33 research outputs found

    Estrés laboral y clima organizacional en una unidad de gestión educativa local

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    Due to the nature of workdays, employees spend several hours in their workspaces. Based on this, communication links are established and friendly relationships are fostered, where the exchange of opinions is necessary in appropriate work environments. In this sense, the research aims to establish the relationship between work stress and the organizational climate. The study was developed following the processes of the quantitative approach, type of basic research with descriptive and correlational scope, non-experimental design with cross-section. The technique used was the survey and valid and reliable instruments based on theories that are currently in force, the theory of Maslach & Jackson (1981) for work stress and Litwin & Stringer (1968) for the work environment. Findings were found from the descriptive and inferential, according to the levels of each variable. The inferential results indicated the presence of an inverse and significant relationship, that is, the lower the work stress, the better the organizational climate of the collaborators. The organizational climate and stress are closely related. If the organization offers conditions that generate dissatisfaction, the organizational climate will be negative and this is reflected in stressed employees.Por la naturaleza de las jornadas laborales, los colaboradores pasan varias horas en sus espacios de trabajo. En función de ello, se establecen vínculos de comunicación y se fomentan relaciones de amistad, donde el intercambio de opiniones es necesario en ambientes de trabajo adecuados. En este sentido, la investigación se traza como objetivo establecer la relación entre el estrés laboral y el clima organizacional. El estudio se desarrolló siguiendo los procesos del enfoque cuantitativo, tipo de investigación básica con alcance descriptivo y correlacional, diseño no experimental con corte transversal. La técnica empleada fue la encuesta e instrumentos válidos y confiables con sustento en teorías que en la actualidad son vigentes, la teoría de Maslach & Jackson (1981) para el estrés laboral y de Litwin & Stringer (1968) para el clima laboral. Se encontraron hallazgos desde lo descriptivo e inferencial, según los niveles de cada variable. Los resultados inferenciales indicaron la presencia de una relación inversa y significativa, es decir a menor estrés laboral mejor es el clima organizacional de los colaboradores. El clima organizacional y el estrés están estrechamente relacionados. Si la organización ofrece condiciones que generan insatisfacción, el clima organizacional será negativo y esto se refleja en empleados estresados

    Existing and potential infection risk zones of yellow fever worldwide: a modelling analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Yellow fever cases are under-reported and the exact distribution of the disease is unknown. An effective vaccine is available but more information is needed about which populations within risk zones should be targeted to implement interventions. Substantial outbreaks of yellow fever in Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Brazil, coupled with the global expansion of the range of its main urban vector, Aedes aegypti, suggest that yellow fever has the propensity to spread further internationally. The aim of this study was to estimate the disease's contemporary distribution and potential for spread into new areas to help inform optimal control and prevention strategies. METHODS: We assembled 1155 geographical records of yellow fever virus infection in people from 1970 to 2016. We used a Poisson point process boosted regression tree model that explicitly incorporated environmental and biological explanatory covariates, vaccination coverage, and spatial variability in disease reporting rates to predict the relative risk of apparent yellow fever virus infection at a 5 × 5 km resolution across all risk zones (47 countries across the Americas and Africa). We also used the fitted model to predict the receptivity of areas outside at-risk zones to the introduction or reintroduction of yellow fever transmission. By use of previously published estimates of annual national case numbers, we used the model to map subnational variation in incidence of yellow fever across at-risk countries and to estimate the number of cases averted by vaccination worldwide. FINDINGS: Substantial international and subnational spatial variation exists in relative risk and incidence of yellow fever as well as varied success of vaccination in reducing incidence in several high-risk regions, including Brazil, Cameroon, and Togo. Areas with the highest predicted average annual case numbers include large parts of Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and South Sudan, where vaccination coverage in 2016 was estimated to be substantially less than the recommended threshold to prevent outbreaks. Overall, we estimated that vaccination coverage levels achieved by 2016 avert between 94 336 and 118 500 cases of yellow fever annually within risk zones, on the basis of conservative and optimistic vaccination scenarios. The areas outside at-risk regions with predicted high receptivity to yellow fever transmission (eg, parts of Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand) were less extensive than the distribution of the main urban vector, A aegypti, with low receptivity to yellow fever transmission in southern China, where A aegypti is known to occur. INTERPRETATION: Our results provide the evidence base for targeting vaccination campaigns within risk zones, as well as emphasising their high effectiveness. Our study highlights areas where public health authorities should be most vigilant for potential spread or importation events. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    Global yellow fever vaccination coverage from 1970 to 2016: an adjusted retrospective analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Substantial outbreaks of yellow fever in Angola and Brazil in the past 2 years, combined with global shortages in vaccine stockpiles, highlight a pressing need to assess present control strategies. The aims of this study were to estimate global yellow fever vaccination coverage from 1970 through to 2016 at high spatial resolution and to calculate the number of individuals still requiring vaccination to reach population coverage thresholds for outbreak prevention. METHODS: For this adjusted retrospective analysis, we compiled data from a range of sources (eg, WHO reports and health-service-provider registeries) reporting on yellow fever vaccination activities between May 1, 1939, and Oct 29, 2016. To account for uncertainty in how vaccine campaigns were targeted, we calculated three population coverage values to encompass alternative scenarios. We combined these data with demographic information and tracked vaccination coverage through time to estimate the proportion of the population who had ever received a yellow fever vaccine for each second level administrative division across countries at risk of yellow fever virus transmission from 1970 to 2016. FINDINGS: Overall, substantial increases in vaccine coverage have occurred since 1970, but notable gaps still exist in contemporary coverage within yellow fever risk zones. We estimate that between 393·7 million and 472·9 million people still require vaccination in areas at risk of yellow fever virus transmission to achieve the 80% population coverage threshold recommended by WHO; this represents between 43% and 52% of the population within yellow fever risk zones, compared with between 66% and 76% of the population who would have required vaccination in 1970. INTERPRETATION: Our results highlight important gaps in yellow fever vaccination coverage, can contribute to improved quantification of outbreak risk, and help to guide planning of future vaccination efforts and emergency stockpiling. FUNDING: The Rhodes Trust, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, the National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health, the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

    Les maladies diarrhéiques épidémiques bactériennes (de l'observation clinique à la génétique)

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    Les descriptions des syndromes du choléra et de la dysenterie, existent depuis l antiquité, initialement ils sont décrits comme des cas isolés. Vers la fin du XIXème siècle commencent les premières découvertes des bactéries, chaque bactérie est en relation à une maladie infectieuse, mais la présence d une bactérie n était pas suffisante pour l associer à une maladie ; il fallait le démontrer scientifiquement. Les techniques d étude de l infiniment petit vont se développer et l on commencera à découvrir des variantes bactériennes. L on va découvrir la Escherichia coli présente dès la naissance du nouveau né. Escherich est l un des premiers à l associer aux infections chez l enfant, cependant il a fallu plus de 80 ans pour que cela soit accepté. Au début du XIXème, d Hérelle découvrira le bactériophage, un virus pathogène des bactéries qu il voulait utiliser comme antibiotique. Cette découverte ouvre la porte vers le monde de la biologie moléculaire et la compréhension de l évolution des bactéries. L on conçoit mieux alors, l émergence de certaines maladies infectieuses. De nouvelles variétés de Vibrions, Shigella et colibacilles vont apparaître, ils échangeront leur matériel génétique par transfert horizontal de gènes Désormais l on peut trouver les toxines des Vibrions et des Shigelles chez d autres bactéries. Une nouvelle ère s annonce déjà, avec l utilisation des maladies diarrhéiques comme des armes biologiques.Descriptions of cholera and dysentery syndromes were present since antiquity; initially they were described as isolated cases. Towards the end of 19th century the first bacteria were discovered, so each bacteria is linked with an infectious disease, but the presence of a bacterium in a disease was not enough to associate to it; a scientific demonstration was indispensable. The techniques for study the microscopic world will be developed and the scientific world will start to discover different bacterial species. We will discover the Escherichia coli present from the born of new baby. Doctor Escherich is one of the first to associate the infections to the child; however it was need more of 80 years to finally accept this idea. At the beginning of 19th, d Herelle will discover the bacteriophage, a pathogenic virus of bacteria which he mainly wanted use as antibiotic. This discovery opens the door towards the world of molecular biology and the comprehension of the bacterial evolution. We understand better then, the emergence of some infectious diseases. New species of Vibrio, Shigella and Escherichia coli will appear, they will exchange their genetic material by horizontal gene transfer. Despite everything we can find the toxins of Vibrio and Shigella in other bacteria. A new era is beginning, with the use of diarrhoeal diseases as biological weapon.NANTES-BU Sciences (441092104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Find the right sample: A study on the versatility of saliva and urine samples for the diagnosis of emerging viruses

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    Background The emergence of different viral infections during the last decades like dengue, West Nile, SARS, chikungunya, MERS-CoV, Ebola, Zika and Yellow Fever raised some questions on quickness and reliability of laboratory diagnostic tests for verification of suspected cases. Since sampling of blood requires medically trained personal and comprises some risks for the patient as well as for the health care personal, the sampling by non-invasive methods (e.g. saliva and/ or urine) might be a very valuable alternative for investigating a diseased patient. Main body To analyse the usefulness of alternative non­invasive samples for the diagnosis of emerging infectious viral diseases, a literature search was performed on PubMed for alternative sampling for these viral infections. In total, 711 papers of potential relevance were found, of which we have included 128 in this review. Conclusions Considering the experience using non-invasive sampling for the diagnostic of emerging viral diseases, it seems important to perform an investigation using alternative samples for routine diagnostics. Moreover, during an outbreak situation, evaluation of appropriate sampling and further processing for laboratory analysis on various diagnostic platforms are very crucial. This will help to achieve optimal diagnostic results for a good and reliable case identification.Peer Reviewe

    Chikungunya in the Americas: Recommendations and Conclusions

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