977 research outputs found

    A Cloud-based System to Protect Against Industrial Multi-risk Events☆

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    Abstract Industrial areas frequently present a high concentration of production operations which are source of anthropic risks. For this reason Smart Public Safety is receiving an increasing attention from industry, research and authorities. Moreover, due the consequences of global warming, these areas could be subject to risk events with increased probability with respect to the past. Information technologies enable an innovative approach towards safety management, which relies on the evolution of tools for environmental monitoring and citizens' interaction. This work presents the preliminary results of the Italian research project SIGMA - sensor Integrated System in cloud environment for the Advanced Multi-risk Management. The proposed system includes a continuous monitoring of the different information sources, thus reducing human control as much as possible. At the same time, the communication system manages multiple data flows in a flexible way, adapting itself to different working scenarios, enabling smarter applications. SIGMA intends to acquire, integrate and compute heterogeneous data, coming from various sensor networks in order to provide useful insights for the monitoring, forecasting and management of risk situations through services provided to citizens and businesses, both public and private. Based on the integration of different interoperating components, the system is able to provide a complete emergency management framework through simulations/optimizations and heterogeneous data manipulation tools. The prototype solution is detailed by a use case application in an industrial area located in the region of Sicily, Italy. In particular, web based modular applications connected through SIGMA allow the monitoring of the industrial environment through data gathering from different sensor networks, such as outdoor sensors mounted in the surroundings of large industrial areas, and support of the design of the logistics network aimed at covering the industrial risks

    Paleoproterozoic source contributions to the São Roque Group sedimentation: LA-MC-ICPMS U-Pb dating and Sm-Nd systematics of clasts from metaconglomerates of the Boturuna Formation

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    The São Roque Group is characterized by volcano-sedimentary sequences, in which deposition probably started in the late Paleoproterozoic. U-Pb dating by LA-MC-ICPMS of zircons extracted from predominantly equigranular monzogranites clasts from Morro Doce and Morro do Polvilho regions, yield paleoproterozoic ages of 2199 ± 8.5 Ma and 2247 ± 13 Ma, respectively. These represent the ages for the main source of granite for the metaconglomerates from the Boturuna Formation (basal unit of São Roque Group). Its polycyclic history is reinforced by the presence of inherited Archean zircons (2694 ± 29 Ma) found within the clasts. Moreover, these clasts have also been affected by the Neoproterozoic overprinting event as indicated by their lower intercept Concordia ages. Sm-Nd isotope data for the main clast varieties from the Morro Doce metaconglomerates yield T DM ages of 2.6 to 2.7 Ga, demonstrating that these granites are the recycling products of an Archean crustal component. The metaconglomerate arkosean framework yields slightly lower εNd(t) values than those for the clasts, indicating that a younger and/or more primitive source also contributed to the Boturuna Formation.O Grupo São Roque é caracterizado por uma sequência vulcanossedimentar com deposição provavelmente iniciada no Paleoproterozoico tardio. Datações U-Pb obtidas por LA-MC-ICPMS de zircões extraídos das variedades predominantes dos clastos de monzogranitos equigranulares, das regiões do Morro Doce e Morro do Polvilho, mostram idades paleoproterozoicas de 2199 ± 8,5 Ma e 2247 ± 13 Ma, respectivamente. Estas representam as idades da principal fonte de granito da Formação Boturuna (unidade basal do Grupo São Roque). A história policíclica deste domínio é reforçada pela presença de zircões arqueanos herdados (2694 ± 29 Ma), encontrados nos clastos. Além disso, tais clastos também foram afetados pelo evento Neoproterozoico, conforme indicado pelo intercepto inferior das idades concórdia. Dados isotópicos Sm-Nd para os principais clastos do metaconglomerado do Morro Doce têm idades T DM entre 2,6 a 2,7 Ga, demonstrando que estes granitos são produtos da reciclagem de um componente crustal arqueano. O arcabouço dos metaconglomerados, quando comparado com os clastos, mostra valores mais baixos de εNd(t), indicando contribuições de fontes mais jovens e/ou primitivas para a Formação Boturuna

    Acute epiploic appendagitis : ultrasound and computed tomography findings of a rare case of acute abdominal pain and the role of other imaging techniques

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    Purpose: Acute epiploic appendagitis (EA) is a relatively rare, benign and local inflammatory disease involving the epiploic appendices. Unlike its mimics, EA is generally a self-limiting inflammatory disease and can be treated conservatively. Case presentation: A 33-year-old Caucasian man presented to our emergency department with a sever and sharp left iliac fossa pain. He underwent abdominal X-ray, ultrasound (US) and computed tomography (CT) evaluations. Conclusion: We illustrate US and CT findings to increase the radiologists’ awareness of this condition and to avoid diagnostic delay and unnecessary use of antibiotics, hospitalization and surgery

    Avaliação de parâmetros produtivos e severidade de ferrugem na cultura do milho

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    Esse experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos fisiológicos e o incremento de produtividade do hibrido Agroceres 8088 YG com a utilização do fungicida Piraclostrobin + Epoxiconazol na cultura do milho Zea mays. Foi executada uma única aplicação de fungicida, no estádio de desenvolvimento V7/V8 na última entrada do trator na lavoura. O delineamento experimental empregado foi o inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos, constituído por cinco repetições. Foi avaliada a incidência de Puccinia polysora em folhas do milho, sendo realizada 15 dias após o pendoamento. As plantas foram submetidas aos tratamentos: 0 (testemunha), 0,5, 0,75 e 1,0 L ha-1 do fungicida. A semeadura foi realizada no dia 14 do mês de fevereiro de 2011 em condições de plantio direto, a adubação total na base com 310 kg ha-1. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: altura da planta (cm), diâmetro do colmo (cm), número de fileiras por espigas, números de grãos por fileiras, massa de cem grãos, produtividade (Kg ha-1). As variáveis foram submetidas à análise de variância e regressão linear. Conclui-se que o uso de fungicida reduziu a incidência de doença e melhorou os parâmetros produtivos avaliados da cultura do milho

    Tectonic evolution of the Juvenile Tonian Serra da Prata magmatic arc in the Ribeira belt, SE Brazil: Implications for early west Gondwana amalgamation

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    The evolution of the Ribeira belt resulted from the progressive amalgamation of several terranes against the eastern margin of the São Francisco Craton between ca. 620 and 580 Ma. This work brings new field, U-Pb geochronology, geochemistry and isotopic (Sm-Nd and Sr) data on the evolution primitive rocks from the Serra da Prata magmatic arc and their relationships with the previously described Rio Negro arc. The new U-Pb data allow the distinction of two episodes of arc generation: the Serra da Prata Arc (856–838 Ma) and the Rio Negro Arc (790–620 Ma). Rocks from the oldest stage are composed of metaluminous calc-alkaline diorites, tonalites and granodiorites, and geochemical signatures compatible with magmatic arc scenarios. Their rocks are associated to a metamorphosed volcano-sedimentary of intra or back-arc basin setting platform carbonates, amphibolites (basaltic lavas) and psammitic rocks of the Italva group. Whole-rock Nd and Sr isotope data indicate more primitive contribution than earliest stage: initial εNd = −3.7 to +5.2, TDM = 1.68–0.92 Ga and ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr initial ratios between 0.7061 and 0.7113. The second stage – Rio Negro arc – yielded more mature arc signatures: initial εNd = −8.4 to −2.5, TDM = 1.93–1.33 Ga and ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr initial ratios between 0.7098 and 0.7211. The new data have been interpreted as an evolution of a Tonian primitive intra-oceanic stage of the magmatic arc generation, followed by more continental or transitional arcs during the Rio Negro stage. The data from both arc stages contrast with the younger Serra da Bolívia and Rio Doce continental arcs (570–590 Ma) developed in a proximal location. The data are similar to other Tonian-Ediacaran magmatic arcs: the Goiás arc in the Brasília Belt (ca. 862–630 Ma) and the São Gabriel arc (ca. 840–690 Ma), located respectively along the western margin of the São Francisco and Rio de La Plata cratons. In a Western Gondwana scenario, the juvenile signature indicates intra-oceanic tectonic settings. The combination of the older Tonian arcs with the more evolved Cryogenian to Ediacaran arcs within the Neoproterozoic belts, suggests more than 200 m.y. of subduction around the older cratonic blocks that made up Western Gondwana

    La actividad turistica en Misiones: El turismo rural una alternativa de desarrollo. 16H135

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    Este trabajo intenta definir un modelo de desarrollo turístico en el espacio rural que permita la reactivación socioeconómica del área de estudio (Departamentos Guaraní y San Pedro de la provincia de Misiones) y que se constituya en un marco de referencia para el desarrollo de otras áreas similares de la provincia. Para ello se propone una planificación - participativa, que partiendo de previsiones de demanda y oferta culmina en el diseño de líneas de acción

    Two cases of sternal osteomyelitis due to Mycobacterium africanum: a casual or causal association

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    Abstract The sternal localization of bone and joint tuberculosis (TB) is rare, has an insidious clinical presentation, and usually affects young adults living in endemic areas. Mycobacterium africanum causes a relevant proportion of human TB in West Africa and in migrants from endemic countries . Here, we report two cases of sternal osteomyelitis due to M. africanum in migrants

    Fibrin gel: a new scaffold for cardiovascular applications

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    Aims: Peripheral blood endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) are promising therapies for irreversible myocardial damage, heart failure and peripheral ischemia disease. Natural biopolymers as fibrin are appealing in tissue engineering, because fibrin is biocompatible and bioresorbable. In vitro studies indicate that fibrin can support the growth migration and proliferation of several cells types. Up to date numerous studies have proved the potential of fibrin based injectable cell delivery systems. No studies are available with fibrin as scaffold for EPC. The goal of this study was to investigate if fibrin is a suitable matrix for EPC culture as compared with fibronectin and if different concentrations of fibrinogen (Fb) and thrombin (Th) can influence fibrin structure and EPC behaviour. Methods: Fibrin (Kedrion S.p.a. Lucca, Italy) was prepared mixing Fb (final 4.5-9-18-36 mg/ml) and Th (final 6-12.5-25-50 U/ml). The scaffolds were maintained for 1 hour at 37?C, 5% CO2 before cell seeding. The ultrastructure of fibrin was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), cryogenic SEM (CRYO-SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) that allow the hydratating analysis of the sample, to evaluate fibre diameter and density. EPC were obtained from peripheral blood of healthy donors and cultured for 1 week on fibrin at the concentration of 1x106 cell/ml in endothelial growth medium. EPC seeded on fibronectin were used as control. Metabolic cell activity on the different scaffolds was assessed after 7 and 14 days by WST1 while cell viability by confocal microscopy (Calcein AM incorporation). Results: Fibrin polymerization rate ranged between 17 and 68 seconds and increased at higher Fb or Th concentrations. Both AFM and SEM analysis revealed a nanometric fibrous structure, with a decrease in fiber diameter with higher fibrinogen concentrations (4.5 mg/ml: 166?4 nm. vs. 36 mg/ml: 119?3 nm, p<0.005, n=5). Different concentrations of Th didn\u27t affect fibre diameter and density. CRYO-SEM suggested a reticulate structure with mesh-size up to 10?m. WST1 assay showed that EPC metabolic activity was better with lower fibrinogen concentrations (4.5 mg/ml: 0.890?0.134 a.u. vs. 36 mg/ml 0.234?0.046 a.u., p<0.05, n=5), while Th had no significant effect. Calcein staining demonstrated that EPC were viable at 14 days and even organised in cluster. Conclusions: Fibrin combines important properties of an ideal biological scaffold, like the nanometric structure, important for the growth and migration of cells. Fibrin is also an ideal scaffold for EPC but the ratio between fibrinogen and thrombin is important for cell viability