88 research outputs found


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    In this paper, we analyze the condition among province in Indonesia especially about the convergence or divergence in gross domestic regional product. This research usedsecondary data for the 1988-2008 periods. We divide the periods as four episodes, based on the presidential terms. They are 1988-1999, 1999-2001, 2001-2004, and 2004-2008.Entrophy Theil index, coefficients of variation, Kuznets’ hypothesis test, absolute convergence, and conditional convergence were used in this research. This research foundthat the convergence in gross domestic regional product happened in every period of the presidential leadership in Indonesia. We also found that regional economic growth inIndonesia is determined by gross domestic regional product per capita, oil and gas resources, general allocation funds and revenue sharing funds.Keywords: convergence, regional economic growth, gross domestic regional produc

    Determinants of Economic Growth in Central Java

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    Central Java Province is one of the province in Java Island which has potential natural resources and human resources , but current Central Java economic growth is still far from other provinces on Java island. With the abudance of resources in Central Java the province and still low Growth Economics, this study analyze the effects of foreign investment, labor, and human capital investment, to the economic growth in ten regencies / city of Central Java Province. The analysis method in this study is using the panel data method with some criteria in the panel data, then the best model is the fixed effect or Least Square Dummy Variable (LSDV). The result of the research are: (1) Foreign investment has positive and insignificant effect, (2) the workforce has positive and significant influence, (3) human capital investment has positive and significant influence, (4) Semarang regency becomes the most economic growth area High compared with ten other districts / cities. The implications of this research are first, in increase the economic growth of ten regencies / cities in Central Java Province, the local government should create a conducive investment climate and simplify the investment licensing process so it will increase domestic and foreign investment and encourage economic growth. Second, the government's labor skill training can be an alternative for unskilled workers. Third, local governments can provide budget allocations for education and health so that the capital which portrayed by workers quality can deliver positive results.Keywords: Economic Growth, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Labora, and Human Capital Investment

    Response of Peanut due to Application of Dolomite Plus

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    Most developing areal for peanut crop (Arachis hoypogeae) is upland, that is dominated by parent soil and has acidcharacteristis. Main constraints for this soil are pH and low soil productivity. Dolomite plus is a dolomite ameliorant,with phosphate nutrient. The dolomite plus beside as the ameliorant and a source of magnecium and calciumnutrients, also as a source of phosphate nutrient. The objective of the research was to study effectivity of dolomiteplus on peanut growth in Inceptisols soil. This research was conducted in the greenhouse using a randomizecompletely designed with 8 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments were control, NPK, and combinations ofNPK with six dolomite plus levels. Relative Agronomic Effectiveness (RAE) analyses was used determine to theeffectivity of dolomite plus. The result showed that application of dolomite plus 1,600 kg ha-1 with NPK fertilizerincreased dry weight of grain yield untill 27% (11.53 to 14.65 g plant-1) compared to NPK fertilizer application alone,that was showed by RAE > 100% or among 171-251%. Application of dolomite plus with NPK increased soil pH, soilavailable P (Bray 1), Ca and Mg exchangeable, and CEC as 1.9 unit; 6.2 mg kg-1; 15.87 cmol(+) kg-1; 14.27 cmol(+)kg-1; and 17.29 cmol(+) kg-1 respectively. Maximum rate of dolomite plus was 2,500 kg ha-1 with the yield was 14.2 gplant-1 grain dry weight. The rate of dolomite plus that was higher than 2,500 kg ha-1 could decrease the yield[How to Cite: Sutriadi MT and D Setyorini. 2012. Response of Peanut due to Application of Dolomite Plus. J Trop Soils 17: 143-150. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2012.17.2.143] [Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2012.17.2.143

    The Effect of NPK 12-6-27 Fertilization on the Growth of Oil Palm Plants in the Main Nursery on Bogor Acid Dry Land

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    Research on the response to NPK 12-6-27 fertilization on oil palm seedlings was carried out on Oxisols acid dry soil from Bogor. Oil palm seedlings were planted in pots at the age of 3 months after the prenursery phase and maintained for 6 months. The purpose of the study was to determine the response of the NPK 12-6-27 fertilizer formula to the growth of oil palm plants in the main nursery and to obtain information on the optimum dose. The experimental design used was a randomized block with 7 treatments which were repeated 8 times. The treatments consisted of control, standard NPK, and five doses of NPK fertilizer formula 12-6-27. The results showed that the soil has a low level of soil fertility. Soil fertility constraints include acid soil pH (pH-H2O = 4.7), level of C and N, P and K, cation exchange and cation exchange capacity (CEC) were low and high level of Al saturation (54%). At 6 months after application (BSA) fertilizers, application of NPK significantly increased oil palm plant height. The plant height in the Control treatment was about 71.4 cm and increased to 86.0 – 93.4 cm in the standard NPK and NPK 12-6-27 treatments. The standard NPK and NPK 12-6-27 treatments did not produce significantly different plant heights. The Control treatment resulted in stem dry weight of 114.3 g/pot and significantly increased to 158.2 – 207.0 g/pot with standard NPK and NPK 12-6-27. Fertilization of NPK 12-6-27 doses of 1.5 x and 2x resulted in plant dry weight of 206.3 g/pot and 207.0 g/pot higher and significantly different than standard NPK which resulted in plant dry weight of 158.2 g/pot. The RAE value of NPK 12-6-27 fertilizer is 120 – 211 higher than the standard NPK namely 100. The optimum dose of NPK 12-6-27 is 51 g/pot given for 6 months in the main nurseryResearch on the response to NPK 12-6-27 fertilization on oil palm seedlings was carried out on Oxisols acid dry soil from Bogor. Oil palm seedlings were planted in pots at the age of 3 months after the prenursery phase and maintained for 6 months. The purpose of the study was to determine the response of the NPK 12-6-27 fertilizer formula to the growth of oil palm plants in the main nursery and to obtain information on the optimum dose. The experimental design used was a randomized block with 7 treatments which were repeated 8 times. The treatments consisted of control, standard NPK and five doses of NPK fertilizer formula 12-6-27. The results showed that the soil used for the study belongs to the order Oxisol from Bogor Regency which has a low level of soil fertility. Soil fertility constraints include acid soil pH (pH-H2O = 4.7); levels of C and N, levels of P and K, cation exchange rate (NTK) and cation exchange capacity (CEC) were low and Al saturation was high (54%). At 6 months after application (BSA), NPK fertilization significantly increased oil palm plant height. The plant height in the control treatment was about 71.4 cm and increased to 86 – 93.4 cm in the standard NPK treatment and NPK 12-6-27. The standard NPK and NPK 12-6-27 treatments did not produce significantly different plant heights. The control treatment resulted in stem dry weight of 114.3 g/tree and significantly increased to 158.2 – 207.0 g/tree with single NPK and 12-6-27 NPK. Fertilization of NPK 12-6-27 doses of 1.5 x and 2x resulted in plant dry weight of 206.3 g/tree and 207.0 g/tree, higher and significantly different than single NPK which resulted in plant dry weight of 158.2 g/tree. The RAE value of 12-6-27 NPK fertilizer is 120 – 211% higher than the standard NPK. The optimum dose of NPK 12-6-27 is 51 g/tree given for 6 months in the main nursery


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bukti secara empiris mengenai audit expectation gap di antara auditor pemerintah (BPK) dan pengguna laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah mengenai peran auditor, independensi auditor, dan pengetahuan audit. Hipotesis penelitian adalah (1) terdapat audit expectation gap antara auditor pemerintah (BPK) dan pengguna laporan keuangan pemerintah dilihat dari sisi peran auditor, (2) terdapat audit expectation gap antara auditor pemerintah (BPK) dan pengguna laporan keuangan pemerintah dilihat dari sisi independensi auditor, dan (3) terdapat audit expectation gap antara auditor pemerintah (BPK) dan pengguna laporan keuangan pemerintah dilihat dari sisi pengetahuan audit. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel dari 120 responden yang terdiri atas 30 auditor pemerintah (BPK), 30 anggota DPRD, 30 pegawai Dinas Pendapatan, Pengelola Keuangan dan Asset Daerah (DPPKAD) Kabupaten Sragen, dan 30 masyarakat pembayar pajak daerah. Pengumpulan data menggunakan purposive sampling. Data penelitian secara statistik dianalisa dengan menggunakan SPPS versi 12.00. Analisis data dilakukan untuk validitas data, reabilitas data, normalitas data, homogenitas data, dan hipotesis. Hasil pengujian normalitas data mengindikasikan bahwa data tidak terdistribusi secara normal sehingga pengujian hipotesis dengan Kruskal-Wallis Test dapat dilakukan. Hasil Penelitian adalah: (1) terdapat audit expectation gap antara auditor pemerintah (BPK) dan pengguna laporan keuangan pemerintah dilihat dari sisi peran auditor, (2) terdapat audit expectation gap antara auditor pemerintah (BPK) dan pengguna laporan keuangan pemerintah dilihat dari sisi independensi auditor, dan (3) terdapat audit expectation gap antara auditor pemerintah (BPK) dan pengguna laporan keuangan pemerintah dilihat dari sisi pengetahuan audit. Penelitian ini memperlihatkan eksistensi audit expectation gap pada sektor publik. Kata kunci : audit expectation gap, peran auditor, independensi auditor, pengetahuan audit, auditor pemerintah (BPK), pengguna laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah, Kabupaten Srage

    Pengelolaan Hara Terpadu pada Lahan Sawah Tadah Hujan sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Produksi Beras Nasional

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    Abstrak. Beras merupakan makanan pokok bagi bangsa Indonesia dan strategis bagi keamanan pangan nasional. Produksi beras dapat ditingkatkan melalui ektensifikasi lahan, peningkatan mutu intensifikasi dan indeks pertanaman padi. Lahan sawah tadah hujan berpotensi besar untuk menjadi lahan pertanian produktif jika tingkat kesuburan tanahnya ditingkatkan melalui penerapkan pemupukan berimbang sesuai karakteristik tanahnya. Lahan sawah non irigasi seluas 3,30 juta ha, salah satunya adalah sawah tadah hujan. Pengembangan lahan sawah tadah hujan menjadi sangat relavan dengan peningkatan kebutuhan pangan nasional. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menelaah pengelolaan lahan sawah tadah hujan untuk meningkatkan produksi padi nasional. Faktor pembatas yang sering dihadapi antara lain ketersediaan air hujan yang sulit diprediksi serta kesuburan tanah yang rendah akibat kandungan C-organik dan N-total yang rendah. Kegagalan panen dapat terjadi akibat akibat kekurangan air pada awal tanam musim hujan maupun saat menjelang panen pada musim kedua. Perbaikannya dapat dilakukan dengan tanam gogo rancah pada musim tanam pertama, dan sistem culik pada musim tanam ke dua. Pemberian bahan pembenah tanah seperti kompos jerami, pupuk kandang, biochar dan kapur pertanian/dolomit terutama untuk tanah yang bereaksi masam ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kesuburan tanah sebelum dilakukan pemupukan. Teknologi pemupukan berimbang yang dapat diterapkan pada lahan sawah tadah hujan, antara lain Urea 250-300 kg ha-1, SP-36 50-75 kg ha-1, dan KCl 50 kg ha-1, pemberian bahan organik minimal 2 t ha-1, serta pengembalian jerami sisa hasil panen ke dalam tanah. Pemupukan berimbang dapat meningkatkan hasil padi dari 1,8-3,5 t ha-1 menjadi 5,0-5,8 t ha-1. Abstract. Rice is a staple food for the Indonesian people and a strategic comodity for national food security. Rice production can be increased through land extensification, improved quality of intensification and rice cropping index. Rainfed lowland rice fields could be very potentially productive for agriculture  when the level of soil fertility is improved by applying balanced fertilization that based on the soil characteristics. Non-irrigated rice field area is 3.30 million ha, including the rainfed rice fields. The development of rainfed rice fields is very relevant to the increasing national food needs. The goal of this paper is to examine the management of rainfed lowland rice fields to increase the national rice production. Some of the limiting factors are the unpredictable rainwater availability and low soil fertility due to low C-organic and N-total content. Harvesting failures could be caused by water stress at the beginning of the planting stage in the rainy season or just before harvesting in the second season. This could be prevented by planting upland scaffolding in the first planting season, and the kidnap system in the second growing season. The application of soil enhancers is intended to increase soil fertility before fertilizer application, such as straw compost, manure, biochar and agricultural lime or dolomite especially for acidic soils. Balanced fertilization technology that can be applied to rainfed lowland rice fields are Urea 250-300 kg ha-1, SP-36 50-75 kg ha-1, and KCl 50 kg ha-1, providing organic material at least 2 t ha-1, and the return of the remaining crop straw to the ground. Balanced fertilization can increase rice yield from 1.8-3.5 t ha-1 to 5.0-5.8 t ha-1

    Analisis Sistem Pengendalian Internal Penggajian pPada Perusahaan Manufaktur Krian Sidoarjo

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    One of the most needed aspects in a company is human resources. The company must guarantee the welfare of the workers by giving them the right, that is, the salary in return for the services that the employee has provided to the company. Every activity of our lives requires a control over what is and has been done. Likewise with companies, the application of an internal control system is an important part in terms of payroll oversight.This research was conducted to determine whether the company's internal payroll control system has been effective. The object of research is Krian Sidoarjo manufacturing company Unit which is engaged in the type of manufacturing company that produces a variety of processed chicken meat. The research method is descriptive. The results showed that the system implemented in the company had not run effectively. Management should increase supervisory activities on the performance of employees. Kata kunci : salary, internal control system, effectiv

    Increasing Food Security through Strengthening Farmer Groups

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    The research is based on the low household food security in Banyumas regency. One way to improve it is by empowering farmer groups. The growing group of farmers is "Minasari". focuses on the analysis of farmer group strengthening aspects. Strengths: have fish seeding certificate, access to information, training on fish feed, high confidence level. Weaknesses: low education level, unstable members, lack of response to information, marketing difficulties. Opportunities: "Minapolitan" Policy, the existence of KSU "Ngudi Rahayu"; buffer Beji Village. Threats: fishponds are narrow, depending on the weather, no follow-up after training, no bargaining position, and no cooperation with other parties.The research is based on the low household food security in Banyumas regency. One way to improve it is by empowering farmer groups. The growing group of farmers is "Minasari". focuses on the analysis of farmer group strengthening aspects. Strengths: have fish seeding certificate, access to information, training on fish feed, high confidence level. Weaknesses: low education level, unstable members, lack of response to information, marketing difficulties. Opportunities: "Minapolitan" Policy, the existence of KSU "Ngudi Rahayu"; buffer Beji Village. Threats: fishponds are narrow, depending on the weather, no follow-up after training, no bargaining position, and no cooperation with other parties

    Analysis of the Influence of Local Original Income (PAD) and Regional Competitiveness on Regional Financial Independence in Banten Province, Indonesia

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    This research aims to evaluate how Local Original Income (PAD) and regional competitiveness influence regional financial independence in Banten Province, Indonesia. Regional financial independence is an important indicator in assessing the ability of regional governments to fund development programs and projects without relying on external resources. The research results also specifically show that the level of PAD contribution has a significant positive influence on regional financial independence, indicating that increasing Regional Original Income can increase regional financial independence. Apart from that, Regional Competitiveness also has a positive and significant impact on regional financial independence, indicating that increasing efficiency in managing regional Competitiveness can increase regional financial independence. Overall, this research shows that both PAD contribution and Regional Competitiveness have a significant influence on regional financial independence. Therefore, this research makes an important contribution to understanding the factors that influence regional financial independence in districts/cities in Banten Province. The results of this research can be a basis for improving policies and making better decisions to increase regional financial independence, which in turn will support sustainable development in this region.Keywords: Local l Original Income (PAD),  Regional Competitiveness , Regional Financial Independenc
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