State University of New York College at Cortland

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    6060 research outputs found

    The relationship between social cognition and team cohesion in collegiate athletes

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    Thesis Abstract Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between social cognition and team cohesion in Division III collegiate athletes. Methods: A total of 103 athletes from SUNY Cortland participated. Two questionnaires were used: social cognition was assessed via the Tromsø Social Intelligence Scale (TSIS), and team cohesion was assessed via the Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ). The two questionnaires, along with demographics, were completed online. Analysis: Pearson’s bivariate correlations were analyzed to assess the relationships among TSIS total score, GEQ total score, and GEQ social cohesion for the total sample and separately by sports season and sports type. Linear regressions were conducted on the cohesion/social cognition relationship based on sports season and type. Chow tests were performed to determine any structural break for sports season and sports type on the cohesion/social cognition relationship. Independent samples t-tests were evaluated to determine differences in average scores for social cognition, team cohesion, and social cohesion between sports seasons (in vs off season) and sports types (individual vs team sports). Conclusion: The social cognition/cohesion relationship was present in sports at a Division III university. These findings establish a foundation for further investigation of the insufficiently researched socio-cognitive relationship in sports

    SUNY Cortland\u27s First School Newspaper

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    This project examines the first issue of the SUNY Cortland school newspaper.

    1-Deoxy-D-xyluose-5-phosphate Reductioisomerase (DXP), a potential drug target complexed with a bisphosphonate inhibitor

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    This is my Biochemistry II Infographic that details the relevant Kinetics, Enzyme Structure, and Active Site of 1-Deoxy-D-xyluose-5-phosphate Reductoisomerase.

    Effects of classroom management strategies on student participation

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    This mixed methods research focuses on classroom intervention strategies affecting participation and engagement of fifth graders. Data was gathered that was both qualitative and quantitative. Students were asked to track their participation in order to receive different types of incentives. These incentives were both whole group rewards and individual rewards. Responsive classroom focuses on creating positive and welcoming classroom communities. Focusing on whole group incentives allowed the class to come together to work towards a goal. The whole group reward was based on individual accomplishment. If more than 13 students moved their anonymous icon into the jar, a part of the mystery reward was revealed. This data was collected for a six-week period. After the six-week period students were given a post-intervention survey (see Appendix H). This survey asked questions to see how their feelings and actions to participation have changed over the course of the intervention. Responsive classroom helped shape the intervention strategy by giving student choice and creating engaging classroom strategies. Students saw firsthand how their participation changed the classroom community and conversations. This intervention was student led. It was up to them to track their participation, to move their icons, and to pick the rewards. The power was in the hands of the students. Students enjoyed reaching the goals and encouraged others who were struggling. Responsive classroom focuses on creating positive classroom communities. This intervention helped increase positive feelings towards participation and motivated students to partake in educational conversations

    Identifying TTX Producing Bacteria in Bipalium kewense and Bipalium adventitium

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    Terrestrial planarians such as Bipalium kewense and B. adventitium contain a neurotoxin called tetrodotoxin (TTX). TTX inhibits voltage-gated sodium channels, which blocks neurotransmission and paralyzes the muscles. Flatworms may use the toxin to stun their prey. Bacteria in the microbiome of organisms which contain TTX are believed to be the actual toxin source in marine animals. The microbiomes of terrestrial planarians remain unstudied, so it is unknown what bacteria are making TTX for them, or if bacteria are making the neurotoxin at all. In order to explore the culturable microbiomes of Bipalium flatworms, sampling of culturable bacteria is necessary because nothing is known about the genes that encode TTX production. Once isolated from worms, 16S sequencing will be used to identify the bacterial species and a competitive ELISA will be used to detect TTX production by these bacteria. My hypothesis is that the resident bacteria found in these planaria are producing TTX.

    The Relationships Between Parental and Youth Physical Activity Behaviors and Perceptions

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    Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement by skeletal muscles resulting in energy expenditure. Physical activity has multiple different intensity levels, such as light, moderate, and vigorous. It is extremely important for both physical and mental health. The goals of this study are to examine the relationship between parental physical activity (i.e., leisure-time physical activity [moderate-vigorous physical activity]), youth health (i.e., body mass index [BMI], physical activity (moderate-vigorous physical activity), and perception of parental encouragement towards physical activity in a sample of parent-youth (8-14 years old) dyads. Participants will be sent a link via email that will have the validated questionnaires they will be asked to complete. Parts of the survey are questions designed for the youth to answer, whereas other parts are designed for the parent/guardian to answer

    Social Media Reliance and College Students\u27 Tendency to Conform to Online Behaviors and Trends

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    The importance of social media is undeniable among college students who frequently turn to online platforms as a form of recreation. While researchers have analyzed the influence of social media on emotional factors, fewer researchers have investigated if reliance on social media has an impact on public behavior and conformity habits. Therefore, the current study assesses if user reliance on two common platforms, TikTok and Instagram, are associated with conformity levels. Data collection came from a sample of 124 college-aged participants. Results found a significant correlation between conformity and Instagram reliance (r = .31, p \u3c .001), as well as conformity and TikTok reliance (r = .32, p \u3c .001), such that higher levels of conformity was associated with higher reliance on Instagram and TikTok. These findings highlight the importance of understanding how consumption of social media has the potential to alter the decisions and behaviors of young adults

    Gender stereotypes in the elementary classroom

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    This study explores ways to reduce gender stereotypes in the elementary classroom. Specifically, it was designed to collect data on male and female behaviors related to gender stereotypes toward different school subjects, volunteering, peer relationships, and student redirections during lessons. A literature review was conducted to investigate existing research on this topic. A mixed-methods design was used in this study. Data was collected in a fifth-grade classroom, by keeping a tally of each of the subject areas Math, Reading, Science, and Writing, and the students who volunteered. Included in the investigation was a teacher interview regarding her thoughts on gender equality and her classroom and student interviews to assess what they already knew about the topic of gender stereotypes and their level of comfort with volunteering. Three children’s books containing gender stereotype themes were selected as part of an intervention with the students. A discussion of the selected texts was held with the students regarding gender stereotypes. The research study coincided with existing research identifying inequity among the sexes in these classroom behavior areas. Namely, males were more likely to volunteer over females, as well as males were more likely to be reprimanded for inappropriate classroom behaviors

    Mindfulness and Problematic Internet Use: The Moderating Role of Stress

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    Problematic use of the internet (PIU), such as overuse and holding unrealistic beliefs toward the internet and social media, have been found to interfere with individuals’ physical and psychological health, especially for those experiencing high levels of stress. In previous studies, mindfulness has been identified to correlate with psychological well-being and act as a protective measure against PIU development. In this pilot study, 203 college students were surveyed on perceived stress, mindfulness, and PIU. The preliminary findings supported the conceptual model in which mindfulness negatively correlates with PIU. However, the negative correlation only holds under low to moderate levels of stress but not under high levels. The findings have implications for educators and administrators in designing plans to help combat the development of PIU on college campuses. Future studies should use a longitudinal design with a larger sample size to examine the potential causal relationship between the variables.

    A Film About Tragedy Remix Letter to the Editor (2024-2025)

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    In this example of a remix letter to the editor, we decided to include a pairing of both the remix and the original research inquiry (published here after the remix.) In her remix, Rhiannon O’Boyle takes a research inquiry about the role of historical fiction, the love story of Jack and Rose, and the true events of the sinking of the Titanic in James Cameron’s 1997 film, Titanic, and remixes them into the genre of a letter to the editor. In her remix letter to the editor, she expresses an opinion about the necessity of the love story.


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