating any direct correlation. A number of possible interpretations are permissible with available geological and palaeomagnetic data, of which a “classic” triple‐junction configuration appears least likely. In contrast to the commonly inferred intertwined Proterozoic evolution of Baltica and Laurentia, the possibility remains that they were unrelated for a billion years between 1.5 and 0.45 Ga

    A mathematical model of the assimilation process in the copepod Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus) : computer simulations discussed in relation to experimental results

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    Feeding, digestion and assimilation are usually treated as separate aspects in studying the physioecology of copepods. A general model predicting the assimilation rate from ingestion rate, phytoplankton species compositon and digestive or physiological state of the animal is presented. The assumption is made that digestion is accompanied by a subsequent decrease in cell volume, which is equal to the assimilated part of the cell. In addition, a time delay between ingestion and the onset of digestion is assumed to describe the digestion properties of the algal cells. The model predicts a decrease in assimilation efficiency with increasing ration. The minimum gut passage time and the digestion rate seem to be the most important parameters for the production of copepods. These and other characteristics of the model are discussed in relation to available information

    Tectonomagmatic evolution of the Sveconorwegian orogen recorded in the chemical and isotopic compositions of 1070–920 Ma granitoids

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    The Sveconorwegian Province in Southern Norway and Sweden hosts at least four granitoid suites, representing apparently continuous magmatism at the SW margin of the Fennoscandian Shield between 1070 and 920 Ma. This study presents a compilation of published and new zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology, whole-rock and zircon geochemistry and Sm-Nd isotope data for the granitoid suites and demonstrates the granitoids’ ability to record changes in the tectonomagmatic evolution of this orogenic Province. The Sirdal Magmatic Belt (SMB, ca. 1070–1010 Ma) represents the earliest magmatism, west in the Province, followed by two hornblende-biotite granitoid suites (HBG, ca. 1000–920 Ma) and the Flå–Iddefjord–Bohus suite (FIB, ca. 925 Ma), in central and eastern parts of the Province, respectively. The SMB and the HBG bodies located outside of the SMB (referred to as HBGout) are chemically similar, whereas the HBG bodies located in the same region as the SMB (referred to as HBGin) are more ferroan, enriched in incompatible elements and have higher zircon saturation temperatures. Isotopically, the SMB and both HBG suites fall on an evolutionary trend from widespread 1.5 Ga crust in the region, suggesting this was the dominant crustal contribution to magmatism. The FIB suite is more peraluminous, rich in inherited zircon, and has isotopic compositions suggesting a more evolved source than both the HBG suites and the SMB. Trace element modelling shows that the SMB and HBGout suites could have formed by 50% partial melting of 1.5 Ga crust, whereas 5–10% remelting of the dehydrated and depleted SMB residue accounts for the geochemical composition of the HBGin suite. The available data suggest a scenario where the 1.5 Ga lower crust underwent melting due to long-lived mafic underplating giving rise to the SMB suite. After ca. 1000 Ma, regional-scale extension may have led to more widespread mafic underplating causing remelting of the residue following SMB melt extraction, forming the HBGin suite, with lower-crustal melting farther east forming the HBGout suite. Changes in melt composition over this 150 Myr time interval may thus be ascribed to an evolving melt source rather than fundamental changes in tectonic regime. Deep continental subduction at ca. 990 Ma, east in the orogen, provided an isotopically evolved crustal source for the FIB suite. The data underline the difference in tectonic processes across the orogen, with long-lived, high temperatures in the western and central parts and colder, high-pressure events in the eastern parts of the orogen