853 research outputs found

    Programming Language Feature Agglomeration

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    Feature-creep is a well-known phenomenon in software systems. In this paper, we argue that feature-creep also occurs in the domain of programming languages. Recent languages are more expressive than earlier languages. However recent languages generally extend rather than replace the syntax (sometimes) and semantics (almost always) of earlier languages. We demonstrate this trend of agglomeration in a sequence of languages comprising Pascal, C, Java, and Scala. These are all block-structured Algol-derived languages, with earlier languages providing explicit inspiration for later ones. We present empirical evidence from several language-specific sources, including grammar definitions and canonical manuals. The evidence suggests that there is a trend of increasing complexity in modern languages that have evolved from earlier languages

    Topological Speed Limits to Network Synchronization

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    We study collective synchronization of pulse-coupled oscillators interacting on asymmetric random networks. We demonstrate that random matrix theory can be used to accurately predict the speed of synchronization in such networks in dependence on the dynamical and network parameters. Furthermore, we show that the speed of synchronization is limited by the network connectivity and stays finite, even if the coupling strength becomes infinite. In addition, our results indicate that synchrony is robust under structural perturbations of the network dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Impairment in predictive processes during auditory mismatch negativity in ScZ: evidence from event-related fields

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    Patients with schizophrenia (ScZ) show pronounced dysfunctions in auditory perception but the underlying mechanisms as well as the localization of the deficit remain unclear. To examine these questions, the current study examined whether alterations in the neuromagnetic mismatch negativity (MMNm) in ScZ-patients could involve an impairment in sensory predictions in local sensory and higher auditory areas. Using a whole-head MEG-approach, we investigated the MMNm as well as P300m and N100m amplitudes during a hierarchical auditory novelty paradigm in 16 medicated ScZ-patients and 16 controls. In addition, responses to omitted sounds were investigated, allowing for a critical test of the predictive coding hypothesis. Source-localization was performed to identify the generators of the MMNm, omission responses as well as the P300m. Clinical symptoms were examined with the positive and negative syndrome scale. Event-related fields (ERFs) to standard sounds were intact in ScZ-patients. However, the ScZ-group showed a reduction in the amplitude of the MMNm during both local (within trials) and global (across trials) conditions as well as an absent P300m at the global level. Importantly, responses to sound omissions were reduced in ScZ-patients which overlapped both in latency and generators with the MMNm sources. Thus, our data suggest that auditory dysfunctions in ScZ involve impaired predictive processes that involve deficits in both automatic and conscious detection of auditory regularities

    Hepatitis C and the absence of genomic data in low-income countries: a barrier on the road to elimination?

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    Following the development of highly effective direct acting antiviral (DAA) compounds for the treatment of the hepatitis C virus (HCV), WHO has set out plans for disease eradication by 2030. Many barriers must be surmounted before this can be achieved, including buy-in from governments and policy makers, reduced drug costs, and improved infrastructure for the pathway from diagnosis to treatment. A comprehensive set of guidelines was produced by WHO in 2014, updated in 2016, and they are due to be revised later this year

    RflM mediates target specificity of the RcsCDB phosphorelay system for transcriptional repression of flagellar synthesis in Salmonella enterica: Repression of flhDC transcription by a RcsB-RflM complex

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    The bacterial flagellum enables directed movement of Salmonella enterica towards favorable conditions in liquid environments. Regulation of flagellar synthesis is tightly controlled by various environmental signals at transcriptional and post- transcriptional levels. The flagellar master regulator FlhD₄C₂ resides on top of the flagellar transcriptional hierarchy and is under autogenous control by FlhD₄C₂- dependent activation of the repressor rflM. The inhibitory activity of RflM depends on the presence of RcsB, the response regulator of the RcsCDB phosphorelay system. In this study, we elucidated the molecular mechanism of RflM- dependent repression of flhDC. We show that RcsB and RflM form a heterodimer that coordinately represses flhDC transcription independent of RcsB phosphorylation. RcsB-RflM complex binds to a RcsB box downstream the P1 transcriptional start site of the flhDC promoter with increased affinity compared to RcsB in the absence of RflM. We propose that RflM stabilizes binding of unphosphorylated RcsB to the flhDC promoter in absence of environmental cues. Thus, RflM is a novel auxiliary regulatory protein that mediates target specificity of RcsB for flhDC repression. The cooperative action of the RcsB-RflM repressor complex allows Salmonella to fine-tune initiation of flagellar gene expression and adds another level to the complex regulation of flagellar synthesis

    Conductive and convective heat transfer in fluid flows between differentially heated and rotating cylinders

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    The flow of fluid confined between a heated rotating cylinder and a cooled stationary cylinder is a canonical experiment for the study of heat transfer in engineering. The theoretical treatment of this system is greatly simplified if the cylinders are assumed to be of infinite length or periodic in the axial direction, in which cases heat transfer occurs only through conduction as in a solid. We here investigate numerically heat transfer and the onset of turbulence in such flows by using both periodic and no-slip boundary conditions in the axial direction. We obtain a simple linear criterion that determines whether the infinite-cylinder assumption can be employed. The curvature of the cylinders enters this linear relationship through the slope and additive constant. For a given length-to-gap aspect ratio there is a critical Rayleigh number beyond which the laminar flow in the finite system is convective and so the behaviour is entirely different from the periodic case. The criterion does not depend on the Prandtl number and appears quite robust with respect to the Reynolds number. In particular, it continues to work reasonably in the turbulent regime.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Days Spent at Home and Mortality After Critical Illness: A Cluster Analysis Using Nationwide Data

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    BACKGROUND: Beyond the question of short-term survival, days spent at home could be considered a patient-centered outcome in critical care trials. RESEARCH QUESTION: What are the days spent at home and healthcare trajectories during the year after surviving critical illness? STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Data were extracted on adult survivors spending at least two nights in a French intensive care unit (ICU) during 2018 who were treated with invasive mechanical ventilation and/or vasopressors or inotropes. Trauma, burn, organ transplant, stroke and neurosurgical patients were excluded. Stays at home, death, hospitalizations were reported before and after ICU stay, using state sequence analysis. An unsupervised clustering method was performed to identify cohorts based on post-ICU trajectories. RESULTS: Of 77,132 ICU survivors, 89% returned home. In the year post-discharge, these patients spent a median 330 (IQR 283-349) days at home. At one year, 77% of patients were still at home and 17% had died. Fifty-one percent had been re-hospitalized and 10% required a further ICU admission. Forty-eight percent used rehabilitation facilities and 5.7% hospital at home. Three clusters of patients with distinct post-ICU trajectories were identified. Patients in cluster 1 (68% of total) survived and spent most of the year at home (338 (323-354) days). Patients in cluster 2 (18%) had more complex trajectories but most could return home (91%), spending 242 (174-277) days at home. Patients in cluster 3 (14%) died with only 37% returning home for 45 (15-90) days. INTERPRETATION: Many patients had complex healthcare trajectories after surviving critical illness. Wide variations in the ability to return home after ICU discharge was observed between clusters, which represents an important patient-centered outcome

    Bi-Phasic Vesicles: instability induced by adsorption of proteins

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    The recent discovery of a lateral organization in cell membranes due to small structures called 'rafts' has motivated a lot of biological and physico-chemical studies. A new experiment on a model system has shown a spectacular budding process with the expulsion of one or two rafts when one introduces proteins on the membrane. In this paper, we give a physical interpretation of the budding of the raft phase. An approach based on the energy of the system including the presence of proteins is used to derive a shape equation and to study possible instabilities. This model shows two different situations which are strongly dependent on the nature of the proteins: a regime of easy budding when the proteins are strongly coupled to the membrane and a regime of difficult budding.Comment: 19 avr. 200