19 research outputs found

    Da utopía á realidade: a implementación de varias actividades de aprendizaxe-servizo nunha mesma materia

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    [Resumo] Os proxectos de Aprendizaxe-Servizo (ApS) poden resultar atractivos para estudantes e profesores polas múltiples oportunidades que ofrecen para a mellora na formación en contidos e a adquisición de competencias transversais. Porén, tamén esixen unha planificación moi coidadosa e un seguimento exhaustivo, o que fai que o número de alumnos que xeralmente poden participar nestas actividades sexa reducido. Co obxectivo de ampliar a oferta de prazas para participar en ApS, na actualidade ofrécense dous proxectos diferentes na materia de Etoloxía (cuarto curso do Grao en Bioloxía da Universidade da Coruña). O primeiro faise en colaboración coa Asociación Protectora de animais Gatocan, e ten como obxectivo promover a adopción de animais e reducir o seu abandono mediante a publicación de artigos no boletín electrónico da asociación. O segundo faise en colaboración co Concello de Oleiros e ten como obxectivo a divulgación e formación do público sobre os problemas relacionados cunha especie invasora. Así, nesta comunicación destácanse os aspectos mais críticos relacionados coa planificación, seguimento e resultados das ApS, así como outras cuestións derivadas de posibles desequilibrios entre os proxectos.[Abstract] Learning-Service Projects (LSP) may be attractive both for students and teachers because of the multiple opportunities they offer to help students achieve transversal competencies. However, LSP activities demand detailed planning and thorough monitoring, thus limiting the maximum number of students that can participate in those projects. With the aim of increasing the number of students that can enrol for LSP, at present two different projects are offered for the subject of Ethology (fourth course of Grade in Biology at the University of A Coruña). The first project entails collaboration with the Animal Protection Association Gatocan, and the objective of the service is to promote pet adoption and reduce abandonment through the publication of articles in the electronic journal of the association. The second project involves science dissemination and education of the inhabitants of the Council of Oleiros on the problems associated to an invasive species. Thus, in this communication critical aspects are highlighted for the planning, monitoring and results of LSP projects, as well as other questions derived from potential disequilibria between projects

    Etoloxía e sociedade: proxectos consolidados 2022

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    Banco de experiencias de Aprendizaxe Servizo. Convocatoria 2021/202

    Canto sabes sobre a velutina?

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    Banco de experiencias de Aprendizaxe Servizo. Convocatoria 2018/201

    Qué lle pasa á miña mascota?

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    Banco de experiencias de Aprendizaxe Servizo. Convocatoria 2020/202

    Canto sabes sobre a velutina?

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    Banco de experiencias de Aprendizaxe Servizo. Convocatoria 2020/202

    Aplicación del análisis de los rasgos ecológicos ("traits") de las presas para el estudio del comportamiento alimentario en peces bentóofagos : el ejemplo del espinoso (Gasterosteus gymnurus Cuvier, 1829)

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    We have used fourteen ecological traits of the macroinvertebrates present in the stomachs of the stickleback to try to obtain information on it's feeding behaviour in the upper part of the Miño basin (NW Spain). To this end, a principal components analysis was carried out, using the level of affinity of the taxa for the different categories of the traits through a fuzzy codification process. The results show that the stickleback is a bottom-feeder that feeds basically on benthic prey, but can also consume terrestrial prey on the surface, the Chironomid larvae being the most abundant prey (constituted 59.66% of the total). This species exhibited a generalist behaviour concerning some of the ecological traits of the prey (ex. 'substratum', 'aggregation tendency', 'trajectory on the substratum and in the drift', 'agility' or 'body flexibility'). In other cases it showed a clear preference for prey with certain characteristics, such as taxa typical of areas where the velocity of the current is null or low (trait 'current velocity') or taxa available in the drift during daylight (trait 'daily drift behavior'). The results obtained show that this type of analysis could be used on other bottom-feeder species, thus providing a more ecological approach to feeding studies.Hemos utilizado catorce rasgos ecológicos ("traits") de los macroinvertebrados presentes en los estómagos del espinoso para intentar obtener información sobre su comportamiento alimentario en la cuenca alta del Miño (NO España). Para ello se ha realizado un análisis de componentes principales utilizando el grado de afinidad de los taxones por las diferentes categorías de los rasgos mediante un procedimiento de codificación difusa. Los resultados muestran que el espinoso es un comedor de fondo que se alimenta básicamente de presas bentónicas, pero que también puede consumir presas terrestres en superficie, siendo los Quironómidos en estado de larva las presas más abundantes (constituyeron el 59.66% del total). Esta especie presentó un comportamiento generalista en cuanto a alguno de los rasgos ecol'ogicos de las presas (ej. rasgos 'substrato', 'tendencia de agregación', 'trayectoria en el substrato y en la deriva', 'agilidad' o 'flexibilidad corporal'), mientras que en otros casos mostr'o una clara preferencia por presas con ciertas características, como por ejemplo taxones típicos de zonas donde la velocidad de corriente es nula o baja (rasgo 'velocidad de corriente') o taxones disponibles en la deriva durante las horas de luz (rasgo 'comportamiento diario de la deriva'). Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que este tipo de análisis podría ser empleado en otras especies de peces bentófagos, proporcionando un enfoque más ecológico a los estudios de alimentación

    Of Fears and Budgets: Strategies of Control in Vespa velutina Invasion and Lessons for Best Management Practices

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    [Abstrat] Implementing management practices for the control of invasive species can be a complex task with multiple dimensions, where the identification of stakeholders and drivers of those practices is of paramount importance. The invasive hornet Vespa velutina has spread across Europe and Asia from its native range in SE Asia in recent years. A common control method is the removal and destruction of its nests on citizens’ request to call centers. In this paper we have explored the knowledge and main factors that influence the perceptions of the citizens on the species in an invaded municipality in NW Spain, as well as the management practices of the municipal emergency unit responsible for nest removal activities. Our analysis brings out multiple drivers of management practices that derive both from the citizens’ and practitioners’ knowledge, and highlights several points of conflict between both stakeholder groups connected to (1) the degree of service provided to the local population, (2) the risk of allergic reactions as a motive to urge removals, or (3) the quality of information provided by mass media. Our results support the crucial importance of environmental education programs that seek to increase the knowledge of the general public about the threats of invasive species. Such programs might be incorporated to implement and optimize management plans of V. velutina by enhancing communication between experts and local population

    Ecdysone-related biomarkers of toxicity in the model organism Chironomus riparius: stage and sex-dependent variations in gene expression profiles

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    Despite being considered a model organism in toxicity studies, particularly in assessing the environmental impact of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and other chemicals, the molecular basis of development is largely unknown in Chironomus riparius. We have characterized the expression patterns of important genes involved in the ecdysone pathway from embryos to pupa, but specially during the different phases of C. riparius fourth larval instar, according to the development of genital and thoracic imaginal discs. Real-Time PCR was used to analyze: EcR and usp, two genes encoding the two dimerizing partners of the functional ecdysone receptor; E74, an early response gene induced by ecdysteroids; vg (vitellogenin), an effector gene; hsp70 and hsc70, two heat-shock genes involved in the correct folding of the ecdysone receptor; and rpL13, as a part of the ribosomal machinery. Our results show for the first time stage and sex-dependent variations in ecdysone-responsive genes, specially during the late larval stage of C. riparius. The induction in the expression of EcR and usp during the VII-VIII phase of the fourth instar is concomitant with a coordinated response in the activity of the other genes analyzed, suggesting the moment where larvae prepare for pupation. This work is particularly relevant given that most of the analyzed genes have been proposed previously in this species as sensitive biomarkers for the toxicological evaluation of aquatic ecosystems. Identifying the natural regulation of these molecular endpoints throughout the Chironomus development will contribute to a more in-depth and accurate evaluation of the disrupting effects of EDCs in ecotoxicological studies.IO's research was funded by an FPI grant from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (http://www.idi.mineco.gob.es; CTM2009-07189). Research funding was provided by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (grant number CTM-2012-37547) and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (grant number CGL2009-10868), SpainS

    Que lle pasa á miña mascota?

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    Banco de experiencias de Aprendizaxe Servizo. Convocatoria 2017/201