60 research outputs found

    Maximizing the information obtained from chamber-based greenhouse gas exchange measurements in remote areas

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    Measurements of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes, particularly methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in mountain ecosystems are scarce due to the complexity and unpredictable behavior of these gases, in addition to the remoteness of these ecosystems. In this context, we measured CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes in four semi-natural pastures in the Pyrenees to investigate their magnitude and range of variability. Our interest was to study GHG phenomena at the patch-level, therefore we chose to measure the gas-exchange using a combination of a gas analyzer and manual chambers. The analyzer used is a photoacoustic field gas-monitor that allows multi-gas instantaneous measurements. After implementing quality control and corrections, data was of variable quality. We tackled this by categorizing data as to providing quantitative or only qualitative information:•50% and 59% of all CH4 and N2O data, respectively, provided quantitative information above the detection limit.•We chose not to discard data providing only qualitative information, because they identify highest- and lowest-flux peak periods and indicate the variability of the fluxes, along different altitudes and under different climatic conditions.•We chose not to give fluxes below detection limit a quantitative value but to acknowledge them as values identifying periods with low fluxes.Measurements of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes, particularly methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in mountain ecosystems are scarce due to the complexity and unpredictable behavior of these gases, in addition to the remoteness of these ecosystems. In this context, we measured CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes in four semi-natural pastures in the Pyrenees to investigate their magnitude and range of variability. Our interest was to study GHG phenomena at the patch-level, therefore we chose to measure the gas-exchange using a combination of a gas analyzer and manual chambers. The analyzer used is a photoacoustic field gas-monitor that allows multi-gas instantaneous measurements. After implementing quality control and corrections, data was of variable quality. We tackled this by categorizing data as to providing quantitative or only qualitative information:•50% and 59% of all CH4 and N2O data, respectively, provided quantitative information above the detection limit.•We chose not to discard data providing only qualitative information, because they identify highest- and lowest-flux peak periods and indicate the variability of the fluxes, along different altitudes and under different climatic conditions.•We chose not to give fluxes below detection limit a quantitative value but to acknowledge them as values identifying periods with low fluxes.Measurements of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes, particularly methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in mountain ecosystems are scarce due to the complexity and unpredictable behavior of these gases, in addition to the remoteness of these ecosystems. In this context, we measured CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes in four semi-natural pastures in the Pyrenees to investigate their magnitude and range of variability. Our interest was to study GHG phenomena at the patch-level, therefore we chose to measure the gas-exchange using a combination of a gas analyzer and manual chambers. The analyzer used is a photoacoustic field gas-monitor that allows multi-gas instantaneous measurements. After implementing quality control and corrections, data was of variable quality. We tackled this by categorizing data as to providing quantitative or only qualitative information:•50% and 59% of all CH4 and N2O data, respectively, provided quantitative information above the detection limit.•We chose not to discard data providing only qualitative information, because they identify highest- and lowest-flux peak periods and indicate the variability of the fluxes, along different altitudes and under different climatic conditions.•We chose not to give fluxes below detection limit a quantitative value but to acknowledge them as values identifying periods with low fluxes.Peer reviewe

    Publicacions sobre farratges i pastures a Catalunya (1800-2004)

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    A causa de la ràpida evolució de la tecnologia, una gran quantitat de publicacions sobre pastures i farratges fetes a Catalunya han quedat oblidades. S'aprofita l'oportunitat de participar en el projecte «Tipificación, cartografía y evolución de los pastos españoles (1800-2004)» per posar al dia la revisió bibliogràfica. Amb la nostra recerca s'han trobat 316 articles o llibres sobre cultius farratgers i 159 sobre prats i pastures que en aquest treball es presenten ordenats per cultius.Because of the fast evolution of technology, a very important number of publications about pasture and forage made in Catalonia have been forgotten. There is an opportunity to work with «Tipificación, cartografía y evolución de los pastos españoles (1800-2004)» to make a bibliographic revision. We have found 316 articles or books about forage’s crops and 159 which speak about meadows and pastures, they appear arranged by cultures.Debido a la rápida evolución de la tecnología, una gran cantidad de publicaciones sobre pastos y forrajes hechas en Cataluña han quedado olvidadas. Se aprovecha la oportunidad de participar en el proyecto «Tipificación, cartografía y evolución de los pastos españoles (1800-2004)» para poner al día la revisión bibliográfica. Con nuestra investigación se han hallado 316 artículos o libros sobre cultivos forrajeros y 159 sobre prados y pastos que en este trabajo se presentan ordenados por cultivos

    Aportació al coneixement florístic de l'Alta Ribagorça i de la Vall d'Aran

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    Some records of vascular flora from the Alta Ribagorga and the Vall d'Aran are commented. Observations about their habitat are given. Findings of Avenula marginate ssp. pyrenaica, Carex ferruginea, Carum verticillatum and Ranunculus trichophyllus ssp. lutulentus seem to be the most interesting ones

    Prophylactic incisional negative pressure wound therapy for gynaecologic malignancies

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    Wound complications are an important cause of postoperative morbidity among patients with gynaecologic malignancies. We evaluated whether the placement of closed-incisional negative pressure therapy (ciNPT) at the time of laparotomy for gynaecologic cancer surgery reduced wound complication rates. A retrospective cohort study with primary wound closure performed by a gynaecologic oncologist was carried out. We evaluated two cohorts of patients who underwent surgery in 2017 with standard closure and patients who underwent surgery in 2019 with the placement of prophylactic ciNPT. Postoperative outcomes were examined. A total of 143 patients were included, 85 (59.4%) vs 58 (40.6%) with standard closure and ciNPT, respectively. The total complication rate in our sample was 38.71%. The rate of surgical complications in patients treated with ciNPT was 6.9% compared with 31.8% (P = .000) in patients treated with standard closure. In the analysis of complications, a significant reduction in infections (17.1%), seromas (15.4%), and wound dehiscence (17.1%) were observed when ciNPT was applied. The median hospital stay was 8 vs 6 days in the standard closure vs ciNPT groups (P = .048). The use of the prophylactic ciNPT following a laparotomy may decrease wound complications and hospital stays in oncological patients. ciNPT could be considered as part of clinical practice in patients at high risk of wound complications, such as patients with gynaecological malignancies

    Balanç de carboni: els embornals a Catalunya

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    28 pages, 3 figues, 5 tablesEn aquest capítol es determinen els estocs i els embornals de carboni (C) dels diferents sistemes terrestres i marins. El bosc és el sistema terrestre que manté en estoc més quantitat de carboni per hectàrea, 149,5 Mg Cha−1 (en una proporció vegetació/sòl [v:s] de 60:100). Els prats ocupen la segona posició, amb 121,4 Mg Cha−1 (v:s d ’11:10 0 ), i a continuació trobem els conreus llenyosos i els matollars, amb 104,0 Mg Cha−1 (v:s de 12:100) i 112,1 Mg Cha−1 (v:s de 15:100), respectivament. En la darrera posició, hi ha els conreus herbacis, amb 100,8 Mg Cha−1 (v:s d’1:100). La mar catalana ha anat augmentant l’estoc de carboni des del 1750 fins al 2001, amb un còmput acumulat de 12 Mg Cha−1. Les praderies de fanerògames, que acumulen 330 Mg Cha−1 (en una proporció planta/sediment de 4:100) són molt destacables. Les aigües continentals mantenen 47,9 Mg Cha−1, però una part molt elevada és carboni inorgànic dissolt del sistema carbònic-carbonats, que es calcula que pot ser trenta vegades superior al carboni orgànic. [...]Peer Reviewe

    Axillary lymph node dissection versus radiotherapy in breast cancer with positive sentinelnodes after neoadjuvant therapy (ADARNAT trial)

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    Introduction: Breast cancer surgery currently focuses on de-escalating treatment without compromising patient survival. Axillary radiotherapy (ART) now replaces axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) in patients with limited sentinel lymph node (SLN) involvement during the primary surgery, and this has significantly reduced the incidence of lymphedema without worsening the prognosis. However, patients treated with neoadjuvant systemic treatment (NST) cannot benefit from this option despite the low incidence of residual disease in the armpit in most cases. Data regarding the use of radiotherapy instead of ALND in this population are lacking. This study will assess whether ART is non-inferior to ALND in terms of recurrence and overall survival in patients with positive SLN after NST, including whether it reduces surgery-related adverse effects. Methods and analyses: This multicenter, randomized, open-label, phase 3 trial will enroll 1660 patients with breast cancer and positive SLNs following NST in approximately 50 Spanish centers over 3 years. Patients will be stratified by NST regimen and nodal involvement (isolated tumoral cells or micrometastasis versus macrometastasis) and randomly assigned 1:1 to ART without ALND (study arm) or ALND alone (control arm). Level 3 and supraclavicular radiotherapy will be added in both arms. The primary outcome is the 5-year axillary recurrence determined by clinical and radiological examination. The secondary outcomes include lymphedema or arm dysfunction, quality of life based (EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-BR23 questionnaires), disease-free survival, and overall survival. Discussion: This study aims to provide data to confirm the efficacy and safety of ART over ALND in patients with a positive SLN after NST, together with the impact on morbidity. Ethics and dissemination: The Research Ethics Committee of Bellvitge University Hospital approved this trial (Protocol Record PR148/21, version 3, 1/2/2022) and all patients must provide written informed consent. The involvement of around 50 centers across Spain will facilitate the dissemination of our results

    Management and site effects on carbon balances of European mountain meadows and rangelands

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    We studied carbon balances and carbon stocks of mountain rangelands and meadows in a network of 8 eddy covariance sites and 14 sites with biomass data in Europe. Net ecosystem exchange of pastures and extensively managed semi-natural rangelands were usually close to zero, while meadows fixed carbon, with the exception of one meadow that was established on a drained peatland. When we accounted for off-site losses and inputs also the carbon budget of meadows approached zero. Soil carbon stocks in these ecosystems were high, comparable to those of forest ecosystems, while carbon stocks in plant biomass were smaller. Since soil carbon stocks of abandoned mountain grasslands are as high as in managed ecosystems, it is likely that the widespread abandonment of mountain rangelands used currently as pastures will not lead to an immediate carbon sink in those ecosystems

    Criteris per a l'avaluació de la gestió dels risc de contaminació per micotoxines a la indústria alimentària

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    Micotoxines; Contaminació alimentària; Indústria alimentària; Control oficialMicotoxines; Contaminació alimentària; Indústria alimentària; Control oficialMycotoxins; Food contamination; Food industry; Official controlLa contaminació d’aliments per micotoxines és un risc emergent, ateses les condicions climàtiques actuals. En dur a terme l’activitat inspectora ens trobem amb empreses alimentàries que gestionen el risc de contaminació per micotoxines segons un criteri propi, sense cap fonament clar ni objectivable, i que no s’adequa al mètode de mostreig que marca el Reglament 401/2006 amb l’argument que està dirigit al control oficial. D’una banda, el fet que determinades empreses estiguin implicades en alertes per superar els límits de micotoxines que marca el Reglament 1881/2006 i, de l’altra, els resultats positius obtinguts en mostres oficials, evidencien que els plans d’autocontrol que tenen implementats aquestes empreses no són prou efectius per controlar aquest perill. Aquesta Comunitat de Pràctica (CoP) pretén unificar una sèrie de criteris que permetin avaluar els programes de gestió del risc de micotoxines de les empreses alimentàries afectades per aquests contaminants. L’abast d’aquest treball inclou els sectors de la fruita seca, les espècies, els cereals, el vi, el cafè i la fruita i derivats. En un marc normatiu complex i canviant, és necessari disposar d’una eina que faciliti la seva interpretació i aplicació durant el control oficial de micotoxines. Els diferents apartats previstos en el qüestionari poden ajudar les empreses i els inspectors a prendre consciència dels factors afavoridors de la contaminació i creixement de les micotoxines en totes les etapes del procés dels aliments, i a aplicar les mesures preventives i de control necessàries.La contaminación de alimentos por micotoxinas es un riesgo emergente, dadas las condiciones climáticas actuales. Al llevar a cabo la actividad inspectora nos encontramos con empresas alimentarias que gestionan el riesgo de contaminación por micotoxinas según un criterio propio, sin fundamento claro ni objetivable, y que no se adecua al método de muestreo que marca el Reglamento 401/2006 con el argumento de que está dirigido al control oficial. Por un lado, el hecho de que determinadas empresas estén implicadas en alertas para superar los límites de micotoxinas que marca el Reglamento 1881/2006 y, por otro, los resultados positivos obtenidos en muestras oficiales, evidencian que los planes de autocontrol que tienen implementados estas empresas no son suficientemente efectivos para controlar ese peligro. Esta Comunidad de Práctica (CoP) pretende unificar una serie de criterios que permitan evaluar los programas de gestión del riesgo de micotoxinas de las empresas alimentarias afectadas por estos contaminantes. El alcance de este trabajo incluye los sectores de los frutos secos, las especias, los cereales, el vino, el café y la fruta y derivados. En un marco normativo complejo y cambiante, es necesario disponer de una herramienta que facilite su interpretación y aplicación durante el control oficial de micotoxinas. Los distintos apartados previstos en el cuestionario pueden ayudar a las empresas y los inspectores a tomar conciencia de los factores favorecedores de la contaminación y crecimiento de las micotoxinas en todas las etapas del proceso de los alimentos, ya aplicar las medidas preventivas y de control necesarias.Food contamination by mycotoxins is an emerging risk, given the current climatic conditions. When carrying out the inspection activity, we come across food companies that manage the risk of contamination by mycotoxins according to their own criteria, without a clear or objective basis, and that does not conform to the sampling method established by Regulation 401/2006 with the argument that it is intended for official control. On the one hand, the fact that certain companies are involved in alerts to exceed the mycotoxin limits established by Regulation 1881/2006 and, on the other, the positive results obtained in official samples, show that the self-control plans implemented by these companies are not effective enough to control this danger. This Community of Practice (CoP) aims to unify a series of criteria that allow evaluating the mycotoxin risk management programs of food companies affected by these contaminants. The scope of this work includes the sectors of nuts, spices, cereals, wine, coffee and fruit and derivatives. In a complex and changing regulatory framework, it is necessary to have a tool that facilitates its interpretation and application during the official control of mycotoxins. The different sections provided in the questionnaire can help companies and inspectors to become aware of the factors that promote mycotoxin contamination and growth at all stages of the food process, and to apply the necessary preventive and control measures

    Integrated Analysis of Germline and Tumor DNA Identifies New Candidate Genes Involved in Familial Colorectal Cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) shows aggregation in some families but no alterations in the known hereditary CRC genes. We aimed to identify new candidate genes which are potentially involved in germline predisposition to familial CRC. An integrated analysis of germline and tumor whole-exome sequencing data was performed in 18 unrelated CRC families. Deleterious single nucleotide variants (SNV), short insertions and deletions (indels), copy number variants (CNVs) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) were assessed as candidates for first germline or second somatic hits. Candidate tumor suppressor genes were selected when alterations were detected in both germline and somatic DNA, fulfilling Knudson's two-hit hypothesis. Somatic mutational profiling and signature analysis were also performed. A series of germline-somatic variant pairs were detected. In all cases, the first hit was presented as a rare SNV/indel, whereas the second hit was either a different SNV (3 genes) or LOH affecting the same gene (141 genes). BRCA2, BLM, ERCC2, RECQL, REV3L and RIF1 were among the most promising candidate genes for germline CRC predisposition. The identification of new candidate genes involved in familial CRC could be achieved by our integrated analysis. Further functional studies and replication in additional cohorts are required to confirm the selected candidates