460 research outputs found

    Witch-Hunting, Globalization, and Feminist Solidarity in Africa Today

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    Review: The Global Political Economy of Sex

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    Wojna, globalizacja i reprodukcja

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    The aim of this article is to outline the issue of the links between war, globalisationand reproduction at the end of the 20th century, with a particular focus on the Africancontinent. The text begins by outlining the situation in Africa in the context of so-calledstructural adjustment programmes imposed by international institutions such as theWorld Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The second section discusses a controversial topic, viewing food aid as a kind of covert warfare. The next part analyses thecase of Mozambique as a paradigm of modern warfare. The final section points out thatsimilar methods used in Africa may be emerging in former socialist countries such as theformer YugoslaviaCelem artykułu jest zarysowanie zagadnienia powiązań pomiędzy wojną, globalizacjąi reprodukcją pod koniec XX wieku, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kontynentu afrykańskiego. Tekst rozpoczyna się od zarysowania sytuacji w Afryce w kontekście tzw.programów dostosowania strukturalnego, narzucanych przez międzynarodowe instytucje,takie jak Bank Światowy i Międzynarodowy Fundusz Walutowy. Drugi rozdział omawiakontrowersyjną tematykę, postrzegając pomoc żywnościową jako swego rodzaju ukrytedziałania wojenne. Kolejna część poddaje analizie przypadek Mozambiku jako paradygmatu współczesnej wojny. W ostatniej części zwraca się uwagę na to, że podobne metody,jakie stosowano w Afryce, mogą się pojawiać w dawnych krajach socjalistycznych, takichbyła Jugosławia

    Capital and Gender

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    Pomimo że Kapitał nie podejmuje bezpośrednio kwestii płci i rodziny, nie ulega wątpliwości, że Marksowski materializm historyczny odcisnął głębokie piętno na teorii feministycznej. Jednak, jak przekonuje Silvia Federici, koniecznym jest rozróżnienie dwóch Marksów, których dzieli pogląd na kwestię płci, ale również na formy walki klasowej. O ile pierwszy z nich przemilczał kwestię pracy domowej i reprodukcyjnej, a walkę klasową powiązał wprost z pracą przemysłową, ten drugi – odkryty przez feministki lat 70. XX wieku – dostarczył narzędzi do przemyślenia szczególnych form wyzysku, jakiemu poddawane są kobiety w społeczeństwach kapitalistycznych.Although Marx in Capital does not work directly on issues such as gender or family, there is no doubt that Marxist historical materialism has had a profound impact on feminist theory. However, Silvia Federici argues that we need to distinguish between two Marxes, who have different views not only on gender, but also on the forms of class struggle. The first one concealed the problem of housework and reproductive work; for him the class struggle was strictly connected with working in industry. The second Marx, discovered by feminists in the 1970s, provided us with tools that enable us to rethink the particular forms of exploitation that women in capitalist societies are being subjected to

    Male Recognition Bias in Sex Assignment Based on Visual Stimuli

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    The objective of this study was the optimization and implementation of a reliable and economical molecular screening method for the detection of the mutant allele of CVM (complex vertebral malformation, c.559G>T, SLC35A3) by HRM analysis, as well as analyzing its existence in a representative sample of Holstein cows from the Milk Genomic DNA Bank of Uruguay. The optimization of the HRM methodology in the RotorGene™ 6000 equipment (Corbett Life Science, Australia) by amplification of the 79 bp PCR products clearly differentiated the two genotypes: homozygous, wild type: GG; and heterozygous, carrier for the mutation CVM: GT (c.559G>T; SLC35A3). In the analyzed sample, the frequency of the mutant allele (T) for CVM was high (q = 0.032), with a prevalence of carrier cows of 6.45%. It is concluded that the PCR-HRM analysis is a fast, easily interpretable, low cost, and highly accurate technique for the detection of this mutation in Holstein cattle, which may be implemented in genetic selection programs

    Training for Exploitation?: Politicising Employability and Reclaiming Education by Precarious Workers Brigade. Foreword: Silvia Federici

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    'Training for Exploitation' provides a pedagogical framework to deconstruct dominant narratives around work, employability and careers, and explores alternative ways of engaging with work and the economy. Training for Exploitation? includes tools for critically examining the relationship between education, work and the cultural economy. It provides useful statistics and workshop exercises on topics such as precarity, employment rights, cooperation and solidarity, as well as examples of alternative educational and organising practices. Training for Exploitation? shows how we can both critique and organise against a system that is at the heart of the contemporary crises of work, student debt and precarity


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    The widespread use of artificial insemination has allowed the expansion of genetic progress. However, it also brought consequences such as the expansion of lethal hereditary diseases and the increase in inbreeding. The object of this study was to establish a fast and sensitive molecular assay to detect bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (BLAD) and deficiency of uridine monophosphate synthase (DUMPS) carriers in Uruguayan Holstein cattle by means of high resolution melting (HRM) curve analysis. By testing previously confirmed carrier and non-carrier animals, we set up a rapid, simple, and inexpensive diagnostic test using PCR followed by HRM curve analysis. The PCR-HRM genotyping method was effective for the discrimination of BLAD and DUMPS homozygous genotypes, and the BLAD heterozygous genotype. We conclude that the PCR-HRM assay is a robust, reliable, and economical tool for the detection of these mutations in the Holstein breed, which may be implemented in genetic selection programs

    Brown rice and pulses for the development of shelf-stable and low glycemic index ready-to-eat meals

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    Shelf-stable low glycemic index ready-to-eat (RTE) risotto meals (in pouches) containing brown rice and pulses (recipe A = chickpeas; recipe B = lentils, and beans) were developed, stored for 12-months at room temperature, and characterized over time. RTE meals were heated in microwave (replicating home consumption procedure), and analyzed for in vitro starch digestibility, textural attributes, and consumer acceptability. Digestible starch fractions were similar in the formulations during storage, and in vivo testing demonstrated low glycemic indexes (recipe A = 43.5 ± 6.8; recipe B = 31.8 ± 6.5) for the two meals. Hardness of risotto components increased during storage and microwave heating did not fully recover textural attibutes characteristic of the fresh product. Consumers’ (50) acceptability remained high (>5.5 out of 9) until the end of storage. This study demonstrates brown rice with pulses can be used for developing stable and accepted ready-to-eat meals having low glycemic indexes