12 research outputs found

    Youth work and climate change : A follow up on the 2019 Finland's Presidency EU Council debate and questions about future

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    A survey on the national youth policy representatives of the EU countries looked at the effects of youth climate activism on youth work and youth policy: what was its visibility, has it appeared on youth work agendas, how should the youth field react to it, what are the future plans of support and the relationship to EU climate policies? Results showed that climate change had started to appear on the youth work agenda, but not yet as a universally adopted priority. Young people were felt to have the right to strike for the climate and youth work and youth policy were to react to this concern, but responses were divided as to the significance of the global strikes. Almost 2/3 thought that mass demonstrations represent an emergent way of youth agency, while 1/3 felt they were only a singular phenomenon. Respondents were "hesitantly favourable" to perceive climate change as a youth field challenge. Also, not all respondents "totally agreed" to engage in collaboration with European Climate Pact or to utilise Erasmus+ to combat climate change. The study discusses whether youth climate activism signify a change of youth participation paradigm and the identity, resilience and agility of European youth policy and youth work to react to emerging challenges like climate change. The study should be replicated to follow the 'greening' of European youth policy and youth work

    Kiihtelysvaaran tapaus

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    Summary : The social meaning of alcohol - the Kiihtelysvaara case

    Nuoruus sosiaalisena sopimuksena - suomalaisen nuorisotutkimuksen virstanpylvÀs

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    Kirja-arvostelu: Nuorisokulttuureista kulttuuriseen nuoruuteen. Tommi Hoikkal

    European youth work policy and young people's experience of open access youth work

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    This article examines young people’s experiences of open access youth work in settings in the UK, Finland, Estonia, Italy and France. It analyses 844 individual narratives from young people which communicate the impact of youthwork on their lives. These accounts are then analysed in the light of the European youth work policy goals. It concludes that it is encouraging that what young people identify as the positive impact of youth work are broadly consistent with many of these goals. There are however some disparities which require attention. These include the importance young people place on the social context of youth work, such as friendship, which is largely absent in EU youth work policy; as well as the importance placed on experiential learning. The paper also highlights a tension between ‘top down’ policy formulation and the ‘youth centric’ practices of youth work. It concludes with a reminder to policy makers that for youth work to remain successful the spaces and places for young people must remain meaningful to them ‘on their terms’

    A European framework for youth policy. What is necessary and what has already been done?

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    A strength in European youth policy is the existence of common objectives and instruments of implementation. Council of Europe and European Union have established objectives for their youth policies through a discussion with the member countries and the young people. In addition there are procedures and networks of policymakers, practitioners and researchers to implement them. The article goes on to identify areas for improvement, like enhancing the role of youth policy in the current reshaping of a complex Europe, reducing the implementation gap, strengthening the evidence-base of policymaking and promoting youth policy programmes as a learning processes. Finally the article focuses on the challenge of linking actors and competences in the youth field.(DIPF/Orig.

    Hoitoa vai kontrollia

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    Kirja-arvostelu: Stofmisbrug,baggrund,konsekvenser,behandling / Peter Ege. KĂžbenhavn, 1997

    Réponses publiques au chÎmage des jeunes en Finlande. Nouveaux défis, nouveaux conflits

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    Die Krise der neunziger Jahre hat spektakulĂ€re Folgen auf die Situation der Jugendlichen gehabt. Schwierige berufliche Integration, dann Arbeitslosigkeit und Ausschluss aus der Gesellschaft dessen Ursachen schlecht verstanden werden. Dieser Artikel untersucht die gezielte frĂŒhzeitige Interventionsstrategie durch das Beispiel von Helsinki, um zu versuchen, daraus eine Analyse der Auffassungen der Gesellschaft der Erwachsenen ĂŒber die Jugend zu machen. Die Jugendlichen sind auch von den hinterlassenen Rechnungen der Ă€lteren Generation bedroht. Die « Buchhaltung der Generation » its ein neues Thema im Bereich der Jugendpolitik geworden.The recession in the 90s had spectacular effects on the situation of young people. Among them, we can cite the problems of insertion in the working world, unemployment and marginalisation, the causes of which are little understood. This article looks at the targetted early intervention strategy, taking Helsinki as an example, and analyses the impact of the conceptions of adult society on youth. Young people awill also have to cope with the unpaid bills their elders will leave them. «Generation accounting» is a new subject in terms of youth policy.La crise des annĂ©es 90 a eu des effets spectaculaires sur la situation des jeunes. DifficultĂ© d'insertion professionnelle puis chĂŽmage, marginalisation dont les causes sont mal comprises. Cet article examine la stratĂ©gie d'intervention prĂ©coce ciblĂ©e Ă  travers l'exemple d'Helsinki pour essayer d'en dĂ©gager une rĂ©flexion sur les conceptions de la sociĂ©tĂ© des adultes sur la jeunesse. Les jeunes sont aussi menacĂ©s par les factures laissĂ©es par leurs aĂźnĂ©s. La « comptabilitĂ© des gĂ©nĂ©rations » est devenue un nouveau sujet en matiĂšre de politique jeunesse.La crisis de los años 90 ha tenido consecuencias muy amplias en la situaciĂłn de los jĂłvenes. Dificultades de inserciĂłn profesional, paro marginaciĂłn cuyas causas a menudo no se entendien. Este artĂ­culo examina la estrategia de intervenciĂłn precoz, tomando el ejemplo de Helsinki, para tratar de poner de manifiesto una reflexiĂłn sobre los conceptos de la sociedad adulta hacia los jĂłvenes. A la generaciĂłn mĂĄs joven le amenazan tambiĂ©n las "deudas" dejadas por los mayores. La "contabilidad de las generaciones"se ha vuelto un nuevo tema en materia de polĂ­tica juvenil.Siurala Lasse. RĂ©ponses publiques au chĂŽmage des jeunes en Finlande. Nouveaux dĂ©fis, nouveaux conflits. In: Agora dĂ©bats/jeunesses, 5, 1996. Les rapports entre gĂ©nĂ©rations en Europe. pp. 57-64

    Chapter 9: Impact of Youth Work in Finland

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    « Politiques intĂ©grĂ©es de jeunesse » : difficultĂ©s et leviers d’action

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    International audienceL’un des principaux objectifs du champ europĂ©en de la jeunesse, dĂ©jĂ  depuis des dĂ©cennies, a Ă©tĂ© la promotion de politiques dites intĂ©grĂ©es en direction de la jeunesse : amĂ©liorer les conditions de vie des jeunes par une meilleure coordination des services. Les institutions europĂ©ennes (UE et Conseil de l’Europe) soulignent l’importance de la mise en Ɠuvre de l’approche intĂ©grĂ©e – du niveau international au local (voir par exemple le Livre blanc de 2001 sur la jeunesse, recommandations du Conseil de l’Europe). Cependant malgrĂ© les tentatives, il apparaĂźt que la traduction en pratique de cette approche demeure difficile.  (Intro.

    Nuorten kertomuksia nuorisotyön merkityksellisyydestÀ : tarinallisen arvioinnin opaskirja

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    Tarinallisen arvioinnin opas on kirjoitettu suomalaisen nuorisotyön lĂ€htökohdista. Se perustuu Plymouthin yliopiston dosentin Sue Cooperin (2012) vĂ€itöskirjatutkimuksessaan kehittĂ€mÀÀn nuorisotyö vaikuttavuuden arvioinnin menetelmÀÀn. SiinĂ€ nuorten kertomuksista nuorisotyöstĂ€ löydetÀÀn nuorisotyön kontekstissa tapahtuvat nuorelle merkittĂ€vĂ€t muutokset. TĂ€tĂ€ menetelmÀÀ hyödynnettiin viiden Euroopan maan yhteisessĂ€ Erasmus+ -hankkeessa, Developing and Communicating The Impact of Youth Work in Europe. Suomalainen projektiryhmĂ€ innostui Cooperin menetelmĂ€stĂ€. Se on kuitenkin lĂ€htökohdiltaan kehitetty brittilĂ€isen ”In the Defense of Youth Work” –liikkeen tarpeisiin. Hankkeen suomalaiset sidosryhmĂ€t pitivĂ€t kuitenkin tĂ€mĂ€ntyyppistĂ€ osallistavan arvioinnin menetelmÀÀ kaivattuna tĂ€ydennyksenĂ€ kvantitatiivisten arviointien oheen. TĂ€stĂ€ syntyi tarve kehittÀÀ suomalaiseen nuorisotyöhön paremmin soveltuvia tarinallisen arvioinnin menetelmiĂ€ ja opas niiden hyödyntĂ€miseen. Oppaan ovat yhdessĂ€ kirjoittaneet The Impact of Youth Work in Europe –tutkimuksen suomalaisen projektiryhmĂ€n jĂ€senet, joilla on vahva kokemus nuorisotyön eri tehtĂ€vistĂ€. Opas on tarkoitettu vaikuttavuuden arviointiin yhtĂ€ lailla kunnallisessa kuin jĂ€rjestöjen nuorisotyössĂ€. SitĂ€ voidaan hyvin soveltaa myös muilla toimialoilla. PÀÀasia, ettĂ€ nuoret tai asiakkaat pÀÀsevĂ€t itse kertomaan, mikĂ€ on ollut heidĂ€n kohtaamissaan palveluissa heille itselleen merkityksellistĂ€ ja ettĂ€ nĂ€istĂ€ kertomuksista muodostuva nĂ€kemys tulee myös toiminnasta pÀÀttĂ€vien tahojen kĂ€yttöön