113,122 research outputs found

    Ionizing radiation impact on the mechanical properties of a wood-plastic composite: a review

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    This paper reviews the effect of radiation on the mechanical properties of WPC. WPC can be defined as mixture of wood in a polymer matrix. Composite that used in this research mainly consists of 40% polyethylene (PE), 50 % wood fiber and the rest is carbon black. The WPC were then irradiated and go through post extrusion process under required dose levels of 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 kGy with the aid of the electron beam treatment (EB). Soon after, the irradiated WPC then classified using a test called bending test which specify in third point bending test (ASTM D4761) along with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was checked that two factors are affected with the increasing dose level and they were ultimate strength and modulus of elasticity (MOE). Diagnosis on the morphology of polyethylene by the research found that there was significant difference between the radiated and irradiated surfaces

    STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN PARIWISATA DALAM MEMPERKENALKAN WISATA DAERAH (Studi pada Dinas Kebudayaan Pemuda Olahraga dan Pariwisata Kab. Sumenep)

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    Current technological developments make it easier to promote on social media. Factors such as the use of social media, collaboration with local influencers, and unique experiences are important in designing interesting and relevant strategies. This research uses a naturalism paradigm and interview and documentation methods. This research aims to find out the strategies used by the District Youth, Sports and Tourism Culture Service. Sumenep in introducing regional tourism. This research also uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the research show that the Sumenep Regency Culture, Youth, Sports and Tourism Office has implemented a pull, push and pass strategy. However, according to researchers, DISBUDPORAPAR Kab. Sumenep still requires evaluation of the website and realization of activities in collaboration with Instagram, TikTok and YouTube influencers


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    This research aims to 1) understand the utilization of the school library for students in grade XI academic year 2010/2011 at SMK N 2 Depok 2) know the empowerment of the school library for students in grade XI academic year 2010/2011 at SMK N 2 Depok. This is considering the institution of education should provide learning resources. Learning resources which is referred to the school library. In terms of improving the quality of education, the library had a role as a provider of essential learning resources. The existence of libraries is not optimal in the utilization and empowerment. This research is a descriptive research to collect information on the status of an existing symptoms, which is symptoms under any circumstances the existence during research which aims to create a systematic explanation, factual, and accurate information on the facts and the properties of a particular population or region. Respondents in this research were 165 students in grade XI. The research data obtained of student questionnaires and documentation about the library. The number of samples in this research are determined by using proportional random sampling. The validity of the instrument based on the judgment experts as much as two people and reliability measured using Cronbach alpha formula. The methods to analyze the data is descriptive quantitative method. The results showed that the utilization of the library is still less for the collection of library materials (6.67%) and internet facilities (20%). This is because the less interesting collections and the Internet are often disconnected. Respondents use the the library as a place of discussion (46%). Utilization of the collection is still less due to the empowerment of the library was still less realized for students. the library promotion efforts for students not yet been done (80%). In this case, promotional efforts can be made according to the ability of schools such as providing brochures and procurement of school the library-themed events. Keyword : descriptive, utilization of the library, the library empowerment, Alpha Cronbach, proportional random sampling

    Rasio gangguan dalam desain rebust

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    Salah satu teknik Pengendalian Mutu dengan aplikasi pengembangan produk diperkenalkan oleh Dr. Taguchi, merupakan teknik metodologi untuk memperbaiki produk melalui Penelitian dan Pengembangan, dan.juga meningkatkan kualitas produk agar proses cepat dan beaya rendah. Dibahas Pendeteksian Sinyal dengan parameter yang diketahui, dan sekaligus mengetahui jenis Once of Quality Control Technique with aplication to development product introduce by DR. Taguchi, means methodology technique to improve product trough Riset and Development, also to increase productions quality in order process more rmickiv and lower costs. We discussed the detection of known signals with parameter, and also to know of noise of kinds WHITE NOISE and COLORED NOISE


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    Agama telah menjadi ulasan menarik disetiap negara sejak dulu kala tak terkecuali di Amerika Serikat. Agama juga seolah sudah menjadi bagian penting di dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan berbudaya. Keanekaragaman budaya yang masuk ke Amerika juga berdampak pada beragamnya kepercayaan atau agama yang ada di sana. Salah satu yang menarik adalah Komunitas Amish yang terkenal dengan kehidupannya yang sangat religius dan sederhana. Di tengah kemajuan teknologi yang berkembang sangat pesat di Amerika, komunitas Amish masih ada dengan segala nilai-nilai kehidupan religiusnya yang sangat sederhana tanpa mengindahkan kemajuan teknologi yang ada. Konsep ketuhanan yang dipercaya memicu seseorang menjadi religius kemudian membentuk komunitas yang mempunyai kepercayaan yang sama, bisa menjadi sangat kuat, berkembang dan bertahan lama. Mereka berfikir, bereaksi dan bertindak sesuai dengan nilai-nilai religius yang telah mereka terima sejak kecil hingga dewasa tanpa boleh mengajukan pertanyaan. Nilai-nilai tersebut yang mereka yakini akan mengantarkan mereka pada kehidupan terbaik di dunia maupun setelah kematian yaitu surga


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    Menyimak (listening) dalam bahasa asing tidak sesederhana menyimak dalam bahasa ibu. Ketidakberhasilan siswa menemukan cara yang tepat dalam menyimak membuat nilai untuk mata kuliah ini sering tidak maksimal akibatnya semangat untuk belajar listening menurun. Proses belajar mengajar yang hanya mengandalkan pada pertemuan di kelas dirasa kurang memberikan hasil yang maksimal. Kendala tidak hanya secara teknis namun juga terletak pada materi yang diberikan. Input yang diterima siswa terbatas pada materi yang diberikan oleh pengajar yang tidak selalu sesuai dengan tingkat penguasaan, kebutuhan, dan keinginan masing-masing pembelajar. Mereka cenderung bertindak sebagai penerima yang pasif dan kendali sepenuhnya ada pada pengajar. Situasi formal di kelas sering membuat siswa tertekan dan kurang dapat berkonsentrasi. Pemberian tugas yang berupa catatan harian menyimak (listening diaries) diharapkan mampu mendorong mereka untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menyimak mereka. Mereka akan berpengalaman mencari dan memilih materi yang sesuai dengan keinginan dan kebutuhan. Mereka juga mendapat kesempatan mendengarkan dan melihat pemakaian Bahasa Inggris di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari melalui berbagai teks yang autentik maupun non-autentik dengan situasi yang lebih santai. Selain itu listening diaries memungkinkan siswa memantau perkembangan kemampuan listening mereka sendiri


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    Not all elderly people live with their families, there are also many elderly people who do not live in the same place as their families, there are also elderly people who live in special care homes for the elderly or nursing homes. In old age, the activities that elderly people can do decrease because as a person gets older, there will be changes in their physical and psychological condition which will also decrease. Happiness is a need for everyone, someone will do various things to achieve a level of happiness that is in accordance with their respective standards of living. Every person must have their own way to achieve happiness. The reduced activity and decline in physical function experienced by the elderly will have an impact on the happiness felt by the elderly, especially the elderly who live in nursing homes. This research focuses on the happiness of elderly people in nursing homes, with the subjects being 6 elderly people who live at Panti Griya Asih Lawang. This research uses a qualitative approach method with descriptive research type. The results of this research are that the happiness felt by the elderly while in a nursing home is the result of a sense of acceptance by the elderly with your life so far. The happiness felt by the elderly is also derived from a sense of gratitude and sincerity with everything they get at the Griya Asih Lawang home

    Developing Cross-cultural Understanding through Sociolinguistic Dissemination: A Practice in Multicultural Education

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    The use of language cannot be separated from the culture of its speakers. Most experts agree that language is the cultural reflection of social community. Therefore, the language learning must involve the learning of related culture with the language being learnt. This paper describes my personal experience in teaching Sociolinguistics II for the students of the English Language and Literature Study Program, Yogyakarta State University through sociolinguistic dissemination to develop their cross-cultural understanding. One of the main issues in the teaching of sociolinguistics is to see how cultural aspects are reflected in the use of language. Realizing the importance of this course toward the understanding of the relationship between language and culture, English Language and Literature Study Program, Yogyakarta State University provides its students with this course in two semesters, sociolinguistics I and II. Unlike the teaching of sociolinguistics I which is more theoretical, sociolinguistics II is more practical. The students are expected to have an overview and experience in conducting a mini research that will be beneficial for them in writing thesis. In my experiences in teaching this subject, the students were assigned to conduct mini research on the issue of cross-cultural understanding. In this case, they were proposed to observe multicultural films from different points of view; namely language and society, bilingualism, language variation, choosing code, language and sex, and politeness and solidarity. In the end, they had to disseminate their observation result. The teaching of this course prioritized the process approach. The students were given a chance to consult their observation, present the research report, and revise it. In fact, the implementation of sociolinguistic dissemination not only shows the students on the significance of cross-cultural understanding in the process of communication but also gives them the experience of doing mini research, group work, writing a paper, consultation, and reporting the result.. Key words: developing, cross cultural understanding, sociolinguistic disseminatio


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    As one of some big companies, Nikomas has more than 30 thousands population for its workers and it is spread within 26 companies. Most of the workers come from central and east Java, whereas the rest come from some districts in Banten Province: Serang, Pandeglang, and Tangerang For its large population, Javanese is used in daily communication among them. The fact is that, they are now living and working in Banten, the place where the language and culture are different from them. Deal with this phenomenon; it is interesting to find out how Javanese people preserved their own language and how they treat other languages, such as Sundanese and Javanese Banten. To reveal the fact, questionnaire is distributed to almost 200 workers. A number of workers are only taken from one division in Nike Company, i.e. production division. The questionnaire is intended to describe Javanese people preserve their mother tongue The questionnaire shows that they use their mother tongu

    syllabus: lexicogrammar

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