29 research outputs found

    Профілактика спайкового процесу при ендоскопічних втручаннях в гінекологічній практиці

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    Статья посвящена методу оптимизации лапароскопического лечения различной гинекологической патологии с целью снижения частоты спаечного процесса за счет использования современных гемостатических средств. Представлены данные обследования 178 пациенток, которым было выполнено усовершенствованное лапароскопическое вмешательство. Предложенный способ приводит к уменьшению интра- и послеоперационных осложнений, восстановлению репродуктивной функции у данного контингента больных.Article is devoted to the method of optimizing the laparoscopic treatment of various gynecological pathologies in order to reduce the incidence of adhesions by the use of advanced hemostatic tools. Presents survey data 178 patients improved after laparoscopic surgery. The proposed method leads to a decrease in intra- and postoperative complications, recovery of reproductive function in this patient population

    Оптимизация ведения беременных с предлежанием плаценты

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    В статье приведены данные, свидетельствующие о том, что включение в комплекс антианемических мероприятий рекомбинантного эритропоэтина β у беременных с предлежанием плаценты и постгеморрагической анемией приводит к более быстрому и эффективному повышению показателей красной крови до и после проведения операций кесарева сечения.У статті наведено дані, які свідчать про те, що включення у комплекс антианемічних заходів рекомбінантного ерітропоетину β у вагітних з передлежанням плаценти та постгеморагічною анемією призводить до більш швидкого та ефективного підвищення показників червоної крові до та після проведення операцій кесарського розтину.The given paper deals with the data testifying to the fact that an all round that inclusion of anti-anemic therapy of recombinant erythropoietin β results in a more rapid and effective increase of red blood indices before and after the cesarean section operation conduction

    Activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ syndrome: Update from the ESID Registry and comparison with other autoimmune-lymphoproliferative inborn errors of immunity

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    Background: Activated phosphoinositide-3-kinase d syndrome (APDS) is an inborn error of immunity (IEI) with infection susceptibility and immune dysregulation, clinically overlapping with other conditions. Management depends on disease evolution, but predictors of severe disease are lacking. Objectives: This study sought to report the extended spectrum of disease manifestations in APDS1 versus APDS2; compare these to CTLA4 deficiency, NFKB1 deficiency, and STAT3 gain of-function (GOF) disease; and identify predictors of severity in APDS. Methods: Data was collected from the ESID (European Society for Immunodeficiencies)-APDS registry and was compared with published cohorts of the other IEIs. Results: The analysis of 170 patients with APDS outlines high penetrance and early onset of APDS compared to the other IEIs. The large clinical heterogeneity even in individuals with the same PIK3CD variant E1021K illustrates how poorly the genotype predicts the disease phenotype and course. The high clinical overlap between APDS and the other investigated IEIs suggests relevant pathophysiological convergence of the affected pathways. Preferentially affected organ systems indicate specific pathophysiology: bronchiectasis is typical of APDS1; interstitial lung disease and enteropathy are more common in STAT3 GOF and CTLA4 deficiency. Endocrinopathies are most frequent in STAT3 GOF, but growth impairment is also common, particularly in APDS2. Early clinical presentation is a risk factor for severe disease in APDS. Conclusions: APDS illustrates how a single genetic variant can result in a diverse autoimmune-lymphoproliferative phenotype. Overlap with other IEIs is substantial. Some specific features distinguish APDS1 from APDS2. Early onset is a risk factor for severe disease course calling for specific treatment studies in younger patients. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 2023;152:984-96.

    CALYPSO 2019 Cruise Report: field campaign in the Mediterranean

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    This cruise aimed to identify transport pathways from the surface into the interior ocean during the late winter in the Alborán sea between the Strait of Gibraltar (5°40’W) and the prime meridian. Theory and previous observations indicated that these pathways likely originated at strong fronts, such as the one that separates salty Mediterranean water and the fresher water in owing from the Atlantic. Our goal was to map such pathways and quantify their transport. Since the outcropping isopycnals at the front extend to the deepest depths during the late winter, we planned the cruise at the end of the Spring, prior to the onset of thermal stratification of the surface mixed layer.Funding was provided by the Office of Naval Research under Contract No. N000141613130

    Care of patients with inborn errors of immunity in thirty J Project countries between 2004 and 2021

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    IntroductionThe J Project (JP) physician education and clinical research collaboration program was started in 2004 and includes by now 32 countries mostly in Eastern and Central Europe (ECE). Until the end of 2021, 344 inborn errors of immunity (IEI)-focused meetings were organized by the JP to raise awareness and facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of patients with IEI.ResultsIn this study, meeting profiles and major diagnostic and treatment parameters were studied. JP center leaders reported patients’ data from 30 countries representing a total population of 506 567 565. Two countries reported patients from JP centers (Konya, Turkey and Cairo University, Egypt). Diagnostic criteria were based on the 2020 update of classification by the IUIS Expert Committee on IEI. The number of JP meetings increased from 6 per year in 2004 and 2005 to 44 and 63 in 2020 and 2021, respectively. The cumulative number of meetings per country varied from 1 to 59 in various countries reflecting partly but not entirely the population of the respective countries. Altogether, 24,879 patients were reported giving an average prevalence of 4.9. Most of the patients had predominantly antibody deficiency (46,32%) followed by patients with combined immunodeficiencies (14.3%). The percentages of patients with bone marrow failure and phenocopies of IEI were less than 1 each. The number of patients was remarkably higher that those reported to the ESID Registry in 13 countries. Immunoglobulin (IgG) substitution was provided to 7,572 patients (5,693 intravenously) and 1,480 patients received hematopoietic stem cell therapy (HSCT). Searching for basic diagnostic parameters revealed the availability of immunochemistry and flow cytometry in 27 and 28 countries, respectively, and targeted gene sequencing and new generation sequencing was available in 21 and 18 countries. The number of IEI centers and experts in the field were 260 and 690, respectively. We found high correlation between the number of IEI centers and patients treated with intravenous IgG (IVIG) (correlation coefficient, cc, 0,916) and with those who were treated with HSCT (cc, 0,905). Similar correlation was found when the number of experts was compared with those treated with HSCT. However, the number of patients treated with subcutaneous Ig (SCIG) only slightly correlated with the number of experts (cc, 0,489) and no correlation was found between the number of centers and patients on SCIG (cc, 0,174).Conclusions1) this is the first study describing major diagnostic and treatment parameters of IEI care in countries of the JP; 2) the data suggest that the JP had tremendous impact on the development of IEI care in ECE; 3) our data help to define major future targets of JP activity in various countries; 4) we suggest that the number of IEI centers and IEI experts closely correlate to the most important treatment parameters; 5) we propose that specialist education among medical professionals plays pivotal role in increasing levels of diagnostics and adequate care of this vulnerable and still highly neglected patient population; 6) this study also provides the basis for further analysis of more specific aspects of IEI care including genetic diagnostics, disease specific prevalence, newborn screening and professional collaboration in JP countries

    X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) : Phenotype, diagnosis, and therapeutic challenges around the world

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    Background: X-linked agammaglobulinemia is an inherited immunodeficiency recognized since 1952. In spite of seven decades of experience, there is still a limited understanding of regional differences in presentation and complications. This study was designed by the Primary Immunodeficiencies Committee of the World Allergy Organization to better understand regional needs, challenges and unique patient features. Methods: A survey instrument was designed by the Primary Immunodeficiencies Committee of the World Allergy Organization to collect both structured and semi-structured data on X-linked agammaglobulinemia. The survey was sent to 54 centers around the world chosen on the basis of World Allergy Organization participation and/or registration in the European Society for Immunodeficiencies. There were 40 centers that responded, comprising 32 countries. Results: This study reports on 783 patients from 40 centers around the world. Problems with diagnosis are highlighted by the reported delays in diagnosis>24 months in 34% of patients and the lack of genetic studies in 39% of centers Two infections exhibited regional variation. Vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis was seen only in countries with live polio vaccination and two centers reported mycobacteria. High rates of morbidity were reported. Acute and chronic lung diseases accounted for 41% of the deaths. Unusual complications such as inflammatory bowel disease and large granular lymphocyte disease, among others were specifically enumerated, and while individually uncommon, they were collectively seen in 20.3% of patients. These data suggest that a broad range of both inflammatory, infectious, and autoimmune conditions can occur in patients. The breadth of complications and lack of data on management subsequently appeared as a significant challenge reported by centers. Survival above 20 years of age was lowest in Africa (22%) and reached above 70% in Australia, Europe and the Americas. Centers were asked to report their challenges and responses (n = 116) emphasized the difficulties in access to immunoglobulin products (16%) and reflected the ongoing need for education of both patients and referring physicians. Conclusions: This is the largest study of patients with X-linked agammaglobulinemia and emphasizes the continued morbidity and mortality of XLA despite progress in diagnosis and treatment. It presents a world view of the successes and challenges for patients and physicians alike. A pivotal finding is the need for education of physicians regarding typical symptoms suggesting a possible diagnosis of X-linked agammaglobulinemia and sharing of best practices for the less common complications.Peer reviewe

    The formation of primary school teachers’ professional readiness for teaching Russian as a foreign language using the opportunities of cross-border education

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    The article is devoted to the problem of using the opportunities of cross-border education as a factor of professional training of primary school teachers for tuition Russian as a second language. The authors note the relevance of this problem both in theoretical aspects and at the practical level. The article describes an effective way to form the readiness of primary school teachers to implement cross-border education. In this study, the authors reveal new opportunities for professional development of primary school teachers. Based on the content analysis of the regulatory database, it is shown that this problem is related to an upward trend in the Russian higher education system. The article reveals the relationship between teachers' professional training in the field of tuition Russian language to younger students, for whom Russian is a second language, and the existing problems with using Online learning. The article substantiates the need for training primary school teachers, which contributes to the development of their professional competencies both in the Offline mode of training and the Online training. A set of pedagogical measures related to the professional training of primary school teachers to teach Russian as a non-native language in cross-border education can become one of the foundations for the development of the Russian Federation education system. The article is addressed to the teachers of higher and secondary vocational training institutions, as well as future and certified teachers of primary General education

    Blended Learning Technology "Flipped Class" in the System of Higher Vocational Education

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    This article is devoted to the implementation of the blended learning technology " Flipped Class" into the educational process of higher vocational education. From the position of the systemic approach, the authors’ view on the development of the competitiveness of the future specialist with the help of traditional (classroom) and digital (distance) forms of training is revealed; the necessary pedagogical conditions for using the " Flipped Class " blended learning technology in higher vocational education are described. The authors present the peculiarity of organizing the educational process with the use of the " Flipped Class " technology. The article justifies the importance and relevance of this educational technology application due to the world socio-economic challenges. The authors of the study conclude that the implementation of the " Flipped Class" technology causes improvement of the forms and methods of the educational activity aiming professional development of future competitive professionals in the sphere of the agro-industrial complex. A structural model of organizing higher vocational education with the use of the " Flipped Class " blended learning technology was worked out and substantiated. The pedagogical conditions of using this technology are described in the article

    Modeling and Management of Power Supply Enterprises’ Cash Flows

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the efficiency of cash flow management at power supply companies of the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries. A methodological approach to cash flow forecasting with the use of linear and polynomial regression has been developed. The study is based on the data provided by 12 power supply companies operating in CIS member countries. Forecasting based on the generated polynomial models of multiple regression of cash flow for the power supply companies under study confirms the strong possibility of extrapolating the studied trends to future periods. Compared to the linear model, the polynomial one confirms higher values of the determination coefficients for the majority of power supply companies. The projected volumes of cash inflow, cash outflow, and net cash flows of power supply companies with the application of the described polynomial multiple regression models have a fairly high degree of approximation. The correlations between operating cash flows and outflows, between total cash inflow and outflow of the majority of power supply companies are high. The low level of synchronization between cash inflows and outflows of the companies under study is associated with the specifics of their financial and investment activities and the cash flow management policy. It has been proven that energy enterprises’ financial stability significantly depends on the synchronization and uniformity of cash flows. The proposed methodological approach allows identifying enterprises by the criterion of riskiness from the standpoint of the synchronization and homogeneity of their cash flows