139 research outputs found

    MSMEs Sales Information System by Papuan Children’s in Nabire

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    Offline and online business developments continue to develop in the midst of the covid-19 outbreak that continues to hit, some are unable to adapt so that their business goes bankrupt and some are able to survive and also grow, for that the MSMEs (Micro Small and Medium Enterprises) sales information system of Karya Anak Papua must be able to understand the existing situation because technological developments continue to develop in every business sector. This situation has an impact on the local community, especially the local Papuan community, who with improvised conditions and minimal business strategies try to survive in any way so that their daily needs can be met, some have started to pick up technology by starting to market their work online, but some have also started to pick up technology by starting to market their work online. which have not been. The role of MSMEs (Micro Small and Medium Enterprises) for the country's economy is very important and strategic. This is supported by data on MSMEs (Micro Small and Medium Enterprises) macroeconomic indicators which are quite dominant in the Indonesian economy. In accordance with the economic development of the regions in Indonesia, there are many obstacles faced by the local government in developing MSMEs originating from internal and external. the best policy in developing MSMEs. This study wants to examine the development of MSMEs (Micro Small and Medium Enterprises) leading commodities in Nabire Regency

    Area calculation based on GADM geographic information system database

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    This paper aims to provide an overview of the calculation of the area of Indonesia based on the boundaries of sub-district/village, district, regency/city. The circle approach method is proposed as a fast method for determining the land area of Indonesia. The total area of Indonesia can be obtained by adding up to 33 provinces or 502 regencies/cities or 6696 districts or 77474 sub-districts. Calculation of the area of the area using district boundaries is better used in the calculation of the area of Indonesia which is obtained 1,965,443.51 km2. The results obtained are 2.53% bigger than the reference area

    Evaluasi Penggunaan Sistem Informasi Kesehatan Haji di Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Semarang dengan Metode DeLone dan McLean

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    Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kesehatan 2018 ABSTRAK Ponco Yuniarto Evaluasi Penggunaan Sistem Informasi Kesehatan Haji di Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Semarang dengan Metode DeLone dan McLean xii + 87 halaman + 5 tabel + 23 gambar Dalam perkembangan sistem informasi yang digunakan institusi, perlu dilihat bagaimana kesuksesan dan dampak yang diakibatkan sistem tersebut. Sistem informasi kesehatan haji di KKP Semarang digunakan untuk mengolah dan menyebarluaskan hasil analisis dan juga pencatatan dan pengendalian data tentang kesehatan haji sehingga dapat memfasilitasi kebutuhan pengumpulan data secara cepat dan tepat, pengolahan data yang lebih besar serta komunikasi data yang lebih cepat. Evaluasi dengan model DeLone and McLean merupakan suatu model evaluasi untuk menilai kesuksesan penggunaan sistem informasi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Petugas yang menggunakan sistem ini menjadi subyek penelitian terdiri dari 7 (tujuh) orang informan utama dan 3 (tiga) orang informan triangulasi. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam menggunakan pedoman wawancara. Pengolahan dan analisis menggunakan pendekatan analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem ini mudah diakses dan cepat. Sistem kemanan sudah cukup baik dengan adanya penggunaan password dan adanya backup data. Hasil informasi dipakai sebagai bahan perencanaan dan pembuatan program kerja juga sebagai bahan evaluasi dengan Dinas Kesehatan. Selain itu layanan dari pihak ketiga juga merespon cukup baik. Namun masih ada kendala dengan masih terdapatnya data ganda dan juga beratnya beban kerja server yang menampung semua sistem informasi yang terdapat di KKP Semarang. Selain itu juga masih adanya beberapa laporan yang dibuat secara manual, meski data diambil dari sistem. Meski terdapat beberapa permasalahan, secara keseluruhan sistem ini sukses dalam membantu KKP Semarang dalam melaksanakan pelayanan kesehatan haji. Kata kunci : Delone And Mclean, Haji, Sistem Informasi Kepustakaan : 55 (1992 - 2017) Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Study Program in Public Health Majoring in Health Management Information System 2018 ABSTRACT Ponco Yuniarto Evaluation of Hajj Health Information System Use at Semarang Port Health Office by means of the Delone and McLean Methods xii + 87 pages + 5 tables + 23 figures In developing an information system used by an institution, it needs to consider success and effect caused by its system. Hajj Health Information System at Semarang Port Health Office (PHO) was utilized to manage and distribute results of analysis. In addition, it was also used to record and control data of hajj health in order to collect data quickly and accurately, to manage big data, and to communicate data quickly. Evaluation using DeLone and McLean was a model of evaluation to assess the success of utilizing an information system. This was a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. Main informants consisted of seven officers who used the system. Meanwhile, three officers were selected as informants for triangulation purpose. Data were collected by conducting indepth interview using an interview guidance. Data were analyzed using a content analysis. The results of this research showed that this system was easy to be accessed. A security system was good enough by requiring password-based login and by providing data backup. Resulted information was used to make a plan and a work program. In addition, it was also used to evaluate with Health Office. A service of third party was good enough. Notwithstanding, there were any barriers like double data and heavy burden of server that collected all information system and was available at Semarang PHO. Some reports were arranged manually even though the data were accessed from the system. Overall, this system could assist Semarang PHO in providing hajj health services. Keywords : Delone And Mclean, Hajj, Information System Kepustakaan : 55 (1992 - 2017


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    This study proposes the use of the shoelace formula to determine the area of the regencies and towns/cities in the province of Central Java, which is based on the boundaries of the cities, regencies, (sub-) districts, and villages using the database from the GADM (Global Administrative Area). The results obtained are then compared with the Karney polygon method. With the shoelace formula, the area of Central Java province is 34365.40 km2 (4.77% wider than the reference area), while the Karney polygon method yields 34379.48 km2 (4.81% wider than the reference area). The area calculated using the boundaries of sub-districts is closer to the reference area if compared to using the boundaries of the regencies/cities and of villages. MdAPE values of 6.46 % and 6.54 % are obtained using the shoelace formula and the Karney polygon method respectively

    Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Indonesia Case Base Groupdengan Menggunakan Metode HOT-fit di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Majalengka

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    Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Studi Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kesehatan 2017 ABSTRAK Gugun Priyadi Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Indonesia Case Base Groupdengan Menggunakan Metode HOT-fit di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Majalengka xvi + 134 halaman + 4 tabel + 14 gambar + 9 lampiran Sistem informasi manajemen jaminan kesehatan nasional Indonesia case based groups diharapkan mampu menunjang pelaksanaan JKN di RSUD Kab. Majalengka untuk menunjang kelancaran dalam klaim biaya pelayanan pasien, SIM JKN INA CBGs di RSUD Kab. Majalengka belum sesuai dengan PERMENKES No. 27 tahun 2014 tentang petunjuk teknis INA CBGs dan PERMENKES No.28 tahun 2014 tentang JKN. Untuk mengetahui permasalahan sistem informasi manajemen tersebut perlu dilakukan evaluasi dengan pendekatan Human, Organization, Technology dan Net Benefit ( HOT fit Model ). Jenis Penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Semua petugas yang terlibat dalam sistem Informasi tersebut sebagai subyek penelitian, (informan Utama sebanyak 7 orang dan informan triangulasi sebanyak 2 orang) Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam menggunakan pedoman wawancara. Pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan pendekatan analisis isi ( content analysis). Hasil penelitian bila ditinjau dari faktor manusia, SIM INA CBGs mudah pelaksanaannya, belum ada supervisi yang terjadwal, belum ada pelatihan atau sosialisasi. Faktor organisasi belum ada dukungan dari manajemen, dengan tidak dibentuknya Tim JKN atau Tim Casemix yang disahkan oleh direktur, tidak adanya juklak/juknis dan prosedur kerja. teknologi dibantu dengan aplikasi SIMRS dan INA CBGs, komunikasi antar sesama anggota pelaksana JKNbelum berjalan lancar , output belum digunakansecara optimal, hanya digunakan untuk penagihan biaya pasien ke BPJS. Disarankan membentuk Tim JKN INA CBGs, membuat prosedur pelaksanaan, juklak, juknis dan uraian kerja, melaksanakan sosialisasi dan pelatihan bagi anggota Tim dan pegawai dilingkungan RSUD. Majalengka, melakukan pengawasan berkesinambungan yang terjadwal, memperbaikimutu rekam medis , memperbaiki kecepatan dan mutu klaim, memanfaatkan data klaim, menambah jumlah tenaga dibagian tertentu yang sesuai antara pendidikan dengan kebutuhan. Kata kunci : JKN, INA-CBGs,Evaluasi HOT-fit Kepustakaan :53( 1989 –2014 ) iDiponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Study Program in Public Health Majoring in Health Management Information System 2017 ABSTRACT Gugun Priyadi Evaluation of Management Information System of National Health Insurance of Indonesia Case Base Groups using the Method of HOT-fit at Majalengka Regency Public Hospital xvi + 134 pages + 4 tables + 14figures + 9appendices Management information system (MIS) of national health insurance (NHI) of Indonesia case base groups(INA-CBGs) is expected can support the implementation of NHI at Majalengka Regency Public Hospital to expedite claim of the patient service cost. The MIS available at the hospital was not in accordance with a Regulation of Health Minister Number: 27 Year 2014 about a technical guideline of INA-CBGs and a Regulation of Health Minister Number: 28 Year 2014 about NHI. To identify these problems, evaluation needed to be performed using Human, Organisation, Technology, and Net Benefit (HOT fit Model) approach. This was a descriptive-qualitative study. All officers involved in the MIS were selected as research participants.Number of main informants were seven persons whereas number of informants for triangulation purpose were two persons. Data were collected by conducting indepth interview using an interview guideline and analysed using content analysis. The results of this research showed that viewed from the human factor, the MIS of INA-CBGs was easy to implement. There was no schedule of supervision. Training and socialisation were unavailable. Regarding the factor of organisation, support from the management was unavailable. Teams of NHI and Casemix approved by the Director were not formed. A technical guideline and a work procedure were unavailable. Applications of Hospital MIS and INA- CBGs were used. There was lack of communication between members of NHI implementers. Output had not been utilised optimally. It was just used for claim to BPJS. Teams of NHI and INA-CBGs need to be formed. A work procedure, a technical guideline, and job description need to be arranged. Socialisation and training for team members and staffs at the hospital need to be conducted. Monitoring activities need to be performed regularly. Quality of medical record needs to be improved. Speed and quality of claim need to be improved. Claim data need to be utilised. Number of staffs at a specific department need to be added in accordance with the necessities. Keywords :NHI, INA-CBGs, Evaluation of HOT-fit Bibliography: 53 (1989-2014) i

    Analisis Algoritma Apriori untuk Mendukung Strategi Promosi Perguruan Tinggi

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    Every company and organization that wants to survive needs to determine the effectiveness of the right promotion strategy. Determination of the right promotion strategy will be able to reduce the cost of promotion and achieve the right promotional goals. One way that can be done to determine the promotion strategy is to use data mining techniques. Data mining techniques used in this case are using the Apriori algorithm. A priori algorithm is one of the classic data mining algorithms. A priori algorithms are used so that computers can learn the rules of association, look for patterns of relationships between one or more items in a dataset. This study is conducted by observing several research variables that are often considered by universities in determining their promotion goals, namely school, region, and department. The results of this study are in the form of interesting patterns resulting from data mining which is important information to support the right promotion strategy in getting new students

    Analisis Algoritma Apriori untuk Mendukung Strategi Promosi Perguruan Tinggi

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    Every company and organization that wants to survive needs to determine the effectiveness of the right promotion strategy. Determination of the right promotion strategy will be able to reduce the cost of promotion and achieve the right promotional goals. One way that can be done to determine the promotion strategy is to use data mining techniques. Data mining techniques used in this case are using the Apriori algorithm. A priori algorithm is one of the classic data mining algorithms. A priori algorithms are used so that computers can learn the rules of association, look for patterns of relationships between one or more items in a dataset. This study is conducted by observing several research variables that are often considered by universities in determining their promotion goals, namely school, region, and department. The results of this study are in the form of interesting patterns resulting from data mining which is important information to support the right promotion strategy in getting new students

    Pencarian File Gambar Berdasarkan Dominasi Warna

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    . Image File Searching Based on Color Domination. One characteristic of an image that can be used in image searching process is the composition of the colors. Color is a trait that is easily seen by man in the picture. The use of color as a searching parameter can provide a solution in an easier searching for images stored in computer memory. Color images have RGB values that can be computed and converted into HSL color space model. Use of HSL images model is very easy because it can be calculated using a percent, so that in each pixel of the image can be grouped and named, this can give a dominant values of the colors contained in one image. By obtaining these values, the image search can be done quickly just by using these values to a retrieval system image file. This article discusses the use of the HSL color space model to facilitate the searching for a digital image in the digital image data warehouse. From the test results of the application form, a searching is faster by using the colors specified by the user. Obstacles encountered were still searching with a choice of 15 basic colors available, with a limit of 33% dominance of the color image search was not found. This is due to the dominant color in each image has the most dominant value below 33%.Ă‚

    Model Pembelajaran Matematika untuk Siswa Kelas IV SDLB Penyandang Tunarungu dan Wicara dengan Metode Komtal Berbantuan Komputer

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    A deaf person is an individual who has a hearing impediment in both permanent and not permanent. In each teaching for deaf children, teaching aids are needed to visualize thematerial presented, making it easier to understand. Mathematic learning models can be appropriate tools in teaching math to deaf children. This learning model is intended for students in 4th grade of SDLB B. This application presents mathematic material that is explained using animations, pictures, text and videos. By using this application, teachingand learning activities become more enjoyable and can shorten the time of teaching. The research shows that deaf people more focused on his learning material comparing with theconventional teaching. This method makes people learn 40% faster than conventional method


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    Analisis sentimen merupakan bidang interdisipliner antara pengolahan bahasa alami, kecerdasan buatan dan text mining. Kunci utama dari analisis sentimen adalah klasifikasi polaritas yang menentukan apakah sentimen tersebut bersifat positif atau negatif. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode klasifikasi support vector machine dengan jumlah data ulasan konsumen berjumlah 648 data. Data tersebut didapatkan dari ulasan konsumen dari marketplace dengan produk yang dijual adalah handpone. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan 3 aspek yang mengindikasikan sentimen analisis pada marketplace yaitu aspek pelayanan , pengiriman dan produk. Kamus slang yang digunakan untuk proses normalisasi berjumlah 552 kata slang. Penelitian ini membandingkan analisis ciri untuk mendapatkan hasil klasifikasi terbaik, karena akurasi klasifikasi dipengaruhi oleh proses analisis ciri. Hasil nilai perbandingan dari analisis ciri antara n-gram dan TF-IDF dengan menggunakan metode Support Vector Machine didapatkan bahwa unigram mempunyai nilai akurasi tertinggi, dengan nilai akurasi sebesar 80,87 %. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa pada kasus sentimen analisis pada level aspek dengan perbandingan ciri dengan model klasifikasi Support Vector Machine didapatkan bahwa model analisis ciri unigram dan klasifikasi Support Vector Machine adalah model terbaik. Kata-kunci : analisis sentimen, e-commerce, marketplace, ekstraksi ciri, TF-IDF, n-gram, support vector machine Sentiment analysis is an interdisciplinary field between natural language processing, artificial intelligence and text mining. The main key of the sentiment analysis is the polarity that is meant by the sentiment is positive or negative. In this study using the method of classification support vector machine with the amount of data consumer reviews amounted to 648 data. The data obtained from consumer reviews from the marketplace with products sold is handpone. The results of this study get 3 aspects that indicate sentiment analysis on the marketplace aspects of service, delivery and products. The slang dictionary used for the normalization process is 552 words slang. This study compares the characteristic analysis to obtain the best classification result, because classification accuration is influenced by characteristic analysis process. The result of comparison value from characteristic analysis between n-gram and TF-IDF by using Support Vector Machine method found that unigram has the highest akurasi value, with akurasi value 80,87%. The results of this study explain that in the case of analysis sentiment at the aspect level with the comparison of characteristics with the classification model of support vector machine found that the analysis model of unigram character and classification of support vector machine is the best model. Keywords : sentiment analysis, e-commerce, marketplace, features selection, TF-IDF, n-gram, support vector machin
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