4,828 research outputs found

    An Ethnography Study of Nutritional Conditions of Pregnant Women in Banten Indonesia

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    Maternal mortality in childbirth in developing countries is still high. The study describes the qualitative methods used to examine the knowledge, attitude, beliefs and behaviour related to nutrition and nutritional supplementation of pregnant women. The role of village midwives and cadres’ in relation to nutrition education resulted in improving nutritional behaviour of pregnant women to some extent, but poverty and culture restricted the ability of pregnant women to access better food. The study shows that the position of pregnant woman is low within the hierarchy of both the health care system and the power structures of the broader community. Husbands, mothers-in-law, village midwives, cadres and village leaders all have more power in determining nutrition during pregnancy. However, some women tried to eat better and more nutritious food in secret, thereby subverting culture and the authority of husbands and mothers-in-law


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    In this research is generally puspossed to describe the management of the Integrated Social Sciences instructional based The Eduction Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) (Site Study at SMP Negeri 1 Wonogiri. Specifically the focus of the research is the things selated to the management of the Integrated Social Sciences instructional based The Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) to describe; 1) the characteristics of the Integrated Social Sciences instructional based The Educational Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP), 2) the characteristics of the Integrated Social Sciences instructional lay out based KTSP, and 3) the characteristics of students activity in the Integrated Social Sciences instructional based KTSP. This is a qualitative research with ethnographic design, The site of the research is SMP Negeri 1 Wonogiri. The sources of are taken informant, event and documents. The informants in this study are the headmaster, the deputy headmaster of the school curriculum and Social science teachers. Events in this study are things related to Social Science Intregated Learniing management Based Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), the documents in this research are the documents related to Social Science Integrated Learning management Based Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). The data collected were analyzed by analysis of the interactive model that includes data collection, data reduction, data representation and inference. The result of the research can be concluded that. 1) The interaction in Integrated Social Sciences learning can be better if between the teacher and student understand their own role, teacher’s role is as an educator and student’s role is as a learner, so there will be a good interaction in learning process, 2) The lay out of Integrated Social Sciences learning will be more interesting if it is performed by using a certain approach and method which is appropriate with the materials taught, and the teacher is able to use the media well, 3) The student activity in the Integrated Social Sciences learning will be more optimal if the material can motivates and stimulates the students’ interest to study


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    This research aims to analyze the effect of applying the Problem Based Learning model on critical thinking skills in science in fifth grade elementary school students. This study uses a quasi-experimental method by comparing the treatment of the teaching and learning process in the experimental class and the control class. The research design used is the Non-equivalent Control Group Design. The population is all fifth grade students of public elementary schools in the Gunung Semeru cluster, Mijen District, Demak Regency. The sample in this study was taken from 2 elementary schools with a purpose sampling technique. The research instrument was 10 essay questions. Data analysis techniques in the form of instrument testing, prerequisite testing and hypothesis t. The result of the research is that there is a significant effect on the use of Problem Based Learning (PBL) models on critical thinking skills in science with t count of 23,318 while t table with 2, 0244 means 23.318 2, 0244, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted Suggestions on the importance of applying the Problem Based Learning model in the learning process because it is in accordance with education in the context of the 21st century. Where in education today students must be more responsive to changing time


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    Aktivitas porter ysng membawa barang dengan menaruhnya pada salah satu bahu dapat menyebabkan postur yang tidak alamiah pada tulang rangka leher dan membebaninya sehingga berpotensi terkena nyeri leher. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara beban kerja, berat angkut, postur kerja, postur santai, durasi angkat angkut dan durasi jam kerja dengan keluhan nyeri leher pada porter di pelabuhan penyeberangan ferry Merak-Banten. Jenis penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah porter di pelabuhan penyeberangan ferry Merak-Banten sebanyak 64 orang. Sampel yang digunakan adalah total populasi dengan kriteria. Analisis hubungan menggunakan korelasi Rank Spearman. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa variabel yang berhubungan dengan keluhan nyeri leher adalah beban kerja p-value 0,031, postur membawa barang p-value 0,018 dan durasi jam kerja p-value 0,047. Variabel yang tidak berhubungan dengan nyeri leher adalah berat angkut p-value 0,144, postur mengangkat/menurunkan p-value 0,774, durasi angkut p-value 0,144 dan postur saat waktu luang p-value 0,974. Perlu adanya kebijakan pengaturan jam kerja selama 8 jam sehari dengan maksimal 3 jam lembur serta pendampingan Puskesmas berupa pelayanan kesehatan. Porter sebaiknya menerapkan posisi kerja yang benar saat aktivitas angkat angkut Kata Kunci: postur kerja, porter, nyeri leher, manual handlin

    Karakter Wayang Perempuan Dewi Drupadi, Dewi Wara Sembadra, Dan Dewi Srikandi Sebagai Inspirasi Berkarya Batik Fashion

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    Wayang sebagai bagian dari identitas budaya adalah suatu ciri khas yang dimiliki oleh sekelompok masyarakat di Jawa. Figur tokoh wayang perempuan sebagai sumber ide penciptaan karya seni. Karya batik fashion diharapkan bisa mewakili pendidikan keluhuran budi yang merupakan salah satu upaya yang nantinya dapat membangun kesadaran, pemahaman dan karakter.  Karya yang  dibuat merupakan bentuk yang terinspirasi dari karakter tokoh wayang perempuan Drupadi, Sembadra dan Srikandi, dimana ketiga tokoh karakter wayang perempuan ini mewakili jiwa perempuan Jawa yang sabar,  tabah, kuat dan Tangguh dalam menjalani laku kehidupannya. Metode penciptaan yang digunakan adalah practice based research yang merupakan metode yang tepat untuk menggali pengetahuan yang baru untuk diterapkan pada bidang yang bersangkutan. Peran pengetahuan dan kemampuan yang dimiliki sangat berpengaruh pada proses tersebut. Wawasan yang dimiliki dalam menciptakan karya, tidak hanya bernilai fisik saja, namun juga dapat menjelaskan ide hingga proses terwujudnya karya yang berpotensi menjadi sebuah pembelajaran.

    Etnografi Sebagai Metode Pilihan Dalam Penelitian Kualitatif Di Keperawatan

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    Ethnography is one of the famous and oldest qualitative method that used in social research. This method is very precise to research about culture, and is commonly used in the social especially anthropology researches. This paper will discuss about the use of ethnography in the health research especially in nursing


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    This research aims at (1)finding the similarities and differences of Indonesian and English proverbs,(2) explaining the cultural background for such similarities and differences.This research was descriptive qualitative. The data collection method was simak and catat (read and write) Meanwhile, the data analysis method was padan (identy) whose determining instrument was each language’s culture. The finding shows that to express the same underlying meaning, both languages use proverbs whose literal meanings are sometimes different and sometimes the same. This relates to the cultures of the two languages. Some parts of the cultures are different; some are the same

    Improving the Nutrition of Pregnant Village Women in Indonesia the Important Roles of Village Midwives and Cadres

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    Introduction: The maternal mortality remains high in developing countries such as Indonesia. Three most common reasons for this incidence are hemorrhage, infection, and eclampsia. Some of these conditions can be infl uenced by Iron Defi ciency Anemia (IDA). A lot of programs for nutrition have been provided by Indonesian government, but the nutritional condition of pregnant women still be big problem in Indonesia. This study explored the nutritional status of pregnant village women in Banten Province, Indonesia and assessed interventions in dealing with nutrition problems among pregnant women especially in the rural area. Method: The design was a longitudinal descriptive study with operational study by empowering village midwives and cadre to intervene pregnant women nutrition in rural area. The measurements were focused on the rate of anemia, body mass index (BMI), and weight. Three stages were applied in this study with community development as intervention. Result: This study reported some changes in the midwife practises after Intervertion, while cadres more talkative when explaining about nutrition after intervention. However, the intervention did not affect the overall nutritional status of the pregnant women and the intervention was not able to influence the community\u27s health in the medium term in the intervention villages. Analysis and discussion: This study recommend the government and educational institutions to improve the competencies of health care providers especially in communication skill

    The Functional Transformation Buildings in The Old City Semarang Based on The Urban Sustainable-Conservation Concepts

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    Conservation and Sustainability are inspiring the region of the Old City in Semarang. As the meanings of both words, the aim of conservation and sustainability in this region is addressed to secure long-term harmony between man and nature, to achieve continuous enhancement in the environment, and to increase the quality of life for humans and other life forms. Several buildings in the Old City Semarang show sustainability in how they interacts with people and public activities. The buildings change into public facilities that serves people in daily public activities. The transformations of their functions are very closed to society. This paper discusses cases on term how the buildings secure their conservation and sustainability by statistical methods and descriptive analyses. Respondents had been taken from customers who visited to the buildings. The results show that certain buildings have a better maintenance than others as public facilities. Moreover, the greater the interaction of buildings and public activities, the better the maintenances have been represented by the building

    A Study on Bibliography Writing Used By the English Department Students in Their Thesis from 2001 to 2003 Periods

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    The main objective of this study is that the writer wants to describe the standard and the \ud dominant standard of bibliography used by the English Department students in their thesis \ud from 2001 to 2003 periods. \ud The design of this study is descriptive qualitative research. The population is the English \ud Department student’s thesis that consist 116 theses in 2001-2003 periods and the writer \ud takes 17 theses as the sample. This study uses document to collect data. The document in \ud this study is the English Department student’s thesis in 2001 to 2003 periods. \ud Based on the data analysis, there are nine standards of bibliography used by the English \ud Department students in their thesis from 2001 to 2003 periods. The data shows that there \ud are 3 students used American Psychological Association (APA), 2 students used Chicago, 1 \ud student used Turabian, 1 student used Modern Language Association (MLA), 6 students \ud used The Team of Indonesian Department Muhammadiyah University of Malang, 1 student \ud used Sutrisno Hadi, 1 student used Wahab and Lestari, 1 student used Soemanto, 1 student \ud used Nasution. \ud From the result above, the writer concludes that the English Department students used a \ud great variety of standard of bibliography and the dominant standard used by the English \ud Department students in their thesis is the standard created by The Team of Indonesian \ud Department Muhammadiyah University of Malang. There are also several reasons why they \ud used various standard of bibliography. \ud It is hoped that the result of this study will be useful for English Department as well as the \ud students. For English Department, it is hoped to set up standard of bibliography because it \ud is proven that the English Department students used various standard of bibliography. It is \ud expected that English Department and all the thesis advisors at English Department \ud Muhammadiyah University of Malang sit together and decide what standard of bibliography \ud should be followed. So the students who write bibliography in their thesis or other scientific \ud writing would have uniformity
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