52 research outputs found

    Physical Effects On The Behavior Of Littorina Littorea (L)

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    Gastropoda, Uttorina littorea (l.) dipelihara pada salinitas antara 9-33"'- . Hewan tidak dapat berlahan hidup pada salinitas kurang dari 8%.. Pada salinitas antara 15.6-19.4"'- hewan tampak lebih aktif dalam kondisi dengan atau tanpa cahaya. Penurunan tingkat aktifitas umumnya terjadi dengan menurunnya salinitas media.Kata-kat. kunci: Littorina littorea, tingkah laku, salinitas, cahay

    Reproduction Biology of Goldband Goatfish Upeneus Moluccensis Bleeker, 1855 in Sunda Strait

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    This research was to analyze the reproduction biology of the goldband goatfish in the Sunda Strait as a reference for appropriate and sustainable management. Sampling was collected from April to August 2015. The samples from Sunda Strait were obtained from the fisherman yielded in the Coastal Fishing Port Labuan, Pandeglang, Banten Province. The sample was analyzed in Fisheries Biology Laboratory, Aquatic Resources Management Department, Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University. Fish samples were measured, weighed and dissected, then morphologically observed for the reproductive organs. Samples obtained during the research were 811 specimen with the total length of 82-219 mm. Sex ratio among females and males were 1.5:1. The size at first maturity of females and males were 124 mm and 120 mm, respectively. Females were dominated by gonad maturity stage III and I, while for males dominated by gonad maturity stage I and II. Based on the composition of the TKG and IKG values each month, spawning season of the goldband goatfish in the Sunda Strait occurred in April and August. Fecundity obtained ranged 955-59.356 eggs with partial spawning type

    HUBUNGAN JENIS KEPITING BAKAU (Scylla Spp.) DENGAN MANGROVE DAN SUBSTRAT DI TAMBAK SILVOFISHERY ERETAN, INDRAMAYU (Relationship of Mudcrab (Scylla Spp.) with Mangrove and Substrate in Silvofishery Ponds, Eretan, Indramayu)

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    ABSTRACTMudcrab is one of the fishery commodity with high economic value in Indonesia. High market and price stimulated the development of the mudcrabs business in this country. The aim of this research was to evaluate interaction between habitat characteristics and the mudcrabs (Scylla spp.) species. The research was conducted in silvofishery ponds of Eretan village, Indramayu, West Java from September-November 2013 and August-September 2014. Sampling was conducted at five stations. They were BDR (Brackishwater dominated Rhizophora sp.), BDA (Brackishwater dominated Avicennia sp.), BCDR (Brackishwater cannal dominated Rhizopora sp.), BCDA (Brackishwater cannal dominated Avicennia sp.) and SMF (Side of the mangrove forest). The result showed there were two species of the mudcrabs Scylla paramamosain and Scylla olivacea. S. paramamosain was dominated than S. olivacea at all stations. Total number of the S. paramamosain was 107 ind (consisted of 67 male and 40 female), while total number of the S. olivacea was 28 ind (consisted of 17 male and 11 female). Composition of the mudcrabs species in each station was 91% S. paramamosain and 9% S. olivacea at BDR, 89% S. paramamosain and 11% S. olivacea at BDA, 86% S. paramamosain and 14% S. olivacea at BCDR, 68% S. paramamosain and 32% S. olivacea at BCDA, 73% S. paramamosain and 27% S. olivacea at SMF. Differences between kinds of mudcrab in each stations showed there are interaction between kinds of mudcrabs with habitat characteristics.Keywords: Indramayu, mangrove, mudcrabs, substrate,-------ABSTRAKKepiting bakau (Scylla spp.) merupakan salah satu komoditas perikanan di Indonesia yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi. Luasnya pemasaran dan tingginya nilai jual kepiting bakau membuat bisnis tersebut semakin berkembang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan keberadaan jenis kepiting bakau dengan karakteristik habitatnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari Agustus-November 2013 dan Agustus-September 2014 pada kawasan tambak silvofishery Desa Eretan, Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada lima stasiun pengamatan diantaranya TSDR (Tambak silvofishery dominan Rhizopora sp.), TSDA (Tambak silvofishery dominan Avicennia sp.), KDR (Kanal dominan Rhizopora sp.), KDA (Kanal dominan Avicennia sp.) dan PHM (Pinggiran hutan mangrove). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua jenis kepiting bakau yaitu Scylla paramamosain dan S. olivacea. Di lokasi penelitian jumlah Scylla paramamosain yang tertangkap sebanyak 107 individu yang terdiri dari 67 jantan dan 40 betina, sedangkan jumlah S. olivacea yang tertangkap sebanyak 28 individu yang terdiri atas 17 jantan dan 11 betina. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada umumnya jumlah S. paramamosain yang tertangkap melebihi S. olivacea. Persentase kepiting bakau yang tertangkap pada tiap stasiun pengamatan yaitu 91% S. paramamosain dan 9% S. olivacea pada TSDR, 89% S. paramamosain dan 11% S. olivacea pada TSDA, 86% S. paramamosain dan 14% S. olivacea pada KDR, 68% S. paramamosain dan 32% S. olivacea pada KDA, 73% S. paramamosain dan 27% S. olivacea pada PHM. Perbedaan jumlah jenis kepiting bakau yang diperoleh pada tiap stasiun penangkapan menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara jenis kepiting bakau dengan habitat hidupnya.Kata kunci: Indramayu, mangrove, kepiting bakau, substrat

    Kandungan Logam Kadmium (Cd) pada Air Laut, Sedimen, dan Kerang Hijau di Perairan Tambak Lorok dan Perairan Morosari

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    Cadmium metal is dangerous for green mussel organisms because it can interfere with fertility. Green mussels are organisms widely distributed, can survive in poor environments, and sedentary organisms. Green shellfish is a filter feeder and is used as a bioindicator to monitor the concentration of Cd metal in the waters. The research objective was to measure the concentration of Cd metal in sea water, sediment, and green mussel meat in the waters of Tambak Lorok and Morosari. The Cd metal contents of seawater, sediments, and green mussels were measured using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The results showed that Cd metal concentrations in seawater in May, July, and August 2018 in Tambak Lorok and Morosari waters were below the detection limit (0.001mg/L); 0.002 mg/L; and 0.002 mg/L, respectively. The concentrations of cadmium in sediment in May, July, and August in Tambak Lorok waters were below the detection limit (0.004 mg/kg); 0.0023 mg/kg; and 0.0021 mg/kg, respectively, and in Morosari waters were below the detection limit (0.004 mg/kg); 0.002 mg/kg; and 0.0114 mg/kg, respectively. Cd metal concentrations in green mussel meats in May, July, and August in Tambak Lorok waters were below the detection limit (0.01mg/kg); 0.0060; and 0.1277 mg/kg, respectively, and in Morosari water were below the detection limit (0.01mg/kg); 0.0067 mg/kg; and 0.0493 mg/kg, respectively. Cd metal concentrations in sea water and green mussels in the waters of Tambak Lorok and Morosari were below the quality standard and the concentrations of Cd metal in seawater, sediments, and green mussel meat in the waters of Tambak Lorok and Morosari were not significantly different.   Keywords: cadmium, green mussels, morosari, seawater, sediments, Tambak Loro


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    Ikan selar bentong (Selar crumenophthalmus) merupakan salah satu jenis ikan pelagis kecil yang cukup dominan tertangkap di perairan Natuna, Laut Cina Selatan. Pemanfaatan yang semakin intensif oleh perikanan pukat cincin dikhawatirkan akan mengakibatkan penurunan populasinya. Pengetahuan tentang biologi ikan selar bentong penting sebagai dasar pertimbangan pengelolaannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis karakter biologi reproduksi ikan selar bentong di perairan Natuna, meliputi nisbah kelamin, ukuran rata-rata pertama kali matang gonad, ukuran rata-rata tertangkap (L50%), tingkat kematangan gonad dan dugaaan musim pemijahan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan ikan contoh hasil tangkapan pukat cincin yang didaratkan di PPN Pemangkat Kalimantan Barat selama 5 tahun (2012-2016). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Nisbah kelamin ikan jantan dan betina adalah 1:1.05. Sebagian besar ikan dalam stadium pematangan (ripening, TKG 3). Ikan bentong mengalami dua musim pemijahan yakni pada awalmusim timur (Juni-Juli) dan awal musim barat (Desember-Januari). Ukuran rata-rata tertangkap (L50%) sebesar 18 cm FL lebih kecil dari nilai pertama kali matang gonad (Lm) yakni 20,2 cm FL. Nilai Lc yang lebih kecil daripada nilai Lm mengindikasikan terjadinya growth overfishing.Bigeye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus) dominantly caught by fishers in the Natuna watersof South China Sea. The intensive exploitation rate of this species by purse seiner led to population decrease. The understanding on biological aspect of bigeye scad is important as a consideration on arranging a proper management. This study aims to analyze biological reproduction of bigeye scad in the Natuna waters, such as sex ratio, length at first maturity, length at first capture, gonad maturity stage and the estimation of spawning season. This research is conducted by sampling the fishes that caught by purse seine fleets which is landed in AFP Pemangkat, West Borneo for 5 years (2012 to 2016). The result showed that sex ratio of males and females were balance by 1:1,05. It dominated by fish that are ripening stage. Spawning season happens twice per year which are in the beginning of east season on June to July and at the beginning of west season on December to January. Length at first capture (L50%) is 18 cmFL lower than length at first maturity (Lm = 20,2 cmFL) this condition indicated growth overfishing occurred in this fishery

    Gonad maturity of simping Placuna placenta, Linn 1758 (Bivalve: Placunidae) harvested from Kronjo Coastal, Indonesia

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    Simping (P. placenta) is a coastal resource found in shallow water with a muddy substrate. Simping widely used as a source of food and as raw material for the decoration.  Utilization of simping until now has not yet focused on recruitment, reproductive aspect. This information is important as a basis data for determining the size of the simping catch. This study aimed to find out about of reproduction aspect, determining sex ratio the size of the catch simping. This research was conduct for three months at 3 locations. The number of samples in the analysis is 36 species to determine sex ratio and gonad maturity.  Sex ratio indifferent from male and female, but based on the time sex ratio of simping significant, both male and female. The length size of gonads shellfish matures form 5.50 cm and 5.85 cm at 2 TKG conditions. Length of simping mature from 6.08 cm, 6.24 cm, 6.45 cm and 7.11 cm dominant at TKG mature stage 3,  and 8.61 cm dominant at 4 TKG conditions. Sex ratio reaches 6 cm shell length and not significant between males and females (M: F=1;1).  It is concluded that  the level of maturity of gonads increases  with increasing of simping size.

    Struktur komunitas makrozoobentos di Perairan Pesisir Tangerang, Banten

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    The purpose of this study was to determine distribution and abundance macrozoobenthos  at Tangerang coastal waters, Banten. Study was carried out from April to August 2013 at Tangerang coastal waters, Banten with purposive sampling method and similarity Bray Curtis analysis using minitab.v15.1.2-Equinox softwere. A total of 5458 individuals macrozoobenthos were recorded during the study, its were belonging to 74 species The abundances of macrozoobenthos at Tanjung Pasir location was 634 ind/m2 dominated by Tellina palatum and Tellina timorensis, Kronjo location was 595 ind/m2 dominated by Codakia puncata and lower macrozoobenthos Cituis location was 177 ind/m2 dominated by Clitellio arenarius and Codakia puncata. The spatial distributin based on similarity Bray-Curtis analysis showed that the Kronjo, Cituis, and Tanjung Pasir locations generate four, three, and five groups, respectively. Nuculana bicuspidata dan Ophryotrocha puerilis was a cosmopolite macrozoobenthos were found at all locations. Generaly,  the macrozoobenthos distribution at Tangerang coastal waters were strongly depended on the types of sedimen and dissolved oxygen concentratio


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    ABSTRAKSalah satu upaya untuk mengurangi emisi gas karbon pemicu pemanasan global adalah dengan memanfaatkan vegetasi pesisir seperti lamun yang dikenal dengan istilah blue carbon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui stok karbon pada padang lamun di Pesisir Timur Kabupaten Bintan, Kepulauan Riau sebagai upaya dalam mengurangi pemanasan global. Penelitian dilakukan di Berakit, Malang Rapat, dan Teluk Bakau mulai Januari – Juli 2017. Parameter yang diukur dalam penelitian ini adalah biomassa, kandungan karbon, dan stok karbon pada lamun. Analisis biomassa diukur dari berat kering lamun per satuan luas yang dibagi atas bagian atas dan bawah substrat, kandungan karbon diukur dengan metode Walkley and Black, stok karbon diukur dengan memperhatikan kandungan karbon dan biomassa lamun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekosistem lamun di pesisir timur Kabupaten Bintan ditumbuhi oleh C. rotundata, C. serrulata, E. acoroides, H. uninervis, H. pinifolia, H. ovalis, T. hemprichii, T. ciliatum dan S. isoetifolium dengan kondisi yang relatif baik.  Persentase biomassa dan karbon yang berada di bawah substrat lebih besar dibanding biomassa yang berada di atas substrat, sehingga ketika bagian pelepah dan daun lamun lepas baik karena tindakan manusia ataupun alam lamun masih tetap mampu menyimpan karbon. Padang lamun di pesisir sebelah timur Kabupaten Bintan memiliki potensi dalam menyerap dan menyimpan karbon yakni sebesar 2431.33 ton C dengan E. acoroides sebagai spesies yang mampu menghasilkan biomassa terbesar dan kandungan karbon tertinggi, meski jumlah tersebut tidak dapat dijadikan acuan apakah lamun memiliki potensi yang tinggi ataupun tidak karena hingga saat ini belum ada nilai standardnya. ABSTRACTOne of the solutions to reduce carbon gas emissions that triggered global warming is to utilize coastal vegetation such as seagrass that known as blue carbon. This research was aimed to determine stock carbon on seagrass in the east coast of Bintan Regency, Kepulauan Riau Province as an effort to reduce global warming.  The research was conducted in Berakit, Malang Rapat, and Teluk Bakau from January to July 2017. The parameters measured in this research were biomass, carbon content, and carbon stock on seagrass. The anylisis of the biomass was obtained from the dry weight per unit area, the carbon content was obtained by Walkley and black method, the carbon stock was obtained by the measurement of the biomass and carbon content. Based on the observation, seagrass ecosystem in east coast of Bintan was palnted by C. rotundata, C. serrulata, E. acoroides, H. uninervis, H. pinifolia, H. ovalis, T. hemprichii, T. ciliatum, dan S. isoetifolium. The below ground biomass and carbon percentation were higher that the aboveground parts so when the leaves are released either because of human or natural actions, seagrass is still able to store carbon. Seagrass beds on the east coast of Bintan Regency have the potential to absorb and store carbon which is equal to 2431.33 tons C as E. acoroides being the species which capable of producing the highest biomass and highest carbon content, although this number cannot be used as a reference whether seagrass has high potential or no because until now there has been no standard value.

    Hubungan Jenis Kepiting Bakau (Scylla Spp.) Dengan Mangrove Dan Substrat Di Tambak Silvofishery Eretan, Indramayu (Relationship of Mudcrab (Scylla Spp.) with Mangrove and Substrate in Silvofishery Ponds, Eretan, Indramayu)

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    Mudcrab is one of the fishery commodity with high economic value in Indonesia. High market and price stimulated the development of the mudcrabs business in this country. The aim of this research was to evaluate interaction between habitat characteristics and the mudcrabs (Scylla spp.) species. The research was conducted in silvofishery ponds of Eretan village, Indramayu, West Java from September-November 2013 and August-September 2014. Sampling was conducted at five stations. They were BDR (Brackishwater dominated Rhizophora sp.), BDA (Brackishwater dominated Avicennia sp.), BCDR (Brackishwater cannal dominated Rhizopora sp.), BCDA (Brackishwater cannal dominated Avicennia sp.) and SMF (Side of the mangrove forest). The result showed there were two species of the mudcrabs Scylla paramamosain and Scylla olivacea. S. paramamosain was dominated than S. olivacea at all stations. Total number of the S. paramamosain was 107 ind (consisted of 67 male and 40 female), while total number of the S. olivacea was 28 ind (consisted of 17 male and 11 female). Composition of the mudcrabs species in each station was 91% S. paramamosain and 9% S. olivacea at BDR, 89% S. paramamosain and 11% S. olivacea at BDA, 86% S. paramamosain and 14% S. olivacea at BCDR, 68% S. paramamosain and 32% S. olivacea at BCDA, 73% S. paramamosain and 27% S. olivacea at SMF. Differences between kinds of mudcrab in each stations showed there are interaction between kinds of mudcrabs with habitat characteristics

    Length-weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Yellowstripe Scads Selaroides Leptolepis in Sunda Strait

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    Yellowstripe scad Selaroides leptolepis is important product of small pelagic fishery resources in Java Sea. This fish also has high economic value and mostly captured by fisherman. The purpose of this study was to determine length weight relationship and condition factor of yellowstripe scads Selaroides leptolepis in Sunda Strait. Sampling was conducted from April to August 2015 with stratified random sampling method from catch landed at Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (PPP) Labuan, Banten. The results showed that 757 fish captured consists of 337 females and 420 males. The length weight relationship was W= 0.00004L2.7176 for female and W= 0.00003L2.7871 for male. The results indicated that the length weight relationship was highly correlated (r > 95%). the relative condition factors of fish varied from 1.0061-1.1926, of which females were generally in better condition than the males