1,291 research outputs found


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    ¿Es capaz el mindfulness de reducir la intensidad de juicio y el efecto de falso consenso?

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    Treball Final de Grau en Psicologia. Codi: PS1048. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017El mindfulness es, por definición, la acción de prestar atención completa a la experiencia presente de una forma particular, con un propósito y sin hacer juicios o evaluaciones de los eventos privados experimentados y de los estímulos externos relacionados con estos eventos privados. Este ejercicio es una técnica de relajación que, en numerosos estudios, ha demostrado ser capaz de producir efectos positivos en el ámbito laboral, educativo y sanitario. Sin embargo, es escasa la literatura que explica los mecanismos cognitivos a los que afecta esta técnica y que explicarían estos efectos. Algunos de los estudios que pretenden dar una explicación a tales efectos han demostrado que el mindfulness es capaz de mejorar las capacidades cognitivas y los procesos atencionales. En lo referido a procesos atributivos, se ha demostrado que algunos de los sesgos atributivos elementales, como el sesgo de correspondencia, se reducen de forma significativa con la práctica de esta técnica dada la capacidad para otorgar a sus practicantes la habilidad de realizar observaciones centradas en el momento presente e impedir en gran medida la actuación de mecanismos automáticos de prejuicio y estereotipación. El presente estudio pretende conocer en qué medida es capaz el mindfulness de modificar la intensidad con la que las personas emiten juicios morales, así como a cometer errores atributivos, en concreto el efecto de falso consenso. Para este cometido se ha contado con una muestra de 440 participantes y se han utilizado herramientas como el cuestionario MINDSENS, la Escala de Necesidad de Cognición y cuestionarios de elaboración propia donde los participantes debían emitir juicios, considerar el consenso social existente y situar estas respuestas en una dimensión de intensidad. Los resultados obtenidos reflejan una reducción significativa del efecto de falso consenso en los participantes meditadores. Sin embargo, no se aprecian diferencias en la intensidad de los juicios emitidos entre meditadores y no meditadores.Mindfulness is, by definition, the action of paying attention to the actual experience in a particular way, with a purpose and without making judgments or evaluations of the experienced private events and the external stimuli related to these private events. This exercise is a relaxation technique that, in many studies, has shown to be able to produce positive effects in the labor, educational and health field. However, there are not many literature explaining the cognitive mechanisms that affect this technique and explain these effects. Some of the studies that attempt to explain the stories have shown that mindfulness is capable of improving cognitive abilities and attentional processes. With regard to attributive processes, it has been shown that some of the biases of elemental attributions, such as correspondence bias, are significantly reduced with the practice of this technique given the ability to give its practitioners the ability to perform observations centered on the present moment and greatly impede the performance of automatic mechanisms of prejudice and stereotyping. The present study intends to know to what extent the mindfulness is able to modify the intensity with which people emit moral judgments, as well as to commit attributive errors, in particular the effect of false consensus. For this purpose, a sample of 440 participants has used tools such as the MINDSENS questionnaire, the Cognition Need Scale and the self-elaboration questionnaires where participants should make judgments, consider the existing social consensus and find these answers in An intensity dimension The results obtained reflect a significant reduction of the effect of false consensus on the meditator participants. However, there are no differences in the intensity of the judgments emitted between meditators and non-meditators

    Aportaciones botánicas para la comarca valenciana dels Ports

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    Se presentan las citas de 28 plantas vasculares observadas en la comarca dels Ports, situada en el extremo noroeste del territorio valenciano. Algunas de ellas suponen citas relevantes dentro de la flora valenciana y del Sistema Ibérico, ampliando con estos datos los conocimientos corológicos de la zona.Records about 28 vascular plants observed in Els Ports region, situated in northwest of valencian territory. Some of them turn out to be relevant quotations for the valencian and Iberian System flora, improving the knowledge of their distribution area

    Aportaciones a la flora castellonense, VIII

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    Se aportan las citas de varias plantas vasculares observadas en la provincia de Castellón, mejorando con esta información el conocimiento de su distribución.Records several vascular plants observed in Castellon province, improving the knowledge of their distribution area

    On the siskin's ability to discriminate between edible and aborted pine seed

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    Causes and consequences of soil carbon mobilization and lake brownification in northern forested landscapes

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    Global changes are fundamentally changing terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Some of the highest rates of global change are in the north, where they are leading to the faster destabilization of forest soil carbon and its mobilization as dissolved organic matter and causing the brownification of lakes. This thesis investigated the causes of soil carbon destabilization and consequences of the mobilized soil carbon to lake food webs. The first finding was that global change increased carbon export from catchments. Increased temperatures and changes in hydrologic connectivity interacted with catchment topography to modulate the timing, magnitude, and fate of soil carbon export. Increased temperatures led to hydrologic disconnectivity that favoured export of soil carbon from carbon-rich wetlands to the atmosphere. However, extreme precipitation events saturated the soils and increased the frequency of periods of hydrologic connectivity from the catchment to the drainage network that led to higher export of carbon to streams, rivers, and lakes. The second finding was that increased carbon content in lakes with an associated shift towards more refractory carbon resulted in lower light availability and larger nutrient pools in lakes. Brownification of clear oligotrophic lakes increased pelagic primary productivity, but favoured cyanobacteria that could adapt to the browner conditions. The third finding was that changes in the biomass and composition of phytoplankton communities altered the carbon transfer and efficiency of lake food webs. The brownification-driven shift towards cyanobacteria prevalence was associated with a decline in phytoplankton quality due to cyanobacteria having a lower content of essential fatty acids. The decline in phytoplankton quality did not impact the essential fatty acid content of primary consumers, but it shifted their reliance from essential fatty acids transferred from phytoplankton, to essential fatty acids transferred through the less-efficient bacterial driven microbial loop. As global change proceeds, further destabilization of soil carbon is likely to stop having a stimulatory effect on lake production by alleviating nutrient limitation, to having an inhibitory effect by creating light limitation. Once lakes pass this threshold, the declines in the productivity and transfer of essential fatty acids to higher trophic levels will place food webs at great risk

    Aportaciones a la distribución de la flora de la provincia de Castellón, II

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    Se presentan las citas de 96 plantas vasculares observadas en la provincia de Castellón, con especial atención en las comarcas del norte, mejorando con esta información el conocimiento de su distribución


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    Lista de nombres comunes y científicos

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    The Evaluation of the Effects of Participation of the Spouses to the Expenditures of Marriage Union and Financial Contributions to Each Other During Marriage to the Regime of Participation in Acquired Property

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    Through marriage, spouses start sharing a common life. The fact that spouses begin to live together by combining their lives causes monetary relations between them to emerge as well as moral relations (Ülker,1973; Acabey, 1998). The legislator has regulated the monetary relations between the spouses under various provisions. In our study, we will evaluate the spouses' participation in the expenditure of the marriage union (TCL Art. 186/III) and the financial contributions of the spouses to each other in terms of the participation to acquired property regime (TCL Art. 218 - Art. 240). In the first part of our study, we will give a brief description of the participation to acquired property regime. In the second part we will refer to the obligation of the spouses to participate to the expenditures of the marriage union and the financial contributions of the spouses to each other. In the last part, we will evaluate the spouses' participation in the expenditure of the marriage union and the financial contributions to each other in light of the participation to the acquired property regime